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Feral (DayZ)

White flag

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You are trapped in a building, there is a guy out front with a nervous twitchy trigger finger, he's not a bad guy but thanks to countless lessons he's taking no chances. You have no mic and now is not the time to begin typing to placate and calm the situation, so what do you do? You do what anyone would do in a similar real life situation. You wave a white flag.

A white handkerchief, easy to model and with the new crafting system i'm sure it would be easy to code in, combine a wooden arrow with a white hanky and you have the universally recognised symbol of non aggression and submission, a White Flag. Next time you need to communicate your unthreatening nature you just equip and wave.

You could wave it tentatively around a corner or over a wall and the other player knows for sure that you have no weapon in your hands and you pose no threat, this way you don't even have to expose your self to his line of fire. If the other guy does the same then you can both come out and we have made the first tentative steps towards a friendship based on mutual trust.

As SausageKing points out, this wouldn't just benefit those without or unable to use mic's, it would allow all players to communicate intentions from a distance outside that allowed by side chat.


Another idea that must have been suggested before would be to add the option to raise 'both' hands above the head in good old fashioned 'stick em up' form, although this would not allow the player to remain behind cover to show his peaceful intentions it could be an instinctive one button move causing any held weapons to be dropped immediately.

Edited by (MUC) Feral
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Thats pretty good actually.

I know when ever im on a new server and dont have a mic im like "well looks like i cant hero on this server".

This could be a pretty cool seen as some people dont really know what the QE dance is all about and it also exposes you.

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This could be a pretty cool seen as some people dont really know what the QE dance is all about and it also exposes you.

Good point that I missed, I edited to make the point, ty.

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It is a great idea, but I can see how it can go wrong. Not saying they shouldn't do it but a selfish player(beginning bandit) or bandit will run up to you and shoot you as you are holding that flag. You could have the flag up on your gun at the same time but even a player who doesn't shoot first ask questions later sees that flag they will think that as a way to trust them then they shoot you but you can do that over the mic anyway... I'll probably just be talking in circles now so im gonna shut up till someone comes up with another good comment.

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It is a great idea, but I can see how it can go wrong. Not saying they shouldn't do it but a selfish player(beginning bandit) or bandit will run up to you and shoot you as you are holding that flag. You could have the flag up on your gun at the same time but even a player who doesn't shoot first ask questions later sees that flag they will think that as a way to trust them then they shoot you but you can do that over the mic anyway... I'll probably just be talking in circles now so im gonna shut up till someone comes up with another good comment.

You are right, but at least this gives players a safe method of communicating that they are not a threat in a way that can't be done now. Also, shooting a guy with a white flag would be considered as low an act of douchebaggery as killing a guy with a flashlight or a fresh spawn, there will always be dicks that do it but your average player, even bandits will probably realise that this is not the way to go.

Edited by (MUC) Feral
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Nice idea but mics are 3 bucks or something. A fair headset for 40. Even with mics, I like the idea. Sometimes a way to ID intentions from a distance would be nice. Direct chat only goes so far.

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Sometimes a way to ID intentions from a distance would be nice. Direct chat only goes so far.

again, a good point I hadn't considered.

Edited by (MUC) Feral

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First, sorry for my english but I'm french...

So, starting with a white flag in bag can be a good implement in DayZ...

Indeed, most of the time we encounter another player in session, he kill us... Why... Fear probably...

So, with a white flag (that we can take as weapons) we'll announce our good attention to another player... Facilitating contact and exchanges.

tell me what you think of this idea...

So nice job for this mod... I love it


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Bandits would use the flag to trick players into thinking they were friendly and then kill them. Defeating the purpose of the white flag.

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Bandits would use the flag to trick players into thinking they were friendly and then kill them. Defeating the purpose of the white flag.

As in real life....

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with the current outlook of the majority of players, a white flag would just be a bullet magnet.

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I atually really like the idea. Sure people will use it to trick others but at least it's another way of stating your intentions.

Maybe when organising a trade you could use it so signal to the other player that they've got the right guy.

Have some beans.

Edited by Fraggle

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heh heh French person asking for surrender flag....I am going to apologize in advance for that joke. (yet i am too lazy to remove it) Sometimes I go full retard...

Anyways. I like the ideal. But I think it would be better if it was a white towel instead. For immersion, no survivor has time to tailor a flag.

Edited by harley001
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heh heh French person asking for surrender flag....I am going to apologize in advance for that joke.

Well, someone had to say it...

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Good idea.

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Bandits would use the flag to trick players into thinking they were friendly and then kill them. Defeating the purpose of the white flag.

That doesn't make much sense..

Its another way of communicating you are possibly not dangerous to other players...I see what you mean but Its a basic indication, its better than nothing but i just think being able to do a freindly kind of wave would be more suitable than everyone having a clean white hanky in their pockets

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I like it too, might not work just as intended, but hey, what does?

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That doesn't make much sense..

If i had the intention to play as a bandit , i surely would use that flag to trick people out. > that's the kind of problem he meant.

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How about you can only have it if you have + humanity. No? too restrictive of free play?

Dunno. Somethingto think about anyway. good idea.

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Fantastic idea.

but it would be taken advantage of by bandits.

So are guns but we like those too :thumbsup:

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about constraint objects!

What if you only could "use" your flag if you have ie. no gun or no bullets in your inventory/hands. however you still could have melee weaponry. This would be then a bullet proof indicator that your opponent is at least no threat at long range.

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They should use a big white flag so the other guy can cover up the body properly afterwards...

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I play a hero, but if I saw somebody waving a white flag I'd shoot them just for being a big puss.

Simply choosing to not point your gun at someone is enough of a symbol of your intentions. As I see it, a white flag is a symbol for surrendering.

It's an apocalypse. You fight for survival, you don't beg for it.

That being said, there's no reason not to make it an option. Some dafty will probably use it.

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Bandits would use the flag to trick players into thinking they were friendly and then kill them. Defeating the purpose of the white flag.

He said "as weapon". If the person would try to equip his rifle to his hand it would take some time but not be like instant or such lol.

You could just take down everyone who would attempt to equip his gun after showing a white-flag and come near you.. You would probably have 2-3 seconds.. Should not be that hard though... c.c

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