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im neither stubborn nor arrogant but i manage to play the game without having those situations and its a fact a zed cant spot you before ur 120 meters or more close to him and its a fact it wont alarm the whole town so plz be honest that you are exaggerating big time here. Sure sometimes i get killed too because of bugged zeds or sth else but thats extremely rare and not all the time like people try to point out. how come many people live very long times if the game doesnt give u a chance like you try to point out? how come i wasnt killed a very long time now because i know where i can go and which building is dangerous because it has multiple entries is small or buggable by zeds. it doesnt take long to figure that out since there arnt that much building types in the game. If i ignore my knowledge about buildings aggrorange and buggs, sure i will also get killed/infected/hit low as some others but i just behave a way where i can avoid it and my friends do too and many others i know. Fact is most people arent patient enough and dont see running away for maybe half an hour to shake of the zeds as an option because it costs alot of time, u gotta get back where u where before, maybe u saw a nice loot u want but your situation dooms you to leave it and run and maybe chaneging ur plans towards totally different situation....i believe u got in fucked up situations like u say and that buggs did theire part, but you can avoid it belvie me. the game doesnt invent new bugs every day its absolutely overseeable


Fact is most people arent patient enough and dont see running away for maybe half an hour to shake of the zeds as an option because it costs alot of time? You know, most people don't have all day to play, but it doesn't mean they are impatient. No matter how patient you are, sneaking is useless now because of the cheating AI.



1. The game doesnt invent new bugs every day its absolutely overseeable. See Post #611.


2. So plz be honest that you are exaggerating big time here. Member since yesterday, tells me that I'm exaggerating. I give up.

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Fact is most people arent patient enough and dont see running away for maybe half an hour to shake of the zeds as an option because it costs alot of time? You know, most people don't have all day to play, but it doesn't mean they are impatient. No matter how patient you are, sneaking is useless now because of the cheating AI.



1. The game doesnt invent new bugs every day its absolutely overseeable. See Post #611.


2. So plz be honest that you are exaggerating big time here. Member since yesterday, tells me that I'm exaggerating. I give up.


1. Im not even close to having all day for playing, im a working oral surgeant, i play in the evening sometimes or on tuesdays when i have my free day, so dont invent sth to fit ur point.

1.1 if u say sneaking is useless, beacause of broken AI its just not true cause it works for me and many others


2. I entered the mebership yesterday because i had the urge to comment some bull, doesnt mean i dont read the froum and tweets since a very long time, and play the game since then too, so thats just a childish argument




well whatever, you called me stubborn look at urself? did u maybe reflect on my propsals? I would say its a useless discussion and i wont comment it further on. If ur not happy with the game or just, lets say too resistent against cognitive processes where u learn from a situation and behave another way next time, its not my problem neither the problem of anybody else, just play another game since infection wont be removed be sure. And if the broken AI is ur only problem refer to my "PS:-post" and dont forget this is an alpha version of unpayed hobby devs!!

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 yeah i read that before and i already then thought it exaggerating and just not true. I dont know where u get those ideas and if u read the tweets you would know that they said zombies are 0% done, so they will work on it alot be sure.

only 1 example: if you cleanly headshot zeds at a crashsites from 200 meters without a silencer it wont spawn any more zeds and it wont alarm his buddies. only if u do not kill one of the zeds within 1-2 shots he will alarm some of his buddys maybe 2-3 an run towards you. if u kill them its over and if there is no zombie left the crashsite is yours to loot. i looted many crashsites and never had to kill more that 5-7 zeds if i was alone or with one more mate. and i never had 20+ zeds spawning from nowhere. just keep ur fairytales for urself because fairytales are worth nothing to force changes to a game

Edited by Evil E

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 yeah i read that before and i already then thought it exaggerating and just not true. I dont know where u get those ideas and if u read the tweets you would know that they said zombies are 0% done, so they will work on it alot be sure.

only 1 example: if you cleanly headshot zeds at a crashsites from 200 meters without a silencer it wont spawn any more zeds and it wont alarm his buddies. only if u do not kill one of the zeds within 1-2 shots he will alarm some of his buddys maybe 2-3 an run towards you. if u kill them its over and if there is no zombie left the crashsite is yours to loot. i looted many crashsites and never had to kill more that 5-7 zeds if i was alone or with one more mate. and i never had 20+ zeds spawning from nowhere. just keep ur fairytales for urself because fairytales are worth nothing to force changes to a game


That's why you're stubborn. You don't listen to anyone but yourself and don't get what I'm saying: almost everything used to work properly before 1.7.7.x, but now it doesn't. Before 1.7.7.x it was possible to loot a crash site without killing any zeds, now it's not possible (if you don't have a car). I'm not the only one who faced those problems. If you think I'm telling fairytales, there're many Andersen brothers here :D .

Edited by IceBeam
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almost everything used to work properly before 1.7.7.x, but now it doesn't


How can you make the difference between bugs and modified features ? How can you say this is broken and this is not ?

This is only what you guess, and doesn't mean you're right and others are wrong.

Edited by Ameo

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That's why you're stubborn. You don't listen to anyone but yourself and don't get what I'm saying: almost everything used to work properly before 1.7.7.x, but now it doesn't. Before 1.7.7.x it was possible to loot a crash site without killing any zeds, now it's not possible (if you don't have a car). I'm not the only one who faced those problems. If you think I'm telling fairytales, there're many Andersen brothers here :D .


okay very slow now. Before 1.7.7 zed pathfinding was better (no glitch) and zeds where less aggro, true. but if u read the interviews, watched the videos you would know, that zeds as they where before 1.7.7 are just too simple, too easy to get rid of or avoid, just no real danger and thats not what the game is supposed to be. zeds should be the ultimate perril and thats what the devs want to reach. i agree that the first step towards more dangerous zeds wasnt perfect and produced the glitches because they could just increase the zeds speed to be harder to shake of cause of limited access/missing animations and pathfinding algorithms that arent that simple. that combined with faster aggro and infection makes the zeds MUCH harder to deal with but its still better than those passive wannabe zeds from before and its just the first step. at this moment devs are working on animations and pathfinding algorithms that will solve the glitching and bugging sooner or later. Maybe u wont be happy though, because zeds will be able to run inside too then but they will be acting calcualtable so you can aim beter and so on. If the mod dev team was a payed professional team with an own engine and no restrictions through the core game like the standalone team it would be much easier to implement changes like the more dangerous zeds in 1 step and functional but ist just not that way, it will come in steps and slower and there is nothing you or others can do about it

Edited by Evil E

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one little hint before starting a discussion about game mechanics, you should get official information before, all you can get and not argue based on ur own impressions

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 yeah i read that before and i already then thought it exaggerating and just not true. I dont know where u get those ideas and if u read the tweets you would know that they said zombies are 0% done, so they will work on it alot be sure.

only 1 example: if you cleanly headshot zeds at a crashsites from 200 meters without a silencer it wont spawn any more zeds and it wont alarm his buddies. only if u do not kill one of the zeds within 1-2 shots he will alarm some of his buddys maybe 2-3 an run towards you. if u kill them its over and if there is no zombie left the crashsite is yours to loot. i looted many crashsites and never had to kill more that 5-7 zeds if i was alone or with one more mate. and i never had 20+ zeds spawning from nowhere. just keep ur fairytales for urself because fairytales are worth nothing to force changes to a game

You know what? You´re post are completly pointless. Congrats some of the bugs in the game are working fine for you, but for thousands of players they don´t. And I know that because i´ve been playing Dayz since september last year and I have never seen so many empty vanilla servers before. Zeds aggroing at a long distance, calling their friends to aggro too, hitting through walls, dead zeds coming back to live and infect you then drop dead again, guarding zeds blocking entrys and exits of houses which will cause you to shoot one of the zeds if you have no melee or no time to swap, zeds beeing 5 times faster than the player, zeds hitting from 5-6 meter distance and lots of other bugs happend to me in I´ve seen all of them, trust me they exist and the fact that it´s nearly impossible as a new spawn to clean a heli crash site with 6+ zeds at 200m every zed a headshot, makes this one the fairytale, despite the fact that heli crash sites spawn new zeds in a very fast period. An average player without a camp with tents or cars or helis has like a 0,5% chance of surviving over 4 days. With one of my old chars I managed 90 days in Dayz without even 1 murder. I killed no one and the game was even after 90 days a challenge for me.

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one little hint before starting a discussion about game mechanics, you should get official information before, all you can get and not argue based on ur own impressions

So why did you tell us your impressions then if they aren´t a valid point?

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So why did you tell us your impressions then if they aren´t a valid point?


i never did that did u really read my posts? i always rely to facts and official discussions with devs



PS: and please read my last post before your quote..its all official and its an explanation for the actual situation. plz wait for and watch

Edited by Evil E

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an example of a very easy barrack loot: you just run up to the baracks and aside it to aggro the zeds inside kiting every zed u aggroed outside. then u continue kiting until the zeds from inside are outside chasing u too. go inside baracks close to the wall with doors and wait for  them to come in and kill them with your hatchet/machete or even handgun as u like. the moment the zed sounds are gone ur save to loot. do that a few times and you have a decent rifle sooner or later and will be able to loot crash sites without perril...i know its using buggs (slow zeds inside) but thats just the way it is until the AI fix

Edited by Evil E

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an example of a very easy barrack loot: you just run up to the baracks and aside it to aggro the zeds inside kiting every zed u aggroed outside. then u continue kiting until the zeds from inside are outside chasing u too. go inside baracks close to the wall with doors and wait for  them to come in and kill them with your hatchet/machete or even handgun as u like. the moment the zed sounds are gone ur save to loot. do that a few times and you have a decent rifle sooner or later and will be able to loot crash sites without perril...i know its using buggs (slow zeds inside) but thats just the way it is until the AI fix

And you think we don´t know that? What do you think were we doing before patch Running on the street killing zeds with mg´s?

And I refer to post #634

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noo i dont think that.....but i dont get ur point then not being able to survive, well still your post (634) is a good one i think we are mostely on the same side only that u are less forgiving facing the dev team. I might sometimes be a little harsh about people complaining too much about things that are known and in progress to be fixed. the patience/acceptance ragarding those people from your side may be a point where i could learn a bit from you

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okay very slow now. Before 1.7.7 zed pathfinding was better (no glitch) and zeds where less aggro, true. but if u read the interviews, watched the videos you would know, that zeds as they where before 1.7.7 are just too simple, too easy to get rid of or avoid, just no real danger and thats not what the game is supposed to be. zeds should be the ultimate perril and thats what the devs want to reach. i agree that the first step towards more dangerous zeds wasnt perfect and produced the glitches because they could just increase the zeds speed to be harder to shake of cause of limited access/missing animations and pathfinding algorithms that arent that simple. that combined with faster aggro and infection makes the zeds MUCH harder to deal with but its still better than those passive wannabe zeds from before and its just the first step. at this moment devs are working on animations and pathfinding algorithms that will solve the glitching and bugging sooner or later. Maybe u wont be happy though, because zeds will be able to run inside too then but they will be acting calcualtable so you can aim beter and so on. If the mod dev team was a payed professional team with an own engine and no restrictions through the core game like the standalone team it would be much easier to implement changes like the more dangerous zeds in 1 step and functional but ist just not that way, it will come in steps and slower and there is nothing you or others can do about it


It all depends. A lot of people were shooting the zombies, that's why they thought it was easy. If I didn't have a silenced gun before 1.7.7.x, I never tried to shoot the zombies because it could give away my position and because it was just waste of ammo. And even when I finally managed to find a silenced gun, I used it to kill zeds only if necessary.


According to your post, you establish the fact that the zombie AI was better, but for some reason you prefer buggy zeds. Like I said, it all depends on your playstyle. Before 1.7.7.x I was able to choose different styles, including stealthy and run-and-gun, and I decided to choose the first one. But now I'm forced to run-and-gun, to give away my position and to make myself an easy target for other players. Does it make sense? No.


In the recent patches zombies are harder, yes, but in a really insane way. Even though the zombies were easier before, their pathfinding was better. The loot (and zombie) spawning mechanics were better and worked properly. The loot tables were also better. Almost everything was better and offered a challenging gameplay coupled with better performance (I got 30-40 FPS before on European servers and 20-28 FPS after the patches). After those patches the game is harder (in an annoying way) and more buggy. Does it make sence? Was it necessary to fix something that wasn't broken? I'd rather it be easier but better in terms of the gameplay and performance than harder but more annoying combined with worse performance. 

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It all depends. A lot of people were shooting the zombies, that's why they thought it was easy. If I didn't have a silenced gun before 1.7.7.x, I never tried to shoot the zombies because it could give away my position and because it was just waste of ammo. And even when I finally managed to find a silenced gun, I used it to kill zeds only if necessary.


According to your post, you establish the fact that the zombie AI was better, but for some reason you prefer buggy zeds. Like I said, it all depends on your playstyle. Before 1.7.7.x I was able to choose different styles, including stealthy and run-and-gun, and I decided to choose the first one. But now I'm forced to run-and-gun, to give away my position and to make myself an easy target for other players. Does it make sense? No.


In the recent patches zombies are harder, yes, but in a really insane way. Even though the zombies were easier before, their pathfinding was better. The loot (and zombie) spawning mechanics were better and worked properly. The loot tables were also better. Almost everything was better and offered a challenging gameplay coupled with better performance (I got 30-40 FPS before on European servers and 20-28 FPS after the patches). After those patches the game is harder (in an annoying way) and more buggy. Does it make sence? Was it necessary to fix something that wasn't broken? I'd rather it be easier but better in terms of the gameplay and performance than harder but more annoying combined with worse performance. 


so you would prefer stagnation in development just to avoid bugs? I know its annoying but as it wa said a million times: there is no other way at the moment if you dont ignore law and patents and if u dont get payed and have the ressources to do it properly in one step...so we have to eat this stage of unfinished development and wait for them to fix it up but in the end we will have more dangerous zeds that will work properly as a reward and not stagnate in a state where the game was much too easy and by that i mean zeds i wouldnt fear at any time

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maybe they shouldve left the hard zombies for the standalone and just accept that its too lengthy and hard/maybe not really possible to improve zed danger without making them buggy cause of core game restrictions but that would be just a pitty with zeds that are too stupid to catch a cat

Edited by Evil E

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so you would prefer stagnation in development just to avoid bugs? I know its annoying but as it wa said a million times: there is no other way at the moment if you dont ignore law and patents and if u dont get payed and have the ressources to do it properly in one step...so we have to eat this stage of unfinished development and wait for them to fix it up but in the end we will have more dangerous zeds that will work properly as a reward and not stagnate in a state where the game was much too easy and by that i mean zeds i wouldnt fear at any time


Yes, I would prefer stagnation if it is the only option which will not cause loads of problems. In fact, that's why I chose not to install the latest version of plugins (such as Sourcemod, Zombie: Reloaded and etc), the newest plugins, textures and models when I was running Source Engine servers: because they were buggy as hell, and those bugs often crashed the server. However, some of the players asked to install them: "they're new, they're cool, most of the servers already have them installed, so why don't you do the same?". I answered: "Stability and performance are the most important things for me. Latest versions aren't always the best: I don't want my server to crash every 10 minutes just because of the "cool stuff". And in the end servers which had the newest (buggy) stuff installed lost their popularity. There were like 2-4 players on them every day, when the most playerbase chose to play on servers with older "stuff". The same goes for DayZ now: just look at the population of the official (vanilla) servers: they used to be busy every day and now they're empty.


In my opinion, chaning zombie AI, loot (and zombie) spawning mechanics, loot tables and adding the infection wasn't necessary at all. And about the infection: if there are enough means to cure it, if it's implemented without ruining the gameplay, it could be a nice addition. But there're only three ways out today: antibiotics, resting in a tent and a suicide. Antibiotics: rare, coupled with broken loot spawning mechanics - almost impossible to find. Tents - rare, coupled with broken l.s.m. and bugged placement - almost unavailable. Suicide - always available: "Curing the infection... one bullet at a time". The current gameplay doesn't increase teamwork: players are killing each other on the coast hoping to find antibiotics in their inventory/backpack. Is it funny? I don't think so. Let's see what was changed in the next patches when they're released and hope for the best.

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Yes, I would prefer stagnation if it is the only option which will not cause loads of problems....


well ok at this point we have two totally different opinions, i would agree if dayz was a standalone game in development state from a payed team with theire own engine and without restrictions but they arent. I dont say my opinion is right and yours is wrong they are just totally different and i would always prefer to try to reach my aims when i start a project (dangerous zombies for now) and not give up because it might cause a period of problems/bugs. if its not possible to reach it, well u can backpedal everytime you are convinced its come that far

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Here's the thing.


Listen. If there were a zombie apocalypse, a zed wouldn't stand a chance against a limber, fully functional human being let alone a human being who can fight or has a weapon. All you have to do is knock them square in the mouth and take their teeth out.. then go for the feet and/or arms, and then problem solved.


My point is that the reason why zombies are considered a threat is not because they can run faster, jump higher and throw you on the ground!


They are dangerous because of their mass swarm and attack mentality. If we are to see any real improvement in how zombies behave, they will have to be  designed to attack in cluster formation, boxing you in from all angles, forcing you to run, lay low and hide. They should be more active and agile during the day, and a bit slower during early dawn, dusk and night time where the sun is not present to give them their energy.


In this case, the developers are going about it in the wrong way. Yes, it is necessary for the individual zed to have good path finding, speed, etc. But we will always run into a brick wall if they are not programmed to operate like a herd. Nature provides us with several examples we can model zeds against...


I command you to get it done!!

Edited by codestargod

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You know what? You´re post are completly pointless. Congrats some of the bugs in the game are working fine for you, but for thousands of players they don´t. And I know that because i´ve been playing Dayz since september last year and I have never seen so many empty vanilla servers before. Zeds aggroing at a long distance, calling their friends to aggro too, hitting through walls, dead zeds coming back to live and infect you then drop dead again, guarding zeds blocking entrys and exits of houses which will cause you to shoot one of the zeds if you have no melee or no time to swap, zeds beeing 5 times faster than the player, zeds hitting from 5-6 meter distance and lots of other bugs happend to me in I´ve seen all of them, trust me they exist and the fact that it´s nearly impossible as a new spawn to clean a heli crash site with 6+ zeds at 200m every zed a headshot, makes this one the fairytale, despite the fact that heli crash sites spawn new zeds in a very fast period. An average player without a camp with tents or cars or helis has like a 0,5% chance of surviving over 4 days. With one of my old chars I managed 90 days in Dayz without even 1 murder. I killed no one and the game was even after 90 days a challenge for me.


Could you show me show videos/pictures something of each one of these bugs plz?


Zeds aggroing at a long distance - Sight is limited to 100 meters down from Deans Original 300 meters. Sound is not limited.

Hitting through walls. - No matter how much testing we do we can not recreate this issue unless the zed is glitched into the wall.

Zeds hitting from 5-6 meter distance - Zed are limited in range so you can not get dmg when a zed is above the hitting range. .7 had a range bug .7.1 fixed it.

​Zed Speeds are in fact returned to default in .6 we changed them to be slower in .7 we reset that change to Dean's original number.

Zeds reacting to calls from other zeds has always been ingame it just didn't work same as sound from weapons.

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They are dangerous because of their mass swarm and attack mentality. If we are to see any real improvement in how zombies behave, they will have to be  designed to attack in cluster formation, boxing you in from all angles, forcing you to run, lay low and hide. They should be more active and agile during the day, and a bit slower during early dawn, dusk and night time where the sun is not present to give them their energy.


In this case, the developers are going about it in the wrong way. Yes, it is necessary for the individual zed to have good path finding, speed, etc. But we will always run into a brick wall if they are not programmed to operate like a herd.




I do agree with you, I just think in this case we're limited by Arma.  Notice how many people struggle with framerates, lag, and server performance as it is?  To have zeds spawn, scan (LOS as well as sound), patrol a certain area, aggro, form hordes, then interact in what I will call "horde mode" is asking a lot.  Actually, I think it's asking too much.  Not of the developers, but of the servers.  I've had to resort to restarting my server every three hours negate an existing memory hole in Arma that bleeds performance, and that is with the system as-is on a vanilla server.


 I'm not saying you are wrong--I actually hold the same point of view as far as the horde mechanic and the potential threat (or non threat?) the zeds should pose towards humans.  I just don't think that given the state of the engine that it's a reasonable thing to command of anyone.  B)



Just my $.02



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Bullshit. Fuck you and anybody else who says I wasn't trying. Got infected entering Novy, and got blood beat to low. Tried to look around for food, antis, then made my way to Stary, creeping around prone looking for antis. Started passing out crawling through tents. Suprise, Blood went to empty. After a couple of bouts of fainting, suprise. Died. It was a maximum of 45 minutes. What were you on the same server at the same time counting goats and cows around Stary?

I was in your situation a few times. I generally ended up dying as well but I managed to stay alive with hunting animals around. It is indeed bloody hard to find enough animal/cook their meats and going for more animals again, but it kinda lets you live more if you know where to hunt.


Sadly, in normal servers it is near impossible to hunt animals to stay alive.. Cus animals spawn enough for an infected person to stay alive for a while only near big cities, which is open to CoD kiddos. And thx to the spawn selection feature now there will be dozens of peeps spawning on the coasts where the animals spawn in the first place.. =))

Edited by SoulHunter

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I was in your situation a few times. I generally ended up dying as well but I managed to stay alive with hunting animals around. It is indeed bloody hard to find enough animal/cook their meats and going for more animals again, but it kinda lets you live more if you know where to hunt.


Sadly, in normal servers it is near impossible to hunt animals to stay alive.. Cus animals spawn enough for an infected person to stay alive for a while only near big cities, which is open to CoD kiddos. And thx to the spawn selection feature now there will be dozens of peeps spawning on the coasts where the animals spawn in the first place.. =))

Animals spawn around the players pick any random field go test.

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