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IMPORTANT: Tents will be wiped in update

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Do tents get wiped when a server updates' date=' or will it be a large manual wipe by the dev team?


THIS! I want a definitely ALL CLEAR before I put down my stuffs!

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Once a server updates to' date=' is it safe to place tents again?


I'd like this answered

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Still finding tents with stuff in them in Not a problem though, managed to loot some nice stuff.

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My tent is gone. When is it safe to put another one up?

I really don't have the patience to constantly run back to my hiding spot because they're gonna get wiped, and enjoy hoarding.

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doo et. we lost our stash of gear including some rare weapons + ammo/loot. in the vehicle reset. We gave up on tents and just used vehicles as you can hide them easier in map.

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All I can say is suck it up whoreders.

You are part of an ongoing development stage of a game to help test and refine to contribute to an end product.

Be thankful your playing at all, most games in development

are closed to the public to test in alpha. Even then most open to the public are closed beta's.

Tents, vehicles and anything else that is persistent other than players should wipe with each MAJOR version update.

(ie, 1.6-1.7 not hotfixes that update within 24 hrs like we have had with 7.1.1-7.1.5.)

Untill we reach beta.

No one should be hoarding tents and vehicles in or out of map

without expecting to loose them during the alpha stage.

Your a test subject, nothing more..playing is a bonus.

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Fate and another squad solved my problem for me. Our camp was raided during the one hour when none of my crew was online. All 6 of our vehicles, all loaded with weapons, ammo, repair parts, and various other bits were hijacked. That combined with the tent wipe freed us of our burdens. Let the hoarding begin anew!

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All I can say is suck it up whoreders.

You are part of an ongoing development stage of a game to help test and refine to contribute to an end product.

Be thankful your playing at all' date=' most games in development

are closed to the public to test in alpha. Even then most open to the public are closed beta's.

Tents, vehicles and anything else that is persistent other than players should wipe with each MAJOR version update.

(ie, 1.6-1.7 not hotfixes that update within 24 hrs like we have had with 7.1.1-7.1.5.)

Untill we reach beta.

No one should be hoarding tents and vehicles in or out of map

without expecting to loose them during the alpha stage.

Your a test subject, nothing more..playing is a bonus.


These types of posts show no respect to the people putting what is the number at now, 39 million hours of time or something of the sort, into playing, or in your narrow vision, testing the game. They are also the people that will be playing the final version...so how bout people stop spamming the message that we should all bow down to the great developer gods, the game doesn't exist with the developer, and it doesnt get to a final version for years without players...get off the BS

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I don't see how hiding your gear is a bad thing? The map is tiny - it's not hard t find all of the gear.

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These types of posts show no respect to the people putting what is the number at now' date=' 39 million hours of time or something of the sort, into playing, or in your narrow vision, testing the game. They are also the people that will be playing the final version...so how bout people stop spamming the message that we should all bow down to the great developer gods, the game doesn't exist with the developer, and it doesnt get to a final version for years without players...get off the BS


So your one of these hoarders then? Because that's only who im talking to.

I wasn't blanketing everyone with a tent, when I made these comments.

I was talking to those people that build tent city's, have vehicle camps. That are getting their panties in a twist all because their stuff is going to be wiped. What did you expect to happen in a constantly updating alpha build of a mod?

Respect? It has nothing to do with it... I'm not going to sugar coat anything.

My only point was this:

Anyone Playing this with the expectation that they can continue to play for 70-120+ hrs of game time and not have their stuff gone or even their character reset due to an update release or hotfix is extreamly naive.

And while everyone should have fun playing this mod, its very important to your own sanity that you dont get attached to anything in this mod while its in alpha, because tomorrow it could all be gone.

This thread addresses it best.


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So your one of these hoarders then? Because that's only who im talking to.

I wasn't blanketing everyone with a tent' date=' when I made these comments.

I was talking to those people that build tent city's, have vehicle camps. That are getting their panties in a twist all because their stuff is going to be wiped. What did you expect to happen in a constantly updating alpha build of a mod?

Respect? It has nothing to do with it... I'm not going to sugar coat anything.

My only point was this:

Anyone Playing this with the expectation that they can continue to play for 70-120+ hrs of game time and not have their stuff gone or even their character reset due to an update release or hotfix is extreamly naive.

And while everyone should have fun playing this mod, its very important to your own sanity that you dont get attached to anything in this mod while its in alpha, because tomorrow it could all be gone.

This thread addresses it best.



I'm one of those hoarders, and regardless the poster you quoted was right on the money. People like you pretending their play style is any better than anyone else's is just ridiculous. People will always be upset over losing things they've worked towards earning. Let them complain, it doesn't hurt you, and if it does go get a god damn life.

Also, stop using hoarder as a derogatory term. You and the others like you who do so are ignorant to the fact that there is a large collection of players of this mod who enjoy the collecting of gear. I'm not about to go calling all the ones who are obsessed with PVP murderers or some other slanderous title just because I don't find that way of playing the game fun.

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gotta love those comments

@woah' date=' the guy who called me a retarded deleted his post, how tough... :l


Probably got tired of your tears

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All I can say is suck it up whoreders.

Behold! Hear the mighty fanboy speak. The ever shining example of what makes this community so wonderful.

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All I can say is suck it up whoreders.

Behold! Hear the mighty fanboy speak. The ever shining example of what makes this community so wonderful.

But but but besides the insults hes absolutly right. :huh:

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All I can say is suck it up whoreders.

Behold! Hear the mighty fanboy speak. The ever shining example of what makes this community so wonderful.

But but but besides the insults hes absolutly right. :huh:

Can't say that is entirely true. It's always give & take. DayZ would be nothing without the broad fanbase and the fanbase would be playing something else without DayZ and Rocket.

But indeed it is an alpha and yes, DB-wipes are exactly what you should expect. And you can totally expect that after a wipe players will be cautious and wanting to get back to what is perceived as being normal.

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All I can say is suck it up whoreders.

Behold! Hear the mighty fanboy speak. The ever shining example of what makes this community so wonderful.

But but but besides the insults hes absolutly right. :huh:

They are both right.

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Nope Nev. Ima coming to steal all your base. Or something.

but all my base are allready belong to you. :|

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I miss other peoples' tents. Now I have to work for my stuff.

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But indeed it is an alpha and yes' date=' DB-wipes are exactly what you should expect. And you can totally expect that after a wipe players will be cautious and wanting to get back to what is perceived as being normal.


I guess this would be the nicer way of what I was trying to convey.

But im a little hard nosed about some things.

Goading aside, Im all for people becoming immersed in the game and playing however the game allows them to, But no one should loose sight of the fact of what you have said above.

Some people seem to loose sight of that ever looming fact and get angry/act like Rocket's team broke their game and feel cheated and rage on here.

Far from a fanboi of this game, Im first and foremost a designer and a stickler for the development process, weather that be a website or in this case a game, I have alot of respect for the process.

I love this game mod as much as the next that invests a lot of time in it.

I get pissed off as everyone does when ive been spending the last 4-5 days trying to get decent gear only to be ambushed by some random.

But I dont get pissed off at rocket or anyone when an update causes me to die or start again, Because when its an update or hot fix I expect things to fuck up and I could die with every new update as a result.

I look forward to each new update, Its exciting when major changes happen and seeing how it pans out totally expecting to get killed in the process.

Its a little concerning reading that some people refuse to continue to play since 1.7.0/1.7.1 until they are assured that they wont loose all their stuff or their character.

Id rather be killed every 2 days than have 70 something hrs of game time and all the best gear hanging over my head when at any update it could go to shit and have to start all over while were in alpha.. that's just asking for a bad day.

P.S I admire what some of the community has done in game and how dedicated they are to push the limit available to them.

Honestly Tent cities and Vehicle camps are just a great example of how people can work together and form small communities in game. It raises some interesting possibilities for factions, turf wars, buildable make shift bases etc.

And I know its the community that is making a huge impact on the shape and direction of the game.

Ive never implied that the community or the dev team could do without the other.

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