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DayZ Mod Hotfix

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Ca't you fix the bug with players keep spawning on the coast? even if they haven't died.

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It's not that the game has gotten so hard that it's impossible; it's that it's gotten to a point where it's more frustrating than fun. I can safely slither into towns on my belly and wait motionless several minutes while the zeds in my area finally are all far apart enough that I can sneak across the street. But that's just boring, tedious, and frustrating, and by comparison, makes tetris look appealing. Infection only servers to amplify frustration. Take a couple of hits from a zed, and you've got a character gimping infection, that you'll either spend many hours looking for extremely rare antibiotics to cure, or, get yourself killed, and maybe spend about half an hour running back to your body. The choice get's pretty obvious there. It seems like both the Mod and the Standalone are hellbent on making the game difficult and that fun is completely expendable to this end. I think the game can still be quite challlenging, and that Zeds can be a threat, and that players can be required to be careful.......without making them slither around in the prone position for hours, or be forced to choose suicide or to set out on the quest for the mythical unicorn of antibiotics. My suggestion would be to allow players when crouched and not moving to be less visible to zombies, almost as invisible as when in the prone position. Also scrap infection altogether, and drastically increase zombie attack damage to compensate. That would lessen frustration, keep things difficult, and speed things up.

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1. It's not that the game has gotten so hard that it's impossible; it's that it's gotten to a point where it's more frustrating than fun. 


2. But that's just boring, tedious, and frustrating, and by comparison, makes tetris look appealing.


3. Infection only servers to amplify frustration.

Take a couple of hits from a zed, and you've got a character gimping infection, that you'll either spend many hours looking for extremely rare antibiotics to cure, or, get yourself killed, and maybe spend about half an hour running back to your body. 


4. I think the game can still be quite challlenging, and that Zeds can be a threat, and that players can be required to be careful.......without making them slither around in the prone position for hours, or be forced to choose suicide or to set out on the quest for the mythical unicorn of antibiotics.


5. My suggestion would be to allow players when crouched and not moving to be less visible to zombies, almost as invisible as when in the prone position.


6. Also scrap infection altogether, and drastically increase zombie attack damage to compensate. That would lessen frustration, keep things difficult, and speed things up.


1. I totally agree with you in this point, I was thinking I should play Dayz Orignial a bit today, and as is started in elektro I already began to feel that it´s not going to work out. I was looking for a bit of fun and ended up frustrated.


2. Because of the Changes in 1.7.7 I was forced to look for fun in custom versions of the mod, like taviana, origins etc. . And I found the missing fun there. I didn´t enjoy these mods because they were too easy for me at the beginning, but now I´m thankfull they aren´t like the original dayz.


3. Well, after managing to sneak into elektro today I was looking for a bit of not existing loot and after entering a small house with a bunch of zombies I was glad I found a hatchet after 10 minutes of running around hoping not to get killed because one zed spottet me. So I waited for the Zeds to come to the door to kill them and they came. I already killed 2 of them as anotherone approched from behind a hit me. I started to bleed, so I was forced to back up a little bit and whilst doing that another zed hit me and after two hits I was already infected.


4. Before this patch my goal was to not aggro the zeds, even when i had a high tier weapon. Just because I did not want to be involved that much in a fight with them. I got killed by Zeds more often than other players, and dispite of that I had with a 30 days character over 400 zed kills because I knew they were a threat and I killed them before entering the place I wanted to go in. Now it´s just impossible, because if you miss a shot it´s wasted ammo, but you need to have ammo before you can shoot which is not the case after the last update.


5. Just what I was thinking, I mean these zeds are Dead! You can get killed by an Infection, so don´t tell me they aren´t dead! If they are dead, how can their eyes and ears still work this good to tell apart if it´s another zed or a player what they are looking at? And why at this long ranges? How can someone that is dead be a sort of super zed? Why? Did they choke to death on antibiotics and now have rainbow power?


6. Agreed, but you don´t need to increase the damage this much, decrease the infection rate and let antibiotics be this rare, or let the infection rate and increase the antibiotic spawn. It´s as simple as that. Don´t make zeds run faster than the player, because their dead. Their legs won´t be in best shape. There´s no such thing as a zed gym, where they go every tuesday. No, I don´t think so.


In the End, Players need thing from houses like Food or Water or other medical supplies. And they need to take the risk of being attacked by zeds. So please, If I´m going to take this risk, why don´t reward me with loot? I mean, I went through elektro without finding any food at all. Why? Haven´t the people who lived in their before the apocalypse not eaten at all? I mean, ok things can be already scavanged, but in that case you should find nothing at all in these citys because I don´t think anyone who scavanges a town would miss something lying on the floor.

Which by the way is nonesense, the point of the game is to survive, but you need to find loot to survive and if you wan´t to survive long enough you need to find lots of loot. As mentioned above. It´s frustrating.


But the worst is, that every of these cases, like stronger zeds, better zed vision and hearing, higher infection rate, lower loot, less antibiotics, came all in one Update. Really? Are you serious? People complaining that Zeds are too weak and the best Idea you have is just to mess up everything? Do never ever ever(should mean never) make so many gameplay influencing chances before balacing them out! Balancing, have you heard of it? CoD doesn´t have it, Battlefield has it. You know why? They watch how gameplay changes with the different guns. They watch which gun is used the most. Why don´t you watch how many people were playing the previous patches and this patch and how many complained about this and the other patches. Did so many people say it´s too frustrating to play before? I don´t think so. I don´t want to hate or something, I really really just hope you´ll fix things in the next patches to a level where it actually makes sense to play dayz again. There are so many sub-mods of Dayz and I really love the Original Dayz, but not as it is by now..




Not to mention the Zed I killed who suddenly stood up again hit me, infected me and fell down again without me hitting him again.

Edited by ToastiMan
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I'm wondering since a while how fighting infections became more interesting than a firefight? For me that direction DayZ is going is the wrong one. I don't want Superzombies! If so I want more "Walking Dead"-Zombies. Stupid and slow, but many. The current Zeds are already way to spastic and random and therefore more annoying than anything else.

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Any news on


Was sent to Matt over three weeks ago. I wonder what is holding it up.

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2. Because of the Changes in 1.7.7 I was forced to look for fun in custom versions of the mod, like taviana, origins etc. . And I found the missing fun there. I didn´t enjoy these mods because they were too easy for me at the beginning, but now I´m thankfull they aren´t like the original dayz.



Yeah. I'm switching my server over to a mod of the mod, probably DayZ+. Infection is just too frustrating, especially with ammo now being rare, and melee combat so glitchy. Hope they side to ditch infection, or at least infection via Zed in the Standalone.

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I hope the next patch comes soon. I want to allways take my Machete with me.

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I think the biggest question will be... what the hell does a viral zombie look like? 

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The Irish potato farmers are viral? I'm not sure how the skin corresponds to the condition... does the infection originate from fecal matter in crops or something? In fact, I've seen this pic before but I kind of brushed it off because I thought, "Well that doesn't seem right. Why would viral zombies look like that?"


It would be nice if these could be reskinned/reanimated so that they actually look more diseased than other zombies.


Nevertheless, thanks for the clarification.






The comments summarize the laymen's perspective on the patch.

Edited by Navneeth

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The Irish potato farmers are viral? I'm not sure how the skin corresponds to the condition... does the infection originate from fecal matter in crops or something? In fact, I've seen this pic before but I kind of brushed it off because I thought, "Well that doesn't seem right. Why would viral zombies look like that?"


It would be nice if these could be reskinned/reanimated so that they actually look more diseased than other zombies.


Nevertheless, thanks for the clarification.






The comments summarize the laymen's perspective on the patch.


The zeds with more blood on their shirts are the viral zeds, that picture shows a comparison between viral and normal.

Edited by Fluxley

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I'm so very torn. This game is still rather addictive and fun to play.. But then there's the infection situation.


I love the concept, I love the extra danger it brings to visiting towns. But it doesn't work well with the combination of horribly broken zeds and the extreme rarity of medical supplies (as a matter of fact, I've only found antibiotics 3-4 times in residential loot piles, never in hospitals or military loot piles).


Onto the broken zeds. They spot you way too easily, even when you're at a distance and making barely any noise or have them facing their backs to you, they will spaz out and go straight for you (including the rallying of other nearby zeds). I've even had a couple of occasions where I was spotted by zed inside a house and it attacked me through the walls (this happens a lot with the log cabins).


Just yesterday I was at Green Mountain when a zed managed to spot me from behind the camouflaged building. I ran off, took a dive and crawled under the concrete fences, only to have him run straight through the fence and beat me senseless. Things like this make it near impossible to avoid infection (lest you play by avoiding every location that has a chance of spawning zombies).


Another issue with the zeds is that they sometimes appear to be immune to damage (or so it would seem), leading to situations where they're beating on you, causing you to bleed and get infected while you are emptying clip after clip on their head.. But they keep on going, only to drop dead after half a minute (so I guess it's a delayed reaction, but the damage they did remains). Same with melee. One moment I can handle them nicely with an axe (even the harder-to-kill infected ones), and another moment I am I can be going apeshit crazy on them and they don't even flinch.


So in conclusion: the infection concept is great, the implementation of it is ridiculously bad. Either balance it by making antibiotics slightly more common, or offer alternative methods of battling the infection (like a slow process of keeping warm for a certain period of time (through heatpacks or hot meals)). Or simply make the infection something that makes you lose x-amount of blood over time, so that people with full blood have a better chance at surviving it (or keep their blood level up to outlast the infection).


Infection right now, to me, is a game-over-type-of-deal. I'll either go find the nearest high point to jump off of, or go on a reckless quest to either get beat to death by zombies, or find a gun to shoot myself in the head with.

Edited by Applejuice
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I'm so very torn. This game is still rather addictive and fun to play.. But then there's the infection situation.


I love the concept, I love the extra danger it brings to visiting towns. But it doesn't work well with the combination of horribly broken zeds and the extreme rarity of medical supplies (as a matter of fact, I've only found antibiotics 3-4 times in residential loot piles, never in hospitals or military loot piles).


Onto the broken zeds. They spot you way too easily, even when you're at a distance and making barely any noise or have them facing their backs to you, they will spaz out and go straight for you (including the rallying of other nearby zeds). I've even had a couple of occasions where I was spotted by zed inside a house and it attacked me through the walls (this happens a lot with the log cabins).


Just yesterday I was at Green Mountain when a zed managed to spot me from behind the camouflaged building. I ran off, took a dive and crawled under the concrete fences, only to have him run straight through the fence and beat me senseless. Things like this make it near impossible to avoid infection (lest you play by avoiding every location that has a chance of spawning zombies).


Another issue with the zeds is that they sometimes appear to be immune to damage (or so it would seem), leading to situations where they're beating on you, causing you to bleed and get infected while you are emptying clip after clip on their head.. But they keep on going, only to drop dead after half a minute (so I guess it's a delayed reaction, but the damage they did remains). Same with melee. One moment I can handle them nicely with an axe (even the harder-to-kill infected ones), and another moment I am I can be going apeshit crazy on them and they don't even flinch.


So in conclusion: the infection concept is great, the implementation of it is ridiculously bad. Either balance it by making antibiotics slightly more common, or offer alternative methods of battling the infection (like a slow process of keeping warm for a certain period of time (through heatpacks or hot meals)). Or simply make the infection something that makes you lose x-amount of blood over time, so that people with full blood have a better chance at surviving it (or keep their blood level up to outlast the infection).


Infection right now, to me, is a game-over-type-of-deal. I'll either go find the nearest high point to jump off of, or go on a reckless quest to either get beat to death by zombies, or find a gun to shoot myself in the head with.

They've already said that they've increased the weighting of antibiotics to a noticeable degree and that (if I recall correctly) the amount you get infected is too high because of a bug.


But you're right. The fact that the zombies are so buggy means that making them dangerous is a crapshoot unless you're just overly cautious. Really, the basic problem is the pathfinding. Their zig-zagging and bugging out spinning makes them become hard to hit out in the open. The conceptual upside of a horde of zombies is that they come straight at you, giving you plenty of time to line up a shot if you have enough distance. But here, you can't line up a shot. They will literally zig-zag and pop several feet because of their broken pathfinding. So your only safe option to kill zombies without risking wasting a good deal of ammo is to exploit their OTHER pathfinding glitch by forcing them to walk by going inside. Which sucks. In reality, being out in the open would be better than cornering yourself inside, generally.


I agree with the idea that zombies need to be more dangerous, but the punishment to being hit needs to be a less permanent punishment than having the equivalent of slowly bleeding to death unless I find God's personal bandage.

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I'm so very torn. This game is still rather addictive and fun to play.. But then there's the infection situation.


I love the concept, I love the extra danger it brings to visiting towns. But it doesn't work well with the combination of horribly broken zeds and the extreme rarity of medical supplies (as a matter of fact, I've only found antibiotics 3-4 times in residential loot piles, never in hospitals or military loot piles).


Onto the broken zeds. They spot you way too easily, even when you're at a distance and making barely any noise or have them facing their backs to you, they will spaz out and go straight for you (including the rallying of other nearby zeds). I've even had a couple of occasions where I was spotted by zed inside a house and it attacked me through the walls (this happens a lot with the log cabins).


Just yesterday I was at Green Mountain when a zed managed to spot me from behind the camouflaged building. I ran off, took a dive and crawled under the concrete fences, only to have him run straight through the fence and beat me senseless. Things like this make it near impossible to avoid infection (lest you play by avoiding every location that has a chance of spawning zombies).


Another issue with the zeds is that they sometimes appear to be immune to damage (or so it would seem), leading to situations where they're beating on you, causing you to bleed and get infected while you are emptying clip after clip on their head.. But they keep on going, only to drop dead after half a minute (so I guess it's a delayed reaction, but the damage they did remains). Same with melee. One moment I can handle them nicely with an axe (even the harder-to-kill infected ones), and another moment I am I can be going apeshit crazy on them and they don't even flinch.


So in conclusion: the infection concept is great, the implementation of it is ridiculously bad. Either balance it by making antibiotics slightly more common, or offer alternative methods of battling the infection (like a slow process of keeping warm for a certain period of time (through heatpacks or hot meals)). Or simply make the infection something that makes you lose x-amount of blood over time, so that people with full blood have a better chance at surviving it (or keep their blood level up to outlast the infection).


Infection right now, to me, is a game-over-type-of-deal. I'll either go find the nearest high point to jump off of, or go on a reckless quest to either get beat to death by zombies, or find a gun to shoot myself in the head with.


I agree, infection as stands just makes the game too frustrating to enjoy, especially with all the other glitches you mentioned involved with zeds. I stopped playing regular Dayz, and moved to the mods which don't have infection like DayZ+, or DayZero - you should give them a try.

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It needs a HUGE performance upgrade, i've been playing Dayzero for some days and the performance was just great, it looks like another game.

It may not have some features the dayzmod have, but dayzero is actually better than dayz right now. Lots of enterable and bigger buildings, great performance and much more.

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So, any answer from Matt regarding the new update for the mod? Or was the mod abandoned?

Edited by VidKo

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It needs a HUGE performance upgrade, i've been playing Dayzero for some days and the performance was just great, it looks like another game.

It may not have some features the dayzmod have, but dayzero is actually better than dayz right now. Lots of enterable and bigger buildings, great performance and much more.



This. DayZero is pretty amazing at the moment and with their new map coming, it'll be awesome... it's sadly (in my eyes) ahead of DayZ in terms of functionality and enjoyment... it's still difficult, but it's more fun too.

Hopefully the next patch for DayZ mod will bring back a bit more balance and smooth things out... remembering that the development is ongoing... and thank god for community devs, without them DayZ mod would've just decayed...

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id understand that with the release date i'm confused about that plz help me i have heard to much from different people (dayz standalone) 

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