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no Side chat = Community Growth will be damaged

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you should be able to enable or disable side chat on the client. so if I want to see all that blue text scrolling I can make that decision on my own. Shouldn't be a server level setting.

tbh, the game feels a bit sterile without it.

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Question: do server admins have another way (besides global channel) to chat with players, and vice versa? If not, how are players and server admins supposed to initiate communication with each other?

Sorry if this was answered earlier in the thread, but I wasn't able to wade through all the name calling and abuse.

For what its worth, I always support giving players a choice over forcing one play style preference onto all players - as long as my choice doesn't adversely affect your experience.

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I would also like the side chat to be put back, i love dayz and the concept, but at the end of the day it IS a game. there are servers that didnt have side chat enabled, thats fine.

i use to love chatting on UK6 server, by far a friendly bunch, but now... now the game is just blah to me. i dont understand any reasoning for removing it,

"oh its to create realistic experiance", yeah coz morphine fixes bones, bandages stops bleeding, painkillers stops shakes, need i go on?

I dont think i can play this mod anymore without the "friendly?!", without communicating, having a laugh, with other people, was part of the fun, it always is, games are a social experiance too.

I strongly think that this mod should add side channel back in.

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i would like to interject here that day z is not a game, it is an experiment designed to invoke emotions in the players. to that end, i think this thread, and most threads on the forums for that matter, prove that rocket has been extremely successful in his goal. a lot of people would be very well served by reading some of the interviews rocket has given, especially before purchasing arma 2 for the day z alpha mod. here's a couple links to interviews:




also, i'm still waiting to hear from daish as to why the "I make this the way I enjoy it. Nobody is forcing you to play it." mentality and design goal is "stupid".

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Those that dont want side chat give them the option to turn it off.

Too boring without it when playing solo.

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See this is where you fail. This is not a game. This is based of Arma2 which is a PC simulator. I think this "simulator" may be to involved for you. I suggest Left 4 Dead for you. You sir have been educated.

Mate sidechats been locked out for ages (AFAIK?)

And it should be' date=' cos you know if your bleeding in a ditch you can't telepathically ask some guy halfway across the map to come help you, you'll die in the ditch.



your playing a video game its not real life

do you want your character to sit there for 35% of your play time sleeping and sit there watching your character have to sleep as well?

people like you have no idea how to make games

Those that dont want side chat give them the option to turn it off.

Too boring without it when playing solo.

Seriously play the PC simulator or go join yahoo chat and talk to 14 year old girls. I don't need to hear a bunch of noob 16 year old talk about flares for 30mins,

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The ideal would be to have radios that work as channels.

Like "Short range radios" that are like an increased range local chat so you can say "Going in town X".

And Long range radios that would be "Global channel".

Right now, newbies just can't ask the vital original questions. How many people realised they needed someone else just to have a transfusion for example? Still in alpha, Side chat should have stayed.

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i would like to interject here that day z is not a game' date=' it is an experiment designed to invoke emotions in the players. to that end, i think this thread, and most threads on the forums for that matter, prove that rocket has been extremely successful in his goal. a lot of people would be very well served by reading some of the interviews rocket has given, especially before purchasing arma 2 for the day z alpha mod. here's a couple links to interviews:




also, i'm still waiting to hear from daish as to why the "I make this the way I enjoy it. Nobody is forcing you to play it." mentality and design goal is "stupid".


what are you talking about its the same as VET and Crosshair servers currently

you can choose where you play 1 server is not going to have any advantage over another server

its easier for players to kill you on a crosshair server and easier for players to detect you on a crosshair server

its harder for players to kill you on a non crosshair server and harder for players to detect you

having chat enabled is not going to make 1 server more worth playing on then the other its personal choice

your a tool if you think if there is a option for a general chat it will force people who dont want to use it to play on those severs for a bonus

the only thing its going to do is force people who dont like chat onto servers with chat because the servers without chat are going to be #@$@ing empty because most players want to beable to communicate with others when playing a ONLINE game

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i would like to interject here that day z is not a game' date=' it is an experiment designed to invoke emotions in the players. to that end, i think this thread, and most threads on the forums for that matter, prove that rocket has been extremely successful in his goal. a lot of people would be very well served by reading some of the interviews rocket has given, especially before purchasing arma 2 for the day z alpha mod. here's a couple links to interviews:




also, i'm still waiting to hear from daish as to why the "I make this the way I enjoy it. Nobody is forcing you to play it." mentality and design goal is "stupid".


what are you talking about its the same as VET and Crosshair servers currently

you can choose where you play 1 server is not going to have any advantage over another server

its easier for players to kill you on a crosshair server and easier for players to detect you on a crosshair server

its harder for players to kill you on a non crosshair server and harder for players to detect you

having chat enabled is not going to make 1 server more worth playing on then the other its personal choice

your a tool if you think if there is a option for a general chat it will force people who dont want to use it to play on those severs for a bonus

the only thing its going to do is force people who dont like chat onto servers with chat because the servers without chat are going to be #@$@ing empty because most players want to beable to communicate with others when playing a ONLINE game

umm... what? well i guess to respond to this post even though it does not address my question to you in the least...

there used to be a "rocket said" thread that compiled a bunch of quotes by him, and if i recall correctly one of those quotes was him saying that he was eventually going to standardize the difficulty across all servers to get rid of the vet, expert, etc variations.

my post was specifically addressing your accusation that someone making a free mod in their spare time would be stupid for developing it with an "I make this the way I enjoy it. Nobody is forcing you to play it." mentality and design goal.

thanks for calling me a tool though, it adds a lot to any reasoned debate or discussion. and again, read the interviews, it's not being developed as a game so much as an experiment to invoke emotions in players.

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See this is where you fail. This is not a game. This is based of Arma2 which is a PC simulator. I think this "simulator" may be to involved for you. I suggest Left 4 Dead for you. You sir have been educated.

I love simulators but you have to admit DayZ can never really be a pure simulator. How can you simulate something (a zombie apocalypse) that has never happened and will never happen? :P I don't think morphine instantly cures broken bones in real life either, so much for the "simulator".

You don't have to pick one or the other either. I enjoy Left4Dead2 and Battlefield3, but I also enjoy DayZ and IL-2 Sturmovik. They are just good in different ways.

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See this is where you fail. This is not a game. This is based of Arma2 which is a PC simulator. I think this "simulator" may be to involved for you. I suggest Left 4 Dead for you. You sir have been educated.

I love simulators but you have to admit DayZ can never really be a pure simulator. How can you simulate something (a zombie apocalypse) that has never happened and will never happen? :P I don't think morphine instantly cures broken bones in real life either' date=' so much for the "simulator".

You don't have to pick one or the other either. I enjoy Left4Dead2 and Battlefield3, but I also enjoy DayZ and IL-2 Sturmovik. They are just good in different ways.


well the "zombie" apocalypse thing isn't too far fetched as rocket has said these are infected living people and consulted with his brother who's some sort of virologist or something in the new zealand government on modelling the infection. plus there's things like rabies already out there. but yeah, morphine curing fractures is pretty unrealistic.

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in the end, we're supposed to have fun while playing day z, I personally feel that the game has a lot more to offer with global chat available because it allows for more teamplay, i dont have any friends who play day z and i rely on thr people that i meet on the servers, it's a lot easier to team up when you can chat to someone. some sort of mute options should be available for those who dont wish to use it ofc.

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I started playing again yesterday after a 2 week break from Dayz. I must admit that I'm really missing the sidechat, although not having one adds to the immersion.

Maybe introduce the radio-mechanic if it's possible. I would like to have it back.

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in the end' date=' we're supposed to have fun while playing day z


No. In the end, you are supposed to succumb to whatever the whims of the developer of the mod thinks of. If you don't like, go find another game.

And stop whining about how hard it is to find someone in game. Go to the forums, write a thread "lfg on US45", setup a vent, and take it from there.

My bud picked up some random people from Reddit and OT, is it really that hard for you to pick up some people from somewhere else?

Personally, I am tired of reading all the dumb Side Chat commentaries on the crapiness of the current alpha version and how a bandit just took their favorite box of matches.

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i would like to interject here that day z is not a game' date=' it is an experiment designed to invoke emotions in the players. to that end, i think this thread, and most threads on the forums for that matter, prove that rocket has been extremely successful in his goal. a lot of people would be very well served by reading some of the interviews rocket has given, especially before purchasing arma 2 for the day z alpha mod. here's a couple links to interviews:




also, i'm still waiting to hear from daish as to why the "I make this the way I enjoy it. Nobody is forcing you to play it." mentality and design goal is "stupid".


what are you talking about its the same as VET and Crosshair servers currently

you can choose where you play 1 server is not going to have any advantage over another server

its easier for players to kill you on a crosshair server and easier for players to detect you on a crosshair server

its harder for players to kill you on a non crosshair server and harder for players to detect you

having chat enabled is not going to make 1 server more worth playing on then the other its personal choice

your a tool if you think if there is a option for a general chat it will force people who dont want to use it to play on those severs for a bonus

the only thing its going to do is force people who dont like chat onto servers with chat because the servers without chat are going to be #@$@ing empty because most players want to beable to communicate with others when playing a ONLINE game

umm... what? well i guess to respond to this post even though it does not address my question to you in the least...

there used to be a "rocket said" thread that compiled a bunch of quotes by him, and if i recall correctly one of those quotes was him saying that he was eventually going to standardize the difficulty across all servers to get rid of the vet, expert, etc variations.

my post was specifically addressing your accusation that someone making a free mod in their spare time would be stupid for developing it with an "I make this the way I enjoy it. Nobody is forcing you to play it." mentality and design goal.

thanks for calling me a tool though, it adds a lot to any reasoned debate or discussion. and again, read the interviews, it's not being developed as a game so much as an experiment to invoke emotions in players.

i dont know anything about rocket but hes wrong if he thinks that and will have to change that way of thinking unless he wants his mod to die

choice = good

your retard logic = bad

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I started playing again yesterday after a 2 week break from Dayz. I must admit that I'm really missing the sidechat' date=' although not having one adds to the immersion.

Maybe introduce the radio-mechanic if it's possible. I would like to have it back.


One of the main reasons I miss chat is that it was one of the few tools that gave survivors a chance to group up and allowed me to help out new players with the game.

To me it feels like pulling global chat is another hit against survivors as they have lost one of their last tools vs bandits. Now bandits have absolutely everything they need to prey on other players and the ONLY recourse for survivors nowdays is to shoot on sight... which basically makes you a bandit.

What's the risk of banditry now?

The risk of trying to play a survivor has skyrocketed with no perks to compensate. And now I can't even chat with new players to try and give them a hand anymore.

I am not a fan of the latest chat changes.

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I started playing again yesterday after a 2 week break from Dayz. I must admit that I'm really missing the sidechat' date=' although not having one adds to the immersion.

Maybe introduce the radio-mechanic if it's possible. I would like to have it back.


One of the main reasons I miss chat is that it was one of the few tools that gave survivors a chance to group up and allowed me to help out new players with the game.

To me it feels like pulling global chat is another hit against survivors as they have lost one of their last tools vs bandits. Now bandits have absolutely everything they need to prey on other players and the ONLY recourse for survivors nowdays is to shoot on sight... which basically makes you a bandit.

What's the risk of banditry now?

The risk of trying to play a survivor has skyrocketed with no perks to compensate. And now I can't even chat with new players to try and give them a hand anymore.

I am not a fan of the latest chat changes.

There doesnt need to be a risk nor does there need to be any advantages to survivors. Its all about surviving and killing the threat before they kill you.

If you group up with someone that is a bonus in itself.

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i would like to interject here that day z is not a game' date=' it is an experiment designed to invoke emotions in the players. to that end, i think this thread, and most threads on the forums for that matter, prove that rocket has been extremely successful in his goal. a lot of people would be very well served by reading some of the interviews rocket has given, especially before purchasing arma 2 for the day z alpha mod. here's a couple links to interviews:




also, i'm still waiting to hear from daish as to why the "I make this the way I enjoy it. Nobody is forcing you to play it." mentality and design goal is "stupid".


what are you talking about its the same as VET and Crosshair servers currently

you can choose where you play 1 server is not going to have any advantage over another server

its easier for players to kill you on a crosshair server and easier for players to detect you on a crosshair server

its harder for players to kill you on a non crosshair server and harder for players to detect you

having chat enabled is not going to make 1 server more worth playing on then the other its personal choice

your a tool if you think if there is a option for a general chat it will force people who dont want to use it to play on those severs for a bonus

the only thing its going to do is force people who dont like chat onto servers with chat because the servers without chat are going to be #@$@ing empty because most players want to beable to communicate with others when playing a ONLINE game

umm... what? well i guess to respond to this post even though it does not address my question to you in the least...

there used to be a "rocket said" thread that compiled a bunch of quotes by him, and if i recall correctly one of those quotes was him saying that he was eventually going to standardize the difficulty across all servers to get rid of the vet, expert, etc variations.

my post was specifically addressing your accusation that someone making a free mod in their spare time would be stupid for developing it with an "I make this the way I enjoy it. Nobody is forcing you to play it." mentality and design goal.

thanks for calling me a tool though, it adds a lot to any reasoned debate or discussion. and again, read the interviews, it's not being developed as a game so much as an experiment to invoke emotions in players.

i dont know anything about rocket but hes wrong if he thinks that and will have to change that way of thinking unless he wants his mod to die

choice = good

your retard logic = bad

i would just like to sincerely thank you for calling me a retard and a tool. you are an upstanding member of this community.

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Wait' date=' this isn't Daish the troll from the SC2 forums, is it?


there is only 1 Daish

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This game/mod just seems to be getting WORSE and WORSE with each build. I started playing this after seeing a review on a gaming show on TV and at that stage it was at build The people that reviewed the game raved on about it and said how much they loved it and wanted to come back and play it time and time again.

Well after i played it i felt exactly the same. I stayed up and did a couple of all nighters, crawling around etc trying to find gear and SURVIVE. Then they bought out build and well it all started truning to SHIT.

Couldnt play, kept getting disconnected etc etc, Then the food wasnt spawning (and drink). Now it feels like there are no weapons spawning. After 3 hours of play tonight i think i found one weapon, a crossbow. Now this wouldnt normally bother me cos i could ask my fellow players if they could help or knew what was going on. Well now i cant.

What was once a great game where MOST people helped each other out, its now turned into a free for all death match as there is now more communication. Its CRAP. Yeah sure its more realistsic but instead of crawling around trying to find weapons and food and avoiding zombies, Im finding myself sprinting everywhere as i DONT care about zombies anymore. I only care about other players shooting me.

This game became popular for a reason and with each build you are taking those reasons away. If people want it to be more realistic then build it into your difficuly levles.

Never take away what made this game popular or people will never play it again. Im pretty much over it now as i feel the game has been ruined. Its quite sad as i had heaps of fun with previous builds and it feels that with each build it gets worse (apart from the hatchet :))

I remember people saying that in the NZ servers the game was so much more fun to play because of side chat. People helped each other out etc. Well dont ruin what could be a great game/mod and LISSTEN to the people. Not the morons lol

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Still think direct comms being only 80m is a nuisance without side chat. And nothing will ever change my mind on that. Call me stubborn, but putting myself in a vulnerable position just to try and confirm a friendly isn't going to likely happen.

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