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About secretagentman

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  1. As far as I know the first one deals with tracking your ammo when you leave or change servers so you don't get full clips each time you spawn as well as some sort of performance bump. The second one means that from a great distance there is a very slight chance a zombie will spot you (even further than previously, but again it's a small chance) and as you get closer to them the chance they will spot you increases by orders of magnitude, so a much higher chance of being spotted the closer you get in. That's as far as I understand them, hope this helps! -Cyd
  2. secretagentman

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    Zed is the pronunciation of the letter Z in most dialects of English, and calling Zombies "Zeds" predates Day Z by a long shot..but hey call them whatever you want. Thanks for the update Rocket, loving it! -Cyd
  3. secretagentman

    killer patch hitted DayZ.

    It's being addressed in the next hotfix as mentioned on their dev twitter https://twitter.com/dayzdevteam
  4. secretagentman


    Not sure if any of you read the DayZ Development twitter but it covers this Day Z Development ‏@dayzdevteam Major bug quashed with next update in the line-of-sight checking, infected perform much better - look forward to the hotfix! Infected behavior a focus for the next hotfix. Particularly their hearing, issue is causing them to detect players from long distances
  5. secretagentman

    Direct Communication

    Running the most recent arma2 beta & version of day z both text and voice have worked for me with direct communication, not every new player may know how to respond though.
  6. secretagentman

    Major Update Pending: 1.7.0

    looking forward to it! keep up the great work Jason, I've had the OA beta installed and had no problems playing on non beta servers with a friend who didn't have it. So should be pretty seamless.
  7. secretagentman

    The End Is Nigh.

    I think you may forget that rocket made this despite everyone telling him it wouldn't work and that regardless of all the bitching and moaning that goes on I'm sure he has a pretty good idea of what he may or may not want for his game. He's also observing how things evolve and listening to commentary from the community as well as actively participating in those discussions so I feel like we're in good hands. -Cyd
  8. secretagentman


    It's funny (and sometimes a bit frustrating) with the random chance of finding different loot that sometimes certain items seem entirely elusive even though they're relatively common. Personally I've never seen a pack of matches yet! Happy hunting though -Cyd
  9. secretagentman

    Allow stmovement!

    Agreed, people arguing that it's unrealistic would like to have us hit a key every time we take a breath I think. I've had problems in tight spaces just using the pistol which you can't lower, and that doesn't seem to have a thing to do about realism..also it seems to make the transition in and out of buildings smoother which can sometimes be frustrating at the moment. I'm sure limitations could be put on it or something, we could find some middle ground.
  10. secretagentman Horrible frames per second

    I understand rocket said he was looking into these fps issues but I figure I mind as well add my experience if it helps any. My framerate issues aren't serious enough usually for me to stop playing but noticeable from version to version anyway. My specs are AMD Phenom X2 BE 3.2ghz, 4gb Ram, Radeon5850. Normally I'd get 60fps or so in the last version this time it is much less consistent sometimes averaging 30-45 in Elektro/Cherno and at one point for seemingly no reason dropping to 8fps (Just outside Cherno on SLC 1), I ended up switching servers (to NY 1) and things seemed to improve back to 30+ with occasional dips into 10-15. It didn't seem to make a big difference if I was in a large city or forest or what have you. Anyway I've still been playing but it's quite a difference (and adjusting my graphics settings don't seem to help). My friend who is running a system that is around the min spec for Arma 2 and can play multiplayer Arma2 just fine is unplayable in Day Z, I'm sure Day Z is more demanding in general but I'm curious as to whether the fps issues that rocket was mentioning, if fixed, might get him to a playable level of FPS. I think he has an Intel Core 2 Duo 2.8ghz, Nvidia Geforce7800 and 2gb of RAM. Anyway looking forward to the next update! Thanks for all the hard work
  11. secretagentman


    Just bad luck I guess, my last run I went through most of the buildings in Cherno including supermarkets and didn't get any. Thanks though, at least I know to keep checking these areas!
  12. secretagentman


    First off, I'd like to thank rocket & co for this fantastic mod I've only been playing a few days now but have had some very memorable experiences and generally good experiences with other players too. My question, which I searched around and checked the wiki for but couldn't find an answer for, is what types of areas do matches spawn in? I've found tons of nice loot, and plenty of firewood in the few games I've played but I've yet to see a single pack of matches! Maybe other players are just cleaning them out first, but any help would be appreciated! Thanks, Cyd