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Hotfix Build Rolling Update (was

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Just wanted to link to this video. I think it shows that is not at all unrealistic when it comes to being spotted/not being spotted.

I think some of the problems people are experiencing are from playing on servers that are not fully updated(as said by Rocket earlier in the thread - hope it wasn't a joke), and people wanting DayZ to play a certain way instead of playing it the way it is.

Here is another video in which you can see what a lot of people are wanting to do:


You don't have to watch all of the second video, but you see all kinds of flawed, non-stealthy behavior. Running across the open field, stopping to check inventory in the open( a few times ), not surveilling the area, making a B-line straight for the base even after seeing a zombie in it(2:20). Then crouch running down the side of the road in plain sight of a zombie and then acting surprised that it saw him(2:30). This is a simulation that requires patience and stealth. I don't understand why people can't just let it be that.

I did not want to boost anyone up or belittle anyone with showing these videos. They were just some good examples that I found for both playing styles.

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I'm actually thoroughly enjoying the game at the moment. Melee has made it much easier to be quiet. The only problem i have is that Zombies are way too damn fast. I think we've all heard that argument before though.

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Alright well my suggestions and take on the current update are as follows:

Zombies agro to easily and unpredictably. Sometimes I will be spotted prone from ridiculous ranges and its telepathically transmitted to the rest of them from hundreds of feet around instantly.

You can also never seem to kill them all off, even If I kill off the initial 6+ and survive, more spawn instantly and rush me again...

You should be able to clear our small towns without zombos breeding like rats out of thin air.

Food - I'v spent 3 hours scavenging and foundn only 1 can of beans... my guy is starving to death right now despite searching everywhere in dangerous territories... There is a decent amount of soda and bandages and ammo, but firearms almost non existant as well.

The Axe needs to be split into a tool and a weapon, right now you are forced to give up primary weapon in order to just have a chopping tool/poor melee weapon, this also hurts the lack of food situation.

I like how the zombies search around for you but their agro and spawning is just too overpowered currently.

Keep up the good work rocket!.

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Just wanted to link to this video. I think it shows that is not at all unrealistic when it comes to being spotted/not being spotted.

Around 2:30 he yells "I was crouched", yes you where on a open field, near a wide road and still running. I am not surprised that he aggro'd that Zed wich was way closer than most people would claim they are.

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Just wanted to link to this video. I think it shows that is not at all unrealistic when it comes to being spotted/not being spotted.

I think some of the problems people are experiencing are from playing on servers that are not fully updated(as said by Rocket earlier in the thread - hope it wasn't a joke)' date=' and people wanting DayZ to play a certain way instead of playing it the way it is.

Here is another video in which you can see what a lot of people are wanting to do:


You don't have to watch all of the second video, but you see all kinds of flawed, non-stealthy behavior. Running across the open field, stopping to check inventory in the open( a few times ), not surveilling the area, making a B-line straight for the base even after seeing a zombie in it(2:20). Then crouch running down the side of the road in plain sight of a zombie and then acting surprised that it saw him(2:30). This is a simulation that requires patience and stealth. I don't understand why people can't just let it be that.

I did not want to boost anyone up or belittle anyone with showing these videos. They were just some good examples that I found for both playing styles.


The point i think many of us are trying to make is that realism needs to be sacrificed for fun. This isn't a deathmatch, I get it. but if the current zombies can run at 9000 miles an hour while zig zagging and hit like a truck, then maybe their aggro ranged should be turned down to balance it out.

What made this game so freaky was not knowing if another player was close by and whether he was friendly or not. Zombies were like roaming landmines with ears... now they are too dominant as killing machines. The unnerving aspect of others players has been replaced by frustration.

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^"realism sacrificed for fun" ROFL this game is about NOT being fun and about being a dick and mean and realistic. go play "something else".

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Reckon a lot of the LoS and super-sight problems people are experiencing with the zombies are actually more to do with noise rather than sight.

I didn't have a lot of luck crouching early on so went prone and held the shift key through the entire town of Pusta looting every single building, barn and doghouse and was only attacked twice by zombies. Both times after I was spotted and attacked, I ran while crouched until I was 50 meters or so out of town and then sprinted as fast as I could through the open field to the treeline until I was far enough away to turn around and take out the zombies following me without any more hearing the shots from my Remington. I then proceeded back into town to continue looting, making sure to once again travel prone as soon as I was close enough to the town to be at risk of being spotted by zombies.

Yes it takes a little longer to do it this way, and I do agree that at least the sound produced by walking while crouching probably needs to be toned down just a little, but all in all I didn't really have to many worries staying under the zombie radar this time. The key for me was to treat every moment like I would in a real life situation - After all, ARMA 2 and the DayZ mod are both simulations at heart, not video games.


- Inventory

I was able to pick up a hatchet using the mouse wheel, while my primary weapon was in my tent, and I was able to harvest wood for a fire with it by right-clicking on it and selecting "Harvest wood". I then dropped it near my tent by right-clicking on it and selecting the "Drop wood" option, and I picked it up again about an hour later, again using the mouse wheel, and even killed 3 zombies with it in a barn without getting so much as a scratch. The hatchet was still in the same spot by my tent on the ground when I logged out not 10 minutes ago, even though I'd traveled far and wide with no one left at my tent for much of my session. Also didn't have any duplicating problems with Hatchet and Crowbar ammo, or even see any for that matter (I did have these problems in

- Zombie Line of Sight

Like I said above, I had a few problems with zombies when I first hit Pusta and tried crouch-walking my way through town, though I really do think that this had more to do with the zombies HEARING me....not SEEING me. After I started going prone while holding shift to make my way through town, I was only spotted by zombies twice - once in a building when I didn't see him standing in the room as I entered it, and the other time was when I turned the corner of a fence without checking it well enough and a zombie walked straight into me. Was able to avoid any other contact despite getting within 10 meters of them sometimes.

-Server Load Times

Much improved. Thumbs up!


- Frame Rate

Have never been below 25 FPS on this game with my brand new top of the range computer until that session I just had then. Like I've already said, I was only in the small town of Pusta most of the time, so I'd hate to see what Cherno/Elektro are like at the moment! Definitely has something to do with the zombies. Started getting a frame rate in the low 30's once I hit the town, and when I first aggro'd a couple of zombies and headed for the hills to kill them, it was down to the low 20's. It surprisingly didn't get any better after I'd killed the zombies who were after me and by the time I'd had my second zombie confrontation and finally left the town, I was down to 10-15 FPS. Certainly not my hardware or my settings.

- Zombie Viewing Distance

As others have said, it could probably use a little toning down, not too much though. Same argument could be mounted for the amount of noise emitted from crouch-walking.

That's pretty much it from my experiences with version so far, will add anything else as it comes to me.

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went through cherno, elektro twice all i found was a watch. before i would atleast of had compass map watch matches hatchet

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^"realism sacrificed for fun" ROFL this game is about NOT being fun and about being a dick and mean and realistic. go play "something else".

You can have nitty gritty, realistic and mean with fun included, or you can have something that no one will play....

Lets be "realistic", no one wastes their lives playing a program that isn't entertaining, why would they?.

Your being a little ridiculous and arrogant with your response simply because you don't like the others opinion on the "games" current flaws.

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^"realism sacrificed for fun" ROFL this game is about NOT being fun and about being a dick and mean and realistic. go play "something else".

Yeah, because we play video games as a form of masochism...

This game has so many aspects of it that are not realistic. Like morphine magically fixing a broken bone, zombies(HERP DERP INFECTED), zombies running faster than a cheetah, zombies with excellent vision and hearing, the winchester thats not a rifle, but a shotgun, a cow only supplying 8 steaks, campfires that can be lit with a box of matches in an open field while its pouring down rain... need more examples? you get it now? It's about balance and people enjoying playing the game.

Come off your high horse.

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1. Zombie range really high, maybe it like it should be.

2. Zombies too smart. They have no brain. Maybe don't let them open doors and carrying vertical stairway

2. People just kill each other when see, it's not realistic! Should do something with it. If u will be in zombie appocalipsis in real life u propably will glad to meet other surviver, not immediatly put plumbum in his head! Add remorse parametr or something with penalty.

Sorry for my language

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^"realism sacrificed for fun" ROFL this game is about NOT being fun and about being a dick and mean and realistic. go play "something else".

Yeah' date=' because we play video games as a form of masochism...

This game has so many aspects of it that are not realistic. Like morphine magically fixing a broken bone, zombies(HERP DERP INFECTED), running faster than a cheetah, zombies with excellent vision and hearing, the winchester thats not a rigle, but a shotgun, a cow only supplying 8 steaks, campfires that can be lit with a box of matches in an open field while its pouring down rain... need more examples? you get it now? It's about balance and people enjoying playing the game.

Come off your high horse.


i lol'd

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Just wanted to link to this video. I think it shows that is not at all unrealistic when it comes to being spotted/not being spotted.

I think some of the problems people are experiencing are from playing on servers that are not fully updated(as said by Rocket earlier in the thread - hope it wasn't a joke)' date=' and people wanting DayZ to play a certain way instead of playing it the way it is.

Here is another video in which you can see what a lot of people are wanting to do:


You don't have to watch all of the second video, but you see all kinds of flawed, non-stealthy behavior. Running across the open field, stopping to check inventory in the open( a few times ), not surveilling the area, making a B-line straight for the base even after seeing a zombie in it(2:20). Then crouch running down the side of the road in plain sight of a zombie and then acting surprised that it saw him(2:30). This is a simulation that requires patience and stealth. I don't understand why people can't just let it be that.

I did not want to boost anyone up or belittle anyone with showing these videos. They were just some good examples that I found for both playing styles.


Well played, sir!

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Oh you poor souls, whoever thinks that infected should not run like THAT - zig zag and very very fast.

I share Rocket's vision of a zombie - because in one of his interviews he said, that zombies first were people, like us - had fear oh hurting themselves, common sense and humanity. Now strip away all that - you'll get a zombie - it's DEAD, hes no fear no regrets or feelings. What it has - is this huge hunger!

So, I wanted to tell you that I truly believe that zombie COULD be like that. Once me and my friends, about 8 of us, went to a bar. Well, one of my friends got so drunk, that he could not tell a friend from a hostile. He wasn't himself anymore, his common sense just shut down, he started attacking everyone, friends or not. Trust me, he was not one of those skinny ones, he was a big very strong guy, about 85-95 kg. And when THIS MASS started to throw punches... man these zombies are just pussies!!! 7 of us, we could not "contain" him.

So shut the hell up, and read some Rocket's thoughts, what he would like to see in this mod. Don't like it - get out. And when the Apocalypse comes - well, say your thoughts to the infected that is going to eat you, that you were suppose to respawn with a minigun and sh*tloads of ammo, not a mobile phone in your pocket!

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I am in the camp that thinks the zombies have too strong of an advantage in this update. On a philosophical level, I don't think zombies should have super human speed, hearing, and sight. But there is no room for philosophy in the zombie apocalypse so I'll let that one slide.

- Zombies are alerted by gunfire, I get that; but if I shoot one zombie on the outskirts of town, I feel like every zombie around the corner shouldn't instantly come running (especially when the zombies seem to be spawning so much more frequently).

I would like to see a mechanic where zombies outside of the players direct LOS would not instantly aggro from gunfire. These zombies would instead be alerted to that position, and begin shambling in the direction of the sound; going aggro only when catching sight of the player.

The zombies wouldn't overwhelm the player as easily, but they would become much more ominous threat.

- I think there should be a slight decrease in the distance which a zombie can see/hear you while crouch walking. It doesn't seem to me that there is much difference between jogging and crouch walking as far as attracting zombies is concerned.

- No starting weapons also seems cruel. Granted, I maybe felt a little too secure with a makarov and 6 clips; but you gotta have something. Maybe a makarov with one clip, or a hatchet/crowbar at only half durability?

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I think my biggest gripe is that more zombies insta-spawn right after you just got done mowing a big group of them down, in a small town.

Big urban centers, ok I get it, lots of infected/zombies... but in rural areas you should be able to clean house with your nice new shiney firearms you worked your ass off to acquire.

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So heres my thoughts. After doing a lot of tweaking to get the game running as smoothly as it was in 1.7.0, I finally managed to grab enough supplies to head to the NW Airfield. Halfway there I take a break and log out; when I log back in, my coyote bag was missing. Not sure what happened, had some blood packs and extra ammo in there, but I still had enough to continue onward. I make it to the airstrip and everything is going well, found an M4 to replace my loud enfield; I didn't want to use the M4 because its still pretty loud. I managed to aggro two zeds in one of the hangars, nbd, i'll just wait until they get close and finish them with my 1911. Kill the first one, and the second hits me... once. I'm down for 20 seconds with the hourglass on my screen. I had 12k blood when that happened, and was dead before I got to come back up. Could it be my fault for letting them get so close? yeah. I figured I wouldnt want to pop too many shots off and wanted to be sure these two bullets would get two kills. I think it may be a good idea to make it so that maybe if you're above 7k health, you cant get incapped like that. Maybe break a limb or make you bleed, sure, but one hit death seems like overkill. Just my thoughts.

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RE: Hotfix Build Rolling Update (was

I am in the camp that thinks the zombies have too strong of an advantage in this update. On a philosophical level, I don't think zombies should have super human speed, hearing, and sight. But there is no room for philosophy in the zombie apocalypse so I'll let that one slide.

- Zombies are alerted by gunfire, I get that; but if I shoot one zombie on the outskirts of town, I feel like every zombie around the corner shouldn't instantly come running (especially when the zombies seem to be spawning so much more frequently).

I would like to see a mechanic where zombies outside of the players direct LOS would not instantly aggro from gunfire. These zombies would instead be alerted to that position, and begin shambling in the direction of the sound; going aggro only when catching sight of the player.

The zombies wouldn't overwhelm the player as easily, but they would become much more ominous threat.

- I think there should be a slight decrease in the distance which a zombie can see/hear you while crouch walking. It doesn't seem to me that there is much difference between jogging and crouch walking as far as attracting zombies is concerned.

- No starting weapons also seems cruel. Granted, I maybe felt a little too secure with a makarov and 6 clips; but you gotta have something. Maybe a makarov with one clip, or a hatchet/crowbar at only half durability?

I agree with this post alot.

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So shut the hell up' date=' and read some Rocket's thoughts, what he would like to see in this mod. Don't like it - get out. And when the Apocalypse comes - well, say your thoughts to the infected that is going to eat you, that you were suppose to respawn with a minigun and sh*tloads of ammo, not a mobile phone in your pocket!


Actually, I am pretty damn sure that Rocket wants to hear all of our thoughts, even those of dissension. Because, you know, that's the point of being a tester... to get feedback. Be it positive or negative. If my opinions are too much for you, then maybe you shouldn't be a tester and playing this game, since clearly you have no idea what that means.

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ALSO: Flies still happening around buried/despawned dead bodies.

Again - because server admins are not updating their SERVER SIDE files.

Suggestion: De-whitelist all servers that aren't running the current alpha test build.

Also, whatever makes the faint 'your client is running the wrong version of the mod' messge appear, make that stronger again (to actually keep people from playing anyway on an outdated server) anf change the check from >= to == when it come to the version comparison.

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RE: Hotfix Build Rolling Update (was

I am in the camp that thinks the zombies have too strong of an advantage in this update. On a philosophical level' date=' I don't think zombies should have super human speed, hearing, and sight. But there is no room for philosophy in the zombie apocalypse so I'll let that one slide.

- Zombies are alerted by gunfire, I get that; but if I shoot one zombie on the outskirts of town, I feel like every zombie around the corner shouldn't instantly come running (especially when the zombies seem to be spawning so much more frequently).

I would like to see a mechanic where zombies outside of the players direct LOS would not instantly aggro from gunfire. These zombies would instead be alerted to that position, and begin shambling in the direction of the sound; going aggro only when catching sight of the player.

The zombies wouldn't overwhelm the player as easily, but they would become much more ominous threat.

- I think there should be a slight decrease in the distance which a zombie can see/hear you while crouch walking. It doesn't seem to me that there is much difference between jogging and crouch walking as far as attracting zombies is concerned.

- No starting weapons also seems cruel. Granted, I maybe felt a little too secure with a makarov and 6 clips; but you gotta have something. Maybe a makarov with one clip, or a hatchet/crowbar at only half durability? [/quote']

I agree with this post alot.

I agree with the agree.

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Nighttime with only a flaslight was a blast (difficult to play in buildings... protip: use a chemlight indoors)

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