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So, we killed Gooogle today.

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I'm sorry, creeper.  The group of men who were involved in this was a small group of minute men.  


Consisting of me, Michael, Kich, Mars1, and one other man who wished to remain anonymous.  


Oh, don't worry, i know who was all involved in the hunt, you will find, very little can be kept from me >=)

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It's too bad old friend, oh I came too late. I never had the chance to say goodbye, but I had respect. g000gle will live on in our hearts forever, whether this an imposter or the real guy. I just want you to know, that I love you. I deiced that I'd come out of the closet, and profess my homosexual love for you. But sadly, these fucks had to ruin it. IT COULD HAVE BEEN SOMETHING! g000gle, if you ever read this, I want to let you know. I loved you with all the passion of my heart. And sadly, Skat and his band of wolves have ruined what could have been: and what can never be.




Baby come back, any kind of fool could see
There was something in everything about you
Baby come back, you can blame it all on me
I was wrong, and I just can't live without you



My profession of love is worth the use of 24 size font and Comic Sans.  So please Inception, have a heart. You ruined what could've been so much, so much for me. Baby come back, and fool could see.

Edited by Cap'n

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Well let's enjoy the peace and quiet until the vacuum he's left is inevitably filled.


Farewell GooOgle you stupid duck.  *sniffle*



I wonder what you are all going to do or discuss now that he has passed on.


Hang your heads in shame, such a colorful and unique character should be cherished, not persecuted.




 May his singed feathers carry him peacefully and far away from Tulga to the great medic tent in the sky.

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Skat, I always thought highly of you. But this has gone too far, friend. Just know, I don't care if I need to get whitelisted, install a mod, or whatever may get in the way of me finding you. I have a proposition. Me and you. Mano-e-mano, in Cherno, hatchet versus hatchet. No hide and seek, no cover or concealment, just a manly handshake and a fight to the death. Say otherwise and I will set flames all to Chernarus, waging guerilla warfare across the land in sake of my friend. No mountain, no sea, no valley pass shall prevent me from my goal. I will find you, and I shall avenge the greatest troll to ever live and my true and only love. I bid you comfort, because no bullet proof glass or .50 caliber machine gun shall keep you safe. I may and most likely die in my pursuit, but that is okay. To know that I died fighting for a cause, for an underdog, brings me satisfaction. You have robbed me of something special, and I won't take kindly to it. Sooooo, server name pls?

Edited by Cap'n

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I liked the kind of trolling that goo0gle made (Yes I creeped your forums for some time). I'm kind of waiting for his reincarnation :).

But untill then... Rest In Pieces.

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Well, the sequel is over...who wants to bet there will be a trilogy?

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Part III : The Goo0gling. sort of like The Happening, but without Wahlberg...maybe more like The Conjuring.

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Episode V - The Quackinator

Edited by Hetstaine
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This has really got me down. Its not like my usual shitty troll attempt, I'm actually pretty saddened by this. You've killed off one of the few things keeping this community held together, and now what are you going to do? Why can't we all handle this like men and have a bare chest fist fight? That could get some of the snot and depression out of my system.

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This has really got me down. Its not like my usual shitty troll attempt, I'm actually pretty saddened by this. You've killed off one of the few things keeping this community held together, and now what are you going to do? Why can't we all handle this like men and have a bare chest fist fight? That could get some of the snot and depression out of my system.


Is that you, goo0gle?

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Skat, I always thought highly of you. But this has gone too far, friend. Just know, I don't care if I need to get whitelisted, install a mod, or whatever may get in the way of me finding you. I have a proposition. Me and you. Mano-e-mano, in Cherno, hatchet versus hatchet. No hide and seek, no cover or concealment, just a manly handshake and a fight to the death. Say otherwise and I will set flames all to Chernarus, waging guerilla warfare across the land in sake of my friend. No mountain, no sea, no valley pass shall prevent me from my goal. I will find you, and I shall avenge the greatest troll to ever live and my true and only love. I bid you comfort, because no bullet proof glass or .50 caliber machine gun shall keep you safe. I may and most likely die in my pursuit, but that is okay. To know that I died fighting for a cause, for an underdog, brings me satisfaction. You have robbed me of something special, and I won't take kindly to it. Sooooo, server name pls?


Sir, I am a man of peace.  My bandit days and killing are long behind me.  I only kill people now to defend the innocent of Chernarus.


Goo0gle was killing bambis and survivors that night.  I could not let the man go unpunished.  I had made a promise on earlier and I quote, 


"I will put aside my hero ways, for a day to find you.  I will then bloodbag you with an infected bloodbag, giving you aids.  You will then proceed to die a painful and slow death as I tie you up to my truck and allow the entire server to use you as a punching bag and using your intestines as decoration for the truck.  I will paint your name upon my car with your blood as you lay there, wishing and hoping to die while KoS repeatedly gives you purple nurples until your nipples fall onto the ground, providing food for the zombies.  Afterwards the entire server will play bumper cars and I'll use you as my front bumper.  I will repeatedly ram other cars until you puke your guts out.  
As you lie there, your last breaths, I will crap on your face.  Your body will be hung by a rope from my helicopter.  As I fly around giving blood transfusion to others and helping the poor bambis, your body will be a reminder to all.  When someone ask why I hang your body from my chopper as I disappear into the horizon, they will reply,
Because he's the hero Chernarus deserves, but not the one it needs right now...and so he hangs gooogle's body, to always remind us. Because he's not a hero. He's a silent guardian, a watchful protector...a Sloth Hero."
I loved goo0gle but his crimes could not allow him to go free. And so now my, friend, I will continue to do my duty.  Defending the innocent and protecting the weak not matter what.  
"What is a hero without love for mankind."


In the tough world of DayZ, people need someone to look to.  Someone to help them in trouble times.

"Hard times don't create heroes. It is during the hard times when the 'hero' within us is revealed."
If I truly am the Sloth Hero of Dayz, than I must prove that I am.
"Aspire rather to be a hero than merely appear one."





Edited by Skat3rat
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I liked reading his posts, he was a character and a riot.  This forum is lame without characters like him.  Am I suppose to read another Car Keys thread in the Suggestions forum until Standalone comes out next year? Zzzzz.

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I liked reading his posts, he was a character and a riot.  This forum is lame without characters like him.  Am I suppose to read another Car Keys thread in the Suggestions forum until Standalone comes out next year? Zzzzz.

Remember, he left of his own accord, we didnt make him.


I beleive he's still active at Musty.

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Remember, he left of his own accord, we didnt make him.


I beleive he's still active at Musty.

Unfortunately. Nah I kid he's not even that bad over there..

Edited by RekliSnipez
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how long until google comes back as a zombie?

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Remember, he left of his own accord, we didnt make him.


I beleive he's still active at Musty.


Yes, he is.  I saw him on the EU epoch server earlier.

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Hello there


I think we actually have enough "real" characters who actually give to the community, I'm sure we all know at least one oddball here.


I think they make the community interesting and diverse even if a little stressful at times.


I like real people. Especially when they are not normal.





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Correct, gooogle hangs around at Musty. He has even given up his <'google translation'> act and play the game.

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Hello there


I think we actually have enough "real" characters who actually give to the community, I'm sure we all know at least one oddball here.


I think they make the community interesting and diverse even if a little stressful at times.


I like real people. Especially when they are not normal.





I'm sure we'll get an influx of new and creative people into the forums.

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