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Darwin List: Banned Users

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I've never hacked or cheated and I never will, but am I the only one that thinks this is ridiculous?

We've never even seen any rules, yet people are being perm-banned from the WHOLE game for "breaking the rules".

I think these people should be punished, but they shouldn't be perm-banned forever. At least not from the whole game. It is just as much the dev's faults for not having anti-hacking systems in place.

In every multiplayer game I know, if you hack or cheat, you will maybe be given a warning, then you will be banned from the SERVER you hacked on, not the whole game.

This isn't even the problem, the fact that you are banning people that just picked up loot from a hacker is simply ridiculous. What if I just bought Arma2 just to play this mod. I have no experience with the weapons, yet I get perma-banned for looting someone. £25 WASTED.

In my opinion, it is just as much the dev's faults as it is the hacker, for not having a system in place that stops this activity. Why not create a script that kills the player once the illegal weapon is in their inventory? Or at least deletes the weapon before they can use it. DON'T ban for it, as that is incredibly unfair, especially to newbie players like myself.

You should certainly make the rules more clear.

Thats the most stupid thing i've read in forums for weeks, and thats so much.

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I don't get why people bother cheating in mp games, and even more so in this game. The joy is in the challenge...

its because they are noobs and the game is too challenging for them.

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Thats the most stupid thing i've read in forums for weeks, and thats so much.

Don't see how that is stupid? Why ban someone for accidentally looting an item or weapon that they don't know isn't actually supposed to be in the game. The better option as the other guy said is have some script to just delete the illegal item/weapon.

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I can't post any threads , for an unknown reason , so i'll post here.

Cheater name : Vanzer

Server : EU13

Time : GMT +2

What he does ? = Spawning at the same location where he died , with the same equipment.

Here the screenshots of his 2 bodies :



Here the inventory of the 2 bodies ( I took 1 granade for each body ) :



This happened to me yesterday. I died with a gun in cherno, then spawned about 200 meters away with all my old gear (from a life before that I randomly lost).

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I can't post any threads , for an unknown reason , so i'll post here.

Cheater name : Vanzer

Server : EU13

Time : GMT +2

What he does ? = Spawning at the same location where he died , with the same equipment.

Here the screenshots of his 2 bodies :



Here the inventory of the 2 bodies ( I took 1 granade for each body ) :



Ya, it's a bug. My friend had that same bug where he was actually killed while he was spawning in. Then he spawned back in and spawned right behind the guy who killed him. Guy had some nice loot for my friend, too. ;)

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Used script to spawn m107 on cracked servers separated from hive to take down some choppers crushing elektro (killing cheaters is more fun than killing newbies). Then server was shut down suddenly so I tried another cracked server. It happen so it had battleye turned on and it said I have global ban while loading. Then I restarted arma to check if I actually have ban on hive (cracked servers still use and also I had to turn off script) but can't join any server. With latest build of arma I can't even join lobby and with previous build i get infinite loading. I wonder how could I receive global ban on separated cracked server and I also wonder if it is actually global ban. Does batleye have single database for all servers?

Tried entering vanilla arma2 oa server and confirmed global ban. Do not use cheats even on cracked servers. Pirates must suffer though.

Edited by Vladik

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Is the list getting updated? I would really like to see more hackers getting banned.

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its because they are noobs and the game is too challenging for them.

Actually 99% do it to piss people like you off, ever heard of Myg0t?

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Actually 99% do it to piss people like you off, ever heard of Myg0t?

I'm glad *you're* not interested in my opinion. I am not interested in *your* opinion either.

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Used script to spawn m107 on cracked servers separated from hive to take down some choppers crushing elektro (killing cheaters is more fun than killing newbies). Then server was shut down suddenly so I tried another cracked server. It happen so it had battleye turned on and it said I have global ban while loading. Then I restarted arma to check if I actually have ban on hive (cracked servers still use and also I had to turn off script) but can't join any server. With latest build of arma I can't even join lobby and with previous build i get infinite loading. I wonder how could I receive global ban on separated cracked server and I also wonder if it is actually global ban. Does batleye have single database for all servers?

Tried entering vanilla arma2 oa server and confirmed global ban. Do not use cheats even on cracked servers. Pirates must suffer though.

Good riddance....bye bye....

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No goodbye. Waiting for discount in steam.

Its a good excuse but even if I ever pirated a game, I never go on MP with it.

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you cannot put anyone anythings in his hand. One need to drop somethings in order that someone can pick it up again.

Other way is that someone needs to loot a dead or unconsious person.

Only ACE2Mod provides a possibility to exchange stuff from one person to another, but that requires agreement to the access on the own stuff.

At the end it is the free will that makes the different whether someone gets a forbidden weapon or not.

Thats not quite accurate. Some time ago i was playing on some german server. Sudenly all my inventory was replaced by infinite number of some kind of explosive charge. I suicided and after few minutes it happened again. Althou i joined other server and explosives was gone. It probably worked just on one server.

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Every other post in this topic......

"So I was running around Chernarus yesterday and I found the Starship Enterprise at the downed chopper." "I asked scotty to beam me up then I ordered him to activate the warp drive and I sling shotted around the sun and went back in time to patch so I could still wear a Ghillie suit without losing my gear ....I then launched a photon torpedo and killed half the server...after many warnings from the devs I powered down the drive landed the ole girl and then it swept over me like a mountain of tribbles....what if.... what If I had just picked up a hacked weapon?!?....I'm a total noob and have no idea what this game is about despite the myriad of guides, online maps, wiki and youtube and twitch tv streams so I figured I'd ask in the forums cause I don't want to get banned. I'm doing the right thing man not like those hackers"

2 days later......

"WTF Rocket, I got perma banned what the heck?" It's not like I go and read the internet to figure stuff out how was I supposed to know what weapons were in this mod?" "It's not like it has a wiki or a forum page ear marked announcements or like Arma 2 has a user agrement that is quite extensive that I could have read"

3 days later.......

"So I totaly HAD to buy another copy of Arma 2 as a work around to this false banning situation." " Now I totaly see why the devs in this game suck, I might have to sell both my preused copies of arma 2 on ebay under false pretenses to some sucker cause if the state of this game doesn't improve it's bound to die"

Every day Rocket reads the forums.....


Edited by Hendrix
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Just curious if you're trying to inform the general public of blatantly obvious idiocy or trying to preserve your own sanity via sarcasm?

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I'm not sure, I think he might be saying that it's the clients responsibility to read the forums and dayz wiki before playing? Ridiculous.

Edited by llodka

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I'm not sure, I think he might be saying that it's the clients responsibility to read the forums and dayz wiki before playing? Ridiculous.

Before you play most online games you get a 3-12 page user agreement that pop up that details everything you can and can't do....you see this in most games you play online these days...that doesn't exist for this game because it is not a game it is a mod. You could howerver atribute the Arma 2 user agreement and I'm sure it would detail any and all banable onine offenses that may have happened to people playing Arma 2 in the day zed mod.

The fact is there are resources that exist out there that inform you wrong from right. Even if there were not, I don't know what country you live in but in most not knowing something is criminal doesn't excuse you from prosecution based on your actions so the I didn't know I was a haxor argument doesn't wash in real life so why would it wash in the game? I can't fly to Ireland and drunk drive, then when the cop stops me claim that I thought that wouldn't be frowned upon based on the stereotypes I grew up with? Can I go to Japan and cut someone up with a samuri sword because I said I saw it in a ninja movie? What intrinsic right do you assume you have to do whatever you want? If you don't read the user agreement to Arma 2 or the forums of Day Z and you do a bannable offense you deserve said ban. It's up to the devs to determine if they let you back in the game you don't have any intrinsic right to special treatment outside the paramiters of the UA or the established forum guidelines. I could make your argument right here in the forums and make a bunch of sarcastic curses against you then claim I didn't know what I was allowed to write in a forum post that wouldn't however make it a logical or defensible argument. It would make me lazy and idiotic. If you join any online social experience it is your personal responsibility to learn what is socialy acceptable within it and to behave to the social norms in that environment not for it to bend to your own personal moral compass.

I wouldn't fly to some temple in India and ask if the guy could take the cow out back shoot it and make it into a cheeseburger. Why? Beacause I would take the time to investigate the culture and know that was insulting the same can be said for this issue anyone not taking the time but doing the crime is not exempt from punishement in any government I am aware of so please get your head back into the real world and treat this issue with the same gravity and admit personal culpability if in fact you did something bannable people. If it was a bug, or you were accidently banned and did nothing there is a bug forum and a specific section for disputing bans if you guys read the forums you would know that. Use the provided resources, but the I'm innocent Rocket stop developing the game and talk to me personally about it threads are laughable nonsense....keep dreaming

Edited by Hendrix
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No goodbye. Waiting for discount in steam.

Guess the moral of the story is, don't use cheats or scripts. BattleEye bans you from any server using BattleEye, so since you got banned by BattleEye on an enabled server, now you can't play on any other server that has it enabled.

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I started to play day z yesterday. today I got no access to the game! every time I try to log in, there always a message pop up: you were kicked off the game (battlEye: bad name player). what does it mean? yesterday I died after a few minutes - had no contact to other players and never use cheats. so why this happens?

thanks for your attention and hope you can help me ...

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Before you play most online games you get a 3-12 page user agreement that pop up that details everything you can and can't do...

<snipo some i dunno>

Most people dont read them, so why would they look for anything similar in a mod?

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All they have to do is buy another copy of the game. But, it's still nice to see douche bags gone.

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<snipo some i dunno>

Most people dont read them, so why would they look for anything similar in a mod?

Your choice not to read them does not excuse you from them.

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Good riddance!

I have NO problem with this games difficulty, providing that it's equally difficult for everyone else playing too.

Zero tolerance for cheating = Excellent!

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Your choice not to read them does not excuse you from them.

But you see, it does.

If stuff *has* to be read prior to playing then you should be made to read it before the game will actually start and then be tested on it.

There are games out there where this does happen (off the top of my head I recall AA doing this and a good thing it was too), and players have to go through testing to actually play If Dayz doesn't do something similar (which it does not) then expecting people to *voluntarily* read crap before playing is like pissing in the wind.

Edited by llodka

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