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Logan Winchester

Real Zombies...

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Hello guys, i've one suggestion for the zombies... So...


The zombies can hit you causing less damage, because they don't have a super strenght or something sharp in they hands... But if you get a hit, you will have great chances to get infected or bleed...


Area of the hit: / Bleed chance: / Infection chance: / Sepsis Chance:

Head / 50% / 85% / 4%

Body / 75% / 75% / 3%

Arms / 80% / 65% / 2%

Legs / 85% / 55% / 1%


So, the spawn rate of the antibiotic need to be changed, maybe add 5 antibiotics  on the Med Box in the Hospitals, and add some antibiotics in residential buildings, but Very Rare or Rare...


By this way, you will get infected BECAUSE of the hit, and not lose blood because of the hit... Right now (1.8 version), the zombies have a super-strenght...


(I thinking in The Walking Dead to give this suggestion, on TWD you can't be hit or you will be a zombie, on DayZ your can't be hit or you will be infected)


Please guys, leave-me a comment to see what you thinking about this suggestion!

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I think med boxs should atlest have one antibiotics 

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ya zeds should have something in there hands like in orgins because only if the had like a knife would it make you bleed

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Im split on this....i want hard zombies for when im playing hero. At the moment they just aren't a challenge once geared. But i do agree that anti-biotics should spawn a lot more, i haven't seen a pack for weeks......i mean theres rare....and impossible to find lol.

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I think untreated wound, withotu antibacterial wipes, alcohol etc should lead to infection, rather than just a zombie scratch.

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I just want a wide range of garden tools to have at the bitey mongrels. Not to mention putting a fellow survivor to the pitchfork!

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stab the survivor against the wall impaling him all the way through and getting the pitchfork stuck in the wall... that's how you do it.

I just want hard zombies... how hard can it be? I hope the new AI turns out nicely.

Edited by creeperbane
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I want realistic zombies

The zombie itself is unrealistic.  Saying that is like asking for realistic dragons! 


Also there are so many zombie/infected movies/books/games that a zombie can be anything as long as it.


1. Eats humans. 

2.  Is gory, shows some kind of decay. 

3.  Infects on bite (unless the survivors are immune, like in dayz, there are some exceptions though.  Like return of the living dead.) 

Edited by harley001

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what about change blood value ? 5000/6000 that fix weapons and zeds damage. With zeds hit  500/600 = 10 zeds hits until death 


ps: also fix cod kids 

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And i kinda want a real zombie apocalypse.

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what about change blood value ? 5000/6000 that fix weapons and zeds damage. With zeds hit  500/600 = 10 zeds hits until death 


ps: also fix cod kids 


The original blood was around that level or even slightly less afaik. The blood level in DayZ is what messed up the entire weapons damage, without that or if they used the normal levels there would have neven been a weapons damage problem and therefor no .50 cal race.

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The problem with "not getting hit" is that zombies don't have to be near you to hit you.  I do think they hit too hard and do too much damage, it's not like they're big cats or bears - they're just unarmed, very hungry, people.  Hitting souldn't cause infection, per-se, BITING should cause infection.


Biting requires them to have hold of you for a few seconds so they can chomp down.  I think getting hit should have a low chance of infection (they do have dirty hands) and getting grabbed, or hit while not moving, or hower the engine could handle it, should have the higher chance of infection; like 25-40%   For instance, replace the leg breaking with being bit.


And they are still too perceptive.  When I'm not moving and agro a zombie 100 meters away, that's too perceptive.

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Zombies can "in theory" hurt you pretty badly, since they aren't sensible to pain, they can in theory grab you hard enough to tear their own muscles. For a human being that's quite painful.


It's very clichee to think of zombies as clawed creatures, but wether they are dead or not, nails keep growing for a while after death. A zombie's nails would keep growing for most of it's unlife, leaving his fingers lined with jagged claw like remains of fingernails, those could easily scratch you if they grab you.


Nails are typically a breeding ground for bacteria, so beyond the "zombie virus" you would expose yourself to a variety of infections.

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But yes, I do support this. The idea of infected saliva entering your bloodstream and not getting a harming infection is mind-blowingly kick in the arse realism offset.

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I think the zombies BITE should infect you more often then hits, although nails grow shortly after death and would be realistic. But perhaps left untreated would give you an infection.

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