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   Okay, I was at the nwaf dropping off my friend so he can get his body. Then a couple of minutes later the server restarted. My friend logged off for the night. I came across two guys saying they were friendly. They said they could give me some ammo and a ghillie suit. They dropped the items and I  started to put them in inventory. After i was done, one of them shot me.

Lesson learn, don't trust a friendly. Sorry about the way i wrote this, New to forums.

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The people who shot you are not "friendlies". Once one shoots another, they are no longer classed as a "friendly". 

So yes, you can trust friendly people, for they are friendly.

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The people who shot you are not "friendlies". Once one shoots another, they are no longer classed as a "friendly". 

So yes, you can trust friendly people, for they are friendly.

That makes too much sense. Friendlies are bad.

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yep. all friendlies are actually bandits, you got us. there is no good in this world.

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If you meet me in game, you'd better play your fucking cards right, cause'if I think you're a hinderance, I'll fucking kill you

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Honestly, this is the part of the game that I don't like. The ability to trust people is not there. I'm not sure how it was when the game first came out, but I've heard it's better then it is now.

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Honestly, this is the part of the game that I don't like. The ability to trust people is not there. I'm not sure how it was when the game first came out, but I've heard it's better then it is now.



i've always seen this stuff going on..but also real friendlies..

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If I can see the player is a bandit, I won't even try to communicate. They usually almost always have better gear and weapons than me, so I won't take one on straight up. You wouldn't believe how impatient a lot of bandits are though. I started playing yesterday and already my bandit kill count is in the double digits. Flanking works like a charm if they aren't skilled and usually I can hole up in a building and wait for them to give in and come rushing in and kill them. You may call that cheap or being a pussy, but uh, if you want to have a straight up firefight using your Makarov against a bandit who has a Lee Enfield, LMG or any other military grade weapons, then have fun respawning on the coast.


Anyone else, I will give the benefit of the doubt as long as they don't seem too shady. I won't ever expose myself though, but I will communicate with them and see if they might be up for a trade or something.

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They were both using camo suits so is was hard to tell.

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Have to be a pretty dumb friendly to give a stranger ammo on the first meeting.

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They call out friendly, they drop ammo and a ghillie for you and then they shoot you?


Something ain't right with that?  Are you sure you didn't point your weapon at them or something?

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I've done some quick calculations with my TI-84 here and according to your theory:


Things we know:

Bandits = Not Friendly

Survivors = Neutral (unless stated otherwise by individual survivor)

Heroes = Friendly (unless shot at)


Things you are telling us:

Bandit = Not Friendly

Survivor = Not Friendly

Hero = Not Friendly



Bandit = Hero

Which means Bandits are friendly medics.

And Heroes are murdering scum.


Mind = Blown.

Edited by mullraugh
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No... They shot me 10 times and plus i dropped my gun sidearm.

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It's a trick bandits use to gain trust.

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Yeah they weren't bandits IMO either, you had nothing yet they shot you so their just trolls with guns. 

But, you rolled the dice and lost that round but not every games the same.

Have a little faith and don't take a gamble when you have more than your willing to lose.

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This ruins the game. If nobody trusts friendlies then how do we distinct and organize the true friendly gamers from the roughneck 11-year old, Ak-toten assholes stick one in yah on sight?

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My "favorite" part is, when I am trying to be friendly, hand out some food or whatnot and get shot.

Then I ask "WHY?"

Reply: "I did not trust you enough".

Yeah, ok, but you could have just left or something.

This by holstering my gun, doing the A-D dance and placing the things right on the ground, not even going near their backpack...

Now that can be annoying, but that's life in a nutshell.

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That was a group of players, you had one reason less to trust them just for that.



This ruins the game. If nobody trusts friendlies then how do we distinct and organize the true friendly gamers from the roughneck 11-year old, Ak-toten assholes stick one in yah on sight?


I think something should be changed in how bandits get marked with the bandit skin. Many players don't get marked, it should be made easier. Someone think this is just a player vs player game, but it isn't so.

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yesterday i've been friendly to a guy in elektro..we looted the town together and split after a while, i found a mp5sd and he got a pistol after a bit.. this doesn't mean that i did trust him for more than 0 seconds and that my heart didn't race for a moment after he came back armed..there's friendly and friendly

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   Okay, I was at the nwaf.....


I stopped reading there. Sorry. I could see it coming. 


Friendly's exist. I'm one of them. They're out there. Don't give up hope.


That being said, trying to spontaneously find friendly players at NWAF is like walking into a dark alley and expecting to find a Girl Scout handing out samples.


It just... won't... happen.

Edited by DrScandalous

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Lol I agree with Dr. Scandalous on this one; HOWEVER I was caught extremely off-guard today when my friend (wearing camo and carrying a large backpack, an M4 CCO and a camo M24 on his back) and I (wearing a ghillie suit and carrying an M14 AIM and a large backpack) were sneaking through the barracks at NWAF today and suddenly got aggro'd by a zombie that we didn't see in the nook of a building to the left of the barracks. My friend was the one who was aggro'd and so he ran off, trying to lose the Zed while I looted the barracks. He ran back by me after I grabbed what was important and we proceeded to move to another barracks building when another guy in a ghillie comes sprinting around the side of the building and lays in an external corner beside the door with a trail of 4 Zeds on his tail. He bandages while the Zeds look for him and stops running long enough to type "friendly" as my friend and I are aiming at him. We said ok and watched him get up and run off to try and lose them as we ran the other way to try and lose the last Zed that was interested in us...


Guy in a ghillie at NWAF who DIDN'T try and snipe me and actually said "friendly"?! Mind=blown. Lol

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welcome to Dayz, where now there are 500+ vehicles and spawn with a gun, eveyones a bandit, and plays it like COD

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