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About snakeboy

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  1. I just wanted to mention that I've been getting the black screen "video driver stopped responding" since updating to 1.7.3. (I am running 2 GTX460's in SLI and this problem was ONLY occuring with SLI enabled, but the games frame rate was unacceptably slow with SLI disabled, so I needed to resolve this issue. For the record I've been running the same setup all along and never had a single gfx related issue till the update to 1.7.3) The fix above by HackerSlasher solved it. (The BIOS settings change). I set those three options in the BIOS to DISABLED and the problem is gone! Thank you!
  2. snakeboy

    DayZ Crash To Desktop

    Same issue here, 2x GTX460's. Dayz was working PERFECTLY until I updated to 1.7.3, now this issue appears, so there MUST be a connection since no other changes have been made. Disabling SLI, game works fine, but frame rate is horrible, so that's not an option. Tried: Reinstalling game through Steam. No change. Updating video drivers to latest from Nvidia. No change. Running in though Steam or Standalone. No change. Running full screen or windowed. No Change. Checked dayz commander but could not find a "Multi GPU Support" option to enable anywhere...
  3. snakeboy

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Forget the debug monitor, that's not a big deal. Vehicles fuel being reset to zero upon server restart, now THAT's a problem. I know rocket mentioned (twitter) that a server side fix is being worked on for this,.. has there been any update? I have not been able to find any and server reset IS still resetting all vehicles fuel to zero.
  4. snakeboy

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    has the vehicles fuel being reset bug been fixed yet? Where can I track info on this?
  5. But what is the point of having it if you can just join a different server, take two steps forward and then go back to the server where you were? No tools required, barricade rendered useless. What is the point of this?!
  6. Serves absolutely no purpose in game except to aggravate, remove it. - Zombies don't respect it. - Can be removed by anyone with a toolbox. - Can use server hop to get to the other side of ANY barricade, so what's the point of having one?
  7. Same shit here (multiplay.co.uk server)... Vehicles (other than the heli) are now spawning and survive restart, but gear contents and tent contents do not. (Also, tents get randomly moved to different locations near to where they were originally pitched, overlapping and generally resulting in a massive cluster fuck which can't be repaired since the "pack tent" option is not available after server restart either.) the next update can't come soon enough...
  8. snakeboy

    Server Not Listed in Gamespy?

    That was helpful... How exactly did you fix it? I'm having the same problem and instead of creating a new post,... well, you get the picture...
  9. snakeboy

    Computer specs and FPS

    How are you guys actually viewing the reported frame rate? Where do you see this figure? Does fps display need to be enabled somewhere? I'm not interested in fps rates given by people "just eyeballing it". I want to see what the engine is actually reporting. How?
  10. According to the dayz wiki (quote): "Tents are tied to servers and survive server restarts." Although this is also mentioned and should be noted: "Tents sometimes don't appear after a server restart, restarting the server again will fix this problem."
  11. snakeboy

    Looting your dead body?

    Can anyone supply a factual answer to the question: How long will a freshly killed players body remain in game (looted or not) before it despawns? 30 mins? Speculated? What is the ACTUAL figure? Where can I get the exact figure for a fact?
  12. snakeboy

    Darwin List: Banned Users

    Good riddance! I have NO problem with this games difficulty, providing that it's equally difficult for everyone else playing too. Zero tolerance for cheating = Excellent!