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Hotfix Build Rolling Update (was

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Sorry i havnt read all 50 pages! a couple of bugs you may or may not know about.

1- killed someone in a supermarket, two people tried to aproach his body, both crashed (arma II has stoped working)

2- Spawned in this morning, lost all my gear (DMR/NVG/GPS/M9SD etc.) but strangly was left with a makarov and 2 clips...

3- when i log in on a wooden floor on the 2nd floor of a corner building I spawn in unconsious every time!

4- FPS is definetly dropping, something to do with Zombies looking for me? (worse in citys - Derp!)

sorry if they have allready been brought up! good luck!

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Melee (-)

Starting with nothing (+)

Performance (-)

Zed LoS (?)

Anyways keep it up!

Pretty much exactly what I came to say. I prefer the pre-1.7 zombies, sneaking around them was a lot more fun than just running from building to building. The tension I used to feel sneaking into loot a building isn't there anymore, if I aggro a zed I know I can just run to the building and I'll be fine (probably).

Couple bugs I noticed, I'm sure they've been pointed out already...

Zombies still trapped in the floor sometimes.

Hearing flies but no bodies on multiple occasions.

FPS drop after being chased for awhile.

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People are getting spotted from a fair distance even when prone. Stop with this elitism nonsense.

Sorry if you see that as elitism and i dont want that thread to be a flame-duel. But we just played 4 hours straight running from Balota Airfield to Green Mountain' date=' to the north-western airfield, to stary sobora and we were doing fine. Prone did work for us and so did shift-crouchwalking. The people complaining must do something terribly wrong or we were playing a different game.


Or, maybe you just lucked out and the Zombie AI didn't bug out on you? Because from both newbies to veterans, everyone has been complaining about how the Zeds have super vision AND super hearing in the most recent hotfix, when it was perfectly fine in the "no food/water" hotfix.

Maybe you're just some pro ass elitist player that is just way too fucking good at this game and make the rest of us look at scrubs. Or maybe, just maybe, everyone ranging from newbs to veterans who are all pointing out that there maybe something wrong with the Zombie visual/audio detection actually might be right. Or, maybe everyone that is complaining are all fucking retards that don't even know what shift and prone do. Who knows.

its FINE as it is! its an alpha and for now LIVE WITH IT!

rocket is always tweaking and testing out new things!

We have been playing with 4 guys for 3 hours going THROUGH TOWNS! and it was easy enough! no one died or lost more then a 1000 blood!

so to the winy little Biatches join up in parties and its easy

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Wow all of you guys trying to hunt me down for something i said without insulting any of you, its just sad that you have to resort to flaming and insulting, sad community...

Anyway, rocket will find a way to satisfy anyone, even if that means nerfing something again, sorry to point out what i liked to maybe, give some nice feedback once in a while instead of throwing with crap at everyone that dares to say something good for a change.

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Rocket' date=' I got 2 small suggestions.

1) You should make the hatchet go back in the utility slot, and from your inventory you can right click it to chop / harvest wood like you use to normally, or you can right click it to equip it as a melee weapon.

2) you should do the same thing with the crowbar


^^ this is the reason I will always sift through all the replies.

Ill one up this by saying that the Crowbar and hatchet should go into the secondary weapon slot (pistol).

For me i'd rather have a primary/melee combo so i can still shop wood.

Right now my setup is a Primary, Secondary, and the hatchet sits in my bag so I can cook food because i refuse to go near towns with the new tougher zombies.

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I think Zed aggro is a little iffy atm, I was a good 60 or so metres away from one and its head was looking in my opposite direct. i was crouch running and bam he's after me :S

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For some strange reason, the green winchester bullets are called "hatchet" and you cannot pick them up.

The hatchet as a weapon is too clumsy, please roll back to old hatchet style in the tools.

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The problem is Rocket listens to all these ittle forum huggers that stroke his ego by saying they play the game but really they just hang on the forums all day and bitch about shit that's not even legitimate.

The REAL players are too busy testing and playing your mod and barely get to come on the forums to complain; which is why everything that is being changed has been worse and worse since 1.7.

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Just posting my experience with latest fix..

- hatchet still bugged showing as shotgun ammo icon in gear, and wont equip, drop it duplicates or disappears.

- zeds behaving very oddly inside. In the small hay barn they followed me in but then all filed up the steps past me to the top floor and just walked against the wall until I shot them all.

-sounds very confusing indoors.. really dont seem to be coming from zeds locations.

- when i left a server i had winne and some various goods but no special items.. when i reloaded i had no winne, a bloodpack, a makarov, watch, compass, matches, and map.

(actually i think the last bug was using .3)

hope this helps.

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I have noticed that my FPS drops have been directly correlated to the amount of zombies I aggro. I did some testing by aggroing one or two zombies and killing them outright, then by running through a zombie populated area, getting 10+ zombies and testing the LOS change. My frames dropped below 10 when I had aggro of 3+ zombies. And even dropped to 3fps with 10+ zombies, where half of them knew where I was and the other half were "searching" for me, or lost aggro. I do believe this is directly correlated to the "zombies search for you" feature that was added into this patch. This is based off of my testing and observation. I do believe this can happen when someone nearby (other than you) has a large amount of zombie aggro or zombies nearby are "searching" for a player.

Also, the fact that zombies can see or hear you crouch running from 100m away is a little bit of overkill in my opinion. I am in no way looking for an "easy" game, but with zombies running at the speed of light and being as buggy as they are and having the ability to knock you out, I do believe it could be toned down just a little bit. Maybe by decreasing the range a little or making crouch running a little quieter and less visible. I can see full-running causing long-range aggro, but when you are crouched you are trying to be quiet and less visible.

I'm trying not to QQ here, just giving my personal opinion and feedback.

It would be great to put all of your focus on making the game as stable as possible before adding in new features (such as melee). Once you fix all of the current bugs, add in a feature and then test it - fix any bugs it creates, then you can add another feature. I believe part of the problem right now resides in multiple new features being added in each patch, which then creates a whole slew of bugs, but then the patch to fix those bugs has more features added which then break more things. I'm not a developer by any means, but again this is my opinion. Hope my feedback is helpful. You've made an amazing Mod, Rocket. I haven't enjoyed a game this much in a while.



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The problem is Rocket listens to all these ittle forum huggers that stroke his ego by saying they play the game but really they just hang on the forums all day and bitch about shit that's not even legitimate.

The REAL players are too busy testing and playing your mod and barely get to come on the forums to complain; which is why everything that is being changed has been worse and worse since 1.7.

So you are saying, that these "real" players just play this mod and don't care to help Rocket?

The zombies are overpowered and the players have every right to complain about the problems like that.

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Rocket - Please here me out. I have never not liked a feature/change you have put in. But this one sucks.

We are not lumber jacks falling whole trees. In a survival situation it makes NO SENSE to carry a large 2 handed axe that would hinder your ability to travel with a weapon. Especially when you have small hand hatchets more than sufficient to cut wood for fires. Small hatchets that can be stuck in your belt, hung on your vest the works. For example http://www.gerber-tools.com/Gerber-Camp-Axe-5905.htm

Thats just not smart survival. And since you previously had it as a small tool which makes more sense, to change it into this behemoth just for melees sake is ridiculous.

Me and many others see the importance of your awesome raw meet mechanics. However, chopping wood is not worth lugging Paul bunions finest piece around in lew of my rifle. No self respecting survivalist would.

Please bring back the small hand hatchet.

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The problem is Rocket listens to all these ittle forum huggers that stroke his ego by saying they play the game but really they just hang on the forums all day and bitch about shit that's not even legitimate.

The REAL players are too busy testing and playing your mod and barely get to come on the forums to complain; which is why everything that is being changed has been worse and worse since 1.7.

yup. absolutely right. you are a genius. also you are the best player that ever could be.

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I just played 93825 for a few hours. I don't know what everyone is complaining about. It is not too hard. I like it, it is challenging. I spawned and yes, I was swarmed by zombies, but i ran around a building and then inside and hid from them. It was awesome. I did this numerous times until I found a weapon. It is even more tense and challenging with the increased zombie strength and detection, especially when you have no weapon. Yes you have to be more careful, but isn't that the point? The only problems I have encountered were that:

-When I would pick a new weapon up, the ammo for all ammo, except for the gun i picked up, is dropped

-Direct communication does not work for me, I can see and hear other people's voice/text, but they cannot hear mine. I do a working mic, as my friends in vent can hear me. This probably is not a problem that has to do with Rocket or this update though

I love this update Rocket, don't give into the people who say this game is too hard. They just aren't trying hard enough.

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People are getting spotted from a fair distance even when prone. Stop with this elitism nonsense.

Sorry if you see that as elitism and i dont want that thread to be a flame-duel. But we just played 4 hours straight running from Balota Airfield to Green Mountain' date=' to the north-western airfield, to stary sobora and we were doing fine. Prone did work for us and so did shift-crouchwalking. The people complaining must do something terribly wrong or we were playing a different game.


Or, maybe you just lucked out and the Zombie AI didn't bug out on you? Because from both newbies to veterans, everyone has been complaining about how the Zeds have super vision AND super hearing in the most recent hotfix, when it was perfectly fine in the "no food/water" hotfix.

Maybe you're just some pro ass elitist player that is just way too fucking good at this game and make the rest of us look at scrubs. Or maybe, just maybe, everyone ranging from newbs to veterans who are all pointing out that there maybe something wrong with the Zombie visual/audio detection actually might be right. Or, maybe everyone that is complaining are all fucking retards that don't even know what shift and prone do. Who knows.

its FINE as it is! its an alpha and for now LIVE WITH IT!

rocket is always tweaking and testing out new things!

We have been playing with 4 guys for 3 hours going THROUGH TOWNS! and it was easy enough! no one died or lost more then a 1000 blood!

so to the winy little Biatches join up in parties and its easy

1) Being an alpha I have the right to point out what I feel is wrong. The Zed behavior is buggy already as it is, it shouldn't come down to the point where they aggro so much the game is basically unplayable. I should be able to go through towns and go through the content of the game to TEST other things such as sneak mechanics, loot tables in cities/heavy population areas, etc. Yet it's hard as shit to do that right now because I'm busy having to expend 3+ mags to gun down the entire town down, or spending an hour trying to lose them through buildings or a forest.

2) You're right. Rocket is always testing new stuff. And he wants feedback. I'm giving it to him. You saying that everything is fine and I'm just bad at the game is not feedback, it's you being an elitist prick.

3) You're fucking straight up lying if no one lost more than a thousand blood and you were never seen. Zeds hit for 500 easily on the lower end of the scale, and can hit for well over a couple of thousand. With the high aggro nature of the Zeds right now along with their glitchy nature in that they can glitch through walls, floors, occasionally sprint inside indoors, I seriously doubt none of you loss less than a thousand blood.

The only reason why I'm being as aggressive as I am with my posting is because you're FUCKING LYING. Period. There is no one here that has played the game since 1.6.0 or from before that will ever tell you that the current Zeds aren't a little over the top in terms of their sensitivity to sound and what they see. was actually pretty good, it was a happy medium; just needed to fix the food loot tables, maybe tweak the DISTANCE on the visual detection and we would have been at a pretty stable build. Right now, everyone ranging from newbies to veterans have all pointed out that it's blatantly obvious that the Zeds are much more sensitive to everything in than they were in, and they already were pretty sensitive in that version to visual detection already.

Your elitist bullshit posting needs to come to a stop. When it smells like shit, looks like shit, it pretty much has to be shit. And right now, your post is full of shit.

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People are getting spotted from a fair distance even when prone. Stop with this elitism nonsense.

Sorry if you see that as elitism and i dont want that thread to be a flame-duel. But we just played 4 hours straight running from Balota Airfield to Green Mountain' date=' to the north-western airfield, to stary sobora and we were doing fine. Prone did work for us and so did shift-crouchwalking. The people complaining must do something terribly wrong or we were playing a different game.


Or, maybe you just lucked out and the Zombie AI didn't bug out on you? Because from both newbies to veterans, everyone has been complaining about how the Zeds have super vision AND super hearing in the most recent hotfix, when it was perfectly fine in the "no food/water" hotfix.

Maybe you're just some pro ass elitist player that is just way too fucking good at this game and make the rest of us look at scrubs. Or maybe, just maybe, everyone ranging from newbs to veterans who are all pointing out that there maybe something wrong with the Zombie visual/audio detection actually might be right. Or, maybe everyone that is complaining are all fucking retards that don't even know what shift and prone do. Who knows.

its FINE as it is! its an alpha and for now LIVE WITH IT!

rocket is always tweaking and testing out new things!

We have been playing with 4 guys for 3 hours going THROUGH TOWNS! and it was easy enough! no one died or lost more then a 1000 blood!

so to the winy little Biatches join up in parties and its easy

1) Being an alpha I have the right to point out what I feel is wrong. The Zed behavior is buggy already as it is, it shouldn't come down to the point where they aggro so much the game is basically unplayable. I should be able to go through towns and go through the content of the game to TEST other things such as sneak mechanics, loot tables in cities/heavy population areas, etc. Yet it's hard as shit to do that right now because I'm busy having to expend 3+ mags to gun down the entire town down, or spending an hour trying to lose them through buildings or a forest.

2) You're right. Rocket is always testing new stuff. And he wants feedback. I'm giving it to him. You saying that everything is fine and I'm just bad at the game is not feedback, it's you being an elitist prick.

3) You're fucking straight up lying if no one lost more than a thousand blood and you were never seen. Zeds hit for 500 easily on the lower end of the scale, and can hit for well over a couple of thousand. With the high aggro nature of the Zeds right now along with their glitchy nature in that they can glitch through walls, floors, occasionally sprint inside indoors, I seriously doubt none of you loss less than a thousand blood.

The only reason why I'm being as aggressive as I am with my posting is because you're FUCKING LYING. Period. There is no one here that has played the game since 1.6.0 or from before that will ever tell you that the current Zeds aren't a little over the top in terms of their sensitivity to sound and what they see. was actually pretty good, it was a happy medium; just needed to fix the food loot tables, maybe tweak the DISTANCE on the visual detection and we would have been at a pretty stable build. Right now, everyone ranging from newbies to veterans have all pointed out that it's blatantly obvious that the Zeds are much more sensitive to everything in than they were in, and they already were pretty sensitive in that version to visual detection already.

Your elitist bullshit posting needs to come to a stop. When it smells like shit, looks like shit, it pretty much has to be shit. And right now, your post is full of shit.

I pretty much agree here. I've aggroed about 5 zombies just by crawling prone through grass in the dead of night.

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Ok, finally got to play Here's my thoughts:

A) Most of the bugs that I experienced in 1.2 were absent. I did also notice the fps drop after LOSing zed, but for me it lasted only a second or two, and did not require a restart.

B) I like the direction we are taking with the zeds aggro range, but I think it is just a touch too sensitive. I suggest having the Walkers keep the current (or slightly shorter) view distance, and give the hoppers greatly reduced view distance.

C) If the zed aggro range is going to be this far, then my guy has GOT to stop leaping to a full standing position when I go over little bumps while crawling. Maybe he could just stop moving instead?

D) I noticed that after LOSing zed, it was sometimes possible to crawl right up to them and one shot them with the hatchet in the legs.

E) It should be a little easier to LOS zed.

2) I kept aggroing zed that were just randomly standing around in the woods, presumably from someone else LOSing them there. This is cool. I want random zed encounters.

III) A little bug that I noticed a long while back, that still persists: When you pass out from low blood, when you come to, I first cycle through several weapon holding animations, including one for a rocket laucher, and then proceed to auto move in whatever direction I had been moving in before passing out. The only way to stop auto moving is to double tap the affected controls.

X) If zed are going to aggro from a long range, and we are forced to crawl in order to approach towns or buildings, then can our crawl speed be increased? This would make it a little less painful and a little more fun.

() Can we have an autorun function? PLEASE? my 'w' pushing finger has been cramping up.

And finally: Someone earlier suggested strongboxes that require a crowbar to open them. I would like to expand on that suggestion. I think that all military grade weapons should be in strongboxes, and require a crowbar to open them. Crowbars should only spawn in the northernmost towns. You want that fancy gun? Now you gotta really work for it.

That's it. Hope it was at least a little helpful.

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Sorry if you see that as elitism and i dont want that thread to be a flame-duel. But we just played 4 hours straight running from Balota Airfield to Green Mountain' date=' to the north-western airfield, to stary sobora and we were doing fine. Prone did work for us and so did shift-crouchwalking. The people complaining must do something terribly wrong or we were playing a different game.


Or, maybe you just lucked out and the Zombie AI didn't bug out on you? Because from both newbies to veterans, everyone has been complaining about how the Zeds have super vision AND super hearing in the most recent hotfix, when it was perfectly fine in the "no food/water" hotfix.

Maybe you're just some pro ass elitist player that is just way too fucking good at this game and make the rest of us look at scrubs. Or maybe, just maybe, everyone ranging from newbs to veterans who are all pointing out that there maybe something wrong with the Zombie visual/audio detection actually might be right. Or, maybe everyone that is complaining are all fucking retards that don't even know what shift and prone do. Who knows.

its FINE as it is! its an alpha and for now LIVE WITH IT!

rocket is always tweaking and testing out new things!

We have been playing with 4 guys for 3 hours going THROUGH TOWNS! and it was easy enough! no one died or lost more then a 1000 blood!

so to the winy little Biatches join up in parties and its easy

1) Being an alpha I have the right to point out what I feel is wrong. The Zed behavior is buggy already as it is, it shouldn't come down to the point where they aggro so much the game is basically unplayable. I should be able to go through towns and go through the content of the game to TEST other things such as sneak mechanics, loot tables in cities/heavy population areas, etc. Yet it's hard as shit to do that right now because I'm busy having to expend 3+ mags to gun down the entire town down, or spending an hour trying to lose them through buildings or a forest.

2) You're right. Rocket is always testing new stuff. And he wants feedback. I'm giving it to him. You saying that everything is fine and I'm just bad at the game is not feedback, it's you being an elitist prick.

3) You're fucking straight up lying if no one lost more than a thousand blood and you were never seen. Zeds hit for 500 easily on the lower end of the scale, and can hit for well over a couple of thousand. With the high aggro nature of the Zeds right now along with their glitchy nature in that they can glitch through walls, floors, occasionally sprint inside indoors, I seriously doubt none of you loss less than a thousand blood.

The only reason why I'm being as aggressive as I am with my posting is because you're FUCKING LYING. Period. There is no one here that has played the game since 1.6.0 or from before that will ever tell you that the current Zeds aren't a little over the top in terms of their sensitivity to sound and what they see. was actually pretty good, it was a happy medium; just needed to fix the food loot tables, maybe tweak the DISTANCE on the visual detection and we would have been at a pretty stable build. Right now, everyone ranging from newbies to veterans have all pointed out that it's blatantly obvious that the Zeds are much more sensitive to everything in than they were in, and they already were pretty sensitive in that version to visual detection already.

Your elitist bullshit posting needs to come to a stop. When it smells like shit, looks like shit, it pretty much has to be shit. And right now, your post is full of shit.

I pretty much agree here. I've aggroed about 5 zombies just by crawling prone through grass in the dead of night.

agreed... well 52 pages already, i think rocket already got the information he needs to the next hotfix, patch or whatever....

anyway, love your work...

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these zombies are absolutely retarded... that is all, otherwise good

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I dont see why there cant be a small hatchet for chopping wood (that goes in the tools menu) and a larger melee axe which takes up a weapons slot. I actually thought this was the case at first.

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I said it earlier but I'll say it again...HOTFIXES SHOULD NOT HAVE NEW CONTENT OR NEW THINGS.....HOTFIXES should be to ONLY fix whats broke. Everytime he's done a hotfix and added new things in there just to get them in then we end up with 4 more things wrong. I'm losing motivation to test when all my stuff keeps getting deleted.

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