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IMPORTANT: Tents will be wiped in update

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Good idea to wipe all the Tentcitys :)

Our Group also habe few tents but we think *shit happen* its an alpha and we searching again for the stuff we cannot save in vehicles or inventory.


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But indeed it is an alpha and yes' date=' DB-wipes are exactly what you should expect. And you can totally expect that after a wipe players will be cautious and wanting to get back to what is perceived as being normal.


I guess this would be the nicer way of what I was trying to convey.

But im a little hard nosed about some things.

Goading aside, Im all for people becoming immersed in the game and playing however the game allows them to, But no one should loose sight of the fact of what you have said above.

Some people seem to loose sight of that ever looming fact and get angry/act like Rocket's team broke their game and feel cheated and rage on here.

Far from a fanboi of this game, Im first and foremost a designer and a stickler for the development process, weather that be a website or in this case a game, I have alot of respect for the process.

I love this game mod as much as the next that invests a lot of time in it.

I get pissed off as everyone does when ive been spending the last 4-5 days trying to get decent gear only to be ambushed by some random.

But I dont get pissed off at rocket or anyone when an update causes me to die or start again, Because when its an update or hot fix I expect things to fuck up and I could die with every new update as a result.

I look forward to each new update, Its exciting when major changes happen and seeing how it pans out totally expecting to get killed in the process.

Its a little concerning reading that some people refuse to continue to play since 1.7.0/1.7.1 until they are assured that they wont loose all their stuff or their character.

Id rather be killed every 2 days than have 70 something hrs of game time and all the best gear hanging over my head when at any update it could go to shit and have to start all over while were in alpha.. that's just asking for a bad day.

P.S I admire what some of the community has done in game and how dedicated they are to push the limit available to them.

Honestly Tent cities and Vehicle camps are just a great example of how people can work together and form small communities in game. It raises some interesting possibilities for factions, turf wars, buildable make shift bases etc.

And I know its the community that is making a huge impact on the shape and direction of the game.

Ive never implied that the community or the dev team could do without the other.

Dupers and people setting up their server and scouting with the first chopper they most likely repaired before the server was unlocked and moving out all the vehicles off grid are really a sign of dedication and how well people work together. Right.

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Had to cut some stuff out:

Im first and foremost a designer and a stickler for the development process' date=' weather that be a website or in this case a game, I have alot of respect for the process.


Its a little concerning reading that some people refuse to continue to play since 1.7.0/1.7.1 until they are assured that they wont loose all their stuff or their character.


And I know its the community that is making a huge impact on the shape and direction of the game.

Ive never implied that the community or the dev team could do without the other.


I am happy to read that we have a similar view on these matters. The development process and it's driving factors (devteam and fanbase) are most important. And when i see what's going on in the forums i have serious doubts that the process is running on peak perfomance. There are literally hundreds of pages of people whining that just want to play, have no idea about development, would never file a bug report and are seriously depressed when a new patch results in their toon respawning. They might even quit DayZ. On the other side there are serious testers that are just fed up with the same shit over and over and just bash the noobs instead of doing more constructive work.

What i am wondering is if DayZ would be better off if for the players there was a relatively static 'most stable' version and for those who seriously want to experiment there would be the buggy and most current version for 'current testing'. The players could enjoy their beans, mass test their version and most importantly be carried over to a future DayZ on Arma3 with maybe a different business model. They wouldn't spam the forums with the same complaints over and over. And the testers, that know what they are opting-in for could provide the high quality bug reports that they are already delivering. ... All in all the idea is to take away some of the unnecessary pressure of the devteam, remove some heat from the froums and keep up the good testing work that is already done by the many volunteers.

I hope that this change to two versions defined versions would do much good for the devteam, the fanbase, the dev process and therefore DayZ at a whole.

What do you think?

In case of TL;DR

'most stable' and 'current testing' for the good of DayZ and everyone in contact with it!

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P.S I admire what some of the community has done in game and how dedicated they are to push the limit available to them.

Honestly Tent cities and Vehicle camps are just a great example of how people can work together and form small communities in game. It raises some interesting possibilities for factions' date=' turf wars, buildable make shift bases etc.


Dupers and people setting up their server and scouting with the first chopper they most likely repaired before the server was unlocked and moving out all the vehicles off grid are really a sign of dedication and how well people work together. Right.

You can gather tents and vehicles without duping or locking servers. Obviously. Some people use glitches and park stuff off map, others use hard work, and huge amounts of time and effort.

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We lost our tent camp (not outside map).

We managed to get some cars repaired and now i feel like Mad Max, driving with the cars from fuelpump to city to fuelpump, looting, shooting - fekking awesome!

This makes up for all the stuff we lost!

Keep them coming Rocket!

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I'd like to see another tent related bug fixed:

If you place a tent down, then pack it up, recover it and move on, the tent will have reappeared after a server restart. This can easily cause tents to clutter up over time, and makes it hard to "hide" a campsite if you had a bad tent placement.

Even if you repeatedly tear down the tent each time it respawns, at the next restart, it'll be back again... (so in essence, another tent dupe)

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What i am wondering is if DayZ would be better off if for the players there was a relatively static 'most stable' version and for those who seriously want to experiment there would be the buggy and most current version for 'current testing'. I hope that this change to two versions defined versions would do much good for the devteam' date=' the fanbase, the dev process and therefore DayZ at a whole.


+ This

I agree, I do think there should be stable 'playing' servers for the majority.

And afew 'testing' servers for people to try out the latest experimental releases.

many mmo's do this (wow for example has a test version)

But The only hole I see with this idea is the number of test servers required for all that are interested, the 2 or so AUSARMA servers are a good example as to what could happen with very few test servers.

They are almost always at capacity and most people cant get in when ever they want. Im always going to the U.S servers because I can never get in most of the AU/NZ ones.

Having said all that, it still stands that there is a need to fill here and stable playing servers, and afew nominated experimental release servers for trying out new features or fixes is going to address a lot of peoples concerns.

But how to enforce server admins to keep to a designated "play" release and several to a test only release is definitely a task in its own right.

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Dupers and people setting up their server and scouting with the first chopper they most likely repaired before the server was unlocked and moving out all the vehicles off grid are really a sign of dedication and how well people work together. Right.

Except vehicles aren't spawned on servers immediately and choppers only spawn on legacy servers.

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Thanks for the tent wipe.

I had several tents due to moving it around trying to get the most hidden placement I could and it was bothering the hell out of me that I had 6 duped tents. Really gonna miss all that gear but this absolutely needed to be done.

I really don't understand what all the QQing is all about, if you lost your camp, quit bitching on the forums and get busy. That is all.

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All I have to really say about this is, yeah it stinks for those of you lucky enough to have a stockpile, but suck it up and drive on.

Expressing your dismay is one thing, but raging on and on in a thread isn't going to do anyone any good. Nor is flaming the people who are complaining.

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This kills me, tents are so awesome. Cant you just have a maximum amount of tents with a radius. Even if the radius is huge.

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This kills me' date=' tents are so awesome. Cant you just have a maximum amount of tents with a radius. Even if the radius is huge.


No worries, tents are still in the game. It's just the tents are are up now that gets wiped. New tent camps will arise, glorious loot will be there for the finding.

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No worries' date=' tents are still in the game. It's just the tents are are up now that gets wiped. New tent camps will arise, glorious loot will be there for the finding.


i have put up a new tent this morning and filled it with some stuff, now i came back and the tent is empty. another unannounced wipe? im sure that it wasnt looted by another player, because right beneath the tent stands my car and its all still there in it...

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Dont like This :( this ruined the game for me' date=' damn all my stuff is useless now.


/Hauhauahauhauhauahau Welcomme to DayZ hauhauahahaahau

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We'll in a way it sucks for the players such as myself that stashed gear. But better so players arent running the woods just to find gear. Hopefully i find myself a tent to pitch tonight.

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No worries' date=' tents are still in the game. It's just the tents are are up now that gets wiped. New tent camps will arise, glorious loot will be there for the finding.


i have put up a new tent this morning and filled it with some stuff, now i came back and the tent is empty. another unannounced wipe? im sure that it wasnt looted by another player, because right beneath the tent stands my car and its all still there in it...

Hmm. Strange. Maybe the guy who emptied out your tent forgot/didn't know that you can put stuff in vehicles? It happened to me once, I had found a bus which I then drove around in a calm and responsible manner. When I was done I left and walked halfway across the map only to realize that you can loot those things. It still doesn't explain why the car is still there though.

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i have put up a new tent this morning and filled it with some stuff' date=' now i came back and the tent is empty. another unannounced wipe? im sure that it wasnt looted by another player, because right beneath the tent stands my car and its all still there in it...


Well, just be aware. Tents have had a couple of tweaks in the last patches but they are still somewhat broken and buggy. Anything you put in a tent is at high risk, whether from other players or from the gear eating tent monsters.

More tent info:


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i have put up a new tent this morning and filled it with some stuff' date=' now i came back and the tent is empty. another unannounced wipe? im sure that it wasnt looted by another player, because right beneath the tent stands my car and its all still there in it...


Just bad luck. Some tents aren't saving and lose all items / new items on next server restart.

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i have put up a new tent this morning and filled it with some stuff' date=' now i came back and the tent is empty. another unannounced wipe? im sure that it wasnt looted by another player, because right beneath the tent stands my car and its all still there in it...


Just bad luck. Some tents aren't saving and lose all items / new items on next server restart.

this has been happening for a while now, not just with the patch. I had a coyote pack along with my m4 sd and tons of other goodies :( i cried a little.

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I had the same issue. My group of friends and I set a tent up and put our gear into it before we left for a medical supply raid. Come back on today, and everything is gone from the tent. It sucks, yes, but I look at it as part of the survival fun of this game. I like to imagine bandits raided our camp while we were out, or maybe it got ransacked by wild animals.

It's an alpha... You just shrug it off, and go find your group some more supplies :)

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who cares about tents why am i being ported everywhere?! I first got ported into the plain highlands area 35km in the NW, spent 3 hours walking all way back to the playable part of the map to find out i was invisible. So logged out and back in to see if it fixed it and know im in limbo woods with no way out. I know its Alpha but i believe i just got trolled for 4 hours of my life so excuse me for being alil pissed off

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who cares about tents why am i being ported everywhere?! I first got ported into the plain highlands area 35km in the NW' date=' spent 3 hours walking all way back to the playable part of the map to find out i was invisible. So logged out and back in to see if it fixed it and know im in limbo woods with no way out. I know its Alpha but i believe i just got trolled for 4 hours of my life so excuse me for being alil pissed off


Look at 1.7.2 release notes. It is pending release.

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Where are people finding these off map cities? me and a friend of mine took a look off the NW edge and found nothing

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If you're running the new patch/server is running the new patch, you won't find the tents unless somebody placed new tents. I can confirm they've been wiped.

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