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Darwin List: Banned Users

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This list isnt an official list made by DayZ staff.

The fact it's a wiki someone could edit in weapons that arent allowed.

Of course! It is not official! You are so right!

How can they dare to expect us to use unofficial information to not cheat in a game. We are all so vulnerable...

In fact, someone could spend their time including a weapon in the wiki, then hacking it into the game and then looking for a noob in a server, then commiting suicide near him and then forcing him to take it from their dead body and then getting their own account banned, just to fuck a noob up!

And it would mean the noob would be unfairly banned too!

I am sure that is what happened to you, no? Such an unfair ban...

Rocket! Something must be done for this poor, poor fellow! Justice must prevail!

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Now I'm not advocating cheating at all' date=' I don't believe in it, I think it's pretty sad to be honest, but this has gotten to the point where people need to start realising that these bans aren't something Bohemia should want to deal with since they're going to be forced to refund some people's money *if* they start asking for refunds (lets face it, none of them will anyway but the point is still valid).


Being banned from MP for hacking/cheating is no grounds for a refund.

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Now I'm not advocating cheating at all' date=' I don't believe in it, I think it's pretty sad to be honest, but this has gotten to the point where people need to start realising that these bans aren't something Bohemia should want to deal with since they're going to be forced to refund some people's money *if* they start asking for refunds (lets face it, none of them will anyway but the point is still valid).


Being banned from MP for hacking/cheating is no grounds for a refund.

Actions have consequences. They made a concious decision and now it's time for them to face the music.

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Such stuff is covered in the TOS/license whatever you want to call it when you install the game :)

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I've never met anyone who has ever received a global ban, because I don't associate with hackers/cheaters. Innocent people don't get banned, it just doesn't happen.

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I've never met anyone who has ever received a global ban' date=' because I don't associate with hackers/cheaters. Innocent people don't get banned, it just doesn't happen.


I will disagree with you there. Mistakes can and do happen, easily infact.

In this instance, maybe not but that's more due to the circumstance than from a general rule. You should never assume guilt until you know the full situation, end of story.

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I don't see it on the wiki : http://dayzwiki.com/wiki/index.php?title=Equipment

But it's a radio, I don't thing it gives you any edge so even if you have it, it will simply be removed (I think).

Like said before, if you haven't spawned anything, then there is no risk. Well except if they find you all the time with non legit weapons (and it would only be a DayZ ban, not a BE Global Ban).

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I like to read this cause it makes me think "what did they do sooo bad to get them banned for life?" it's fun to think about it. May i have a list of what they did? :3 just like the ALC records it's fun to read "//////, james was sent to ALC for a month for public nudity in 3rd period" XDDD

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I appreciate that everyone posting is against cheating' date=' that is a good thing. Cheats can ruin multiplayer games completely. But these bans are a global BattleEye ban as I understand it. You can't play ArmA2 either if you have been banned in DayZ. At least that is the way I read it. Correct me if I'm wrong? rocket did state these global BE bans essentially 'bricked' multiplayer ArmA 2 cd-keys.

Now I'm not advocating cheating at all, I don't believe in it, I think it's pretty sad to be honest, but this has gotten to the point where people need to start realising that these bans aren't something Bohemia should want to deal with since they're going to be forced to refund some people's money *if* they start asking for refunds (lets face it, none of them will anyway but the point is still valid).

Question everything, or you might aswell just lie down and wait to die now guys.


BattleEye will not ban for picking up a hacked weapon. It doesn't know what weapon is native to the mod. It only looks for known cheats and the illegal scripts. The DayZ database will also only replace illegal weapons with Makarovs, you do not get into any trouble, although the database does keep track of how often this happens, so if you repeatedly obtain said illegal weapons, you WILL get a warning BattleEye is also the anti-cheat program used for Arma2, regardless of which mod you are playing. If it catches someone cheating, it doesn't differentiate what mod or game mode someone was cheating in, it gives the player a global ban. A banned person can still play their copy in single player, and maybe even able to play on non-BattleEye servers (not 100% sure on this really.)

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I was on a server a few days ago and all of a sudden I jumped about 50meter into the sky and then fell to my death. Needless to say I was quite WTFed. then i noticed chat and started to see that everyone in the server was killed lol.

then comes the epic spawn killing.

I ended up dashing fast enough to avoid the spawn rage haha

Was wondering if this happened because a bug or just an admin being stupid?

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No it was some cheater using scripts to kill people. The servers were rife with script kiddies until the exploit was fixed and the offenders banned from MP.

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hi all, iv only been playing for just over 2 weeks, an il be honest im a console gamer!!....and yet iv have not touched my ps3 since i first played dayz, but im trying to understand why anyone would want to cheat/hack...whatever you guys call it :)

as to me dayz represents constant fear, uncertainty of not knowing whats around the next corner, for every person you encounter could be friend or foe, so why would anyone want to ruin that and take away the aspects that draw you in.. in the first place, survival is part of the game so a total stranger you have looted with for 2 hours could turn on you in a sec, i understand that... but cheated or hacking, i just dont!! cheers..

ps.. thank you rocket and team for making me enjoy a pc game (mod) since the orig stalker

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BattleEye will not ban for picking up a hacked weapon. It doesn't know what weapon is native to the mod. It only looks for known cheats and the illegal scripts. The DayZ database will also only replace illegal weapons with Makarovs' date=' you do not get into any trouble, although the database does keep track of how often this happens, so if you repeatedly obtain said illegal weapons, you WILL get a warning BattleEye is also the anti-cheat program used for Arma2, regardless of which mod you are playing. If it catches someone cheating, it doesn't differentiate what mod or game mode someone was cheating in, it gives the player a global ban. A banned person can still play their copy in single player, and maybe even able to play on non-BattleEye servers (not 100% sure on this really.)


That's not true. I have never hacked. Have no history of hacking. There is only on reason I can think my name is on the list (very last guy on the list). The first or second day of playing DayZ I looted a dead bandits body I found and I grabbed everything I could (because I was still learning what was useful). I grabbed about 5 hacked weapons. The guns were invisible and shot full auto 500 rounds without reloading. I shot all the rounds in the woods (plus a few zombies that heard my shooting) so no one could grab them off me when I die. That's the only reason I can think off for me being on the list. I never even killed a player. I'm not gonna try to appeal here. But the list should be looked out further because there IS false positives. I am gonna try to get battle eye to change this though.

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hi all' date=' iv only been playing for just over 2 weeks, an il be honest im a console gamer!!....and yet iv have not touched my ps3 since i first played dayz, but im trying to understand why anyone would want to cheat/hack...whatever you guys call it :)

as to me dayz represents constant fear, uncertainty of not knowing whats around the next corner, for every person you encounter could be friend or foe, so why would anyone want to ruin that and take away the aspects that draw you in.. in the first place, survival is part of the game so a total stranger you have looted with for 2 hours could turn on you in a sec, i understand that... but cheated or hacking, i just dont!! cheers..

ps.. thank you rocket and team for making me enjoy a pc game (mod) since the orig stalker


there are people who just cbf going thu all the shit to get good gears so instead they just hack/cheat to get good gear and run around showing off.

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That's not true. I have never hacked. Have no history of hacking. There is only on reason I can think my name is on the list (very last guy on the list). The first or second day of playing DayZ I looted a dead bandits body I found and I grabbed everything I could (because I was still learning what was useful). I grabbed about 5 hacked weapons. The guns were invisible and shot full auto 500 rounds without reloading. I shot all the rounds in the woods (plus a few zombies that heard my shooting) so no one could grab them off me when I die. That's the only reason I can think off for me being on the list. I never even killed a player. I'm not gonna try to appeal here. But the list should be looked out further because there IS false positives. I am gonna try to get battle eye to change this though.

Well, that sounds like a different story then, because there is no gun that can shoot off 500+ rounds without reloading. Even if someone cheats and brings in a gun that is in Arma2 but not a native DayZ weapon, it's not invisble. That is what I meant when I said BattleEye won't differentiate between a DayZ weapon and a vanilla Arma2OA weapon.

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Well i was wrong I'm not banned by BattlEye, I don't, or ever received, a message when I try to log onto a server saying I'm banned. On DayZ servers my game just freezes on the loading screen and i have to Ctrl Alt Del out and shut Arma 2 down. For a long time I didn't even know I was banned until someone in my unit told me. I thought I was just having technical difficulties and was waiting for an update. Just this night my unit had battleye running and I wasn't kicked the whole 3 hours of playing on it. But now that makes me wonder what did i do to get banned? Like I said, I played DayZ around 5 hours total maybe, and I never killed a player the whole time. So what rule did I break to be on the list?

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I'd like to give thanks to rocket and the admin team [moderators etc.] who monitor these bans. As a regular player I just hope that bans are not being given incorrectly and if so, unbans are possible.

Thanks for creating a great mod.


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someone told me this "WHOLE" list is a list of people that picked up hacked weapons. Note: picked up, not spawned in. So you are on this two ways. Your are friends with a hacker and the hacker dropped hacked weapons (the kind that don't reload and shoot 500 rounds) And you pick them up. Or what happened to me. Came across a dead body looted everything including the hacked weapons. I really don't know the full process but really if people are being banned by a honest mistake at least post the warning signs on an official announcement before going around perma banning. Of course only if that is why people, including me, are on this list because I still haven't had on official response as to the reason I'm on the list. But I can see no other reason because I played DayZ seriously, and not as a douchebag. But until someone from the Dev. Team tells me I can only guess.

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How about with the next update simply changing the names of all banned items and weapons and adding the words "banned" at the end or start. That way if anyone see them and they still try to collect, then they have no excuse.

As a new player, i don't now half of the gear you can get in this game, and even if an item had no icon or name and looked a little different, i probably still wouldn't know it was a hacked item. You can say that people need to read lists of items you cant have, but that's just another way these hackers are affecting the games of honest players.

What kind of gamer wants to take up a new game and then have to read lists of banned items they cant have? It kind of ruins the experience for them don't you think? This game is already serious enough as it is, don't force players to read bloody terms and conditions relating to what items you can actually use. I think in a way, its passing the responsibility of the developers to fix and prevent the issues over to the gamers, don't you think?. "We cant fix the problems, so you need to make sure you don't make a mistake".

Prevention is the key, not punishments that affect everyone.

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Could even modify non-DayZ weapons to have atrocious accuracy and minimal damage or something, although that would require a lot of extra coding I'm sure.

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