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Hotfix Build Rolling Update

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I really like this new patch, this mods just keeps getting better and better! Keep up the good work so far Rocket!

I find it alot easier to survive and find your first gun now, but me and a friend just aggroed a zombie and had to run to a house. I know that running and furthermore shooting aggros alot, (if not all) of the zombies in the sorroundings, but OMG! :-) We both used up all of our ammo, and zombies kept arriving through the doorway, in the end we used up 50-60 rounds and died, cause of no ammo, while zombies still kept piling op on the doorstep. I dont know what causes this, but it really makes it hard to survive, even in a house with a decent amount of ammo.

Thanks again for the most important/entertaining mod since CS or DOTA.

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I am going to have to agree here. Registered just to whine but it is worth it' date=' as I love this game, been playing it since it was released.

Zeds agro way too easily now, it is at a point to where you just stop being stealthy because their is nothing you can do in most situations now. It is easy to kill them and such and hide away from them going from building to building.

What it is doing for me though, it is ruining the fun game play of stealth. Now it seems like every new life, 70 to 80% of people are just running around just trying to get lucky. This use to not be the case automatically. You use to be able to run through towns with stealth and get what you need in 5 to 10 minutes, 15 at the most for some fun intensity and wild situations.

Now if you want to do that, you have to spend at least 15 to 30 minutes in trying to be stealthy, which you have to take a lot of precaution due to Zed OP view distance and such.

Frankly, I'm not going to waste my free time to loot a small town that use to take 5 minutes most with stealth, now it takes 15 to 20 for nothing most of the time. So in-conclusion, I ruin others game play and mine by just saying 'screw it, going in, nothing i can do here.'

Zombie view distance and sound indicators should be reverted back to v1.6.0, while keeping current attack fixes etc.

[/quote'] I agree with most of what you say, while there should be an element of luck involved in what you find, it shouldn't be so stacked against the new player that it's a crap shoot on whether you can get enough to survive ... hopefully without a broken leg or so much blood loss that you'll get a one shot kill from the next zed you run into.

No doubt I'm just bad at this game ... but it shouldn't be so difficult for me to find even the basics ... a gun, drinks, food and ammo. And it seems most of the time when I do find them it's at such cost in blood that it's not worth continuing because if it was so hard just to find a gun ... how much harder is it going to be to find a knife, matches, a hatchet and then game to kill.

Again, I'm probably just bad at the game, but I'm trying very very hard to be very stealthy ... hell I crawl probably 80% of the time. I watch for zeds and try to predict their movements and I'm usually fairly successful. But then I get into a house and they go aggro and I'm running for the hills trailing blood ... again.

I don't know that we need to go back to the "brain dead" (you should excuse the expression) zeds of 1.60, but at least we should have a greater risk to reward ratio ... for noobs fresh off the beach anyway.


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I don't think it's a bug specific to this patch, but the loot that spawns at doghouses always seems to spawn floating in the air where you usually can't get to it. Here's a screenshot of what I mean: http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/559819354375969640/228A8D084A494577AC7D2C65C84A37D3384AE528/

The FPS is dramatically improved from the last patch for me. I was getting 12-25FPS before, now 45-120FPS.

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why should zombies be so aware when they are fucking dead and all their senses are made of rotted biological material...it's lame.

They're not actually dead. So that helps. Think 28 Days/Weeks Later - "Infected" not rotten corpses.

if they are not actually dead they are not actually zombies.

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Hi Rocket

Was wondering if you are able todo anything about this.......

Just updated joined a game all good, first building i come across and i got what seemed like i got SHOT by a zombie..... i mean there was no-one about and i mean no-one, however looking at player screen there is someone with no name just a blank field playing so i guess it is either an invisible player or a hacker that killed me because the sound of the shot was right next to me but there was no-one there...... really annoying i got a screenshot to show you what i mean aswell

Many Thanks if you could address this.

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Is there a site to download this patch directly without a torrent? Im stationed over seas and can't download torrents.

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Is there a site to download this patch directly without a torrent? Im stationed over seas and can't download torrents.

SixUpdater, it says right there that if you can't use the torrent use SixUpdater.

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just a suggestion for new update. Since not starting with pistol, though understandable, it makes trying to penetrate a city extremely difficult. I spent 45min proning into a town, just to be aggro'd by some sniper-eyed zombie.

Suggestion: Make the coast spawn some random objects that could of washed ashore. Pistol, mags, morphine, etc. so it makes people wanting wanting to procure basic stuff even before entering the city. I mean, in a real-life sitation, im going to grab what i have on me, and waht i can find in my immediate surrounding and work from there. Having that pistol had atleast the option to pop off 1 or 2 zombies that you could of aggroed at spawn.

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I love this update. Great job I haven't been this into a game in years.

The only thing I'm having an issue with is broken bones and not being able to find morphine.

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The only thing I'm having an issue with is broken bones and being unable to find morphine.

Same problem here. I closed the door on an out-house in Kamyshovo and it broke my leg - all I could do was crawl.

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why should zombies be so aware when they are fucking dead and all their senses are made of rotted biological material...it's lame.

They're not actually dead. So that helps. Think 28 Days/Weeks Later - "Infected" not rotten corpses.

if they are not actually dead they are not actually zombies.

That's why they are called infected.

And being a zombie really has nothing to do with being dead.

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What it is doing for me though' date=' it is ruining the fun game play of stealth. Now it seems like every new life, 70 to 80% of people are just running around just trying to get lucky. This use to not be the case automatically. You use to be able to run through towns with stealth and get what you need in 5 to 10 minutes, 15 at the most for some fun intensity and wild situations.


While I think the Zed AI is brilliantly done for a Alpha... ^^THIS^^

The tension used to be "can you sneak into a town and loot it without wasting ammo or possibly your life".

Now its.... too many zed, go somewhere else. Or not too many zed... just aggro all and get into a building and shoot, or run around and try and break LOS.

I like method 1 much MUCH better. Method 1 not possible anymore.

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Is there a site to download this patch directly without a torrent? Im stationed over seas and can't download torrents.

SixUpdater' date=' it says right there that if you can't use the torrent use SixUpdater.


Where does it say this at? I have no clue how to use six updater.

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why should zombies be so aware when they are fucking dead and all their senses are made of rotted biological material...it's lame.

They're not actually dead. So that helps. Think 28 Days/Weeks Later - "Infected" not rotten corpses.

if they are not actually dead they are not actually zombies.

That's why they are called infected.

And being a zombie really has nothing to do with being dead.

A zombie is a dead person who has come back to life. The people in 28 Days Later were infected with the 'rage virus', which reduces them to animalistic rage. Not once was the word 'zombie' used in those two films. DayZ is a zombie survival mod, so the 'infected' here have died and come back to life.

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why should zombies be so aware when they are fucking dead and all their senses are made of rotted biological material...it's lame.

They're not actually dead. So that helps. Think 28 Days/Weeks Later - "Infected" not rotten corpses.

if they are not actually dead they are not actually zombies.

That's why they are called infected.

And being a zombie really has nothing to do with being dead.

it has everything to do with being dead. and not just in the movies. even in old voodoo times it was the dead that would rise and be slaves. and without a back story yet, the dev team calls them zombies, not infected. that infers to me that they are indeed dead. so they should be rotting and Rigor mortis should be (eventually) be a factor.

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Is there a site to download this patch directly without a torrent? Im stationed over seas and can't download torrents.

SixUpdater' date=' it says right there that if you can't use the torrent use SixUpdater.


Where does it say this at? I have no clue how to use six updater.

Six Updater is a horrendous program imho. Click "download dayz" on the main website and just download the raw files from US or SWE mirrors.

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why should zombies be so aware when they are fucking dead and all their senses are made of rotted biological material...it's lame.

They're not actually dead. So that helps. Think 28 Days/Weeks Later - "Infected" not rotten corpses.

if they are not actually dead they are not actually zombies.

That's why they are called infected.

And being a zombie really has nothing to do with being dead.

it has everything to do with being dead. and not just in the movies. even in old voodoo times it was the dead that would rise and be slaves. and without a back story yet' date=' the dev team calls them zombies, not infected. that infers to me that they are indeed dead. so they should be rotting and Rigor mortis should be (eventually) be a factor.



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Even though I love myself a good Zombie discussion this isn't really the right place. :)

Zombies does not have to be dead. The classical ones were put in a deadlike state by drugs. But not dead. The ones before that were magical folklore and stuff.

The "zombies" in this game ARE called infected.

EDIT: The whole idea of cannibalistic zombies is a very modern concept, started by Romero.

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I am going to have to agree here. Registered just to whine but it is worth it' date=' as I love this game, been playing it since it was released.

Zeds agro way too easily now, it is at a point to where you just stop being stealthy because their is nothing you can do in most situations now. It is easy to kill them and such and hide away from them going from building to building.

What it is doing for me though, it is ruining the fun game play of stealth. Now it seems like every new life, 70 to 80% of people are just running around just trying to get lucky. This use to not be the case automatically. You use to be able to run through towns with stealth and get what you need in 5 to 10 minutes, 15 at the most for some fun intensity and wild situations.

Now if you want to do that, you have to spend at least 15 to 30 minutes in trying to be stealthy, which you have to take a lot of precaution due to Zed OP view distance and such.

Frankly, I'm not going to waste my free time to loot a small town that use to take 5 minutes most with stealth, now it takes 15 to 20 for nothing most of the time. So in-conclusion, I ruin others game play and mine by just saying 'screw it, going in, nothing i can do here.'

Zombie view distance and sound indicators should be reverted back to v1.6.0, while keeping current attack fixes etc.


I totaly dont agree here, for me Zeds feel on point. ( they could even hit harder if its for me, so you cant just stand there being triggerhappy. I mean its a survival game/mod not another pwepwe Resident Evil-Dead Rising-L4D-etc. game :D if its not hard to survive whats the point at all ?? )

Every Zed i aggrod today, i know why i did and not once was i thinking i couldnt avoid that situation.

Ever tryed to distract them with empty cans ? its fun ;)

The mod gives you so many ways for "Raid" an town/lootspot,

sneak in - shoot a few zeds in your way with silenced weapons - kill them with a melee weapon if they see you - distract them with cans - sniper them from far away - run in and break the LOS with a building - just play rambo, running in kill everything - or mix some of that ways....

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Having some sort of customization in this game would be amazing. You cannot tell the difference between friends and foes. An emblem option or something would make alot of sense. I know that's quite a bit of work, just throwing it out there.

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