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What Event Turned You Into A Bandit?

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Cherno supermarket - after observing a new spawn leg it in, followed by about 10 Z's, I decided to help. My trusty hatchet took out all the zombies, only for the player to find a pistol in the market and place a round in the back of my head whilst I was looting. Dick.

I always try to make contact with a survivor that looks to be friendly, but if they don't respond I open fire. Only way to keep living, been stabbed in the back too many times.

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I'll copy the story I wrote on one of my topics. After this even, I was bandit all the way.

My story takes place in Kamyshovo, my home town.

Me and my buddy have been camping there for the last few weeks, we have survived a very long time without much trouble.

However, getting to Kamyshovo got us injured, and we spent a while killing animals and trying to gain more blood.

One day we set off from our camp near the small pond to the east of Kamyshovo, and we saw a player with black clothes running through the town,

I considered killing him, but my slightly more "humane" buddy decided against it. So we searched the town withouth coming into contact with the player,

but as we set off towards home, with me in front and my buddy behind me, I heard four gunshots. I said "what was that, I heard gunsho-" but before I could finish

my friend exclaimed that he was dead, I turned around and saw a player with black clothes (possibly the same one we saw earlier) reloading a makarov, and

my buddy's corpse. I walked backwards a few steps and hid behind a tree, I fired a shot at the player with my Lee Enfield rifle before he could finish reloading,

and then fired another shot. This next shot broke his leg, and he was on the ground. Before I could get any more shots on him, he fired and broke my leg with his

makarov. I was now on the ground, too. We were both bleeding, and we both had a broken leg. The player then started rolling through the grass. I tried to fire more

shots at him but they all missed, and then he settled in a patch of grass, making himself invisible to me. I presume he was trying to fix his broken leg, but I'm not sure.

Anyways, I fired several shots into the patch of grass before using some Morphine, then I went over to make sure he was dead. He was. According to the death message, his name was Steve. After sending a few angry messages at Steve through side chat, I realised how F****** awesome it was to get back at that guy.

In the end, my buddy found his way back to Kamyshovo, and everything has gotten back to normal. However, we now agree that we kill all players that enter Kamyshovo. So that is my story of revenge and our dramatic descent from two players trying to survive to heartless bandits.

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I was dropped on my head repeatedly as an infant.

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i searched so long for a nvg, then i shot a bandit and he got one.

since then i shot everything just to get quicker what i want :D

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My story is a bit different than others and even more gruesome to how fast things can turn chaotic. I play on a friendly server as one of their only bandits out of a group of two or three. It all started when the admin was doing pickups for new players to the server. It was myself and 10 other people including another to become bandit rival I used to have. As we all were driving in a osprey i believe its called? Another chopper took down our Rotor assembly and that's when things went from bad to worse. As the chopper quickly lowered in altitude I knew what was going on considering the engine turned off, the other new players either had no idea what happened or didn't notice. I ejected along with what I saw around maybe 5-6 people? I hit the floor safely along with the others and what seemed to be a flying truce quickly turned into a bitter end. After the initial explosion of the chopper i hear gun shots within the 200 meter range.. alot of them. It was like going into NE airfield with 50 + players. What was once a peaceful sanctuary in the forest soon turned into a brutal slaughter free for all. I began to run towards the crash site, it must have been near 150 meters, the shots whistled past me several times still don't know how i wasn't gunned down in the run, probably because of the other players too busy shooting each other and I was getting out of the kill zone. I run towards one of the bodies near the crash site, luckily enough the guy had a dmr i was able to pick off his body. I notice someone else next to me looting the same corpse, he grabbed the g17. He stares at me for a moment noticing i have the dmr and tells me to drop it.... i refuse. The gun fire broke the silence of the forest after the intial fight for survival after the crash. He got the jump on me firing first, couldn't say how many rounds.... considering i still had the upper hand it usually takes one dmr bullet to kill you.... so i fired 5... he was more dead than a box of fried chicken... although he did quite a number on me. I wish i could say it was quiet after that... but the sound of flies filled my headphones as the peaceful meadow soon turned into a mass grave. I grab the g17 off of his corpse when I realized my skin changed.... a turban wrapped around my head. I walk through the meadow only to spot a man crawling away from the killzone... it appears he has broken his leg in the intial fight, crawling through the wilderness unarmed and no hope of survival. I stare down the lines of my scope only to present him with a quick death only to find a zombie running towards the corpse to get his feed... no morphine so I couldn't save him if I wanted too, besides why ruin the zombies meal? Even though what I did was act of survival, I suppose it was the bandit life for me... i hear on the local chat a group of survivors survived the crash was in a town close by. Engaging them head on didn't seem wise considering i was passing out every minute from the blood loss. I followed their broadcasts to a small town in the distance, they were scavenging for supplies. On the way there I hunted for a boar to regain some blood to prevent me from passing out. I lurk in the forests stalking them as they ran through barns and hordes chased them through the streets. I try and use the element of surprise. I lingered with patience, from what i saw i was guessing 3-4 survivors total, maybe 2 or 3 of them were armed with standard weapons from their find. I wait patiently as i see one actually running towards my direction with three zeds running after him... it seemed almost too easy, i capped him as the others began to follow to help him out. I'm assuming between all the gunfire they used to cap zed my intial shot didn't seem to affect any of them considering the amount of commotion they were causing, until one of them realized one of their team mates dropped from no where. I managed to cap off a second survivor after the first giving them no time to react to the situation. However the others got away behind a building as I waited for 5-10 minutes with no movement I figured he logged. It's funny how the peace broke after the order was disrupted... what was once a treaty among survivors on a friendly server quickly turned into a battle of greed, blood lust, betrayal, all is fair in love and war.

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when i found a crowbar (oh the cruelty).

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The first time I spoted this kind of survivor wearing something around his head..

Ever since, I get the job done in order to keep my bandana.


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This is a videogame where you can kill people and they get mad .... so I do. Pretending to be friendly with them on voip first is extra fun

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I became a bandit the day I realised I loved killing people and then taunting them, it started small I had a hatchet and a guy with a dmr was in the buildings at kamarovo he saw me and without hesitation began to shoot so I run to cover, he watched patiently hoping I would try to run from there, but instead I waited for him to slip up, he switched to his side arm and took his eyes off where I was I ran at him swinging wildly fire in my eyes.... Crack, his leg broke I could almost see panic on his bearded badly animated face I let out a harrowing laugh over direct chat I circled behind him as he tried frantically to turn and face me to get a shot off as I hacked at his back he died and I let everyone know exactly how, so then I took the sniper and began my year long murdering spree making the forests along the coast a very unpleasant place to be.

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Having a guy pretend he was friendly to shoot me in the back first chance he got. Back in one of my first attempts. Right there and then me and my group installed the "have a shot? take the shot" rule regarding other survivors.

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I suffer from Social Anxiety Disorder, so I don't like talking to others and I prefer to be on my own all of the time, so I just kill people instead of talking to them.

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'I've got killed on sight one time too much.'


Pretty much that. And then I find out that the vast majority of bandits take absolutely no precaution and didn’t use any elaborate tactic (in short, no skill involve here), so it was a shame to die by their hands when in fact it is so easy to dispatch a little clan.

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me, my cousin and a buddy of ours picked up a clan(5-6 players) from the cherno hospitcal and gave them a ride north. we got to a refueling station where we all saluted for a screen shot. shortly after, one of the clan members opened fire and killed our friend. the clan claimed it was some random that jumped in the chopper after he climbed the stairs.after a massive firefight, they looted our bodies but again, claimed they were friendly and it was all a misunderstanding. we later found out the 'random' was an admin on the server and it was all a set-up. we ended up getting our chopper back but that was the end of being friendly. now, if youre not in my skype/TS chat, youre an open target. no more being nice!

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