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Building my first camp/stash

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I've been playing for about 7 months now and have decided to try the whole loot hoarding thing to keep me busy. It seems like a lot of work but with after finding an mk48mod0 with no ammo while carrying an m4cco and m24 I was disappointed at having to leave it behind (after burying it with the pilot of course).

Being an economist, I'd like to know if anyone has any tips on what is the most efficient method for going about building a camp.

I'm on my first public hive character, so I guess figuring out which server to build it on is important, as well as the on map location.



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Im not the hoarding type but i have one tip.. dont use tents, they stick out and you will get robbed.


Use an ATV, park it downhill towards a pinetree it will eventually slide into the tree making it almost invisible, you can have 50 items and 10 guns in it.

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Okay it depends what vehicle you are driving i like to hide mine at Black forest, Me and two mates hid a Camo Ural fully packed with guns for like a month and a half(Server got really bad,Glitching) Try and park it in as much trees as you can  :thumbsup:

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I am currently traveling on foot...

Then find a car :D

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I was thinking about utilizing the new stash system. I think that would be easier to hide than a car or tent. And I could hide it in the middle of things and it wouldn't be so obvious or far away from everything

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Good luck finding those amounts of sandbags legit, though.


2 sandbags = only 1 weaponslot

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I have yet to find a single sandbag or etool. I wanted to make stashes, but no can do without tools. I have run into an ATV though. Shoulda stolen it, but then it would've angered the original owner. :)

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tents are the best if you place them right. i have 4-5 tents spread across multiple servers and only one has been found...and that is because my friend put his right next to mine except his was sticking out in plain view >.<

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So what you're saying is that I shouldn't have left that pair of sandbags I found at balota...

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Tents are shit. If people turn their graphics down, you only have to be 100 metres out to spot them easily in trees.

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My Tips:


Use whatever you want for storage (i.e. Tent, Stash, Vehicle), it's up to you, just hide it well.


Don't both with the whole "mass camp" idea. While it looks badass to come into a clearing and see a handfull of tents in a nice clean circle, it's going to get found in no time. When I make camps, I put no more than 2 tents in the immediate area. On my main server I have multiple camps all across the map.


Equally divide your loot. Don't put 5 NVs and 5 RFs in a tent, then all your guns in another.


If you suspect someone is discretely dipping into one of your tents, move the loot and destroy the camp.


Refrain from driving right up to your camp, as dust can be seen from a long distance.


Don't place a tent somewhere obvious, keep it random. 


When you find a suitable spot, search all around your location looking for tents placed by other players.


Good luck,

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Sad to say, it might be close to impossible to do alone, due to infection.  Even with a partner providing  "gear watch" while one succumbs to infection and respawns, we gave up pretty quickly.  Couldn't tolerate the infection.  Avoiding infection is the main game now.


Tents are a bit riskier than stashes, as revealing all of them on the map is a common hack.  But locating stashes is already being incorporated into hacks.

Ran across the coding instructions when I was googling stashes.


Aside from the possibility of hacks finding your stash, which is probably pretty rare anyway, given the rampant duping going on, I'd probably go with tents, because I've only found 2 sandbags in many hours of play.

Stary military tents.

Tents are much more common.  If you run across sandbags and an etool, that will be a bonus for you. 

You'd want to spread them around on different servers.  I'd stay with servers that get decent traffic, because they are probably less likely to shut down.


Pre-scout your placement locations.  You want to place your stash as soon as possible after getting the items needed. 

It's easy to lose all you carry.  Server restart before you get back to your corpse, or it's looted before you get back, or a hacker forces you to leave the server and your corpse behind.  All have happened to me.


Location is up to you, just read up on "best practices" and decide what suits you best.  You normally won't have a map to find it, so you'll need to landmark it.


Personally, all I care about stashing is axe/knife/matches/map.  Binoculars and a Winchester with ammo are a bonus.

In fact, my partner and me recently dropped a MK48 in a field, because we wanted to fit a single piece of chicken in his backpack.

Had no ammo for it anyway.

Good luck, and let us know how it goes.  You've got a tough road ahead, and I hope you have more success than I did. 



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Have they fixed hding tents in trees? I spent a while trying to get one to hide in a couple of pine trees that were close together but it seems to try and always place it either ont he other side of the trees in the open or in the middle of them. Not very sneaky =/

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If you can, park a green truck in a dense forest, store everything there. If you don't have access to vehicles, you can "add on" to existing structures to store your goodies. Try placing barbed wire/sandbags in between the gaps and cracks of a factory concrete building. These things make for GREAT camps. A lot of room for tents, fires, cars and anything you can think of. But only do this if to Factory building has a pre-existing wall around it, or you'll run out of barricades fast. Also - make sure you leave a secret place to enter/exit, like a crack in the wall, a slight gap in between barbed wire to vault over, just be creative, and happy hoarding :]

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Tents hold the most, and are less obvious than cars. Stashes are very well hidden, but hold nearly nothing compared to a tent. I would put tents in an area with lots of pines.

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Sad to say, it might be close to impossible to do alone, due to infection.  Even with a partner providing  "gear watch" while one succumbs to infection and respawns, we gave up pretty quickly.  Couldn't tolerate the infection.  Avoiding infection is the main game now.



I'm not quite sure what you are getting at here.  Unless you are just talking about the work needed to find the parts (tent, sandbags etc).  I've only been playing about 2 weeks but once I started getting the hang of things I haven't gotten infected in a bit.


The only ones that seem to infect quickly are the "infected zombies".  As long as you can identify them so that you don't put yourself in danger from getting hit by them, it's not too bad to manage.

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Sad to say, it might be close to impossible to do alone, due to infection.  Even with a partner providing  "gear watch" while one succumbs to infection and respawns, we gave up pretty quickly.  Couldn't tolerate the infection.  Avoiding infection is the main game now.


Tents are a bit riskier than stashes, as revealing all of them on the map is a common hack.  But locating stashes is already being incorporated into hacks.

Ran across the coding instructions when I was googling stashes.


Aside from the possibility of hacks finding your stash, which is probably pretty rare anyway, given the rampant duping going on, I'd probably go with tents, because I've only found 2 sandbags in many hours of play.

Stary military tents.

Tents are much more common.  If you run across sandbags and an etool, that will be a bonus for you. 

You'd want to spread them around on different servers.  I'd stay with servers that get decent traffic, because they are probably less likely to shut down.


Pre-scout your placement locations.  You want to place your stash as soon as possible after getting the items needed. 

It's easy to lose all you carry.  Server restart before you get back to your corpse, or it's looted before you get back, or a hacker forces you to leave the server and your corpse behind.  All have happened to me.


Location is up to you, just read up on "best practices" and decide what suits you best.  You normally won't have a map to find it, so you'll need to landmark it.


Personally, all I care about stashing is axe/knife/matches/map.  Binoculars and a Winchester with ammo are a bonus.

In fact, my partner and me recently dropped a MK48 in a field, because we wanted to fit a single piece of chicken in his backpack.

Had no ammo for it anyway.

Good luck, and let us know how it goes.  You've got a tough road ahead, and I hope you have more success than I did. 

antibiotics are actually really easy to find it has becoem one of them thing you need to carry like morpines they spawn in dearstands and hospitals and medical tents

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Thought I read somewhere that you can't hide more than one tool belt item in a stash. Any truth to this?

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Ok some advise from another long time player:

Places to avoid when planing to setup camp:


  • Black Forest
  • Around Black and Willow Lake
  • North Side of Map
  • West Side of Map
  • Coast
  • Near (closer than 500 m, if on a common approach direction, closer than 1 km otherwise) to the Hotspots (Cherno, Elektro, NWA, Berezino, Stary Sobor)
  • On the direct travel routes between any two loacations with loot.


Why? Because for the first four: That's where Raiders start their sweeps for tents because they are common standart camp loacations. And for the latter three: They have a high risk of your camp being found by coincidence.


If you setup camp for yourself you want to find nicely covered places outside of common travel routes. They are hard to find but they are there. As others have said: If possible stick with stashes. But if you  want to hide a tent: rocks, bushes and those remains of walls you can see sometimes are your friends. Best if they are a group that provides tight cover from all sides. Single trees even if they look like they cover the tent do NOT work. That is because from a range the tree model becomes less wide while the tent remains about the same. Thus a tent that is perfectly covered within the tree from close up is sticking out like hell from afar.


When the tent placing collision was less strict my favorite place were cliffs where I would hid the tents inside gaps that are covered by a bush or two. In those tents are invisible unless you stand right in front of them. On the other hand most people know that and might discover your tent while looking for a position for theirs.

Edited by 31R0Y
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Thought I read somewhere that you can't hide more than one tool belt item in a stash. Any truth to this?



Yes that is true. The medium (two sandbags) stash can only hold 1 weapon or tool and 25 regular items and NO backpack. If you want to store many weapons and tools you are still better off with a tent or two.

You can still effectively hide single tents and you can easily find places where you can hide two or three tents in a 200m area. Just don't hope to hide tents if you want to build them one beside the other. Put some distance between them this also yields the chance that they're not all found at once should someone stumble across one of them.

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Im not the hoarding type but i have one tip.. dont use tents, they stick out and you will get robbed.


Use an ATV, park it downhill towards a pinetree it will eventually slide into the tree making it almost invisible, you can have 50 items and 10 guns in it.

But now they can steal all your best stuff in seconds!

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My mentality is randomise.

A lot of people think north is a safe place,but there are always people going for raids up there,and if they have a vehicle its even easier.

Rocks,walls,houses and other objects are mostly out of the question becouse they fixed it (you cant place tents inside them anymore).

I put them in 3 different locations and each one of them is different.

One tent goes very close to the coast,in a small valley between some rocks and trees,it hasnt been found once since I started playing,and if you get the right spawn its a minute of running.

The second tent goes besides a green buidling in the middle of nowhere,no more than 15 min of running,though it has been found once.

The third tent I put up goes in a center of a circle of major loot points,and its my main tent,about a 8 minute run,and it has never been found.

Its places no one would expect to find a tent,its in plain sight but hidden.

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I found an e-tool and a sandbag on a dead bandit today. I was playing on 3480 with 50+ players online. I have an idea of where (map location) but I'm not sure about what server to build on. I have only been on the public hive for 2 sessions so I don't really know which servers will be around for long.

Any suggestions on how to choose a server to host my stash? I prefer sticking to higher population servers btw

And thanks for the feedback guys. Some of it has been very informative for me

Edited by Dagwood

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