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Crafting Suggestions (no discussion)

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Input (flare/chemlight+ wooden tube/explosive projection material)

Output ( launcher for lights, can be used as a signal)

Tools ( glue)

FailChance 0

Enchantments = 40% of exploding and deafining player for 10 mins

ActionType = construction

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Input (String/wood)

Output ( slingshot)

Tools ( stones to use)

FailChance 0

Enchantments = 55% knockout chance

ActionType = construction

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Input (horn/tape)

Output ( mountable horn for weapons)

Tools ( tape)

FailChance 0

Enchantments = Used for scaring people

ActionType = construction

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Input (string/wood/cloth)

Output ( kite)

Tools ( hammer+nails)

FailChance 0

Enchantments = Can be used for occupying time in the apocalypse

ActionType = construction

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This is a complex recipe for a Pistol Crossbow... (requires crafting pieces before final product can be built)


Input (1x wood pile)

Output (1x pistol crossbow stock)

Tools (Toolbox, Hunting Knife, Pistol Crossbow Blueprint - see image, above)

FailChance 0.05

Enhancements = none

ActionType = weapon crafting.

Input (2x Scrap Metal)

Output (Pistol Crossbow Trigger Mechanism)

Tools (Toolbox, Pistol Crossbow Blueprint)

FailChance 0.50

Enhancements = none

ActionType = weapon crafting.

Input (1x Wood Pile, 1x Scrap Metal)

Output (1x Pistol Crossbow Cocking Mechanism)

Tools (Toolbox, Hunting Knife, Pistol Crossbow Blueprint)

FailChance 0.10

Enhancements = none

ActionType = weapon crafting.

Input (2x Scrap Metal, 1x Wire Fencing)

Output (1x Crossbow Limb)

Tools (Toolbox, Pistol Crossbow Blueprint)

FailChance 0.30

Enhancements = none

ActionType = weapon crafting.

Input (1x Wirefencing)

Output (1x Pistol Crossbow String)

Tools (Toolbox, Pistol Crossbow Blueprint)

FailChance 0.05

Enhancements = none

ActionType = weapon crafting.

Input (1x stock, 1x trigger mechanism, 1x cocking mechanism, 1x limb, 1x string, 1x scrap metal)

Output (Pistol Crossbow)

Tools (Toolbox, Pistol Crossbow Blueprint)

FailChance 0.10 - However, failure should only result in the breaking of one the pre-requisite crafted items (selected at random). A person shouldn't have to start completely from scratch. The idea is that a piece wasn't made big enough, or made too big, or broke during assembly.

Enhancements = none

ActionType = weapon crafting.


Still working on the final touches on the model for this (been incredibly busy with work and life).

I also am working on models for the individual pieces (like the trigger mechanism).

Was working on this originally for DayZ 2017, but always thought it would be cool if it could be a crafted weapon... and they don't have crafting implemented yet and stated they weren't looking to add new features to the mod.

Edited by entspeak
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Input (paper/wooden stick)

Output ( canvas)

Tools ( )

FailChance 0.5

Enchantments = used for taking screenshots and leaving user image of what they saw.

ActionType = construction

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Input (weapon/wooden poles)

Output ( bipod)

Tools ( welding iron)

FailChance 0.25 per shot

(Enchantments = increases stabilit by 60%

ActionType = construction

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Input (1x empty tin can 2x bandage + zombie blood) antibiotics

Output ( Zombie repellent) shoot zombie fill empty tin can with its blood, soak bandages in it. bandage self

Tools (any weapon)

Failchance 0.01

Enhancements = Repels 5 + aggroe'd zombies if your cornered for 10 to 20 seconds(enough time to leg it) negatives gives you infection must take antibiotics.

Action type = Anti zombie chemical weapon

Edited by Crazy one

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Input (emptyJerrycan, lake)

Output (Water-filled Jerrycan)

Tools (Nothing)

FailChance 0.00

Enchantments = 5 uses.

ActionType = Drink

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Input ( 6x clothing 1 x wood pile 2 x scrap metal 1 x matches)

Output (1 person hot air balloon 15 minute flight time)

Tools ( Toolbox sewing kit) blueprint

Failchance 0.00 to 0.04

Enhancements = Ability to recon an area from above or use as an escape vehicle(risky), negatives can be shot down

Action type = Vehicle

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Input: (Smoke grenade, road flare)

Output: (Flash bomb)

Tools: (Saw, duct tape)

FailChance: .4

Enchantments: None

ActionType = Would create a flash of light to distract or temporarily blind players, zeds, and wild animals.

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Don't forget to give beans to the ideas you like peeps!

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Input: 2 x tents(or large tarps), 1 x wood piles, 4 x pieces of rope

Output: Up in a tree inventory cache

Tools: Knife - Entrenching Tool

Fail Chance: 5%


Action Type: Blueprint

Animation?:Ties rope around wood, throws over a tree branch, pulls the cache into the tree, buries bundle of wood in the ground so only evidence left is rope going up the tree trunk.

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Input: 2x spare ammo (some magazines, slugs or pellets), x1 empty can

Output: IED

Tools: Toolbox, Entrenching Tool

Fail Chance: 0

Enchantment: None

Action Type: Weapon

Sidenote: R4Z0R avoid adding chance to a crafting system ingame (or almost anything else). If not this would turn like the usual MMORPG where your game results doesn't depend on your skill but on your luck and on how many time you spend on your computer gaining level so you can 1hit-1kill people which has less spare time (well at least we still don't have the level thing here). But this is how it starts. 0 skill in just having more luck than others.

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Input: Magazine of Pistol Ammo, Magazine of Rifle Ammo, Matches

Output: Hot-Loaded Rifle Ammo (Exploding)

Tools: Toolbox, Vice (Placed statically in certain buildings)

Fail Chance: %10-%25

Enchantment: Damage increases with pistol ammo caliber. Possibility to disable vehicle on engine block hit scales as well.

Action Type: Ammunition

Comment: Vices can be placed in barns to be used for gunsmithing / reloading. Could also use scrap metal to equip a vice to a vehicle like UAZ, URAL, Offroad or Offroad pickup. The pistol bullet is placed at the tip of the rifle ammo backwards. velocity and range of ammo would be dropped due to reduction in aerodynamics of the round.

Edited by ayestyles

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Input: Magazine of Pistol or Rifle Ammo

Output: Hollow-Point Magazine

Tools: Toolbox, Vice (Placed statically in certain buildings), Hunting Knife

Fail Chance: %10-%25

Enchantment: Ammunition does more damage with reduce range.

Action Type: Ammunition

Comment: Vices can be placed in barns to be used for gunsmithing / reloading. Could also use scrap metal to equip a vice to a vehicle like UAZ, URAL, Offroad or Offroad pickup. The bullet will be hollowed out in the vice with the hunting knife.

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Input: Magazine of Pistol Ammo or Magazine of Rifle Ammo, Zombie Meat

Output: Poisoned Ammo

Tools: Toolbox, Vice (Placed statically in certain buildings)

Fail Chance: %10-%25

Enchantment: Depending on caliber of pistol ammo will explode with increasingly more damage.

Action Type: Ammunition

Comment: Vices can be placed in barns to be used for gunsmithing / reloading. Could also use scrap metal to equip a vice to a vehicle like UAZ, URAL, Offroad or Offroad pickup. The recipe for poison is a requirement, first a hollowpoint is created, and then poison is applied to the tip of the ammunition. Player will become infected on hit until treated with antibiotics.

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Input: Zombie Meat, Canteen, Empty Tin Can

Output: Poison


Fail Chance: 0

Enchantment: Poison can be applied to ponds for a limited time to cause 100% chance of infection without boil, poison can be applied to a canteen and placed in tent / bag to poison a thief.

Action Type: Item

Comment: Instead of creating a new system for poison simply use the infection currently in the game. There could possibly be other types of poison though.

Edited by ayestyles
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  On 5/17/2013 at 9:20 PM, ayestyles said:

There could possibly be other types of poison though.

We should have chemical weapons.

Input: Charcoal dust (could be found at the mine), glasses, rags

Output: Improvised gas mask

Tools: Duct tape

Fail Chance: 0.05

Enchantment: Protects the player from things like tear gas, smoke, or anything airborne added in the future. Once the filter gets too used though, the mask becomes entirely worthless.

Action Type: Tool

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Input (3xScrapmetal,5xHunting knife)

Output (Barbed wire)

Tools (Toolbox)

FailChance: 0.5 chance to cut yourself and need to bandage

Enchantments = none

ActionType = blueprint

Able to build and place barbed wire to protect your camps from gettin raided. Everyone who try to pass the wire (walking/vaulting) will take heavy damage and bleed.

Can be destroyed with a bolt clipper/toolbox.

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Input (1xempty tin can,2xempty bottle,1xduct tape, 1xpencil/marker)

Output (Crossbow Scope)

Tools (Toolbox)

FailChance 0

Enchantments =

ActionType = Blueprint

The scope aint exactly for real zooming rather then make aiming easier.

Edited by Grandchamp

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Input (Wood, Wood, Bandage)

Output (Splint)

Tools (N/A)

FailChance 0

Enchantments = Temporary fix for injured limbs (At the expense of speed) - Does NOT cure broken limbs but allows you to travel upright, although slowly (Can fire weapon from standing position). - High chance for further injury

ActionType = Medical Supplies

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