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meat pie

What is your sidearm of choice?

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As the title says I want to talk about pistols.

What one do you like to use? and why?

I like the g17,it has a flashlight for night time,has a big mag,and is a cool looking gun.

I think its the flashlight that I really love about it,it is rare though.

What is your sidearm of choice? post down below.


Edited by meat pie

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G17 because it's all around the best


Flashlight helps in dark nights

Best sights for aiming

Only sidearm with more ammo per mag is the PDW which is impossible to aim because of its atrocious sights

Only pistol that could be more useful, the silenced M9, has horrible accuracy and is awful as a result.

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G17 because it's all around the best


Flashlight helps in dark nights

Best sights for aiming

Only sidearm with more ammo per mag is the PDW which is impossible to aim because of its atrocious sights

Only pistol that could be more useful, the silenced M9, has horrible accuracy and is awful as a result.

omg the pdw sight,gosh!

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Well, if we're leaving this nebulous - I love the Stechkin APS from DayZero.

omg a staff member!

I dont play dayz zero have no idea what that gun is.

Sounds cool :)

Edited by meat pie

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Anything with a silencer on the end of it! I hate killing zombies with a loud gun XD

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Revolver, best range and accuracy, plus 50-60% extra damage to make sure headshots do what they're supposed to do.

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i'd go with: anyone it's just for zombies or shots that if you miss you deserve to die on players, so i collect any mag and stick with the first gun i find. better a g17 at night and a silenced when you are messing aroung hot spots in the north, but anything will do the job..better if i don't have to go to stary to search for the mags.

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Revolver, best range and accuracy, plus 50-60% extra damage to make sure headshots do what they're supposed to do.



revolver for me also :beans:


ammo EVERYWHERE also m1911 ammo convert for this :D


is look and feel way hand gun should and I like sound plus for reason I don't know why I always hit zed head with revolver :thumbsup:  :rolleyes:

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Used to be the g17 just cause its all round great, but now i always go for the revolver for the accuracy, great sight and theres ammo everywhere. plus the light on the g17 is pretty redundant now thats its bloody full moon nights on every server.

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M9 SD.


There's nothing comparable.


If I had to pick my top three it would be


1. M9 SD

2. Revolver

3. G17

Edited by Statik

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Revolver, best range and accuracy, plus 50-60% extra damage to make sure headshots do what they're supposed to do.

ya I like the g17 but allways end up with the revolver in the citys.

its a good gun

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PDW. I love the sights. Ammo is everywhere. It can use almost everything for ammo.


Oh, and it's fully automatic. For zeds of course.

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also I dont find a sidearm as the zombe killing gun,I use my m4 or ak on zombies.

I mean what would I do with it?

save ammo for the one bandit I find who will kill me before I can see him?
No thanks :)

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Glock of course, I use it in any game that has it.

Has a flash light, nice ammo capacity and it's great against zeds if you know how to aim.

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PDW. I love the sights. Ammo is everywhere. It can use almost everything for ammo.


Oh, and it's fully automatic. For zeds of course.

I dunno The sights are pretty bad anywhere but up in the zombie (or players) grill.

I unloaded a full mag into the back of a bandit once. it killed him and was awsome!

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G17. Extremely good sights, great accuracy, flashlight, large capacity, versatile ammo (takes M9 and G17 mags) able to fire suppressed ammo (I know it's a glitch, but I take full advantage), and when paired with an MP5, it provides ammo commonality. It's a good hero gun.


Edit: Or the Makarov. God I love that thing.

Edited by Merrick362
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I unloaded a full mag into the back of a bandit once. it killed him and was awsome!


As far as I recall I've only killed one player with a PDW... don't use it much. I remember they had pissed me off somehow and were in a car, they escaped my barrage of Enfield fire but I pursued them on foot and found them parked 1500m down the road... however they got away again. Then half an hour later I found them behind a barn in Zelenogorsk and killed one from close range, full magazine from the hip, those were the days. :P

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why no poll for this??? :huh:

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Depends on my primary. :)


MP5SD can use M9SD ammo so it doesn't hurt to have the M9SD as my secondary just in case I run low on ammo. I can then stick with the MP5 but use the other ammo. 

Otherwise I like the G17 if I am going to be loud anyway. The flashlight is handy even when I have NVGs because I can flick it at someone else with NVGs and blind them. If I end up helping a friend who doesn't have NVG I can maneuver with my NVG and then flick the flashlight on to give my friends reference points and help them out. If I am doing nothing but headshots then the ammo goes a bit further. It can, however, pump out a lot of shots in a very short amount of time despite being Semi-Auto. 

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why no poll for this??? :huh:

cus I dont know how to do that :)

and I really was going to talk about it,I mean there is lots of sidearms in the other maps like the scoprian pdw like sidearm.

so I think a poll would be to g17 or bust.

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You can use the G17 with M9SD mags. No need to be loud with a G17. And the G17 actually is the only sidearm I find acceptable. The M9SD is just horrible. The accuracy is beyond anything. You wouldn't want to come near a Z anyway and if you're just 10 meters away from one the accuracy with both the PDW and M9SD is just horrible.

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G17 if I have enough ammo for it; it's only downside is the rarity of the ammo.  I find the sight to be the best and the flashlight always helps if you don't have NVG.  I'll run with this gun until I am out of ammo, and then wil trade it off for my #2 choice, the much more readily available 1911.  The ammo is far more plentiful, and .45 rounds for the revolver can be converted for it (giving you a magic +1 bullet). 

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omg the pdw sight,gosh!


I actually find I miss less shots with the PDW, I like the iron sighbts and it's one of my fave sidearms. Second to that is the Makarov SD but I don't use a sidearm at the moment due to the ability to carry and switch between two primaries. Means I can fill my secondary ammo with bandages and bum wipes.

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Only one other Makarov lover? Interesting.


I like the Mac Attack for its availability. You can't help but drown in ammo for it.

The sights are decent, and the clip size is the largest of the residential sidearms.

Very little damage, but we were going for headshots anyway right?

Its not silenced, but it is quiet, and if I wanted silenced I'd go with my hatchet.

Its very small, so it typically isn't used by people who are compensating.


With the latest patch making your hatchet much more useable I've found my sidearm use go down significantly though.

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