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Freeside Trading Co.

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Ah' date=' sorry, I didn't read too far into it.


Thanks for the tip though :P

Thought of something I'd completely forgotten (and a new tactic we should be aware of):


I'm appending to the rules that sick players are not allowed in. If (and only if) we find medicine we might sell it as well.

Also, could a bandit use sickness as a weapon?

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I like the idea of this. U.B.C.S. might need to do some trading some time. If we do, we'll definitely come to you guys. I hope this goes somewhere.

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I step away from my counter parts and would like to know would you trade with bandits because i see this as a great way to to get rid of loot i cant carry

My guess is' date=' as long as you aren't and haven't shown any hostile actions against the trading post then they will trade with you just like anyone else.


That. If you follow our rules we'll let you in.

It's possible that we could have a tent at the front where anyone with really low humanity (detected via heartbeat) might have to leave their weapons at the door, though that's been discussed as a ground rule for everyone. Depends on how everything goes.

I wouldn't be a huge fan of having to leave my weapons in tents before entry: 1. What if I want to trade a weapon? 2. If all hell breaks loose, I will have no way to help or defend myself.

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When we get this thing running im going to fix up a bus and bring people from around the coast cities to the camp. Probably charge some ammo or food to ride.

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I step away from my counter parts and would like to know would you trade with bandits because i see this as a great way to to get rid of loot i cant carry

My guess is' date=' as long as you aren't and haven't shown any hostile actions against the trading post then they will trade with you just like anyone else.


That. If you follow our rules we'll let you in.

It's possible that we could have a tent at the front where anyone with really low humanity (detected via heartbeat) might have to leave their weapons at the door, though that's been discussed as a ground rule for everyone. Depends on how everything goes.

I wouldn't be a huge fan of having to leave my weapons in tents before entry: 1. What if I want to trade a weapon? 2. If all hell breaks loose, I will have no way to help or defend myself.

Quite frankly, if you're humanity is low enough that we ask you to check you're weapon at the gate, then we suspect that you would be the primary instigator of hell breaking loose.

If you want to trade, I'm sure one of the guards could fetch it for you and hold it in escrow. It's still just a thought, though.

Even if you have nothing to do with an external attack (which you, the customer, are not supposed to actively defend yourself from anyway), that bandit who we let in with his gun starting to fire inside the camp might be mildly distracting.

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All right people, final decisions are being made about who is in for tonight's Op, expect a PM in an hour with further details.

We still don't have anywhere near as many people as I first expected, 16 people didn't add their availability to the Google doc, we cant really pick you without it!

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Steam name: Zarob The Nub

TS3 Name: Zarob The Nub

In-game name: ZarobTheNub

Forum name: Zarob The Nub

Timezone: I think it's UTC + 2

Roles: Guard, Gatherer, Pilot (Note: I'm not the best pilot by any means since I was introduced to Arma 2 by Dayz. But I have played around in Arma 2 with the helicopters but I'd be willing to practice with some guys to get better)

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Yummi, seems awesome, and I want in :D

We are now recruiting for Freeside Trading Co. If you are interested, please post the following information, in order:

Steam Name Doxdude

TS3 Name DancingBear

In-Game Name DancingBear

Forum Name DancingBear

Timezone (UTC) +2

Roles you would like to fill: {Organization, Gatherer, Guard,} any of those would be fine

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PMs are out, Please check your in boxes! People without a PM can still come, It's just we'll have to work you into the group midstream, or you can be there for trading.

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Pardon the late comment but if you're still looking for anyone for tonight I may be of assistance.

Steam Name Christmas40

TS3 Name Santaman2346

In-Game Name Santaman2346

Forum Name Santaman2346

Timezone (UTC) + 0 (I believe this is correct I'm on GMT if that's of any help)

Roles you would like to fill: Guard, Gatherer or Pilot. However the latter may not be the greatest of ideas, I've got a few hours flying experience but I'm still far from well trained on the matter.

Pardon the late reply, I know I'm cutting it a bit fine.

Many thanks.


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PMs are out' date=' Please check your in boxes! People without a PM can still come, It's just we'll have to work you into the group midstream, or you can be there for trading.


Are you looking for people to join the server and trade or just recruitment?

Either way I'm interested.

Steam Name - eddieblaster

TS3 Name - gutzdorf

In-Game Name - gutzdorf

Forum Name - gutzdorf

Timezone (UTC) + 0 (GMT)

Role - Merc/guard/gatherer

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Hey, I know you guys are doing this tonight or are already under way. But I've been trying to find someone to be a part of so far in DayZ. Most clans say they want you, but when I contact them they're quite slow in response, just give you generalities or aren't even close to being as active as they make themselves out to be. This sounds like it could be a great idea and very enjoyable. Count me in...

Steam Name - Pardon My Paradox

TS3 Name - Xyro (Pronounced Zi-Row, not zero)

In-Game Name - Xyro

Forum Name - Xyro

Timezone (UTC) -05 (US Eastern)

Roles you would like to fill: Mercenary, Guard, Pilot.

I'd like to be part of keeping order or fending off bandits/zeds. I'm a decent driver and pretty good with a chopper, not amazing, but I have made many roof landings to drop/pick people up if that says anything.

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Sent a PM, thought I might put this here as well.

I am interested in joining and helping with the Freeside Trading Co.

Below is my information...

Steam Name: mindlord ( I am already in the Steam Group )

TS3 Name : mindlord

In-Game Name : mindlord

Forum Name : mindlord ( you see the trend I hope )

Timezone (UTC) : Central, ( -6 )

Roles you would like to fill: {Organization, Mercenary, Gatherer, Guard, Pilot}

D, all of the above. I have been playing Arma II ever since it came out. Now I have been on about a 6 month break from playing it before DayZ but I would like to think I am pretty well rounded. I can shoot, drive a car, sit with a sniper and watch, ect... I have even run clans and teams before, if needed. I can pilot a chopper but I am not the best. I work in the day so usually I am on the the evening, 6-12PM weekends are never certain... Seeing as we are using a Chicago server I would assume we are on the same time zones. Anyway I will be on tonight when the trial run goes down, at the very least I will be by to check it out. I would be more than happy to help.

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Crap, didn't make it. Was in too late, I was the one outside asking if I could come in but you were wrapping up so I logged off. Anyway I'm still up for helping this get on its feet, my post is still on the page somewhere.

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Sounds like you guys are about wrapped up. Good job. I got there pretty early and managed to trade a jerry can for a dmr mag. I was only there for about an hour, maybe less, but it was safe and seemed to work. Hope you guys do this again. I got some video and pictures I'll try to put up later.

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Alright, put together a Squad.XML for us.

We're currently using this image:


Unless we find we need something different. You'll be notified as we go around and get people's info.

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love this idea but got out of work too late, i hope all went well, ill keep an eye on the forums for your next. would like to offer my mercenary services if needed

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My thoughts on the first day.

Heavily disorganized, still fun.

-Negatives first-

Away team was ready almost the entire time, sat in base.

Guards shooting without informing the group.

Too many inside the base

Tents aren't placing very well inside, may require a whole new location if we can't place more.

people entering from the wrong places, need wire to block.


Looked very impressive

Away team was able to handle the bandit relatively quickly. BTW Mr. Bandit, Thank you very much for my new DMR. :P

Held the area easily

-Things I think should be done-

4 guards, one in each tower, should be enough to secure the location. Quartermaster to deal with the 'Sales' and perhaps another guard with the quartermaster or just at front gate.

in total, 6 members inside the camp should be sufficient.

at least 1, preferably 2, 2-man patrols. I might use paint and settup a patrol path on the map (only available to members). Also, tower numbers for quick reference.

Patrols will be quick responce teams, flanking and dealing with snipers.

1 sniper/spotter team somewhere on overwatch, most likely the Air Traffic Control Tower. Must be very vigilant so no-one sneaks up on them. Must be aware of patrol-paths so there won't be too many False-Positives.

That's about 10 - 12 people around base at all times. Shouldn't be too hard to maintain.

 -Guard Rotations-

I was with the away team, but I can see the guards becoming very bored without bandits attacking.

A few Ideas to solve this.

1. Guards/patrols swap every 30 - 60 Minutes. Patrols need to return to base before the swap takes place. There should always be 1 person in each tower.

2. Away team (gatherers) swap with guards. When ever the away team returns to base they would swap. If a guard doesn't want to leave that can be worked out at the time.

-Teamspeak edicate-

Guards all in one channel. Use direct communication (in-game) to talk. Teamspeak is used for player spotting only. patrols/overwatch ignore gun shots coming from the direction of base unless guards call for assistance/spot hostile. We don't need 15+ people yelling "Gun shots, who's shooting!?"

Away team teamspeak might need to be talked about too, but the away team didn't do too much and when there was action it wasn't terribly jumbled.

Most of the problems came from the two teams being in the base at the same time, and being in different TS channels. Too much confusion. While the Away team is away I don't think there will be too much confusion.

--I have more thoughts to add, but I need to get going. Will update soon.

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My thoughts on the first day.

Heavily disorganized' date=' still fun.

[u']-Negatives first-

Away team was ready almost the entire time, sat in base.

Guards shooting without informing the group.

Too many inside the base

Tents aren't placing very well inside, may require a whole new location if we can't place more.

people entering from the wrong places, need wire to block.


Looked very impressive

Away team was able to handle the bandit relatively quickly. BTW Mr. Bandit, Thank you very much for my new DMR. :P

Held the area easily

-Things I think should be done-

4 guards, one in each tower, should be enough to secure the location. Quartermaster to deal with the 'Sales' and perhaps another guard with the quartermaster or just at front gate.

in total, 6 members inside the camp should be sufficient.

at least 1, preferably 2, 2-man patrols. I might use paint and settup a patrol path on the map (only available to members). Also, tower numbers for quick reference.

Patrols will be quick responce teams, flanking and dealing with snipers.

1 sniper/spotter team somewhere on overwatch, most likely the Air Traffic Control Tower. Must be very vigilant so no-one sneaks up on them. Must be aware of patrol-paths so there won't be too many False-Positives.

That's about 10 - 12 people around base at all times. Shouldn't be too hard to maintain.

 -Guard Rotations-

I was with the away team, but I can see the guards becoming very bored without bandits attacking.

A few Ideas to solve this.

1. Guards/patrols swap every 30 - 60 Minutes. Patrols need to return to base before the swap takes place. There should always be 1 person in each tower.

2. Away team (gatherers) swap with guards. When ever the away team returns to base they would swap. If a guard doesn't want to leave that can be worked out at the time.

-Teamspeak edicate-

Guards all in one channel. Use direct communication (in-game) to talk. Teamspeak is used for player spotting only. patrols/overwatch ignore gun shots coming from the direction of base unless guards call for assistance/spot hostile. We don't need 15+ people yelling "Gun shots, who's shooting!?"

Away team teamspeak might need to be talked about too, but the away team didn't do too much and when there was action it wasn't terribly jumbled.

Most of the problems came from the two teams being in the base at the same time, and being in different TS channels. Too much confusion. While the Away team is away I don't think there will be too much confusion.

--I have more thoughts to add, but I need to get going. Will update soon.

I like this but let me make a few edits.

Only 2 guards in 2 towers. Front right and back left. This covers most of what the guards need to see. I like the quartermaster idea and also the guard at the front who welcomes people and gives them the rules. The other guards are patrolling the camp and outside. Tower and patrollers switch off so they dont get bored. Also when we launch again tomorrow we need people who will just have shops set up. I want to organize everything into the tents. Medical supplies in one. ammo in another and so on. Also mercs get there own tents. They do not have to be employed by freeside but at the front gate they say that they are looking for work and the guard will direct them to the merc tent where they will wait for people to hire them or join with other mercs. Also i disagree with the fact that we should use direct chat and only use teamspeak whenm something is important because its hard to tell if someone is talking on ts or direct. Voice Direct should only be used if a guard is about to shoot or warning a person. The rest of the time every citizen should use direct chat text and the guards should use teamspeak. There needs to be less people in camp ideal number about 6 or 8 or else it gets too crowded. Thats inside camp there can be another 4 patrolling outside. Also the shots thing. Shots are not to be talked about unless someone says they are shooting at a hostile player or they are getting shot. We dont need to yell every time we hear shots that is how the zombies are being dealt with.

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Steam Name: Triple12

TS3 Name

In-Game Name: Tripp

Forum Name: Tripp

Timezone: EDT


You can alternatively PM your info to Vulwulf, Publik, or Kurkistan

Once added, please update your times and preferences on the unlocked pages

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We need to have patrol areas and patrol them randomly rather than set paths that can be observed and memorized.

The next main step in our plan is to move the post to the island. The island is the best place to have the post so tomorrow hopefully i can round up some people to look for boats and when we have 1 or 2 of those we can really get this thing off the ground

We need to have patrol areas and patrol them randomly rather than set paths that can be observed and memorized.

The next main step in our plan is to move the post to the island. The island is the best place to have the post so tomorrow hopefully i can round up some people to look for boats and when we have 1 or 2 of those we can really get this thing off the ground


People of the post find us a boat

pm me when you find one

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I was one of those random people who stumbled in the side instead of the gate. Sorry about that. Combination of sleep deprivation and not being familiar with the area. Great first run. Felt very safe and professional. Ill keep an eye out for a boat. Never seen one before though.

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