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Shooting out of the passenger seats of vehicles

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I think it would be very helpful and cool if in certain vehicles passengers can shoot out of the vehicle. I just think it would be more realistic because in real life in a zed apocalypse who wouldn't shoot at people/zeds as hey drive by rather than stopping and getting out?

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Yeah this isn't gta/sr not very realistic if you hitting targets with a sniper rifle while doing 100mph.

Still maybe with something like a hilux you can sit in the tray and fire from there?

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You can hit plenty. It'll just take more bullets than most.

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Possibly make it so you can only fire your sidearm or SMG's out of car-windows. Just to give them further utility.

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Like you can hit anything while shooting out of a car window :)

That's why you have the driver slow down or turn and position you to gun down somebody. You can't tell me it wouldn't be helpful to at all.

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That's why you have the driver slow down or turn and position you to gun down somebody. You can't tell me it wouldn't be helpful to at all.

OR what about sitting in the back of a ural shooting at somebody chasing you in their car. 0.o didn't think of that now did you? It would be plenty easy to throw a few rounds into the drivers seat in the hostile car behind you.

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That's why you have the driver slow down or turn and position you to gun down somebody. You can't tell me it wouldn't be helpful to at all.

If he does this then he's most likely dead, cars are not a suitable cover for firearms.

OR what about sitting in the back of a ural shooting at somebody chasing you in their car. 0.o didn't think of that now did you? It would be plenty easy to throw a few rounds into the drivers seat in the hostile car behind you.

That's probably the only reason to implement this suggestion.

But it's implementation would be the end of car chases, nobody want to be on the receiving end of that.

Edited by Lady Kyrah

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Dude this thread already exists like 10 times. Please use the search function before posting. The idea is good though.

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Lol this is a wonderful idea and tbh I'm not sure while people are being so closed-minded. Who cares if its not accurate, the fear factor alone would be enough.

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But it's implementation would be the end of car chases, nobody want to be on the receiving end of that.

It would make car chases awesome.

Aside from it being wildly inaccurate and unreliable (unless you're in the back of a ural), you'd probably have to shatter your windscreen in many situations.

I'd make it so that you can only shoot sidearms from the passenger seats of vehicles with closed cabins, and primary weapons when seated in the back of a pickup truck or a ural.

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Did you guys know they banned carrying a passenger on a motorcycle in Honduras?

Reason being they would roar through traffic on a bike, stop beside a target's car and have the passenger empty a submachine gun into the unfortunate bugger...

So shooting from cars can be a viable tactic. The only reason this hasn't already been added in is because it would be hard to implement and there are more important things to fix / add, but it's a good suggestion. It's already hard to shoot from a moving vehicle in ArmA.

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Sounds good. Also they should add buttons in the cars for oil slicks and ejector seats.

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Sounds good. Also they should add buttons in the cars for oil slicks and ejector seats.

is that sarcasm im detecting.

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The idea is good. A lot of people miss the point. It wouldnt be "gta" dayz(noobs). You should be able to shoot out of vehicle windows.. because well.. its possible to do and of course you would do it if you felt the situation called for it. Sure it wouldnt be accurate and very unlikey to hit anything unless they driving very slow. This idea should be in the game simply because you could/would need to do it. (and also because i want to see drunk red necks tear arse'n round in utes shooting guns out of car windaz)

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The idea is good. A lot of people miss the point. It wouldnt be "gta" dayz(noobs). You should be able to shoot out of vehicle windows.. because well.. its possible to do and of course you would do it if you felt the situation called for it. Sure it wouldnt be accurate and very unlikey to hit anything unless they driving very slow. This idea should be in the game simply because you could/would need to do it. (and also because i want to see drunk red necks tear arse'n round in utes shooting guns out of car windaz)

would be funny seeing drunk guys driving in a car.

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Lol, I misread the title and thought of James Bond style ejection seats :P

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This also reminds me of the videos I've seen of crazy Chechens hanging out car windows with AKs and firing in the air. :lol: As well as the videos of drive-bys...

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I thought Rocket mentioned some time ago that this was being looked into?

Dropping grenades from helicopters might be cool, too. :)

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I thought Rocket mentioned some time ago that this was being looked into?

Dropping grenades from helicopters might be cool, too. :)

or satchel charges so much fun there.

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