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About outlaw1198

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  1. outlaw1198

    What do you enjoy about the Mod?

    That is because it is a mod i meant what made you enjoy the mod not what made you get it/play it
  2. outlaw1198

    Looking for an experienced Scripter!

    not done any arma scripting in a while but i know a guy that has he used to run the old Darns Tavern servers for Overwatch and Epoch i will see if he is down for it.
  3. outlaw1198

    What do you enjoy about the Mod?

    as a con or a pro?
  4. What in your opinion do you think are the pros and cons of the dayz mod. In my opinion one of the pros are the fact you have to find you own gear and that you can die at any point and lose the gear that you have spent so long to get. A con in my opinion would be that sometimes you can go for hours without seeing anyone when running around. What are yours?
  5. outlaw1198

    is this a good way to start?

    yea your right in the 100hrs that i played this game when i got it when it first came (went back to the mod), i filed about 50 bug reports. about half of them have been assigned and only 1 has been fixed :(
  6. is it just the knife or do other items work such as the machete and the bayonet?
  7. outlaw1198

    Noob needs help

    For the finding of loot try http://dayzdb.com/map it is a interactive map that lists all the looot spawns in dayz at the moment
  8. outlaw1198

    Surviving Day 1 in DayZ

    dude if you want a map the head over to: (http://dayzdb.com/map) it is a map with the lootspawns mapped on it plus the town names
  9. outlaw1198

    What happened to utes

    where did you get that image? I have never seen it before. Also they had the island in the devblog about 1km of the coast. Edit: found the devblog
  10. outlaw1198

    What happened to utes

    what are you on about?
  11. outlaw1198

    What happened to utes

    in the early devblog they were discussing putting utes of the coast near skalisty island. I was wondering what happened to this idea or what stopped it from happening
  12. outlaw1198

    DayZ Confessions

    i think this is a good idea for the main hive but it should be able to turn it of if the admins want in the future when a new private hive gets set up
  13. outlaw1198

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

  14. outlaw1198

    please remove the barracks at balota

    that would be good but i think it would be quite hard for the devs to but i am not sure on that. Also they plan makeing zombies respawn when they optimize the servers and they will increase the amount of zombies
  15. outlaw1198

    please remove the barracks at balota

    yes but the devs are trying to make a survival game