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DayZ: SA cars

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This is the perfect example of a game where that sort of maintenance SHOULD be included.

DayZ is about survival, scavenging and salvage.

No offence to anyone, but if there is a "Giant red line", I sure as fuck hope you naysayers don't get to determine where it lies. :P

I'm sure it's not just me who wants to be challenged and constantly occupied while playing DayZ. It got where it is by being an "anti-game".

There's a million and one titles out there for folks who want simplicity and ease from their gaming experiences.

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This is the perfect example of a game where that sort of maintenance SHOULD be included.

but how far should such maintenace go? the next "fine" line...

normal ppl under no circumstance should be able to change the gearbox of a car. however using duct tape to fix the leak of a brake pipe should be possible, as well as refilling the fluids

Edited by joe_mcentire

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By reading some of the suggestions in this thread it is easy to pick out the ones that have probably never driven a car in their lives :P

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This is the perfect example of a game where that sort of maintenance SHOULD be included.

Because it simply wouldn't be worth it. You go through all the trouble to get the car running, then the next day it's gone.

Realism taken this far is not fun.

DayZ should be an enjoyable experience, not a hardcore smash-your-keyboard simulator.

However, I do agree that operating a car should be much more complex than how it is now in ArmA 2.

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This is the perfect example of a game where that sort of maintenance SHOULD be included.

DayZ is about survival, scavenging and salvage.

No offence to anyone, but if there is a "Giant red line", I sure as fuck hope you naysayers don't get to determine where it lies. :P

I'm sure it's not just me who wants to be challenged and constantly occupied while playing DayZ. It got where it is by being an "anti-game".

There's a million and one titles out there for folks who want simplicity and ease from their gaming experiences.

Yes... this is true... but i spend enough time fixing / maintaining cars IRL....

Can you honestly tell me, that you would be perfectly happy with spending two solid days in-game, trouble-shooting the fuel delivery system in lada.

just because you want a car in-game, And its all green but it WONT START....

If you say yes, you are either Lying or have no life outside of the internet....

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By reading some of the suggestions in this thread it is easy to pick out the ones that have probably never driven a car in their lives :P

just because you don't know the techn. stuff behind a vehicle does mean you cannot drive it?!

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We should be able to (required to) replace (or at least check) common perishables and fluids.

I mean, you wouldn't strictly have to, but unless you do, you won't know you're in tip-top shape. And it could potentially avoid disaster.

As far as I'm concerned, the DayZ we've seen was only the slightest hint at what we can look forward to when it comes to depth and detail.

EDIT: In general, I'd rather have folks avoid tasks because of how time-consuming and complicated they are than have everything become simple, trivial and pointless.

If you know maintaining a vehicle is a pain in the ass, it's always going to be exciting to see a convoy ripping across Chernarus.

Edited by Chabowski
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if we can all at least agree that dayz is a zombie apocalypse game

and not a car simulator ill be able to get a good nights rest tonight :P

come one people......

a car is easy to operate.

bottom line.

when you crash a car in the current dayz mod 90% of the time you probably wouldn't have made that mistake irl.

like lag spike or a screen tear usually sends me into a random tree or wall.

if you have to check your brake fluid then i expect to have a "breath" key and if you don't press it every minute your character faints because he forgot to breathe.


-fluid levels and brake pads are long term things that make a car "undriveable".

would take some time for a car to deteriorate to that level and has no place in a videogame.

and in dayz with everything else going on would just not be practical.

Edited by methr1k2dop3

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I had to edit this in, because it's just going to piss me off otherwise.

For the sake of simulation, you have to recognise the distinction between "difficulty" and "complexity".

I don't care how often you say "driving is easy". That doesn't make it simple.

WASD just doesn't cut it.

The accelerator would be one key, probably W, steering would likely stay A and D (or appropriate arrow keys), the rest needs redone.

Manual control of gears, where applicable. Reverse as a gear, instead of a brake/reverse button. An actual handbrake (parking brake).

All of these things would bring DayZ more in line with simulation.

It has nothing to do with difficulty (or ease), it's about representing actions properly and giving you more realistic control of the vehicle.

There's been mention of using the take on helicopters flight-model in DayZ, as well as the startup sequence etc. It'd be pretty stupid to have heli-sim flight controls with driving controls little better than Big Rigs.

Edited by Chabowski

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That's it.

I quit.

HAHA! i feel for you ;)

i second chabowski at this topic.

first off all it would be nice, anything that improves the immersion is a yes for me. literally anything (besides sleep, poop, and pee maybe).

secondly, there is a really really cheap mechanic to add loads of little immersion tweaking features, such as those "in-depth stuff":


From the start, you can implement like 50 different messages just for vehicles. to give you slight hints, when something is/feels odd or when it comes to patching up things.

Later on you could, step by step, get rid of text-messages and try to implement visual stuff, or for christ's sake even mini-game-esque gimmickries.

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So you want every DayZ player to buy a joystick?

I think that the take on helicopters system would be perfect for both cars and helicopters. You CAN fly them just with your keyboard and your mouse, so the average player could still use them to get from point A to point B. For more advanced stuff like assaulting Elektro you would need an experienced pilot with a joystick.

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I think I agree. Driving a car needs to be SUPER complex, and extremely realistic, like the rest of the features in the game. I want you guys to take as MUCH time as you can to get this as good as possible. If it takes months, don't rush it! We are extremely patient people here. Forget those other, meaningless features, like balancing the game, adding an endgame, or fixing those little bugs like zombies and players walking through walls - we can take it. The people who have been moaning here on the forums for the last 14 months are just pussies. In fact, we could use a 'balance' system for the bikes? Where you have to press 'Q' and 'E' to lean left+right and prevent yourself from falling over while pedalling, where if you mess up, and lose balance, you fall over and are killed instantly. You could add a 'training wheels' item that can be found in police stations that take up 5 inventory slots, that can be attached via an interactive 'screwing' minigame simulation.

I heard that Rocket (Dean Hall) was overhauling the whole walking system in the standalone actually ... he decided that there were far too many vehicles, and walking from town to town just didn't take long enough, so he decided to implement a mechanic like from the critically-acclaimed game QWOP, to make walking (and aiming a weapon) hyper-realistic. I saw some footage, and it looked pretty sweet. I think it'll make the whole experience of venturing through the forest for hours on end to finally link up with your friends a much more rewarding experience.

QWOP critically acclaimed? You troll :facepalm: >:( :emptycan:

Please don't take that post seriously. He was trying to be sarcastic but you can't tell <_<

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In fact, we could use a 'balance' system for the bikes? Where you have to press 'Q' and 'E' to lean left+right and prevent yourself from falling over while pedalling, where if you mess up, and lose balance, you fall over and are killed instantly. You could add a 'training wheels' item that can be found in police stations that take up 5 inventory slots, that can be attached via an interactive 'screwing' minigame simulation.

This is the worst fucking idea I have ever heard. Who would even drive bicycles if you have to spam q+e all the time?

Edit: Ninja'd by Vindicator. :thumbsup:

Edited by DayzForumer
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And don't know for you, but personnaly I like to drive sportly, when I'm alone, and quietly when i'm with gf or friends. It ISN'T the same way to change gear ! When I drive quietly, I don't increase the engine speed over 3000 rpm ! But when I want to drive faster, I usually make the engine go over 5000 rpm to have more acceleration, but in the other more gas is used.

On basic cars we can find in Tchernarus, i don't think there is lot of automatic gears. In USA, i don't know, but in Europa, not every family have a automatic cars, especially in rural and poor environments like in tchernarus.

With the system of changing gears, people could choose which kind of driving they want, according to the current situation.

-> if they are driving in wilderness, they could be less agressive on the acceleration pedal, gas uptake will be decreased, but acceleration too

-> if they are in a dangerous situation, if they have to drive very fast to survive, they could choose to pass their gears at more high engine speed. However it would uptake lot of gasoil, and why not can damage a little bit the engine ?

I think the clutch system is too elaborated to be resumed by a single button, and almost every adult civilian considers like a reflex the fact to change gears.

For the acceleration speed, we could reuse the sytem of Q, W and E.

Numbers are for a gasoline car, not a diesel cause I event habits to use them

Q -> slighty increase the engine speed to 2000 rpm

W -> increase engine speed to 3000 rpm, not quickly, not slowly. With the first gear it will make a brutal starting.

E -> quickly increase engine speed to 5000 rpm, with the first gear, makes the wheels burning and is not effective cause you could burn the wheels and not be faster than a starting with W, but in second, third, and fourth gears you could make the difference to escape from a dangerous place. Too much time at 5000 rpm could heat the engine, which could be damaged and gas uptake will be very high

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You people are crazy and have way to much time on your hands if you want to check spark plugs each time you find a car.

What I think is a good idea is different engine and handling characteristics. Russian cars are notorious for their awful drum brakes. Under a fast speed and heavy breaking in a turn maybe they should have reduced braking power. Just an example.

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No more getting randomly ran over by people that just hold "W" and occaniously press "A" & "D".

How else would you control the car? Is it going to be like surgeon simulator where i have to move my feet and arms around awkwardly while screaming at the game "THE WHEEL YOU DUMB@SS GRAB THE F*CKING WHEEL!"

Edited by harley001

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