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Going back to your body to get your gear

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Every time Ive looted my body i thought "Hell yeah im glad I made it back to that sht" lol

Haha each to their own. I did die from a glitch once so I was super happy to get back to my body in time. But seeing as the server won't be able to discern whether you die from a glitch or a genuine death, I'd rather a blanket 'no loot for you' as opposed to 'come get it if you've got the time'.

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Corpse should be re-spawned to a different location after a short while.


If killed by another player this will give your aggressor(s) time to profit from his/their work.


If killed by rock, paper or Zed you can not go back to your "last known position",  at the same time leaving the chance for your body to be discovered by another survivor and with luck, by your new character.

On the surface that sounds like a good idea, but think it'd just raise more problems.  Say it's 5-10 mins before the body respawns, where would it go?  Would it be a completely random respawn?  Think I'd start freaking out of I was walking around in the woods and a partly looted body just appeared out of nowhere.  If it was 'set' spawns people would simply figure out where they are and check the spawns as part of their loot patrol.  I'd rather they do what mZLY said and just have it so you can't loot your own body (possibly not be able to even SEE your own body).

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They should just make it impossible to loot your own body. Completely defeats the point of perma-death, you might as well just restart with all your gear...


This, I never go back for my gear but then, I never die.

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If the goofy flaws in the game environment stop killing me, which account for most of my deaths, I'll accept not being able to loot my corpse.  Like many I just see it as rectifying the bug.  I've never recovered gear after being killed, but then I can count those occasions in single digits.

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This, I never go back for my gear but then, I never die.


Speaking of never dying. Are there any servers that kick and ban  players (for a few days or a week) once they die? Or even just until the next restart? I've always thought the notion of dying and coming back a minute later to do anything, gear or not, a bit strange.

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I have done it before but i'm not a fan of the fact you can loot your own body.


In the mod there isn't really much that can be done barring the body disappearing but this then penalises the person that has shot you or finds your body legitimately.


I suppose with the SA at least gear would be damaged or destroyed depending on how you died so running to your corpse may not be worth it.



10 minute despawn timer in the SA maybe would solve this?

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I like to think about it like this: If I'm magically talking to someone 2 km away using Skype, then why shouldn't I be able to loot my old body? The realism people want to implement in this game is generally a double standard IMO.

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I like to think about it like this: If I'm magically talking to someone 2 km away using Skype, then why shouldn't I be able to loot my old body? The realism people want to implement in this game is generally a double standard IMO.


Because people who are against looting their own body are often also against using 3rd party VoIP. It's not a double standard if we want them both gone.

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Because people who are against looting their own body are often also against using 3rd party VoIP. It's not a double standard if we want them both gone.

Not necessarily. People often don't even think about Skype being a realism issue as long as they're able to communicate with their friend, primarily because they think that since they were teamed up before they started, they were meant to be together in game in the first place. Because we all primarily use Skype as a means of finding a friend since side chat is too obvious, right? Plus where is the realism in knowing someone without getting to know them first in game? Saying that you want Skype gone is essentially saying that you'd rather partner up with someone in direct communications (which is nearly obsolete these days, not many people would do that, henceforth making any communication pointless). Your argument is certainly fair but I can see people overlooking Skype as a realism issue simply for the convenience of thought. Maybe not the people on this forum, but only about 1 in 100 players are on this forum. Not to mention there are countless double standards that many "realists" want to happen.

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Well if you look at it like this ...each time you spawn after dieing you essentially spawn as a whole different character/person so your old character whilst dead should still very legitimately be able to be looted by you and your new character because of the fact that your a new character and any of your dead bodies laying around previous to you spawning in with a new character are different characters.....now obviously being a new character you wouldn't know where your last characters dead body is but you do ....its a game after all and not real life so this kind of thing cant be fixed without breaking another part of the game or lore or whatever.

Edited by Massicor

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10 minute despawn timer in the SA maybe would solve this?



Nah ...very unrealistic/authentic ...doing that would be a problem and would be just as much of a problem as the one your trying to fix as other players are essentially being penalised.

Edited by Massicor

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Bodies need to stay long enough to loot but not long enough to get back to.

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If the goofy flaws in the game environment stop killing me, which account for most of my deaths, I'll accept not being able to loot my corpse.  Like many I just see it as rectifying the bug.  I've never recovered gear after being killed, but then I can count those occasions in single digits.



This basically.. In the few months I've been playing DayZ I have only died to other players a handful of times.. Maybe 5-8? Each one of those times (except 1) I was unable to loot my own corpse because it was hidden/looted before I could get back to it.. the one time I was able to loot my corpse was because the person who killed me was shortly there-after ALMOST killed by a friend.. he combat logged before he could die. 


I spawned in Kamenka.. Went to a near-by Stash and collected a map and some food/drink.. Ran to my tent, picked up some basic essential gear, then ran to a White Offroad I had stashed in the woods and drove up to NWAF and looted the corpse.. All of this happened in the span of approx 20 minutes.

About 80% of my other deaths are due to bugs/glitches/unintuitive mechanics, the other 20% being to zombies.


For example, my last death was falling out of a chopper over the sea after attempting to switch seats in mid-flight. They DID fix the switch seat bug, but now there is a bug where sometimes it will show a seat on the Mi-17 that doesn't actually exist, and if you attempt to move to it, it will throw you outside of the heli.


Death before that was due to zombies  breaking my leg at NWAF and ganging me.


Death before that was an axe-wielding survivor at Balota AF ATC... Before that I hadn't been killed by another player in about 2+ weeks.



Honestly, I think Death in this game is punishing enough. 

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I like to think about it like this: If I'm magically talking to someone 2 km away using Skype, then why shouldn't I be able to loot my old body? The realism people want to implement in this game is generally a double standard IMO.


Skype or TeamSpeak can be handwaved away as you both have radios.  I suppose looting your own body can be handwaved away as you heard a rumor about a dead body and went off on an adventure with your best buds to check it out.

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