Soupee 57 Posted July 30, 2013 (edited) Face it. This game had to ship one year ago when everyone was still playing it. Now literally no one really cares about it anymore and the only reason it is still beeing played by a small amount of people is that there are a few dedicated modders around that keep on developing the mod and keep it alive. If these people wheren't around, DayZ would be as populair as Kim Jung Il. I do understand that it takes time but you can't take forever, and if you do take a lot of time, at least show the community something about the progress. If you can't show any progress or don't care about informing the community about it you have probably nothing to show/talk about at all. I suspect you're just trolling, but if not you're a complete dolt. Had BI repackaged the mod and "shipped" it out to folks you'd likely be playing nothing better than what the vanilla mod is today with the possibility of less available content depending on how BI would support other mods. But it would be "DayZ Standalone" so you'd have some big-ole wood for it? What Rocket was originally talking about and what the SA is now evolving into are to entirely different things. This clamoring for a game and a game NOW, is a bit nutso. I play and have only played straight up vanilla DayZ... and 99% on public hives. I haven't cracked the world of DayZ Mod mods... and I don't plan on it either. I have played this game for hours per day for days on end and I've not played the game at all for days on end. It's not the end of the world if you simply walk away from a game. If DayZ and DayZ Standalone are so dead and "no one really cares about it anymore" then why are you on here bemoaning that there's no SA? There's still plenty of fire for this game, plenty of people genuinely interested in how it ends up turning out, and plenty of people that would purchase it later this afternoon, or this Christmas, or next Thanksgiving. Original DotA mod - 2003 DotA 2 (standalone) - 2013Do I think it will take ten years for BI to release the DayZ standalone? No, but what if it does? Should I take that personally? You guys act like the only way to cope with the fact that the SA isn't able to be played by the public (as is) is to pay for it and THEN not be able to play it as is. Come on. Edited July 30, 2013 by Soupee 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sabre05 351 Posted July 30, 2013 Did I say he gave a release date? No, i did not. The guy above said this date was fore a milestone and not a release and in this video he CLEARLY states otherwise. They have a date internally. Again, I know there is no release date, thats no what im saying. Please read more carefully. So you know there is not a release date from what Dean said in this post yet, you ask him if there is an internal date as he previously stated? Seems like an illogical thing to say, he previously may have had an intended release date (he has had many) but there aren't any any-more. Things change. A lot. Being quizzical about statements from months ago as opposed to a statement from 2 days ago is illogical in my mind. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sutinen 635 Posted July 30, 2013 This looks like a normal thread on the announcement section. Nothing to see here. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gummy52 57 Posted July 30, 2013 (edited) Weapons are also a complete overhaul, and require a great deal of work. In fact, currently I've gone back and been removing all our new weapons and just focusing on the new M4 we have with it's attachments, because the new system is such a great change we need to standardize the way we deal with the new weapons and iron out issues before adding others. This reminds me of 'back in the days' when you were developing on the mod and you were focusing on implementing dogs while artifacts and bugs were still prevalent. It's been a month since I first heard about your works with a M4 attachment system. Kudos, but to me it seems like you're taking six steps forwards before finishing what already exists. Programming weapons to be object oriented instead of referenced as a string is a no brainier and I'm glad your team has done that. However, I still have to assert that your goals are misguided. Rewriting the server / client communication framework, revising the map & buildings, implementing real pathfinding for zombies and fixing bugs are solid goals that I can agree with. However, I've heavily disagreed with your art decisions since the first 'devblog' video that showcased gradient buttons with arial font. Several months later, at E3, you guys were still using that same "programmer art". If you have a lot of programmers then change the programming. If you don't have a lot of artists, then don't change the art. If your desires for the future of the game require new art then model the programming to support expansion and implement upgrades later down the road after the game is generating revenue to support hiring more artists. Those are my opinions on how you should have gone about developing this game. Edited August 1, 2013 by gummy52 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SalamanderAnder (DayZ) 1747 Posted July 30, 2013 (edited) This reminds me of 'back in the days' when you were developing on the mod and you were focusing on implementing dogs while artifacts and bugs were still prevalent. It's been a month since I first heard about your works with a M4 attachment system. Kudos, but to me it seems like you're taking six steps forwards before finishing what already exists. Programming weapons to be object oriented instead of referenced as a string is a no brainier and I'm glad your team has done that. However, I still have to assert that your goals are misguided. Rewriting the server / client communication framework, revising the map & buildings, implementing real pathfinding for zombies and fixing bugs are solid goals that I can agree with. However, I've heavily disagreed with your art decisions since the first 'devblog' video that showcased gradient buttons with arial font. Several months later, at E3, you guys were still using that same "programmer art". If all you have a lot of programmers then change the programming. If you don't have a lot of artists, then don't change the art. If your desires for the future of the game require new art then model the programming to support expansion and implement upgrades later down the road after the game is generating revenue to support hiring more artists. Those are my opinions on how you should have gone about developing this game. The game needs both programming and art, like all games. So basically you're saying "don't add new features now, release the game and then add the new features"? Why? Do you know that old saying "You don't get a second chance to make a first impression?" Well that's a perfect example of what we have right now. DayZ needs to make a good first impression if it's going to keep and gain support along the way. It has to be something people play and go "Yeah, that feels like a game of it's own. I want to see more!" If they just stop implementing new material, then the standalone will be just as limited as the mod. People would whine and complain that it's not any different, that Dean Hall is full of shit, ect., ect. They've already started making these new developments. To stop developing them and release now would be sheer stupidity. Edited July 30, 2013 by SalamanderAnder 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bubbajones 238 Posted July 30, 2013 (edited) First of all I did not say that you cannot read or such. I asked if you ever read before attempting to respond something.. Secondly, if what you understood from my text led you to write this as a response; Then you are wrong. The problem is not my grammar nor your skills of reading english. It is your brain that needs to be fixed. You'd wish your english would be the problem.. But if you could read my text "just fine" then you would easily understand that what you wrote is by no way connected to what I wrote/stated. Yet you failed to understand any point of my statement and kept saying "Whitelisters.. Angels.. Flying pigs..." Its not that hard to understand why you cba to give proper responses just looking at your profile picture tho.. Regarding which^ and that I do not have any more patience to keep getting along with your BS's, I'd advice you to stop this fail attempt of trolling. And if you would insist that what you were doing was not meant to be trolling and you gave attention reading the posts here, then you should better see a doctor. Just my 2 cents (IMO) ThanksRegards First and foremost, i said i can read English just fine. Your text was not in English; at least coherent English. so no, I do not understand what you mean - except the part where you say "it is your brain that needs to be fixed" and "you should see a doctor" Your responses to having your statements challenged is to insult and declare the person retarded. Excluding porn, debating over games on forums is the reason for the internet. When i see an opinion, i disagree with, i try to respond with thoughtful arguments, philosophies, ideas, and solutions. You s dismiss differing opinions as insanity or brain trauma. Secondly, based on your methods of debate, i'm going to assume your balls haven't dropped yet and you still sing soprano so, just so you know, mine have and i have seen enough shit in the world in my years to know what i am talking about and express them clearly instead of leaking verbal diarrhea and brain farts of how i think it should be. Most of my posts on this forum have been well received; i don't speak unless i have something to say. if i am insane - most of us are. Lastly, "Angels.. Flying pigs..."??? What version of google translate are you using? P.S. i am done with you and your 2 cents. i have a world to dominate and no time for dingle berries. Edited July 30, 2013 by Bubbajones Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bubbajones 238 Posted July 30, 2013 And who made you the authority on humanity? What is a government if not human beings? It's not an artificial intelligence. I could say: Come the apocalypse the "I'm alright, fuck you" mentality would go out the window, along with the people who think like that, so good luck. But why bother, it's only make believe, and our lovely 'governments' will do us in first, long before anything as fanciful as a zombie apocalypse :rolleyes: There won't be a government in an apocalypse... it has been shown repeatedly in even modern history - take away authority and morality dwindles. There are enough works of literature, film, and news archives to agree with me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Recalibar 28 Posted July 30, 2013 (edited) There won't be a government in an apocalypse... it has been shown repeatedly in even modern history - take away authority and morality dwindles. There are enough works of literature, film, and news archives to agree with me. He's talking about nuclear war/bioterrorism/holocaust etc (all of which have a much greater chance of being organized by a government) causing apocolypse rather than a zombie outbreak doing it. Another system of government after the fact would actually be likely.* *Edit: Reread the previous post. My apologies. Edited July 30, 2013 by Recalibar Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bubbajones 238 Posted July 30, 2013 (edited) He's talking about nuclear war/bioterrorism/holocaust etc (all of which have a much greater chance of being organized by a government) causing apocolypse rather than a zombie outbreak doing it. Another system of government after the fact would actually be likely.* *Edit: Reread the previous post. My apologies. Regardless of the origin of the apocalypse, you're right, there will be no government and no mass media systems to tell people what is right or wrong. what is left of the government will be hiding in a bunker 2 miles below the surface and try to maintain an order that can't be maintained if they can't do the 3 things they exist for: protection, food, shelter (think Fallout 3.) Survivors will group together, led by those who can defend them and their interests from roving bands of bandits who feel taking is easier than working. they will have to defend and kill to live. Pacifists will die at the first conflict unless they can isolate themselves from the rest of the survivors on an island or something. In all my posts in this thread, the only point i am making is that in the face of a global apocalypse, be it war, disease, or asteroid, without the current constraints humans have built for themselves with modern government and media, it will be medieval times - and i'm sure you have read how that was. edit: i posted this before your edit. its all good! Edited July 30, 2013 by Bubbajones 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Recalibar 28 Posted July 30, 2013 Regardless of the origin of the apocalypse, you're right, there will be no government and no mass media systems to tell people what is right or wrong. what is left of the government will be hiding in a bunker 2 miles below the surface and try to maintain an order that can't be maintained if they can't do the 3 things they exist for: protection, food, shelter (think Fallout 3.) Survivors will group together, led by those who can defend them and their interests from roving bands of bandits who feel taking is easier than working. they will have to defend and kill to live. Pacifists will die at the first conflict unless they can isolate themselves from the rest of the survivors on an island or something. In all my posts in this thread, the only point i am making is that in the face of a global apocalypse, be it war, disease, or asteroid, without the current constraints humans have built for themselves with modern government and media, it will be medieval times - and i'm sure you have read how that was. edit: i posted this before your edit. its all good! *nods. Alright, back to topic; who else has been refreshing the dev blog obsessively since this topic opened? Also, maybe we should start an opinion poll to find out just how many people want the alpha now, I'm genuinely curious. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rekli 995 Posted July 30, 2013 There won't be a government in an apocalypse... it has been shown repeatedly in even modern history - take away authority and morality dwindles. There are enough works of literature, film, and news archives to agree with me.where there are humans there will ALWAYS be some form of government it may be primitive but it will be a government it might be feudal hell it might even be tribal there will still be a government 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Recalibar 28 Posted July 30, 2013 where there are humans there will ALWAYS be some form of government it may be primitive but it will be a government it might be feudal hell it might even be tribal there will still be a government All defines how you define a government. A system of organization or a structure of power. My opinion, the only true democracy consists of two people, and most of the time when I'm playing the mod, when I'm playing with more than one other person, the "Everyone has a fair say" structure really breaks down. I find that a group of 2 is about optimal when it comes to organization and survival. If you and your buddy dissagree, there's always going to be some solution where you're both organized. Where groups of more than two work, there's almost always some sort of leader figure making calls that carry more weight- else the group typically falls apart. The problem becomes worse with more people. This is all from personal experience playing the mod, however, and my findings may not align with some other playing styles out there. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CapricornOne (DayZ) 379 Posted July 30, 2013 Also, maybe we should start an opinion poll to find out just how many people want the alpha now, I'm genuinely curious. No point, it's common knowledge that the zombie hype is sooo last year :rolleyes: 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rekli 995 Posted July 30, 2013 (edited) All defines how you define a government. A system of organization or a structure of power. My opinion, the only true democracy consists of two people, and most of the time when I'm playing the mod, when I'm playing with more than one other person, the "Everyone has a fair say" structure really breaks down.democracy is kind of government but not the only that's sort of why I mention the feudal system and tribal systems. towns and bands of survivors will form and there will be somebody 'ruling' over this band/town of survivors."fair say" applies to neither of these forms of government. Edited July 30, 2013 by RekliSnipez 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DemonGroover 8836 Posted July 30, 2013 Isn't there a thread on the discussion about a "real" apocalypse? Oh, yes here it is: We seem to have gotten off track. This is about devblogs...i think. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Recalibar 28 Posted July 30, 2013 (edited) Isn't there a thread on the discussion about a "real" apocalypse? Oh, yes here it is: We seem to have gotten off track. This is about devblogs...i think. No, we're talking about Hitler and the Nazi Regime. In the meantime, I'm still obsessively clicking the refesh button on my browser on the devblog page. Edited July 30, 2013 by Recalibar Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dgeesio 1034 Posted July 30, 2013 i can benchpress 323lbs 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wolfensteinsaurus 2252 Posted July 30, 2013 (edited) No, we're talking about Hitler and the Nazi Regime.'s_lawIn the meantime, I'm still obsessively clicking the refesh button on my browser on the devblog page.OH FOR FUCK SAKE! CAN I AT LEAST READ A DEVBLOG WITHOUT BEING REMIMDED THAT EVERYONE THINKS IM A NAZI?!Ahem...other topics..I will tolerate it...But I just wanna read about the devblog... Edited July 30, 2013 by Wolfensteinsaurus 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sabre05 351 Posted July 30, 2013 OH FOR FUCK SAKE! CAN I AT LEAST READ A DEVBLOG WITHOUT BEING REMIMDED THAT EVERYONE THINKS IM A NAZI?!Ahem...other topics..I will tolerate it...But I just wanna read about the devblog... I bet when you saw that you slammed your hand on the table and screamed "NEIN NEIN NEIN" 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wolfensteinsaurus 2252 Posted July 30, 2013 (edited) I bet when you saw that you slammed your hand on the table and screamed "NEIN NEIN NEIN"Well, this is quite embarresing...I actually did...Ok on to the devblog... Edited July 30, 2013 by Wolfensteinsaurus 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bubbajones 238 Posted July 30, 2013 Isn't there a thread on the discussion about a "real" apocalypse? Oh, yes here it is: We seem to have gotten off track. This is about devblogs...i think. actually, other than my participation in derailing the thread, the topic is about the lack of devblogs. As much as i would like sneak peaks and tidbits of info, i have faith in BI and Rocket to give us a decent alpha, trust them to listen to our input, and will find other things to do in the meantime. This witch hunt to throw quotes, paraphrase, and insinuate what Rocket said (or meant) is getting old and quite tiring. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skryze 0 Posted July 31, 2013 (edited) Why is this displayed at the home page? Edited July 31, 2013 by skryze Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
djshauny1 222 Posted July 31, 2013 Im playing the standalone with rocket right now. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Uncle Zed 272 Posted July 31, 2013 So why are you posting here if you are not PUMPED AS HELL FOR THE BEST GAME IN YOU LIFE TIME ???I'm pumped up for the Standalone release, not the Alpha. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OrLoK 16191 Posted July 31, 2013 Why is this displayed at the home page?it's very out of date... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites