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It's too late For Dayz.

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so basically op watched a video of frankies this is better than dayz frankies playing it.

i actually laughed at how his mates who were the enemies in that video. ahahah gotta love rehearsals :lol:

right you stand there ill hit you with the axe that will show how superior i am :P

ikr, never liked his 'control freak way' of playing dayz either.

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Yeh, a few of my mates have been raving about Cubeworld, it looks pretty awesome.

I like the look of it, apart from the cubes. I'm not a fan of cubes.

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Rust looks far too gamey for me, i love the in-depth bullet and sniping mechanics of arma and therefor will buy DayZ Standalone, All-in-All Rust is more like a Minecraft MMO than a paranoia inducing Zombie Survival MMO

Some thing from DayZ Standalone really make me want to play it right now, such as

-90% enterable buildings

-a lot of weapons

-custom maps that can exceed 400 km² (since its arma 2 based)

until now, everything else in the net looks like a cheap rip-off even compared to the FREE mod we are playing atm

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I like the look of it, apart from the cubes. I'm not a fan of cubes.

you're such a cubist

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Rust looks great and Garry is a great and inspiring developer.

I don't think the titles will compete at all, in fact I think the opposite. I think they will drive interest in each other. He has a vision of making a game, and I think he specifically does NOT want to make DayZ. I personally think their directions are quite different but in some ways complementary.

The same "end of dayz" was leveled with state of decay and others, and while I like the games themselves they have very different visions therefore I don't see them as competition. And even if I did, that's not a bad thing.

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Rust looks great and Garry is a great and inspiring developer.

I don't think the titles will compete at all, in fact I think the opposite. I think they will drive interest in each other. He has a vision of making a game, and I think he specifically does NOT want to make DayZ. I personally think their directions are quite different but in some ways complementary.

The same "end of dayz" was leveled with state of decay and others, and while I like the games themselves they have very different visions therefore I don't see them as competition. And even if I did, that's not a bad thing.

I don't see them similar at all. Both have zombies, what else? Axes?

People are making too much hype of this. Rust isn't even close to anything like DayZ, and DayZ isn't anything close to Rust. It's like how people compare Cube World to Minecraft, Cube World focuses on combat and RPG while Minecraft focuses on building. DayZ focuses on combat, survival while Rust focuses on survival, building.

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Guys dean claimed that he wants to release the SA at the very least as much as everyone else does. But the engine is not ready yet, which causes crashes, which would mean that "SA" would literally be unplayable so far. If you even could not make a game run in the first place, why would you like to buy it ? Interesting logic..

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So today I discovered that an alpha of a game called Rust has been out in public and guess what? I am pretty impressed. this concept of open world survival FPS is not exclusive to Dayz anymore, and in Rust you can actually build a base using materials you harvested from the environment a thing that won't come to Dayz in a year (if the full version actually comes out by then) and what does Dayz have? a gimmicky radio and a new inventory big freaking whoop....

the standalone is the same as the mod, hell even the zombies still glitch like they did in the mod, I thought this would be eliminated because it's an official game, boy how wrong was I.

The dayz standalone is nothing more then a garage project with a small team and a limited budget and it will never become a "real" game, just an improved mod.

"the standalone is the same as the mod" the standalone is not a final version, it will still be alpha... even i know this and ive been here 5 minutes

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Rust is just a buggy browser-based game where you build a house and guard it until next server wipe. I don't think it'll be real competition against DayZ for a really long time. Good idea, not a good game right now.

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No, its just too late for you, and your opinions.


I agree.


Guess what? Play what you want, how you want. Being a fanboi is pathetic.

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another thread of a guy who need to call attention just because dayz is boring for him  :murder:

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another thread of a guy who need to call attention just because dayz is boring for him  :murder:


So true. I feel like most people who rag on DayZ for it's "popularity" or "bugginess" are just impatient little brats who expect everything they play to be a finished product right away. It's like they don't understand the words "mod" or "alpha." It's okay though. I'd rather DayZ lose player base due to frustrated weaklings who can't grasp it's true merits as an experience - than be forced to deal with said brats in the game. It's like natural selection. The weak die off, and the strong and persistent push on to enjoy the world around them. 

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*sigh* I can't understand why people expect the standalone to be released tomorrow. "Oh, its been too long.", or "Oh, its going to suck.". They've been developing it for a year. A YEAR. It takes two years to develop the average COD game, and only because the developers switch releases every other year. And they re-use and re-use assets, engines, and many other things. Guess what? It takes TIME to iron out these bugs, and other petty things we like to complain about. And because its coming out as an ALPHA, they'll only be working on the GAME BREAKING bugs. So it'll still be buggy. Big fucking deal. Its an alpha. It's purpose is to get FEEDBACK, so they can IMPROVE the game. If it came out the time you whiny impatient bitches wanted it, IT WOULD BE A COPY AND PASTE OF THE MOD. But you know what? Don't complain about both in the same sentence. It'll take TIME to make the standalone playable, and be considered an "improvement" over the mod. So you shouldn't be complaining that it hasn't been released yet, or that people will "lose interest". We should all be thankful that they are taking their sweet time into making this the kickass game it DESERVES to be. So shut your hole, and you shut your hole, and don't think I forgot you so shut your hole too. Lets all move on to a subject that hasn't been debated the hell over multiple times and talk about something more positive. LIKE LEMON SQUARES.

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So true. I feel like most people who rag on DayZ for it's "popularity" or "bugginess" are just impatient little brats who expect everything they play to be a finished product right away. It's like they don't understand the words "mod" or "alpha." It's okay though. I'd rather DayZ lose player base due to frustrated weaklings who can't grasp it's true merits as an experience - than be forced to deal with said brats in the game. It's like natural selection. The weak die off, and the strong and persistent push on to enjoy the world around them. 

I like you.

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I think a lot of people are getting antsy because there's been almost no information released through official channels lately -- two months since the last dev blog update is pretty pathetic IMO, especially since it was supposed to be a weekly thing.  I know a lot of time has been spent going to conventions and cranking through development, but how long does it take to at least put out a few paragraphs and a screenshot?  Just a nugget of information every week (or two) is enough to show people that progress is still being made.


I would say that people's frustration with the current lack of information and lost interest is justified.

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Hello there


R is in touch so much, he's even posted in this thread.


Yes, his PR skills are under 9000 when it comes to regular dev blogs, but it's not like they've gone silent on us.


I think if someone has lost interest then the SA over such a short amount of  dev time then they're probably not the target audience.


Also, I don't understand why folk would be "frustrated" there's a lot of info about, although it may not be collated as much as some might like.


A quick post on the forums, if one cant be bothered to search can reveal any info needed.





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"I've lost interest..."


"But Rocket said..."


"Fuck Rocket!"


"I don't want your stupid game any more!"



Edited by Drunk in Cherno

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DayZ the Mod hits the spot like no other magic. A game that can keep people playing for 18 hour sessions day after day comes once a decade. Imitators want to be World of Warcraft, but they can't. Imitators want to be DayZ, and they never will be. Dean Hall himself, nor any of us, can explain why DayZ worked so perfectly; but it did and still does. It's a wonderful formula that came together just right. If you don't mind a little digression, then I'd like to propose a comment. The standalone may be changing the formula, which may not be a good idea.


I completely agree. Nobody ever really knows why some games go viral and others don't. Of course there are factors that make it interesting and unique but most games do that. Nobody ever plans why things go viral. As per the Standalone, we can all make speculations but we won't know until it comes out if it will get the same acclaim as the Mod. Personally, I will get it and probably a lot of people on here, but from there I don't think anyone can truly know where it will go. 

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So today I discovered that an alpha of a game called Rust has been out in public and guess what? I am pretty impressed. this concept of open world survival FPS is not exclusive to Dayz anymore, and in Rust you can actually build a base using materials you harvested from the environment a thing that won't come to Dayz in a year (if the full version actually comes out by then) and what does Dayz have? a gimmicky radio and a new inventory big freaking whoop....

the standalone is the same as the mod, hell even the zombies still glitch like they did in the mod, I thought this would be eliminated because it's an official game, boy how wrong was I.

The dayz standalone is nothing more then a garage project with a small team and a limited budget and it will never become a "real" game, just an improved mod.



looks like a copy cat of that 'other game'. So in short a copy of a copy with each copy getting worse.

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I think a lot of people are getting antsy because there's been almost no information released through official channels lately -- two months since the last dev blog update is pretty pathetic IMO, especially since it was supposed to be a weekly thing.  I know a lot of time has been spent going to conventions and cranking through development, but how long does it take to at least put out a few paragraphs and a screenshot?  Just a nugget of information every week (or two) is enough to show people that progress is still being made.


I would say that people's frustration with the current lack of information and lost interest is justified.


Just read Rocket on Reddit. He's able to reply directly to questions pretty quickly there without things getting too out of hand. He actually posted some stuff about the release today. From what I can gather, the team is hard at work on it, which is why they aren't releasing any information. They'd just have to explain a bunch of stuff that isn't working - which would do no good to the game's reputation.


Basically, they are waiting until they have something presentable to present. I think that's only fair, when you consider that games like Watch Dogs and The Division show trailers -what - once a year at e3? Nobody expects those heavily funded developers to release constant dev-blogs (*the last Watch Dogs dev diary was in MAY*) but somehow Hall and his small team are supposed to do this every other day? They simply might not have anything to show. Most of what they are doing is programming related, which is impossible to even explain in a "paragraph and a screenshot." I think people's frustration with the lack of information is simply selfishness and impatience.


I like you.


 Haha, thanks.

Edited by SalamanderAnder
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I love the fact that people give their precious time to STILL come on here raving and ranting about what may or may not be. You guys are keeping it all alive and that's the most important thing I think right now. For those who think Dayz is all done and dusted, have your wallets handy and have a look at the amount of daily posts in these forums good or bad. When the SA finally gets released and the servers are packed full because we are creatures of habit, your curiosity just may get the better of you.


Keep your posts coming I say, It kills time until the release, which is coming wether you give a crap or not.

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