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Blank ammunition (bandit safeguard)

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I recently had an encounter with another survivor.

He seemed genuine and we got on well, but I just couldn’t bring myself to give him the spare Makarov I was carrying in my pack.

It would be interesting if there was a way to deactivate the ammunition you are carrying. Handing someone what they believe to be a loaded weapon is the ultimate test to establish their true motives without putting you danger. It would also make people think twice before putting a round in a Good Samaritan’s back.

It may add a few interesting dynamics.

Edited by John Smith
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I like it. When i saw the title I thought the suggestion was going to be stupid but the ideal of giving a random survivor a gun with blanks is a good way to find out if he is going to betray you or not. I would love the reactions as the bandit thinks he is about to get a easy kill just to find his bullets do nothing!

Edited by harley001

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Don't think blank ammo works that way. I mean it takes a special tool to remove the slug from a live round without firing the bullet, and its not something you can just do on the fly. You would probably only find blanks on movie sets (which last time I checked Chenarus didn't have any), maybe a school that had a JROTC (Junior Reserve Officer's Training Corps for thous that have no Idea what that is, think they're called (Branch of Military) Cadets, and don't know for sure if Russia/Post-Soviets had any), or on a base that housed a color guard.

Maybe add it in as something to craft, though I can't think of many uses for blank ammo other than to troll people or use as a distraction for zombies (send your runner into the middle of the city with a couple of makarov clips filled with blanks to aggro zombies, and of course run) or what you mentioned above.

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Support. There should be a way to check the mags though, so our look-before-you-leap players can stand a chance.

I can't think of many uses for blank ammo other than to troll people.


And you could use the enfield as a dinnerbell, literally!

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When thinking about how poison and infection could be used as a weapon, I thought that your own memory would server you.

If you get a water-bottle, it should only tell you wether it's filled or empty, but if you disinfected it or infected consciously, that should show next to the name, but only for you. Everyone else should just see it as water.

The same could apply to the state of a gun. If you pick it up or get it handed to, you can only see that it is a gun. If you check it closer, you might get how many bullets are loaded, but not what type and if it is visibly broken or not. When you shoot and it jams or breaks, you see it as broken.

Having to take a closer look isn't that much, but if you got it handed by someone, you think would give you a working one, you might not check.

As a general rule of thumb: if you can't possibly know about it, you shouldn't have the information in the game.

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I think this is a good idea in away but it's not something that can easily put into a game like this, I mean look at the problems they have already with ammo (IE ammo glitch) I can just imagine logging out and then logging back in only to have all my ammo replaced with blanks or to have hackers do it with out my know only to run into a bandit or some zeds. Plus what if you give the gun with blanks to the person and then they don't try to kill you and then u get into a firefight or they need to kill zombie's then u basicly just killed them plus it just shows them that you don't trust them which would kinda give them a reason not to trust you...

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You're not gonna be able to make your own safe blanks by simply pulling the bullets out... it would be safer and easier to use purpose-made blank ammunition. I think this is unnecessary, it would be good for a trick once or twice but would get old fast. Nix.

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At most, a blank can still wound you, a blank fired close to point blank range can seriously hurt you or even blind you. I'd sooner give someone a melee weapon, as opposed to a firearm.

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Blanks would be a cool distraction type deal.

But they should be kinda rare, considering they aren't usually just lying around. They're a lot less common than actual ammo.

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Blanks would be a cool distraction type deal.

But they should be kinda rare, considering they aren't usually just lying around. They're a lot less common than actual ammo.

You'd encounter alot of Blank Shotgun shells, they're easy to make and also easy to find than other calibers, because they are someitimes used by Farmers to scare off birds off crops

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*Gives Bambi the Lee-Enfield with blanks*

*Dumps him in Cherno*

*He shoots zombies*

*Bullets don't kill*

* Dinner bell*


End result: One player shitting their pants and entertainment for me resulting in profit.

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course you can't fucking see! I just shot a blank in your fucking eyes!!

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Support. There should be a way to check the mags though, so our look-before-you-leap players can stand a chance.

The Check-method shouldn't be "pressing F and read what kind of ammo is loaded in the Top right corner", rather "press and hold R and your char unloads The Gun and Looks at The mag, so you have to decide Werther The rounds are blanks or Not"

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