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Crafting Suggestions (no discussion)

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Input (woodpile + 2x toilet paper)

Output (torch)

Tools (none)

Failchance 0

Enhancements = Able to place on the ground or buildings

Action Type = Make light / Building

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Input (Gutted dead animal + 1 grenade or Satchel charge)

Output (bomb or Camo clothing)

Tools (sewing kit)

Failchance 0.00 to 0.05

Enhancements = be able to wear animal skin or kill

Action type =Animal Booby trap or Animal Camoflague or decoy

Edited by Crazy one
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Input (Clothing Loot, Disecteed zombie/guts, hatchet)

Output (Zombies will not aggro at range)

Tools (Hatchet, Current Clothing and or Spare Loot)

Failchance 0.00

Enhancements = Zombies will not aggro at plus 10 meters distance. Strong infection chance from gore. Negative weather resistance. Ruined clothing/reverts to civilian for purposes of mod(?)

Action type = Loot

Walking Dead? Yeah and fu!

Edited by Trizzo
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Input ( 15 to 20 x scrap metal 5 x sandbags 2 x barbed wire 1 x brass lock)

Output ( Holding pen for prisoners) for the bandit in you.

Tools (tool box and Entrenching tool)

Failchance 0

Enhancements = Able to hold prisoners instead of having to guard them 24/7

Action type = Prison

Edited by Crazy one
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  On 5/17/2013 at 10:22 AM, Box said:

How long before it automatically opens or disappears though so a player can be freed? I do like the idea but I think this would be abused. Maybe have the ability for players to eventually damage the cage over a period of time, something like 4-5 minutes - that way if they are left unattended they can escape.

yeah i'd go with that ability to damage it.

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Input (Pole/wood pile + any clothing + Grass?)

Output (Handheld doll decoy.)

Tools (Hatchet, hunting knife, duct tape.)

FailChance 0

Enchantments = N/A

ActionType = survival

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Input (razor, water bottle, scrap metal)

Output (Compass)

Tools (toolbox)

FailChance 0

Enchantments = n/a

ActionType = recipe

Edited by orlok
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Input (Rope + Flare + Tape - Place near tree A, then 'set' at Tree B )

Output (Trip Flare)

Tools (Rope, Flares, duct tape?.)

FailChance 0.2

Enchantments = N/A

ActionType = Survival - Place at night distract or kill.

Could also make Trip Explosive using M67 or Satchel to replace flare.

Edited by thehet
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Use report button if there's an issue, lets keep the thread clean. I'll remove all chat posts.


Edited by orlok
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  On 5/17/2013 at 10:46 AM, orlok said:

Input (razor, water bottle, scrap metal)

Output (Compass)

;) compasses use magnets, etc. that makes (orlok edits) - "perfect" no sense and

I don't know if this counts as crating but make two separate campfires.

input (stone, wood, matches)

output ( a campfire which lasts longer)

Tools bare hands, matches/ stones

Fail chance 0

Enchanments n/a

Action type survival you get more warmth

Input (wood, matches)

output (short lasting but cheap camp fire)

Tools same as above except matches and bare hands

Fail chance .2 at the expense you might burn your self

Enchanments n/a

Action type survival a quick fire and nothing else

Edited by orlok
lets keep this thread chat free. Ideas only.

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Input Rags/clothes, rope and/or duct tape

Output Primitive Shoes/ Boot Mufflers

Tools -

FailChance 0

Enchantments Shoes for a short while or muffle boots to not make sounds while walking.

ActionType recipe

I hope Matt is looking at this and taking notes for SA ideas! All Most of these should be in SA.

Edited by Zarniwoop
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Input (Two handed Weapon , Flashlight)

Output (Weapon with a flashlight attached)

Tools (Adhesive tape)

FailChance 0

Enchantments = None

ActionType = None

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Input (2 to 4 car wheels 4x scrap metal 3x wood pile)

Output (Metal/wood trailor to attach to Car or Motorbike/Quad)

Tools (Toolbox and blueprint)

Failchance 0.00 to 0.03

Enhancements = If attached to car you can load damaged quad m/bike onto it, attached to quad/mbike load more gear.(negatives reduced vehicle handling)

Action type = extra inventory or transporting heavy goods.

Edited by Crazy one
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Input (3xWood + 1 Scrap Metal = Rotating Spit) - Has to be placed over a camp fire - Once built, fire lit, you get option to Add meat, which cooks over time)

Output (Cooked Meat)

Tools (Hatchet, Knife, Matches)

FailChance 0

Enchantments = None

ActionType =More advanced Cooking

(Can also be done with + 1 tin can for boiling water)

Something like this.


Adds fun, content, survival, time concept to cooking etc

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input (Paper, wooden split, plastic )

output ( Medical Crutches )

Tools bare hands,hammer/tape

Fail chance 3

Enchanments n/a

Action type: allows you move to faster than crawling but you must go prone to fire.

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  On 5/17/2013 at 9:28 AM, Box said:

Input ( 1x toxin (?) + 3x arrow + 1x scrap clothing + 1 string)

Output (3 x stun arrows)

Tools (hunting knife)

FailChance 0.01

Enchantments = ability to knock players unconcious with crossbow or long bow

ActionType = rob, stun or supress players without need to kill

i like this, give more power to the players that dont want to kill! Just disarm or stun :)

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Input (Chips/bread)

Output (Chip buttie)

Tools (Cooker )

FailChance 0

Enchantments = 120 Blood Gain

ActionType = recipe

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Input (Rope)

Output (Handcuffs)

Tools (blueprint )

FailChance 0

Enchantments = -50 hummanity

ActionType = subdue enemy

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Input (Rope, tent)

Output (Hammock )

Tools (hammer/nails )

FailChance 0.5

Enchantments = If breaks damages health

ActionType = construction

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Input (1Wood and 1 Scrap Metal = 1 punji. 10 punji's + camo net package = Punji Trap ) - Option to 'set' trap.

Output (Punji Trap)

Tools (Hatchet, Toolbox, Entrenching tool)

FailChance 0

Enchantments = None

ActionType = Trap, Death

Trap is set 'below' the ground - Visible only by a camo'd tarp, like that of a flattened tent but better quality. (Think Stash site size/look)

Player walks on, death. Trap goes, body stays.

CANNOT be placed in buildings, roads, concrete etc.

Edited by thehet
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input (Empty tin can(x12), duct tape)

output (Tin can helmet)

tools (toolbox)

Fail Chance 0.25

Enchantments = Make you stick out like a sore thumb, provides VERY minor protection from small-caliber rounds in the head

Action Type = clothing

Edited by Mathos
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Input (Shovel/dragons teeth)

Output ( spike pit)

Tools ( shovel)

FailChance 0.5

Enchantments = PLayer bleeds out slowly and has to use 2x bandages to heal

ActionType = construction

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Input (stick/string)

Output ( fishing rod)

Tools ( tape)

FailChance 0

Enchantments = allows fishing to catch fish (+600) blood

ActionType = construction

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Input (10xwoord piles/3 covers)

Output ( shed)

Tools ( hammer/nails)

FailChance 0.15

Enchantments = allows a small structure for a player to stay in at night

ActionType = construction

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Input (cloth/wood)

Output ( flag)

Tools ( paintbrush/hammer/nail)

FailChance 0

Enchantments = can be painted on to generate a random image

ActionType = construction

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