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I agree now that it's too high. I think it needed to be increased a little bit, but not as much as it has. I think the idea was to make players use more stealth, but now that I get agro from crouch walking at 75m or something I just don't want to even try stealth - I just run in and shoot them.

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i got thegame 1 day before 1.7 and now i dont want to play that often anymore

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It's not hard, it's just plain stupid. Stealth playing was hard and rewarding before. Now you can't play stealthy at all without going prone from 500 meters away all the way into town.

It's not fun at all, just frustrating.

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If I get a broken leg and the pain shakes my vision is so blurred I can barely see yet a dude who is dead and came back to life and has half his face missing can spot me in a bush from a click out cause I am crouching? ...that makes no sense...

Even though I like the new zombie range, I do have to laugh and agree with this part.

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I can survive in this new patch. I just spent about 4 hours scavenging on a character I have had up for a couple of weeks and though I must say I no longer enjoy the game, I can survive within it. Basically, discharging a sidearm inside a house should not require 4 additional mags just to kill all the zombies that came after you as a result. After that, I made a new character on a new profile and died several times trying to get used to not being able to shoot things if I made a mistake. That was awesome, about the only hour of my 6 or 7 hour session today that I enjoyed. Please never let us start with guns again. After that it was the same deal as before. All of the fun was just sucked dry.

Been playing this game for over a month now and all I can say is after this patch, I will not be returning to the servers until something is done about this agro radius. If it turns out that this is the way it will be from here on out then I guess I will miss the single most impressive gaming experience I have ever had the pleasure of taking part in.

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Very true. I just climbed up a latter to reach the roof of a four story building' date=' just to have my guy slam his foot down at the top and aggro 4 zombies that were in the street.



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If you want to crouch walk by zombies at 5m and 10m then you are just wanting the game to be more easy and less time comsuming which isn't what this game is aiming to be as a anti-game.

lol @ 5-10m. try 50-70m. Its nuts.

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ok so i stopped reading the thread near the end.

The zombies can see you from too far away, or the noise sensors are way too high..

Dont want to sound like a bitch, but something definatly needs tweaking here.

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Not sure if any of you read the DayZ Development twitter but it covers this

Day Z Development ‏@dayzdevteam

Major bug quashed with next update in the line-of-sight checking, infected perform much better - look forward to the hotfix!

Infected behavior a focus for the next hotfix. Particularly their hearing, issue is causing them to detect players from long distances

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Not sure if any of you read the DayZ Development twitter but it covers this

Day Z Development ‏@dayzdevteam

Major bug quashed with next update in the line-of-sight checking' date=' infected perform much better - look forward to the hotfix!

Infected behavior a focus for the next hotfix. Particularly their hearing, issue is causing them to detect players from long distances


I don't think the problem is only hearing though... I hope they do something about sight too. The 'line-of-sight checking' bit sounds to me like more of an improvement to hiding from zombies than sight agro range.

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1.7.0 was the golden ages, zombies worked perfectly fine till they started changing things up, I think they should go back to 1.7.0 again, when you were actually required to stealth. The day before 1.7.1 came, me and my friends played for atleast 6 hours non-stop, the day 1.7.1 hit, we quit within 5 minutes.

They're zombies, they're infected which basically means that they are decaying, their limbs are slowly falling off, why should they be faster than humans that are in perfectly good condition? Yes, possibly to create challenge. Some people want "realism", some just want a wacky game.

Also why would I use a hatchet? I can find like 5 rifles in one barn.

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I miss the days when the only way you could get your sight and hearing meters to shoot up to 5 bars was to run in the middle of a road or across a farm plot like a moron. Doesn't make much sense that zombies can see me in the dark from 50m while I can't see them until I'm bumping into their legs.

I used to be terrible at sneaking past zombies as I always ended up as the evening meal. Though through time and many bites I learned crawling was the ideal way to hide from the undead. After long hours of crawling I got fed up and learned to crouch walk past zombies effectively, only needing to prone in a few tight spots. Up to a few days before the new zombie awareness was put in I was able to stand up and WALK past zombies as long as I kept behind them and kept my eye on which direction every zombie was facing, I seriously felt like the zombie sneaking champion.

Now standing up and even crouching are good ways to get yourself killed, and shift crawling is pretty ineffective as zombies walk faster than you can crawl, so if one that had it's back turned to you one second ago is now headed your direction, well tough luck pal. I also find I am forced to crouch if I want to enter most buildings, so I tend to have to expend a couple bullets on the zombies who show up for a bite from around the other side of the building. (X-Ray vision anyone?)

While I can still avoid zombies adequately as long as I don't enter any towns, I really would like to be able to sneak around in towns again.

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Instead of whining about it on the forums and sticking to whatever you've learned in the past, try new things and adapt to the situation. I myself was getting owned badly by zeds since but there are new methods to avoid zeds outright and even completely deaggro them.

Just mess around with the new system a bit you'll get the hang of it seriously the bitchfest that keeps springing up after each single update of this alpha isn't necessary. Learn to explore new things, adapt to situations and find the perfect method to deal with it.

Bottom line is, try new things instead of approaching a town or settlement while crouched or

standing. Also hurr durr an infected human can see me for up to 70m! Yeah, no shit?

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