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Crafting Suggestions (no discussion)

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input (1x wooden arrow + 1xgrenade)

Output (explosive tipped arrows)

Tools (toolbox (maybe have a dedicated “small tools” tool kit ?)

FailChance 0.03

Enchantments = na

ActionType = explosive tipped arrows – ala Rambo!

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input (10x scrap metal + 2x wire + 1 steel bolt + 1 lock)

Output (small safe)

Tools (toolbox + blow torch + gas bottle?)

FailChance 0.06

Enchantments = 1x small weapon (pistol) slot + 8x items

ActionType = movable safe (needs to be packed like a tent, but can be placed in side buildings and on concrete. Cannot be opened by anyone other than the player who placed it. Can be destroyed only by 5x c4)

Edited by Box
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input (20 x scrap metal + 2 steel bolt + 4x wire + 1x lock)

Output (medium safe)

Tools (toolbox + blow torch + 2x gas bottle)

FailChance 0.07

Enchantments = 5x weapons slots + 16x items

ActionType = movable safe (needs to be packed like a tent – takes longer to pack than smaller safe and player is vulnerable. Can be placed inside buildings cannot be opened by anyone other than the player cannot be easily destroyed – 6x c4)

Edited by Box
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input (30 x scrap metal + 6x wire + 3 steel bolts + 1 lock)

Output (large safe)

Tools (toolbox + blow torch + 3x gas bottles)

FailChance 0.07

Enchantments = 10x weapons slots + 16x items

ActionType = movable safe (needs to be packed like a tent – takes longer to pack than smaller safe and player is vulnerable. Can be placed inside buildings. Cannot be opened by anyone than the peson who placed it can be destroyed with 8xc4)

Edited by Box
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input (5x sandbag packs + 2x wood + 1x scrap metal)

Output (small bunker)

Tools (toolbox, shovel/entrenching tool)

FailChance 0.02

Enchantments = na

ActionType = un-movable small bunker

Pretty much could do the same for most of the Warefare buildings in the editor.

Edited by Box
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input (1x rope + 2x scrap metal l)

Output (grapling hook)

Tools (toolbox)

FailChance 0.01

Enchantments = na

ActionType = climb high walls or onto unaccessable buildings

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input (2x scrap wood + 1x pack of nails + 1x rope)

Output (small crate)

Tools (toolbox, hammer?)

FailChance 0.01

Enchantments = better storage of weapons effectively giving more slots in tents/vehicles at a cost of taking more time to pack

ActionType = movable small crate that can hold various items be packed into vehicles/tents and stored taking up just 3 slots per crate. Could hold 2x weapons + 8x items

Edited by Box
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nput (10x scrap wood + 5x pack of nails + 5x rope + 1xcamo netting)

Output (watch tower bunker)

Tools (toolbox, staplegun)

FailChance 0.03

Enchantments = better cover and observation

ActionType = unmovable watch tower bunker for base building

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Input (Wood pile+some type of string)

Output (Fishing pole)

Tools (N/A)

FailChance 0.00

Enchantments = Allows you to Catch fish

ActionType = Fish for Food Fish Restore around 600+ (maybe bait could be implemented)

Edited by leviski
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input - wood,metal, brass lock

Output- metal box lockable

Tools - pickaxe , tool box, blow torch

FailChance - low

Enchantments - lockable metal box which cant be opened or very low chance of opening (maybe bring lock picking into game ) picks could be found which are needed to try and pick the locks.

ActionType - first player must dig a whole which could be marked on his map for co ordinates. once hole dug weapons and all in ventory could be put in it and then locked . then a animation of filling the hole with spade and soil. giving a great place to store items. this is better than tent as cant be seen.

detection or how to find box maybe add a rare metal detector :)

input - empty jack daniels , petrol , plastic tubing , matches, old cloth ,

output - molitov cocktail

tools - none

failchance - low

Enhancements - molitov cocktail great for big crowds of zombies , or a deadly hit to a person persons.

action type / animation - player finds jack daniels bottle first , then needs plastic tubing to syphon petrol from a car or vehicle or any petrol source . then places rag or cloth in bottle which is then lit needing matches or lighter . maybe a ten to fifthteen second delay then a throw action .

alot of work but would be realistic in what people would use from everyday items.

Edited by dgeesio
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  On 5/17/2013 at 8:23 AM, Box said:

input (2x wire + 1 grenade + 1 wood)

Output (tripwire explosive)

Tools (toolbox + explosive blueprint)

FailChance 0.04

Enchantments = na

ActionType = explosive booby trap.

Could they bring the ARMA III personal mines to DayZ?

* I'd love if they can bring both the bouncing betty and the trip wire mine.

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How about having to craft tool boxes first?

Input (1x hammer + 1x screwdriver + 1x wrench + 1x spanner, 1x crowbar, 1x pliers 1x cutters, 1 saw, 1x metal box)

Output (a single tool box)

Tools (na)

FailChance 0.00

Enchantments = ability to carry all tools in one slot + ability to craft other items

ActionType = leads to other crafting more easily

Edited by Box
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Input (4 x scrap metal + 1 car wheel)

Output (wheelbarrow)

Tools (Toolbox + wheelbarrow blueprint)

Failchance 0

Enhancements = Ability to carry several large items at once,eg:Engine parts (negatives can't equip any weapon while in use)Promotes teamwork 1 person to use it(hence no weapon usage) and others to guard him.

Action type = Extra inventory space

Edited by Crazy one
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Input - 3 x Ghille Suit, Tent

Output - Ghille Tent

Tools - Sewing Kit

FailChance - 0

Enchantments - Extremely Hard to spot from land and air vehicles.

Action Type - Hidden Storage

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Input (5x steel poles + 1 civilian clothing + 1x clothing dye)

Output (flag)

Tools (toolkit + sewing kit)

FailChance 0.01

Enchantments = ability to define a teams base/area/territory

ActionType = serves as a warning or to define areas of activity

Edited by Box
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Input (1x M1014/ 870 / Double barrel)

Output (sawn off shotgun)

Tools (saw or toolkit - see toolkit post )

FailChance 0.01

Enchantments = a gun that can take up 5 slots instead of 10 and can be used as a secondary slot at a cost of range. ammo needs to be converted to secondary slots too.

ActionType = short range killer alternative to pistols

Edited by Box
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Input (1x civilian clothing + clothing dye)

Output (faction armband to define faction/clan/group affiliation)

Tools (sewing kit)

FailChance 0.00

Enchantments = ability to spot friendlies in-game and during firefights a bit easier

ActionType = helps identifying allies

Edited by Box
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Input (1 standard weapon + 1x spaycans + 1x camo clothing)

Output (camo/ghilli weapon)

Tools (sewing kit)

FailChance 0.01

Enchantments = cooler looking weapon thats a harder to spot in woodland when sniping/ambushing

ActionType = helps conceal weapons

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Input ( 1x toxin (?) + 3x arrow + 1x scrap clothing + 1 string)

Output (3 x stun arrows)

Tools (hunting knife)

FailChance 0.01

Enchantments = ability to knock players unconcious with crossbow or long bow

ActionType = rob, stun or supress players without need to kill

Edited by Box
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Input (engine parts+jerrycan+1x scrap metal)

Output (Chainsaw)

Tools (Toolbox, chainsaw blueprint)

Failchance 0

Enhancements = Able to cut trees down/deerstands to make barricades or base building and or (close quarters weapon)

Action Type = Building or killing

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  On 5/17/2013 at 9:36 AM, Crazy one said:

Input (engine parts+jerrycan+1x scrap metal)

Output (Chainsaw)

Tools (Toolbox, chainsaw blueprint)

Failchance 0

Enhancements = Able to cut trees down/deerstands to make barricades or base building and or (close quarters weapon)

Action Type = Building or killing

kind of like the idea but the fail chance should be higher. I'd say it might be better just to have a chainsaw in the game as a lootable item to help with crafting and acquiring wood.

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Input:Any food or drink item + Harvested plant material

Output: various medicines-poisons

Tools: Knife, mortar and pestel(sp?),remains in original food/drink item container

Fail Chance:variable

Enchantments: various results-plus blood- antibiotics - possible harmful effects(render victim unconscious, poisoned, death)

Action Type:Recipe

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Input (1x wood + 1 jerry can + 1x scrap cloth)

Output (flaming torch)

Tools (n/a)

Failchance 0

Enhancements = able to illuminate areas of the map for longer periods than flares (make flares a bit less common too maybe?)

Action Type = used to either hold or to place on areas of the map

Edited by Box
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  On 5/17/2013 at 9:42 AM, hogs said:

Input:Any food or drink item + Harvested plant material

Output: various medicines-poisons

Tools: Knife, mortar and pestel(sp?),remains in original food/drink item container

Fail Chance:variable

Enchantments: various results-plus blood- antibiotics - possible harmful effects(render victim unconscious, poisoned, death)

Action Type:Recipe

This could have its own medical sub-crafting system really. You could have the mortar and pedestal with a selection of different chemicals and herbal loot that could be combined to create various different medicines and poisons with the help of a chemists manual or something. Good idea.

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Trizzo, Razor asked for every suggestion to be kept to a separate post, that is what Box is doing, please keep the thread neat and tidy, either make a suggestion for the crafting or move on. If Box wants to make multiple suggestions then he is entitled to do so, it's for the devs to judge their quality, not you.

Just post suggestions in the format Razor has asked for, don't make his life any harder by making him have to sift through pointless discussions.

Edited by Fraggle
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