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  1. KA4LxTITANx

    DAYZ Black/Red Screen!!

    so i have overclocked my cpu before to 4.1 GHz easy. it reset a couple weeks ago so i went to reclock today, i started at the default 3.5 GHz and moved it to 3.6 GHz and it crashed.. so i reverted the clocking, and all and fixed everything BUT... then i opened arma 2 oa. i get a red screen, none of the graphics in game show up. just the main menu. ***important*** ---i found out that when i change my screen resolution to anything but 100% (default) the graphics come back. But when i put it to 100% 3D screen resolution, the red screen happens. Red Screen (with 100% 3D resolution) - Normal Screen (114% 3D resolution - FYI its a black screen cause i have -nosplash so there isnt supposed to be a background) - HELP PLEASE ***Update*** okay i cant get the photos to load and post in this.
  2. KA4LxTITANx

    Need help UPGRADING my computer hardware

    Thanks, I'll look into that. as far as $$$ goes, is the jump from the 660 to 760 very much?
  3. KA4LxTITANx

    Need help UPGRADING my computer hardware

    Actually Im not happy with AMD products, and I've been looking into getting a GTX 660, or GTX 650 Ti Boost. Possibly even higher, thats why I need a better power supply.
  4. Okay guys, so I've been looking into upgrading my computer hardware to finally play arma 2 OA (dayz) at more than 20 fps on low settings. Now I'm curious what exactly should I enhance, given that some people say Arma 2 OA is a CPU heavy game. I will list my specs down below, but at the moment, I have a semi decent processor, and a shitty graphics card, so I'm not sure why I would upgrade my CPU when it is decent already. Anyways I just want any expert advice on which one I should be upgrading. Specs CPU - AMD FX-6120 Six-Core Processor --- Speed - 3.50 GHz (unclocked) RAM - 10 GB (plenty there) GPU - AMD Radeon HD 7450 (That's right... Terrible) Power Supply - 300 Watts (Don't worry I am already upgrading this to at least a 500 watt) I think that's all that is necessary correct? Average FPS Open Fields - 25 Towns - ~18 Forests - 13 (trees are the bane of my computer for some reason) So what is my problem? Should I really be upgrading my GPU or CPU? Thanks fellow survivors, bandits, and blessed heros! P.S. Here's some beans for the road.
  5. Hey guys I've tried out the new DayZ Escape map on DayZ Commander and it is incredibly fun! BUT, nobody plays it, there are only about 10-15 players who play it TOTAL, and it is just so fun. It's chernarus, but you spawn up north, then make your way to the Southern Coastal towns of Elektro and Chernogorsk to find the pristine rare loot. It adds a hot new twist to the DayZ gameplay and had added in buildings and better yet --- NEW GUNS MANY NEW GUNS --- ---=== TRY IT OUT GUYS, DOWNLOAD IT STRAIGHT ON DAYZCOMMANDER ===---
  6. KA4LxTITANx

    Getting Out There Again

    Okay so basically the "new" stuff you missed is mostly just new guns and many minor things. A couple big things though is that you can be hit while in a car by zeds, they can also break your windscreen glass. Also zombies now spawn in a town even when you drive in in a car (previously people would drive into a town and see zeds and know they werent theirs since they cant spawn). And last thing, zombies now spawn in open fields as well. Now as for tips im not sure really like you dont have to play the game too differently. But here are some of my general tips: -Don't run straight into towns -If you are in a high chance pvp zone (elektro, cherno, nwaf, etc.) try as best as possible to not aggro any zeds -Crouch run in towns and shift walk across roads that way you dont get any zeds on you because as a sniper i would be scanning the town seeing zeds knowing someone was there and my first thing would be to just scan for angry zeds and thats how i would find people. If you sneak through towns you can avoid detection and get out alive. I once survive scavenging cherno for an entire hour and was not once discovered by 2 snipers on the large industrial building and 3 more in the woods. Its quite easy to evade snipers if they see you too -If you are spotted by another player and you want to get away or get the advantage on a fire fight heres what to do: If they are right up close just spray and pray theres not much strategy there, but if you spot someone say 50-100m away and they dont see you, all you need to do is to slowly sneak your way closer in ways they cannot see you while you can monitor over/next to a wall in third person and just stalk them for a while and strike when they are in a spot where they have little to no escape routes and while have the hardest time spotting you and lining up shots before you kill them. Now if they see you. my advice is to run behind a building as if you were fleeing but stop right behind the wall, and watch to see what way they run, than just think if you were that person where would you be expecting you (fleeing) to run and just go the opposite way to catch your pursuer off guard and most like drop him before he even hears the shots. -last bit of pvp advice. if you ever see someone and they dont see you and if they are running and you need to get the kill quick, always go for their legs and make them break their legs that way if you dont kill them instantly they dont run around the corner knowing you are there and being able to counter you. Break their legs and dont keep shooting. Break their legs and re-position quickly and finish him. -Last tip: id say just play smart and plan your routes ahead of time and if you go somewhere very pvp active then just stop and think: "if i were a guy who wanted to stay here and kill people where would i go and where would i least expect people to come from" and go there and try to oust your killers before they even know you are there. Good Luck!
  7. KA4LxTITANx


    I bought it from CDKeyWarehouse.com They sell cd keys of all types with many different games. And i have a solution, i am just going to have my friend whom i know very well input it into his darky's key changer then just read off what the hex key is to me over skype. (actually we have done this before but for some reason my arma 2 oa reverted to my original key) And i just have to wait a week until my friend can get on because his family moved back to australia so i can only talk to him on weekends because of the time difference. Thankyou though for an actual answer!
  8. KA4LxTITANx


    One more thing : it is not asking for the same number of characters. The xx-xx-xx one has 30 numbers/letters. The xxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx one has only 24. Before you post something so bold make sure you can count
  9. KA4LxTITANx


    Also the key that looks like this: xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx- etc. is in hexadecimal format. Which only uses the letters A-F and the numbers 0-9. It also runs of a of a system using 16 as a base. So tell me how i will change it to that format when i have letters like Z and R? Checkmate
  10. KA4LxTITANx


    It doesnt work that way. looking at my cd key in steam compared to my one in regedit is very different... That isnt quite how it works my friend. swing and a miss, but good try!
  11. hey guys! So i play on this server called "Emerge Gaming" and we have been looking for new players to play with. we also need more players to finally rise up and overthrow the tyranny that our rival group has been ruling on the server. go to emergegaming.net for more info on the server. Now the server usually has about a 20 population, but just a month ago we constantly had a full 50/50! WE need to get the server up and popular again because it is an excellent server! Help us get out of this rut and come check it out! SERVER PERKS: - Auto refuel script - Restarts every 3 hours - New crash sites spawn every 15 min - 300+ cars - 12+ helis - Remove ghillies/camo clothing off of dead players - Self bloodbagging - Weapons chest containing best weapons at devils castle guarded by 16 elite AI (actually hard, we have only made it out alive twice in a group of 5 with a heli, still having 2 casualties) - Active and VERY helpful admins! Come on out and check out emerge gaming! Server info: http://emergegaming.net/ Mumble Server: mumble.emergegaming.net
  12. KA4LxTITANx

    Cap Galova Bandit Camping

    The server is called "Emerge Gaming" if you use DayZ commander just filter Emerge and refresh all servers. It is a United States server and you can also go to EmergeGaming.net for their server ip's.
  13. KA4LxTITANx

    Shooting out of the passenger seats of vehicles

    Now tell me this as well, if you supposedly " wouldn't be able to hit anything out of a moving window" then explain to me how helicopter guns work? I can hit somebody with the gunner of a heli while moving when we are way up in the air. So how would it be any more difficult to hit someone as you drive by or someone you are chasing in a car? Checkmate.
  14. Okay guys so I have a little situation here. Recently my cd key was hacked or stolen I'm not really sure but one night I was on playing with my mates and I logged off and didn't even touch my computer till the next day when i logged on only to get the message "Error: Global Ban #dbb98e" Now if you have any idea what may have happened I'd like to hear about it, but that isn't my topic. I bought a new cdkey, and it's legit but i need help putting it in replace of my old cd key. Now before you tell me to use Darky's Key Changer, I will tell you that i cannot use it, the program simply does not work on my computer for some reason. So for example the version of the cd key i have is in this format: xxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx. Now regedit is in the format of xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx. My question is how do I convert this to that format using anything else than Darky's Key Changer? So a recap. For example i have a cd key that looks like this (fake random made up one ->): FR87-DZL98-72R76-1L94A. And then how would i convert it to the format of (another random one ->): 06 65 a9 94 c4 d3 a8 8b b2 c3 f8 d8 e6 53 d5? Once I have it in that format I can simply change my key manually in regedit. So any answers would be appreciated! -Thank you!
  15. KA4LxTITANx

    CD key in use! Help!

    so i logged on a server i play regularly to find i get an error message saying "CD key in use". I already did regedit and delete arma 2 oa files and reinstalled them through steam. it worked. BUT. i just logged off for 15 min and when i went to get back on just now, IT HAPPENED AGAIN! PLEASE HELP?!