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Darwin List: Banned Users

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I don´t know the method in which you ban users. But can´t they just buy a new game (New Serial)?

Edit: I am not trying to find a way to get unbanned. I´m not even banned, playing happily with friends ;)

Just wondering if there´s a easy way for hackers to play again, if it´s as easy to just buy a new game, then i suggest finding a better solution.

Edited by Varasalvi

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one of my buds found a neat workaround to battleye. was able to hack on his server without getting banned. he went to another really populated server to have some "fun" and forgot to turn on his battleye bypass. got banned. LOL

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Lol, CD Keys are only $15. Not like banning someone is keeping them off the game.

And let's face it, Terms of Service are only there to protect the company from law suits in general. Nobody reads them unless you've got a guilt conscience or you're looking to sue for whatever reason.

Every other post in this topic......

"So I was running around Chernarus yesterday and I found the Starship Enterprise at the downed chopper." "I asked scotty to beam me up then I ordered him to activate the warp drive and I sling shotted around the sun and went back in time to patch so I could still wear a Ghillie suit without losing my gear ....I then launched a photon torpedo and killed half the server...after many warnings from the devs I powered down the drive landed the ole girl and then it swept over me like a mountain of tribbles....what if.... what If I had just picked up a hacked weapon?!?....I'm a total noob and have no idea what this game is about despite the myriad of guides, online maps, wiki and youtube and twitch tv streams so I figured I'd ask in the forums cause I don't want to get banned. I'm doing the right thing man not like those hackers"

2 days later......

"WTF Rocket, I got perma banned what the heck?" It's not like I go and read the internet to figure stuff out how was I supposed to know what weapons were in this mod?" "It's not like it has a wiki or a forum page ear marked announcements or like Arma 2 has a user agrement that is quite extensive that I could have read"

3 days later.......

"So I totaly HAD to buy another copy of Arma 2 as a work around to this false banning situation." " Now I totaly see why the devs in this game suck, I might have to sell both my preused copies of arma 2 on ebay under false pretenses to some sucker cause if the state of this game doesn't improve it's bound to die"

Every day Rocket reads the forums.....


You're my hero.

Edited by Tsyn

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Hey... my nickname inside the game is Bigoso and i see a Big Oso i did nothing... what happend?

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Fool me once, ban on you... Fool me twi.. oh no, wait, you're banned. Bummer.

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But you see, it does.

If stuff *has* to be read prior to playing then you should be made to read it before the game will actually start and then be tested on it.

There are games out there where this does happen (off the top of my head I recall AA doing this and a good thing it was too), and players have to go through testing to actually play If Dayz doesn't do something similar (which it does not) then expecting people to *voluntarily* read crap before playing is like pissing in the wind.

Nohthing HAS to be read if you don't want to read it. Most people don't read the legal codes or highway acts of the provinces or states that they live in. That doesn't mean they don't assume they shouldn't drink and drive in the next state over.

Bottom line, don't cheat/hack/exploit. Seems like common sense. Unless of course you are trying to find an excuse to shift responsibility for your actions away from yourself. Nice try.

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dafuq? $15 is cheap as hell. i can go mow some old womans years and a 20 min job. bam 15 bucks XD its not hard you just cant be a lazy ass about it. -_-

and yea i got a job but i usually mow a lawn here and there whenever i want a game XD its a pretty easy gig

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Nohthing HAS to be read if you don't want to read it. Most people don't read the legal codes or highway acts of the provinces or states that they live in. That doesn't mean they don't assume they shouldn't drink and drive in the next state over.

Bottom line, don't cheat/hack/exploit. Seems like common sense. Unless of course you are trying to find an excuse to shift responsibility for your actions away from yourself. Nice try.

Nah I'm just showing you how stupid ytour comments were,

This isn't just about deliberate cheating/exploit/hacking is it.

You can't expect people to voluntarily read posts on the forum that may or may not pertain to being banned for offences you didn't realise you may or not have commited.

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true. i had one of my forum accounts here banned because i was teaching kids about this "subject" which in agreement with the mod that banned me im to no longer talk about at all, in which he will unban my account once their banning system is done having a epileptic seizure in the corner. :) but mere misunderstandings can lead to bans. the mod thought i was doing "muh haxorz" on battleye servers when i was actually doing them only on the rouge servers that break rockets law. therfore i enjoyed making their lives hell. but since i got banned ive dropped the whole hacking think and im back to playing legit on BATTLEye only servers. it was fun experience though and i must say that the security for arma is pretty much crap. along with battleye. battleye is terrible, it only snags script kiddies and such. the experienced hacked (i used to be(in the arma community)) would do a manouver on battleye servers that im actually going to release in hopes that the devs will read this and figure out a way to fix it.

again * sighs* [DISCLAIMER BRAHS] i no longer hack just because its not worth my time to get banned on the forums. ill just go hack some other game. i like dayz legit anyways, its fun :)

OK so my buds figured this out and use it. i WILL NOT give names and i WILL not endorse this. i merely want to throw it out there so the devs can see how its "currently" being done by alot of guys.

they make a exe that when activated uninstalls battleye

they run their script though a ingame hotkey because they use a engine that modifies the client side version of arma so that the hacks are literally built into the game.

then after 5 seconds the exe reinstalls battleye and there ya go. undetected by battleye and hack complete.

its fairly simple and i omitted alot of things so that people can only see. AGAIN -_- i do NOT hack. i am friends with a group who go around ROCKETS BLACKLISTED servers and do this. but a few of them figured out how to go undetected by battleye. wile battleye is down the server kinda thinks its connection loss or connection jitter so it dosnt effect anyhting.

i have stated many times in this post. i do not hack. i have never hacked a battleye server. ive only hacked blacklisted rouge servers.

after 5 posts of this on my to be unbanned account people still didnt get the message so i HOPE repeating it a bajillion times will assist in those of you's understanding here. but yeah if you can fix little loopholes like that then there would be many many less hackers.

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It's Rogue, spell the fucking word right. Second, the problem with saying you aren't a hacker but you hack other games, is like a murderer saying but I only kill ugly people. You are the disease I wish would just fucking die, hacking in any game makes you a !@#$. That's "See you Next Tuesday" in case you are too retarded to get it. DON'T HACK FULL FUCKING STOP, not this game not any game, not anywhere. and then perhaps in time people will consider you a normal human being instead of a stupid !@#$ who doesn't give a shit about others.

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It's Rogue, spell the fucking word right. Second, the problem with saying you aren't a hacker but you hack other games, is like a murderer saying but I only kill ugly people. You are the disease I wish would just fucking die, hacking in any game makes you a !@#$. That's "See you Next Tuesday" in case you are too retarded to get it. DON'T HACK FULL FUCKING STOP, not this game not any game, not anywhere. and then perhaps in time people will consider you a normal human being instead of a stupid !@#$ who doesn't give a shit about others.

agreed. what a fuck. DALLAS 350 on my permanent blacklist.

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lol im a game designer. its not like i go into the normal servers of ANY game and hack. i stick to the servers specified for hacking. usually labeled [No-CD key] in arma 2 and it differs from game to game. scripting and coding each game is a fun way to exercise coding and make sure you can use most of the languages you learn. the arma code is very similar to the A.I coding sequence in Unreal Engine and UNITY. and im working on a project in unity atm with a team so on my free time i dork around with coding. so thank you very much for blacklisting my server because obviously your on some level immature and you jump to whatever decision you deem best that will draw attention to you. so please stay off my server :) it would make me very happy. if you have a problem with "white" hackers like me that hack for the experience because we apply it usefully then please ask about it before you judge. hope you all have a nice day!

also sorry for misspelling rogue. my current travel laptop has some weird autocorrect on it -_-

Edited by -AL-Cerberus

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no. you dont get to be the bigger man here. you are an admitted cheater. there is no such thing as "white hacking." if you were part of the dev team, then it would be ok, but it also wouldntt be hacking would it. it would be developing. you are just a regular dude like me who has no business doing that. you also said your group of buddies do it too, then got pinched one time because they went onto a normal server and forgot to not cheat-getting banned.

am i supposed to trust you? am i supposed to trust them? yet im the "obviously your on some level immature and you jump to whatever decision you deem best that will draw attention to you." yup, im the one using the information you provided to jump to a decision that you disagree with. im also the one coming on here telling the world im a hacker and trying to sound like im in the right for it. obviously im the one after the attention.

go develop your own thing and "hack" in that all you want.

Edited by sivart

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hahaha stupid hackers. I have been running into alot of hackers recenetly things like getting turned into a COW lol and having myself be killede by some huge explosion when i went near a body that was dead but apprerently not and i've been seeing hueys and A-10 thunderbolts on the serever US 841. good to see these losers out of the game :D

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*sighs* you really ARE clueless to the hacking thing. here this is what a white hat hacker is



and as ive repeated NUMEROUS time ive actually dropped hacking dayz.

so as i can tell you find it difficult to wrap your head around the logic of there being ranks in hacking and that i do this specifically on blacklisted servers ill just drop this altogether. and yes blah blah you know what i do and im a faghacker that needs to die pl0x. also id rahter not even associate with you so therefore you not trusting me is a desired situation. and your still trying to beef up and beat me in a debate that you started. so please by all means lets continue. im a dev keeping my skills going up. at that note the unity pro engine just finished downloading so i gotta get back to work :) lets contine this later ^_^ its amusing


actually to be perfectly specific im a grey hat but im mostly white. with dayz im grey,

Edited by -AL-Cerberus

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i didnt start shit. go read the thread. you can see it right on this very page. and yeah, you are obviously smarter than me and i of course i have no idea what you are talking about. you wouldnt have it any other way.

your hat crap only exists in the world of the hacker, and is nothing more than for social status among hackers.

same as "im a level 62 super warlock in wow." (never played it) it only means something to those that are involved with it.

hacking is still hacking.

i do similar shit too, smartass, but not on wan, not on an alpha project, not on somebody's work in progress mod, not on anything (without permission) that exists on any server or machine that is not mine. its internal only. that is in fact the definition of "white hat"

from your link: A white hat hacker breaks security for non-malicious reasons, perhaps to test their own security system or while working for a security company which makes security software.This classification also includes individuals who perform penetration tests and vulnerability assessments within a contractual agreement.

you were not payed by rocket, bis, the community, or me. you do not work for rocket, bis, the community, or me. i dont see any contractual agreement. therefore you are a hacker. in your terms, that is in fact the definition of "black hat"

from your link: A Black Hat Hacker is a hacker who "violates computer security for little reason beyond maliciousness or for personal gain" (Moore, 2005).[7]

personal gain sounds about right

white, black, elite, really all the same. you are not part of this project, therefore you are one of the bad guys. eat shit, hack.

Edited by sivart

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How can i inform about a hacker? The server i play at got flooded with helicopters, and fires.

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How can i inform about a hacker? The server i play at got flooded with helicopters, and fires.

first you better find out if he is white grey or orange. apparently certain colours are ok.

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i additionally love how after ive repeated myself many times you still omit the details that dont suit you. i only meddle with blacklist servers. :) hopefully if i just say they itll worm its way into your complex mind ^_^

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only a liar thinks repeating the same thing over and over makes it true. but my mind is likely to small to comprehend such things. later, loser.

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I know this is an alpha, but cheats that people find should be reported to us - not continously abused silently.

Manually banned another 10 people today.

Usually I dont ban people "right-away" who has an illegal weapon, I just take it away. But in this case it was so blatantly done and after careful consideration I banned those involved with the duping and abuse of AS50 TWS weapons (even when warned on global message / VOIP).

Cheating that is blatant abuse on a clan/guild level can put everyone at risk who is involved knowingly. Clearly unallowed weapons will yield bans on all participants (those found with commonly known duped and unallowed weapons).

I will become increasingly strict, I know about a bunch of clans with duped normal items too and I will start eyeing those too. These items will be removed eventually, but if the duping continues banhammer will strike.

As for cheating. If YOU know you have been cheating or duping. Better remove those duped item tent stores in advance or contact us to mention that you have done wrong but will change your ways

Bans that have been given can rarely be reversed, global battleeye bans dont get reversed at all.

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