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poodude28 (DayZ)

Will Standalone be released this month?

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Hey guys, Ive been waiting for standalone to come out since the mod was released, I have enjoyed it a load with my friend, Now to get to the point. What are the chances of standalone coming out this month seeing as E3 is this month and standalone just seems like this month is the way to go

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You know just as much as the rest of us. Maybe we will know more by E3. In the wise words of Rocket, "It's done when it's done."

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Not going to lie, reddit is useful in keeping track of DayZ at E3.

June 13 at 3:20 PDT

On Stage 2, DayZ will be live at E3.

I am going to guess it's going to be streamed online.

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I wouldn't use the word "released" since it's gonna be a very early alpha and it was supposed to go in batches so not everyone gets to play it when it's "released"

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I think we will put our hands on it in like 2 or even 3 months, IMHO (since I saw some pre alpha footage, I was shocked - still I don't believe much work has been done since then).

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Let me give rocket a call on his private hotline....... he said it came out last month didn't you get the memo? We are all playing it.

I suppose we just have to wait and see...

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I think we will put our hands on it in like 2 or even 3 months, IMHO (since I saw some pre alpha footage, I was shocked - still I don't believe much work has been done since then).

2 or 3 months is possible IMHO.


a VAST, VAST amount of work has gone on in the alpha. Whether it's instantly noticeable or not is another thing, but to say you think little work has been done is incorrect.



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Update/edit: My 2-3 month is a pure guess btw It could come out anytime, it could be this month. I just wanted you, dear forum member, to know that I was just taking part in the conversation, not giving out "facts"


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1. yes.

2. no.

3. okay.

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I can't see it being this month, as E3 is Monday and they will surely get feedback from that event which they'll take away. Then they'll continue to tweak things in-house, and the streamers haven't even got their hands on it yet.

Streamers should get their hands on it fairly soon, but as for people being able to buy DayZ in alpha state, you're looking at a good few months in my opinion. However, like everyone else, nobody knows any specifics, so it's all guesswork.

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alpha public yes starting with low price. end june probably after e3 when hype is built up.

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They previously said an Alpha would most likely come in June. With that being said, assuming they aren't going to release until it's gone through Alpha and Beta testing, my guess would be September at the earliest, but more realistically, I'd guess around December. You have a new COD coming in November, so I think it's unlikely they will want to release around that, as it could hurt sales of the standalone.

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I hope its like the ArmA 3 Alpha where we get early access, play around with it in its primitive state, and then get the full game for free.

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I hope its like the ArmA 3 Alpha where we get early access, play around with it in its primitive state, and then get the full game for free.

That's what's going to happen AFAIK.

We will get early access, to a rough and ready build (think more primitive than A3 IMHO) and as the game progresses we will receive the updates until it's the *full* release.



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more primitive that arma 3 :o

guess well see few in more dayz :)

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I think it will be released in July in my opinion all signs point to July.

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We might have a RL apocalypse if we wont see that alpha this June :o

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I think we will put our hands on it in like 2 or even 3 months, IMHO (since I saw some pre alpha footage, I was shocked - still I don't believe much work has been done since then).

That footage you saw was from several months ago. The footage we will see at E3 is far beyond those builds, even Rocket on Twitter seems fairly confident that we will be blown away by the difference.

It sounds to me like the team went into crunch mode to get all of the animations, items, etc working for the E3 build. With the client/sever architecture done I think we will see the alpha released this month.

Edited by Grief.exe

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It'll be released on the second Tuesday next week.

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You'll be lucky to get 1.7.7 in June.

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You'll be lucky to get 1.7.7 in June.

it tomorrow lol !

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