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Twixx (DayZ)

SA: Flare gun!

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Topic title speaks for itself. Adding a flare gun into standalone. You would need flares as ammo for it, it would mostly be effective against zombies

to distract them or set them on fire if you hit them, or give somebody a signal, perhaps? We just need it! :D


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I like it, too many times have I been stuck at an airfield at night and my character can't throw flares high enough. Beans for you good sir.

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I'd also like to see the height of the shot and speed of the falling flare slowed down a bit.

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Yes... Yesss °D°

I'd also like to see the height of the shot and speed of the falling flare slowed down a bit.

something like 2-3 minutes if you shot in a perfect vertical angle.

This could be a good way to do some light without being detected.

Edited by Edoissimo

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I'd love to see a trip flare (not sure what the proper name is) as in Arma where if activated a long burning flare is fired into the sky sky lighting up a very large area for a good few minutes. There'd be loads of cool uses for that.

Edit - Maybe we could craft one using fish-wire, a flare gun and stick.

Edited by Fraggle
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For me personally, I'd love to see varieties of Flare Guns not just stick with the standard Orion orange 12 gauge. Some examples of various Flare Guns:

Orion Flare Gun - 12 Gauge Flare, extremely common seen practically everywhere but overall very weak as a weapon


H&K P2A1 - 26.5mm Flare, Often used by Military and Police forces, fires a more powerful flare which can also be used as a weapon


Kampfpistole Z - 26.5mm Flare, German World War 2 flare gun modified for 26.5mm flares, common in eastern european countries


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Flare gun is a good idea, as long as there isn't the usual Hollywood lethality.

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In addition, two potential videos which give valuable insight to Flare Guns as weapons:

In addition to regular flares, I'd love to see some smoke flares added in. Kinda similar to Smoke Grenades but somewhat more readily available and don't always give a cloud but more a rising smoke stack

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In addition, two potential videos which give valuable insight to Flare Guns as weapons:

In addition to regular flares, I'd love to see some smoke flares added in. Kinda similar to Smoke Grenades but somewhat more readily available and don't always give a cloud but more a rising smoke stack

Darn it, beat me too it, beans for you!!

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Also I think fireworks would be a cool adition maybe not a prioority but cool whatever

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ok so to sum it up, add in some kind of firearm that fires mini parachute flares that go up and drift down over a period of 30-40 seconds illuminating a wide area, and possibly comming in a variety of colours ....... exactley like the 203 flares do now ... ok got it

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ok so to sum it up, add in some kind of firearm that fires mini parachute flares that go up and drift down over a period of 30-40 seconds illuminating a wide area, and possibly comming in a variety of colours ....... exactley like the 203 flares do now ... ok got it

Yeah, you're right! In fact, why add in any other guns? They all fire heated metal projectiles at high velocities to cause damage to their target, exactly like any other gun. So let's just have the makarov pistol and call it a day.

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Imagine shooting someone with a flare gun loaded with a smoke. They'd run around with smoke coming out of them

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More flare gun stories...

The Providence Journal reports that Mark Hitchner was arrested after he shot 59-year-old Joseph Motta in the neck with the gun. Motta declined medical treatment.

As she attempted to flee, the man shot a second flare, which hit her in the elbow and stomach. After being treated for her burns, she returned to work Friday afternoon with one of her arms in a sling.

Not that effective it would seem...

Edited by Gews

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More flare gun stories...

Not that effective it would seem...

Of course...that thing is still a blunt object. Of course if you hit the right place it will make a difference. That stuff won't get stuck in you unless maybe you fire it from point blank.

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Yes i agree Hollywood does tend to over exaggerated

What would be exaggerating? I think if you fire a flare at someone from under ~50(?) meters it should burn them abit.

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What would be exaggerating? I think if you fire a flare at someone from under ~50(?) meters it should burn them abit.

It could even severely burn them, but nothing like this please


I think a flare gun would have a hard time inflicting any major injuries.

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I think a flare gun would have a hard time inflicting any major injuries.
But if you're wearing a shell-suit or a grass skirt, BEWARE THE FLARE.

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But if you're wearing a shell-suit or a grass skirt, BEWARE THE FLARE.

Or a British Assault Pack! :0

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Well we can all agree that most movies are pretty unrealistic. If it were realistic more than half of the audience would either faint or puke when heads pop and limbs are torn off like in "The Pacific" or "Saving Private Ryan" when they are hit by bullets...Everything else falls under Hollywood Myth.

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It shouldn't really be intented as weapon against players, more against zombies. It would set them on fire :P

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Using a flare gun as a weapon is, at the base, a stupid idea (not deadly, so what the point?)... why not using it like the Flare in the m203 for lighting an area and distract zombies or something like that...

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Using a flare gun as a weapon is, at the base, a stupid idea (not deadly, so what the point?)... why not using it like the Flare in the m203 for lighting an area and distract zombies or something like that...

An M203's 40mm flare is still pretty deadly, in addition to 40mm smoke if it hit someone directly at a certain range, if a variety of flare guns were added, the larger the caliber of flare, the more destructive it would be. So 12 Gauge flares are the weakest, 26.5, and 37mm are the middle ground with 40mm being the most powerful.

There's also another reason to use a flare gun as a weapon, whenever I see a flare gun in a movie or used somewhere in Real Life I think of three words: Last Ditch defence. If you have no ranged weapon at all and you still want someone to go away or at the very least flee, shooting a flare gun at them is one deterent when you don't have anything else

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