hogscraper 328 Posted May 19, 2013 Input: AnythingOutput:Whatever the thing was made ofTools:Any and or allFailChance:1-20%Enchantments:noneAction: blueprint to minimize risk of material loss or general action type of "Disassemble"I know this is the discussion thread but I didn't want to waste space with an idea to complement the crafting system so I just cut and pasted what I was about to type in the other thread. How much thought has gone into what current items in game are comprised of and whether or not a person could get those things out if they wanted to? Like I need some string and find a crossbow. Why not allow players to take the crossbow apart and give them some string and some scrap metal? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JSparks (DayZ) 109 Posted May 19, 2013 (edited) To be honest I would rather DayZ remain more focused on survival than crafting, if too much work goes into this crafting system we'll end up playing realistic zombie MineCraft.I do like and support the idea but there seem to be a lot of threads on it lately and I don't think it should be one of the more emphasised features in SA. Edited May 19, 2013 by JSparks Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
s4pphire 45 Posted May 19, 2013 I want a method to craft clothing, such as ghillie suits and similar. However, clothing should provide benefits for certain things; meaning you could wear camo/soldier clothing for added protection, a ghillie suit would make you slightly slower/offer less protection while being more camouflaged and coats to protect you against the rain/coldWhat I'm trying to say is that I want more clothing options that are more accessible and offer more choices by having a bigger impact on certain situations. Right now, ghillie is all you want and everything else is useless as you can sit in the middle of the night during heavy rain, camping, without needing a heatpack for a very long time which is extremely unrealistic. As for extra protection, bulletproof vests should be added or integrated into camo/soldier clothing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 48 Posted May 19, 2013 Change the Bottle tops to Binos, more beleavable now? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CannedPakes 5 Posted May 20, 2013 Well im in more favor of a non blood profitable meals type, atleast less than it is now, no human is able to eat a whole cow in 10 seconds.I like your idea though, if the survivor only can eat when hes hungry you should choose a very good meal if your blood is low. What kind of human are you? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sausagekingofchicago 4711 Posted May 20, 2013 The new crafting of weapon attachments is painful to read. My toes are bleeding after reading it. I'd rather see the actual scopes and items found in the world rather than seeing some unauthentic system shoehorned in place. Finding the mounts and parts makes far more sense than creating a red dot sight out of a couple bottles. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aussiebobby 82 Posted May 21, 2013 I like the idea of crafting,but that crafting has to be essential to my survival and not at PvP survival(didgeridoo,can,gunpowder= bazooka. Crafting should use some of the items already in the game,ie: two cans,bean,soda and what you get?Woodgas stove From a can/s that was only used to boil water and distract Zeds now has a third use.This would be far better for me than the chop wood make fireplace give off same light as a chopper crash site.And also take up inventory slot and not a backpack slot.Perhaps a list of ten items that could be crafted into many combinations of useful items for the player.The toilet paper and razor would either be made use of or removed and replaced with useful items 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
slim_dusty 2 Posted May 21, 2013 Like many others crafting weapon optics and full blown silencers is a bit much would like weapon attachments found separately and be attachable/detachable maybe a few low chance spawns of weapons already having these attachments (that can not be detached) as for crafting a few smaller things likeWood + tin can + knife = 2 wood arrows, wood arrows do less damaged then metal arrows, have a high chance of breaking, decreased accuracyEmpty bottle + tape + toilet paper+ knife = silencer, decreases weapon accuracy, becomes ineffective after a few shotsTin can + string + wood + grenade (explosive/smoke/flare) + knife = trip wire booby trapWood + bear trap + knife + entrenching tool = hidden bear trap, can only be placed on dirt areasBat + wire + knife = Barbed wire bat increases bat damage (normal bat might do 2500 Barbed wire bat might do 3500)Wood + matches = open fire, quick easy gives off a large amount of light (large zombie pull area while burning (bit like a road flare) but can fail to light because of wind and rainWood + rocks/scrap metal + matches = closed fire, gives off a small amount of light (smaller zombie pull area) depending on rock or scrap metal no longer fails to light because of wind or rainWood + rocks + scrap metal + matches = covered fire place gives off no light no failure chance because of weather3 x barbed wire = impassable wire 3 runs of wire stacked up on each other like the wire around Balota military base4 Pipes + camouflage netting and/or tarp + rope + hatchet = covered area, if you have a tarp its water proof under the structure else it only helps to hide5 Wood slats (different to the wood pile) + string + knife = simple wood bow, very poor accuracy and damage regardless of the arrow used and poor durability2 wood slats + string + tin can + knife = fishing rod and lure, high chance of breaking the string/rod (make a whole mini game for fishing something like back in Zelda)At the end of the day the last thing I really want is dayz to turn into is fallout where I’m constructing a nuka cola grenade launcher or something that really does not make sense Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
r4z0r49 4761 Posted May 21, 2013 crafting weapon optics and full blown silencers is a bit much would like weapon attachments found separatelyThis has already been added you wont build the attachments you find them. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
slim_dusty 2 Posted May 21, 2013 (edited) This has already been added you wont build the attachments you find them.sweet as cant wait for the new patch to go live :)one thing though can you attach a silencer without the cco on the m4-sd? Edited May 21, 2013 by slim_dusty Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
r4z0r49 4761 Posted May 21, 2013 We do try to listen even though we don't always show it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
r4z0r49 4761 Posted May 21, 2013 I like the idea of crafting,but that crafting has to be essential to my survival and not at PvP survival(didgeridoo,can,gunpowder= bazooka.Crafting should use some of the items already in the game,ie: two cans,bean,soda and what you get?Woodgas stove From a can/s that was only used to boil water and distract Zeds now has a third use.This would be far better for me than the chop wood make fireplace give off same light as a chopper crash site.And also take up inventory slot and not a backpack slot.Perhaps a list of ten items that could be crafted into many combinations of useful items for the player.The toilet paper and razor would either be made use of or removed and replaced with useful itemsThis is why we have asked for your ideas also. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gatorontheloose 29 Posted May 21, 2013 want to also +1 crafting defensive items only theme, tents, traps, etc. The PvP aspect of survival would be much much more enjoyable if we were able to lure/trap, vs. run & gun. I would much rather trap & hog tie you while I loot you than gun you down, waste ammo and lose humanity.Non-lethal traps that simply alert you or alert nearby Zs: foghorn/car alarm/firecrackers/flare gun/exploding gas cans (ok that one is more offense i admit).On the theme on combining food, what do others thing of picking plants/herbs, crafting remedies for shock/infection? Thick grass/leaves as makeshift bandages. Eating plants to give a small blood & water boost. just a humble suggestion. thanks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Serious Stan 202 Posted May 21, 2013 So is this already coming the next patch? saw some patch notes on it....... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
narwaljunior 18 Posted May 22, 2013 I want to be that guy with so many gadgets I'll jingle when I walk. Seriously like I would use cans, smoke cherry bombs, hunting traps, fishing wire for a trip wire.. just a trip wire, molotovs, grenades, and maybe even marbles.They don't even have to be crafted, let me find my marbles(woaah I'm good at this). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WBK 176 Posted June 16, 2013 I think crafting should be a large part of DayZ. Think about it; you're in the wild for this long, with only intermittent visits to cities, there's going to be items you want that are either hard to find or not commercially available. A few points that I think would make it excellent:It should be the domain of the low and some mid-range gear. I don't think anyone wants it to become MineCraft - in other words, people shouldn't rely on crafting for premium items. No crafted item should guarantee you an elite advantage over other survivors.It should only be a recommended path to take, not essential for survival. I think this is fairly self-explanatory.Put each craft item into a class. I'll explain why in the next point, but I think there should be: Medical, Clothing, Food, Building, Melee, Explosive and Miscellaneous.Each successful craft reduces their failchance for that item by 25-50% and other items in that class by 5%. This will help solo gamers by enabling them to quickly and reliably obtain what they need, and enable groups/clans to have specialists for each i.e. Medic, Chef, Constructor, Demo expert, etc. This would help to really individualise play styles and broaden the possibilities of banditry and heroism. If that's possible, that would be awesome.The majority of high-end crafting should revolve around base building. This will increase defensive gameplay, obviously. I don't think it'll decrease player interaction too much though, and it will increase banditry. Especially with the direction the game is heading in with the 1.7.7 patch and lower loot spawn, attacking and defending bases will be the highest value areas with loot storage.Just suggestions, I'd like to hear what everyone else thinks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WBK 176 Posted June 16, 2013 (edited) Two more things:Books should be instrumental in learning new blueprints. There should be 3 tiers for each class: basic, advanced, survivalist. Each tier has its own book. e.g. Basic Book for Crafting Medical Supplies (or shortened Basic Med Book), Survivalist Guide to Building Camps, or Advanced Recipe Book. With most books, the lower the level, the easier the supplies are to find and the more basic the crafts are. But with the recipe book, basic ones should have common recipes which require lots of food, and the survival one is for uncommon food items that don't require much ingredients. Perhaps a library or two could be added to the SA? And also, pieces of scrap paper could be found in residential areas that show one specific item, as opposed to a whole class tier, as well as the very occasional book.And the second thought was that maybe this thread should be pinned to the general discussion front page?EDIT: Forget everything I said about books... Edited June 27, 2013 by WBK Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gibonez 3633 Posted June 16, 2013 Not a fan of blueprints or books in order to craft objects.While I am not opposed to books lying around with recipes. Most crafting should be the result of experimentation and the devs should do their darnedest to never reveal a full recipe list so the players can slowly discover them all over time. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WBK 176 Posted June 16, 2013 (edited) In theory - AND NOW IN PRACTICE ALSO! - I agree. It should be experimentation. But with people who are bound to inspect the code, undoubtedly some people will release complete lists of all craftable items in no time at all. Might as well give everyone who doesn't take that path a fighting chance.Ideally, I think most items should be listed in books, with a few unlisted for personal discovery. But they would still be revealed pretty quickly anyway. So it doesn't make too much difference IMO. Edited June 27, 2013 by WBK Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WBK 176 Posted June 27, 2013 Yeah I've completely gone off the whole concept of book usage - what was I thinking? Anyhoo, I think that with how Rocket envisions the effect of a crafting system - how it would create player 'classes' - experimentation is the way to go. It would really accentuate the strengths of each players playstyle.Put each craft item into a class. I'll explain why in the next point, but I think there should be: Medical, Clothing, Food, Building, Melee, Explosive and Miscellaneous.Each successful craft reduces their failchance for that item by 25-50% and other items in that class by 5%. This will help solo gamers by enabling them to quickly and reliably obtain what they need, and enable groups/clans to have specialists for each i.e. Medic, Chef, Constructor, Demo expert, etc. This would help to really individualise play styles and broaden the possibilities of banditry and heroism. If that's possible, that would be awesome.Once you die though, to make it so people aren't just a fountain of knowledge and (unrealistically) retain all information about how to craft things upon respawn, my idea about craft success bonuses should be implemented. I'm not honking my own horn here... Okay I am, but still! If my idea didn't exist, people would just be able to craft things willy nilly when they respawn. If my idea did exist, it implies that people might have theoretical knowledge of how to do something, but only practical application will make you good at it.P.S. I don't think it should be as high as 50% deduction in failchance. I'd say 20-25% is good per successful craft. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WBK 176 Posted June 27, 2013 (edited) Also, and I feel this one is probably the most important in helping to mould players into specific styles: failchance should not only be a variable for crafting items, but also for using items and performing actions. In other words, there is no way in hell I could successfully administer a blood transfusion, so why can I do it 100% of the time? Or something like engine repairs on a vehicle. I feel this will only apply to some of the classes I listed in the post above - I mean, if you don't know how to eat a meal 100% of the time then you've got bigger problems than a zombie apocalypse. I assume that failchance would be associated with using medical items, performing repairs, modifying weapons, and perhaps a few other things I haven't thought of yet.In case you haven't noticed, I really like this thread :D Edited June 27, 2013 by WBK Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
joe_mcentire 2074 Posted July 7, 2013 can you give us some feedback which suggestions are really considered for the mod or even SA so far? a glimpse? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
real3002 0 Posted July 7, 2013 Guys help me :( :unsure:hack into steam when I went vostanovil password and there is no Armagh 2 well, what else is there need for help please contact Daisi Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
r4z0r49 4761 Posted July 7, 2013 can you give us some feedback which suggestions are really considered for the mod or even SA so far? a glimpse?As we start moving over the crafting stuff i will do Share this post Link to post Share on other sites