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What is DayZ Origins?

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Hi i see videos and more stuff about dayz and about dayz origins.. i just dont understand what is the diffrence if there is a difference between them.

example of where i saw dayz origis: PsychoRevolution in youtube

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Origins is one of the many branches the mod has right now, It has AI (bots with guns and UH 1H[helicopters]).

What I dont get is why dayz players have that dependence to this mod youtubers, I mean, why not play the game instead of someone else playing it?

I know some moments are worth watching, but for the most its just guys doing things anyone can experience...

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Origins is Dayz + Taviana + lots of community made addons used without permission and credits to make profit for the the GP team and Kingcunt.

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It's one of the many community mods of DayZ. The most significant addition is probably the base building they have implemented.

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  On 7/2/2013 at 3:58 PM, PK Richie said:

Origins is Dayz + Taviana + lots of community made addons used without permission and credits to make profit for the the GP team and Kingcunt.

And then they "copyrighted" it so nobody could use whatever they "invented"

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You should give it a chance, I'm only playing Origins since the last week and it's pretty cool! Similar to what Standalone is going to be in the near future (customizable cars, base building, etc)

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  On 7/2/2013 at 3:58 PM, PK Richie said:

Origins is Dayz + Taviana + lots of community made addons used without permission and credits to make profit for the the GP team and Kingcunt.

i have to agree with this, the mod is good but the developers have annexed it, which makes me hate it.

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  On 7/2/2013 at 4:05 PM, IOnlyCampMyFireplace said:

And then they "copyrighted" it so nobody could use whatever they "invented"

Actully they didn't/couldn't copyright it, I did belive they had as well, they ARE sending out fake DMCA notices that can be ignored :)

Sending out fake DMCA notices is actully a criminal offence, anyone who gets one should report them.

Bohemia Interactive now own the copyright for Dayz, hopefully BIS will sue their arses for making money from their intellectual property without permission, releasing a mod free is fine but for commercial purposes goes against the EULA.

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  On 7/2/2013 at 4:17 PM, PK Richie said:

Actully they didn't/couldn't copyright it, I did belive they had as well, they ARE sending out fake DMCA notices that can be ignored :)

Sending out fake DMCA notices is actully a criminal offence, anyone who gets one should report them.

Bohemia Interactive now own the copyright for Dayz, hopefully BIS will sue their arses for making money from their intellectual property without permission, releasing a mod free is fine but for commercial purposes goes against the EULA.

They didn't copyright the mod, but claim to have a copyright on the models they used. Which is of course entirely lame, considering the open-ness of the mod community in general. It's also a completely insane move.

Also, I don't know what you mean by them sending out fake DMCA notices, (and I don't doubt that what you say is true) but, you could send notice to whomever you choose advising that the recipient is in violation of whatever law you want. That is not illegal. But it is also not a recipe for winning an argument in court, but that is a different matter.

On the charge of having the worst forum design on the internet, they are guilty.

On the charge of having the most eye-destroyingly ugly loading screen any game has ever seen, they are guilty.

On the "WAIT A FULL MINUTE, AT LEAST, WHILE THIS THING LOADS AND COMMUNICATES WITH 'THE HIVE THAT DOESN'T EXIST' ", they are guilty of just plain playing me for a fool.

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  On 7/2/2013 at 6:03 PM, Barrett_killz said:

It's a mod of a mod of a game.

and i have been on a Origins server that had modded it to fit there needs.

"YO Dawg. i heard you liked mods. so i modded your mod thats already a mod for a mod"

Edited by the LawsOfFire
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The whole copyright issue with GP is a little ridiculous. As is the bullshit extra load time for joining a server...

Those things aside, it's a pretty damn good mod.

More variety of weapons,

more types of vehicles,

vehicles you can attach armor to,

you can choose from a number of different spawn locations,

you can build a lockable base with a garage for a vehicle,

separate island with lots of AI and loot.

Plus other stuff I'm forgetting...

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  On 7/3/2013 at 3:52 AM, HMS said:

Also, I don't know what you mean by them sending out fake DMCA notices, (and I don't doubt that what you say is true) but, you could send notice to whomever you choose advising that the recipient is in violation of whatever law you want. That is not illegal. But it is also not a recipe for winning an argument in court, but that is a different matter.

GamersPlatoon and Kingcunt send a false DMCA notice to the hosts of opendayz.net - See here > http://pastebin.com/umU8840G

This turned out to be a fake DMCA, sending a fake DMCA is illegal, see DMCA.com

If you send a false DMCA to have a competitor’s website shut down, or if you send a DMCA takedown notice spitefully without any copyright reasons, you can be held liable in the court of law for financial and legal damages! DMCA takedown notices should only be used for copyright reasons, not because you want to cause damage to someone's business!

You must state: “I hereby confirm that the information in this DMCA notification is accurate.” and, “UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY, that I am the copyright owner or are authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed"

These 2 statements make you claim that you are/work for, or have rights to send a DMCA, and that you claim everything in your DMCA is true.

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Wow thanks PK Richie. I was unaware of DMCA.com. Silliness all around, practically unenforceable policy on that private website, but it would be fun to see it play out. Almost as unenforceable as Origins' claims.

And for the record, I love Origins, bugs and all, and don't see myself going back to vanilla any time soon.

And you just reminded me to check opendayz.net for an origins build by pownzor or however the hell you spell it... :)

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I quit playing DayZ for about two weeks after my server was closed (we got tired of paying the money and never actually getting to play). I went off and played other games for awhile, but came back three days ago, swallowed my pride, and installed Origins to play with a buddy. I can honestly say.... it is a badass mod. It brings me back to the old days of DayZ, without the skiddies. Running for hours, scrambling for food or water on a blinking meter, being tactical... all of it. It's a perfected version of Vanilla.

Now what the devs did, fuck that. That is the sole reason why I never played earlier, and some of the Admins on many of the servers? Forget about it... Attitude is fucking rampant, like a bunch of spoiled children that will kick you for the slightest disagreement. If you can get over those two things, then the mod will definitely grab your attention for hours.

  • House/Base Building
  • Pretty cool leveling system for bandit/heros
  • Stronger and much more dangerous zombies
  • Vehicle modding
  • Many more guns
  • Strange new map to explore(if you haven't played Tavania)

Only bad things are that they haven't implemented some of the better things that DayZ vanilla has (at least on the server I play on), such as:

  • Combat roll
  • Magazine Splitting(like combining 2x 2rd slugs into half (4) an 8 round M1014 slug. You just have to collect 4x 2rd slugs)
  • Can't think of any others atm, but I'm sure there are many.

Edited for typo's :D

Edited by OfficerRaymond

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I get what you guys are saying about the Origins "creators" but some of their weirdness has paid off. I have seen countless posts complaining about the fact that so many servers go easy mode and allow server owners to spawn vehicles and guns. Origins servers have that locked down so server owners are not just paying for the privilege of hacking without consequences (joke, I really do not care that much it is their server and it is a mod).

Overall Origins is a pretty cool mod despite the tactics used by the creators. I am a sucker for a righteous cause so I do not fault people for avoiding it due to these concerns, but I will say they are missing out.

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