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Can the SA look like this?

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I know it probably can't, and I know graphics aren't everything, but I still would like to see how it would play out looking like this.





Note: if you can't view them well there, here's the album link for them in high resolution;


Edit: It's Left 4 Dead. If anything, the gore is practically all I would want added.

Edited by Intensity on DayZ

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Sure it can! if you ask me? i can be a president, i can. but the chances are slim.

I doubt however the graphics are being worked alot on for SA. its probably not the most important

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Sure it can! if you ask me? i can be a president, i can. but the chances are slim.

I doubt however the graphics are being worked alot on for SA. its probably not the most important

^This. From the game footage the devs posted it looks like they have improved the graphics a bit but haven't completely changed them. I do know that they are remodeling some stuff so it will look better but I wouldn't expect a huge graphical change.

Edited by Skat3rat

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This looks like a bad version of Warz. I like the look of arma a lot more than this.

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Well technically it can look like anything they want, will it look like that though? No. I don't think the screenshots you posted look particularly good anyway.

I'm hoping they do some work for the evening/night lighting though.


Edited by smasht_AU
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Hmmm, I'm not finding those screenshots looking particularly great either. Where's the volumetric clouds? The textures look really flat too. All I see is bloom overload.

Edited by Fraggle
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Now that looks cool ^ (above fraggles) dynamic lighting maybe? shining of the character, etc. i know arma 2 isnt that bad on the graphics card they have lots of room for improvement.

Edited by The reloader.

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Well technically it can look like anything they want, will it look like that though? No. I don't think the screenshots you posted look particularly good anyway.

I'm hoping they do some work for the evening/night lighting though.


It only took one guy to get all Arma assets fully working on the Arma 3 engine a few weeks, surely it can't be too much of a challenge for Rocket and his team? I'd love to see the new lighting and such in DayZ SA

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This looks like a bad version of Warz. I like the look of arma a lot more than this.

It's actually from the first L4D. lol

Which in all means, I'm sure enough that Left 4 Dead looks extremely better than WarZ in many ways.

Edited by Intensity on DayZ
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It's actually from the first L4D. lol

Really? here I am thinking its some new indie survival.

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The plane picture kinda gave away it was L4D lol. Im genuinely shocked that nobody noticed what game it was from the screenshots you provided @.@

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Really? here I am thinking its some new indie survival.

Nope. Same game with some added campaigns and mods for the different guns. Also got a script to remove the HUD.

The plane picture kinda gave away it was L4D lol. Im genuinely shocked that nobody noticed what game it was from the screenshots you provided @.@

I know... I was as well.

Edited by Intensity on DayZ
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I know it probably can't, and I know graphics aren't everything, but I still think it would be nice to have it look like this.





Note: if you can't view them well there, here's the album link for them in high resolution;


Arma2 looks better as your L4D screenshots... so why making the standalone looking like a overcolored unrealistic childrenroom? :)

The Arma2 engine gots so much more power as the source engine.. especialy outdoor.. Terrain, vegetation and light! So much more realistic as in L4D or any other source engine game.

BTW: Turn up the Resolution, the AA and set the texture detail to very high! Your l4d looks like a gameboy game.

Edited by DirtyCry

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Arma2 looks better as your L4D screenshots... so why making the standalone looking like a overcolored unrealistic childrenroom? :)

The Arma2 engine gots so much more power as the source engine.. especialy outdoor.. Terrain, vegetation and light! So much more realistic as in L4D or any other source engine game.

I'm at a stalemate with which of the two I like better. If anything, I'd love to see the gore that's in the game added to the SA. I think it would just be perfect with it.

And the res is bad because of Flickr. Originally they're 1920 x 1080 with all high settings, so they're going to look like shit because of where I uploaded them, not me. lol

Edited by Intensity on DayZ
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The screenshots that OP has posted are from Left 4 Dead people - don't you play games other than Dayz?

And yes L4D is old now - btw Source engine is the King out there

As for the standalone - the devs have stated that the graphics are changed , but many features and effects are turned off for the videos (the gameplay that we have seen so far) as far as i know

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The screenshots that OP has posted are from Left 4 Dead people - don't you play games other than Dayz?

And yes L4D is old now - btw Source engine is the King out there

As for the standalone - the devs have stated that the graphics are changed , but many features and effects are turned off for the videos (the gameplay that we have seen so far) as far as i know

I've played L4D and Source Engine games before, I just don't play them religiously, Mr. VALVe-DNB

Edited by AussieStig

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It's actually from the first L4D. lol

Which in all means, I'm sure enough that Left 4 Dead looks extremely better than WarZ in many ways.

I was about to say that they looked like L4D or CS:GO

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I've played L4D and Source Engine games before, I just don't play them religiously, Mr. VALVe-DNB

I don't play it very often as well, but since I had recently played it with some friends, I enabled the addons, took some screenshots and that's about it.

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Can we please stop trying to make the SA look, play and smell like Call Of Battlefield 3?

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I know it probably can't, and I know graphics aren't everything, but I still think it would be nice to have it look like this.





Note: if you can't view them well there, here's the album link for them in high resolution;


this looks ugly as fk

Edited by TheDuriel
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this looks ugly as fk

Again, it's the first Left 4 Dead. Of course it looks bad now being compaired towards everything else. And why didn't you just put "fuck"? lol

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I too was not impressed with the overall graphics. Meh. I wasn't really impressed with the 'gore' either. Where's the blood? More gore is welcome though.

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