BAPBAP 11 Posted May 17, 2013 Thank you for your response fapfap.No, thank you, Mr.Wanking Wounded, for another post full of your genuine sort of nonsense.1. No, because your eighties hardcore style game training (lol) can't help you score some snipers at south coast?2. Why? Axe's not close enough?3. No? Then why you can't shoot some sniper in a head just one time? Do you really think of some time spending playing in tetris at speed 10, while your coeds playing football, giving you any useful experience?4. In russian army you too often don't have any transport suitable to surrounding terrain except your legs. In DayZ we have a plenty of vehicles and good roads to transport anyone to vantage points, what's your point? If you have .50 cal - taking over a transport it's just a matter of time. I think, you are to softskinned.5. Where can you repair a helo for 6 hours? Only two cases available. First - under the cover of your big fat sniper team. Second - on empty server. Like you said, you're not the sniping type, so you're n00b raiding empty servers.6. Don't you know, there's a mod named "DayZ 2017"? No sniper weapon, no hi-tech. Must see for guys like you.7. Then you need to try your medicine first, and then come and give an advice.8. Hey, what's a fresh idea about a fork! Repeat step 7 until you can understand someone w/o translator. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
thelonewarrior 886 Posted May 17, 2013 (edited) BAPBAP your clearly just trolling now, you seem to think that you have all the answersThere's a million ways you could repair a helo in under 6 hours, I've done it alone on populated servers in 1-2 hours, sometimes you just get lucky with what you findI'm not a sniper type, ad don't 'noob raid servers'Your views are so narrow minded I can't believe you actually believe what your writing.If your going to make up silly assumptions about people then let's start talking about youI figure your typical day is log in, point rifle, click a button and feel awesome for killing an unarmed guy at 1000m because you canWhere as some of us actually use tactics other than point and click to get their thrillsJust because people don't or haven't used snipers doesn't mean their noobs, you just have no imagination and are butt hurt that your favourite 'this gun makes me look awesome with easy kills' toy has been removedI don't really use snipers, because I find the as50 for example and even the dmr way to easy to kill with and boring to just casually kill people. And I do just fine, I use mainly assault rifles and the longest I've survived without a sniper is around 20 days, on a populared private hive which wasn't a non pvp server and always had people around, most of the time I had an m4 cco, my kill count was 13-14, all in self defence because im careful and made good choicesIf I remember rightly i was actually killed while logging in because there was an unsceduled restart with no announcement that left me standing in the middle of electro while I was getting medical suppliesBut everyone dies at some point You need to face facts, this is steering towards survival instead of " how many people I can kill with my easy mode toy" kind of mod/ gameI know nothing is going to convince you to stop raging and arguing, as people have clearly tried to advise you and all you do is respond with sarcasmYour the troll Edited May 17, 2013 by Regulator Lone Warrior 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BAPBAP 11 Posted May 17, 2013 (edited) There's a million ways you could repair a helo in under 6 hours, I've done it alone on populated servers in 1-2 hours, sometimes you just get lucky with what you findLol, dude, you don't get the point. You can't fixing helo in pvp enabled highpop server for whole six hours and made it alive with helo intact. Because helos too valuable to just stay on spawn and wait for another lonely technician unwatched.Your views are so narrow minded I can't believe you actually believe what your writing.So Am i really narrowminded? Today, when i look in L85 poll topic by february 2013, i'm feeling myself like a prophet. "Whiners take it all". What seems to you too hardly to believe?"i hope they will banned thermal" said whiners and they hope to have more safety from snipers."we are banned all non-dayz weapons thermal included, so it will stop the hackers" said the devs."hmm, w/o thermal there's not much ways to successfully counteract .50 cal snipers, so whiners will start their cry about .50 soon enough."And here we are. .50 will be banned. Will it stop hackers from tearing south coast noobs apart? It's hardly to believe, because my team killed couple of AS50 TWS snipers on public server less than week ago.I think, next in rejection list is DMR, because semiauto, NVG compability and endless ammo. It's OP.I figure your typical day is log in, point rifle, click a button and feel awesome for killing an unarmed guy at 1000m because you canNah, you missed too far. After login i'm checking and saving all the hoarded vehicles at my base, then get into Mimimi 17 and make a salvaging/support run to my clanmates. Without .50 cal it's really too boring. Noone but cheater can hit you hard enough to notice it. Sometime i take my m40 or mk48 and go to dobry for noob snipers wannabe, or watching noob bandits spawning at hotel in Cherno. Much of those scumbags relogs after first 7,62 hit. It's demotivating.And i don't bother about relog the guy or not when i hit em with .50 cal.Where as some of us actually use tactics other than point and click to get their thrillsTell me, which sort of tactics instead of instant death by .50 cal will stop combat relogger?Which tactics will hurt Mi17 flying from Elektro to NWAF to drop fresh meat at 330 kmh? Can you share your ideas?Just because people don't or haven't used snipers doesn't mean their noobs, you just have no imagination and are butt hurt that your favourite 'this gun makes me look awesome with easy kills' toy has been removedI called noobs like noobs, because their are thinking and acting like noobs. Not because of gear or vehicles. Most epic noob i ever saw was the admin of Berlin private hive. He attacked us right on spawn, and then we kicked his ass couple of dozens times one by one. Just on his base with all the vehicles hoarded. He's noob because he spawned in full gear right into middle of field and start shooting at us. He didn't bother to find any cover. So, if you die too often you need to switch your personal noob mode off and find a possibilities to survive. He banned us on his server. Now noobs banned .50 cal.And, like i said, you're missed in all of your assupmtions.My longest "life" was 55 or 56 days, most kills i get with enfield and mk48, my humanity is 3300 (peak was 19800+), i don't care about number of frags and was killed because plain surviving is boring. This is the game after all. Game means entertaiment, fun.SOYour the troll NO U.P.S. Can you explain to me, why everyone think that i'm raged? Edited May 17, 2013 by BAPBAP Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
r4z0r49 4761 Posted May 17, 2013 As I always said the M107 and AS50 need to be more rarer, but not by decreasing the % spawn rate (this, simply, doesn't work at all. People just farm those weapons on empty servers if needed), but by smth more complex. It is about calculating the total of 'played' AS50 & M107 going around and returning a spawn rate base on that. If no one have those weapons, the first one finding a Heli Crash will surely find them in it. After many people have this weapons, the spawn rate decreases, even to 0.Just by teaching the mod what a 'played' weapons is, maybe based on the number of hours online this weapons acumulate. Because if a character with an AS50 hasn't been playing for the last year... well, we could say this AS50 "doesn't exist".I would like to see something like this instead of just removing those weapons completely from the game.Its a nice idea not possible just now. SA should be able to control loot a lot better then we can under the current client side system this may change at a later day just not yet.Guys can we stop with the personal attacks get back to the topic. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
leviski 2152 Posted May 17, 2013 Its a nice idea not possible just now. SA should be able to control loot a lot better then we can under the current client side system this may change at a later day just not yet.Guys can we stop with the personal attacks get back to the topic.Indeed Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
v3c1c 86 Posted May 17, 2013 if we were talking here about Wasteland mod, I would be totally agree with Bapbap, but we are here in Dayz forum were KOS with .50 cal is kinda noobish. I bet if there was M1A1 abrams on dayz guys like you were sitting on coastline and killin all dudes with hatchets.And yes I have done it too - I have killed probably innocent people without questions with AS50. But when I do that I always have feeling that I did something wrong, something what i should not is one of the time I did that Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Walking Wounded 199 Posted May 17, 2013 (edited) R4Z0R49 hits nail on head we should discuss merits vs negatives of the removel of the 2 weapons and only bring personal expereinces into it as a way of backing up certain valid points.On that note. I feel the key aspect of dayz is that it is a survival game. Emphasis and key idea being for players to endevour to stay alive in world where zombies are a real threat and the acquisition of things like cars and military weapons is the pinacle of survivability. Given that the map is a farily rural setting with less emphasis on high scale infastructure it is ilogical and unfitting for anti material rifles to be available.On a opposing issue.. a helicopter is pretty much the vessel of wonder... perhaps they should be as rare as rocking horse sh1t and could there be a way of reducing inpunity from arms fire so that other weapons can bring them down with a little more ease. Something at any rate to ease the fears of some players over the lack of ability to defend against them. perhaps a more sophisticated damage model allowing for well placed shots to have more damage effect.Just so you understand Bap my man I lived a very physical childhood. Many sports and outdoor adventuring. My view on games and life in general is that harder is better. Rewards of a personal nature are higher this way. let us not attack one another anymore It is beneath us and detracts from the purpose of debate. I welcome your views on these weapons and the issues of helicopters. Edited May 17, 2013 by Walking Wounded Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
r4z0r49 4761 Posted May 17, 2013 On official hives helicopters have a delay before they respawn. On private server's they do not.I'm pretty sure you can still take out the pilot/driver pretty dam easy using most weapons. Ill do some testing over the weekend and see if we can come up with something. It seems to be the main focus you guys are bringing up Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tajjuk 65 Posted May 17, 2013 (edited) R4Z0R49 hits nail on head we should discuss merits vs negatives of the removel of the 2 weapons and only bring personal expereinces into it as a way of backing up certain valid points.On that note. I feel the key aspect of dayz is that it is a survival game. Emphasis and key idea being for players to endevour to stay alive in world where zombies are a real threat and the acquisition of things like cars and military weapons is the pinacle of survivability. Given that the map is a farily rural setting with less emphasis on high scale infastructure it is ilogical and unfitting for anti material rifles to be available.On a opposing issue.. a helicopter is pretty much the vessel of wonder... perhaps they should be as rare as rocking horse sh1t and could there be a way of reducing inpunity from arms fire so that other weapons can bring them down with a little more ease. Something at any rate to ease the fears of some players over the lack of ability to defend against them. perhaps a more sophisticated damage model allowing for well placed shots to have more damage effect.Just so you understand Bap my man I lived a very physical childhood. Many sports and outdoor adventuring. My view on games and life in general is that harder is better. Rewards of a personal nature are higher this way. let us not attack one another anymore It is beneath us and detracts from the purpose of debate. I welcome your views on these weapons and the issues of helicopters.It's not at all logical that cars are rare, not in any half developed country they would be everywhere, especially as the population decreases there would actually be many more vehicles than people. I'm not particularly against the removal of either of these weapons but I think just making them rarer is a better solution.Sandbox and PVP (or at least the possibility of PVP) is what makes this game interesting and fun, not the survival aspects, that just the environment it takes place in, it's the human interaction, the lack of a plan or objective and the variety that brings that makes this game what it is.Zombies as AI will always be easily avoided, loot will always be found. The game is supposed to fun not a chore, finding cool stuff is part of that fun, especially if other are looking for it or seeking it. Take things like Helicopters/Cars/High level equipment out of the game for me takes a lot of the fun out of it and I would imagine the same for many others.It starts with AS50s, but where does it end? If we god too far down this logical/realism road you end up with a simulator, not a game. The entertainment goes and I would imagine lots of the player base too. Edited May 17, 2013 by tajjuk 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BAPBAP 11 Posted May 17, 2013 Nice, at last back to business.As everyone knows helo can be used in limited number of scenarios like making an insertion via landing or parachute, lifting fresh spawn to base for reequip, scanning for camps and cruising around hot points looking for troubles.You have good chance to hit the hull and crew only in last scenario, while the helo circling above you head and looking for you exactly.You have fairly brief chance to hit pilot or tail rotor while helo lifting fresh spawn.You have some chances if you have a decent MG like m240 or mk48 and you are lucky enough to catch the helo heading right in your direction.In any other case you can't hit it hard.You don't have much chances to hit pilot's head while helo just passing by at 200 meters high and 150 kmh with noob pilot, and you don't have any chances while it passing by like a boss at 6-12 meters high and 300+ kmh.You can't destroy any vital components to force passing helo to land w/o .50 cal (except MGs vs LBs at very close distance about 200 meters).So, if you are finally decided to remove .50 cal once and for all, maybe you need to activate fuel leak after any hull hit? No matter which weapon was - pistol, axe, crossbow (maybe even zeds).It's annoing enough to force crew to land for full repair and/or refuel in radius about 2-3 km from the point where damage was dealt.Just so you understand Bap...Hey-hey, no hard feelings, dude, now i see that you just one of the forums prodigy childs, had enough time for hardcore gaming in 80's and phisical activity.Lol. Just kidding. Peace, bro. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
thelonewarrior 886 Posted May 17, 2013 (edited) TajjukAlthough I agree with some of your pointsPretty sure rocket said its not a game and its not meant to be all fun , it's an anti-gameIt's meant to make you feel powerless and frustratedThe problem is your saying ai zombies will always easily be avoided, but if they programmed the stand alone so that they followed you no matter about line of sight ect they would be too hard but making them a little easier and they are easy to avoidHyperrheically let's say your sniping and for and zombies hear you from 1km away and Agro to you they wouldn't be easily avoidedIn their current state they are easy to avoid however I think it's not right when you say they will always be this way, it is possible to make then a considerable threat but the line between easy and too difficult is very thin and it would require the right mechanics which only the standalone will provideThose are just examples, but you get the point, it's very possible to have zombie threatsI think we should all go into the standalone expecting them to be a threat instead of ignoring it and assuming nothing will change, same with this update which is the same mistake many players made with dayz+ and dayz2017 as they couldn't use the same tactics as the weak zombies in other game modesIt's better to be prepared for the worst then blindly assume its going to be a wall in the parkOn the point of it not being a true game, it is a survival simulator, technically it was always meant to be they way Edited May 17, 2013 by Regulator Lone Warrior Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 62 Posted May 17, 2013 (edited) Pretty sure rocket said its not a game and its not meant to be all fun , it's an anti-game Finally someone mentioned this aspect. This is, after all, a developers view of apocalyptic situation which you voluntarily buy and play. Arma can more or less be seen as infantry simulation, DayZ is a survival simulation. Let's list some "anti-games"... DayZ, Project Zomboid, Dwarf Fortress. Your task is to survive as long as possible in a tough environment. It's not babysitting the player. It requires certain type of player in order for it to be enjoyable, hence...People who like CoD action play CoD. Dead island and Left for dead are arcade shooters with zombies, you might wanna try that. Normal arma multiplayer doesnt limit high tech weaponry, go to play that also.I'm all for removing thermal vision (first goal achieved) and .50 cal snipers (going to be second I hope), and adding some basic pistols and rifles instead. Heck, I would even like to see a skill system for using more "developed" weapons and different types of guns altogether. Edited May 17, 2013 by Kuikka 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Walking Wounded 199 Posted May 17, 2013 Finally someone mentioned this aspect. This is, after all, a developers view of apocalyptic situation which you voluntarily buy and play. Arma can more or less be seen as infantry simulation, DayZ is a survival simulation. Let's list some "anti-games"... DayZ, Project Zomboid, Dwarf Fortress. Your task is to survive as long as possible in a tough environment. It's not babysitting the player. It requires certain type of player in order for it to be enjoyable, hence...People who like CoD action play CoD. Dead island and Left for dead are arcade shooters with zombies, you might wanna try that. Normal arma multiplayer doesnt limit high tech weaponry, go to play that also.I'm all for removing thermal vision (first goal achieved) and .50 cal snipers (going to be second I hope), and adding some basic pistols and rifles instead. Heck, I would even like to see a skill system for using more "developed" weapons and different types of guns altogether.skill system..indeed! yes yes yes! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
angrygargamel 12 Posted May 17, 2013 We cant please everyone :-(at least the kids are pleased... got their will fulfilled with enough last time... when all the food etc was removed again...WTF? no seriously... WHAT THE F-U-C-K? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ozer 57 Posted May 17, 2013 at least the kids are pleased... got their will fulfilled with enough last time... when all the food etc was removed again...WTF? no seriously... WHAT THE F-U-C-K?Only true kids use that weapons. Arcade style of playing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ken Bean 175 Posted May 17, 2013 (edited) I hope the AS50 and M107 become banned itemsSince I actually managed to find my first AS50 at a heli crash site today, after playing almost 4 months btw, I see this point critical. :D Edited May 17, 2013 by Ken Bean Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PongoZ 127 Posted May 17, 2013 I am kind of amazed, I thought crafting would be things like blinds, spears, sling shots, molotov cocktails, nail bombs, IEDs, tire sandles, knives, travois, drop traps. Things you could possibly make yourself.Rifle scopes? two coke bottles and a steel pipe, really? 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BAPBAP 11 Posted May 17, 2013 LOL., don't you thinks this is a early start for whining? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JSparks (DayZ) 109 Posted May 18, 2013 The old bandit skin I don't know about. It was far too easily visible yet clearly marked you as a bandit.Honestly I feel that a darker, more camouflaged bandit skin should be introduced as findable clothing. Take a look at this mod on ArmAHolic and tell me what you think, I feel that the darker green KSK skin should definitely be findable. :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dekartz 315 Posted May 18, 2013 I find it vaguely amusing the people who are using the argument that the game should be hard and unforgiving as reason to remove the .50's are not complaining about the addition of the Makarov to the initial-spawn-kit.I fail to see how removing the .50 cals makes the game more unforgiving though. Oh, so Joe-Bandit has to get closer to you to shoot you, giving you more of a chance to kill him? That sounds more like giving the person who put in less work a more equal playing ground than making things "harder" or was the assertion that things should be harder for the OTHER guy and in turn easier for you?On the subject of authenticity? Well, the .50's were considered authentic enough by the game's creator to remain in the game up to this point. Also, the argument that .50's won't initially be in the Alpha of Standalone isn't a valid argument. Cars won't be in the initial Alpha, does that suddenly make them inauthentic? A good 75% of the weapons in the mod as it stands won't be in the Alpha, does that make them inauthentic? Also, what (if anything) is authentic about the humanity system and the arbitrary assignment of skins based on the (subjective) nature of your actions? 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
r4z0r49 4761 Posted May 18, 2013 addition of the Makarov to the initial-spawn-kit.Not sure what notes your reading but this was removed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RedNome 443 Posted May 18, 2013 I find it vaguely amusing the people who are using the argument that the game should be hard and unforgiving as reason to remove the .50's are not complaining about the addition of the Makarov to the initial-spawn-kit.I fail to see how removing the .50 cals makes the game more unforgiving though. Oh, so Joe-Bandit has to get closer to you to shoot you, giving you more of a chance to kill him? That sounds more like giving the person who put in less work a more equal playing ground than making things "harder" or was the assertion that things should be harder for the OTHER guy and in turn easier for you?On the subject of authenticity? Well, the .50's were considered authentic enough by the game's creator to remain in the game up to this point. Also, the argument that .50's won't initially be in the Alpha of Standalone isn't a valid argument. Cars won't be in the initial Alpha, does that suddenly make them inauthentic? A good 75% of the weapons in the mod as it stands won't be in the Alpha, does that make them inauthentic? Also, what (if anything) is authentic about the humanity system and the arbitrary assignment of skins based on the (subjective) nature of your actions?I'm not going to reply to the majority of this post as it's just another QQ post, I just wanted to say to this quote: the argument that .50's won't initially be in the Alpha of Standalone isn't a valid argumentThey won't be in full stop. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dekartz 315 Posted May 18, 2013 (edited) They won't be in full stop.Source this. PleaseAlso, I don't see how it's a QQ post. I don't actually complain about anything. I'm merely questioning the arguments commonly used for the removal of .50's from the game. Edited May 18, 2013 by Dekartz Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RedNome 443 Posted May 18, 2013 Source this. Please Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
r4z0r49 4761 Posted May 19, 2013 Source this. PleaseAlso, I don't see how it's a QQ post. I don't actually complain about anything. I'm merely questioning the arguments commonly used for the removal of .50's from the game.This has been sourced many times now. However only Dean knows whether or not 50cals will be available for SA. We can only provide basic info form the dev blogs.A few new changes based on feedback from you guys.* [NEW] - Zed Spawning fully updated to spawn outside the players field of view. (Excludes Infected camps).* [NEW] - Zeds can now tackle players to the ground when attacked. (When tackled the players will fall to the ground)* [NEW] - Crafting is now added.* [NEW] - Attachment Crafting is the only way to upgrade weapons. (Attachments are found they need other objects to be crafted before being applyed to weapons)* [NEW] - New starting gear added. Guaranteed Start Items: ("ItemBandage","HandRoadFlare") + 1 RandomStartItem: ("ItemBandage","ItemPainkiller"). 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites