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How do you blow off steam?

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When something bad happens, you lose your car, you die, your heli crashes, what do you do to blow off steam??

I got mad because someone stole everything at one of my bases, so I got my last car and headed to Cherno. Most of my ammo and guns was at my other raided base, so all I had was a Mini Uzi with 3 mags, M4 with 8 mags, and a DMR with 4 mags. I grabbed the DMR and Mini Uzi and climbed up to the top of Cherno's fire station. Then I started shooting, until I was out of ammo in my DMR. I climbed down, shot more zombies with my Uzi, then set off again in my car. I stopped at a few more towns on the way back to my base. The end result was a total of 146 zombies killed.

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Shot of whiskey and a beer then again I die so much whilst in vehicles I forgot what its like to be alive in them for more than a 10 min duration.

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I play DayZ to blow off steam :D What happens in the game doesn't really affect my emotional state, as in I don't get easily stressed out because I died or someone stole my car but that's just me. I see what you mean though, I guess when I'm bored or somewhat mad at the game I go to Elektro or Cherno and try to hatchet geared players to death :P

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Takistan life, the best place to troll whether it be stealing jets and helicopters and selling them or setting of IED's when a tank rolls over it.

Good times.

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I've gotten the hang of having the mind-set ''Fuck the world, I'm having fun''. If I die I respawn and give kudos to whoever managed to kill me and move along again. If I do get annoyed, usually when I play tired, I'll play another Game. Recently really loving War Thunder xP Great game if you haven't seen it yet.

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UTES is where i cool off.

by "cool off" i mean turn into what i hate the most in dayz.

CoD kiddies.

Edited by GOD™

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As long as I can play somehow there is no need to blow off steam.

I like the thrill when you notice that there is someone else near you or when there is a shootout...regardless of how it ends.

Often when I died and had to respawn I found some tents or vehicles on my way and turned out to be a good thing.

...and if someone steals from you or kills you...it's just bits and bytes...

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As long as I can play somehow there is no need to blow off steam.

I like the thrill when you notice that there is someone else near you or when there is a shootout...regardless of how it ends.

Often when I died and had to respawn I found some tents or vehicles on my way and turned out to be a good thing.

...and if someone steals from you or kills you...it's just bits and bytes...

ArmA seems to kill me more than players.

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Lately I have been playing War Thunder. There is something about being shot at by russian fighter planes that I find relaxing

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Running hookers over in the editor with a C130J.

I don't have a problem.

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Dayz. I knock someone out with a sniper. Then I go and talk to them about my problem. Then I kill them. ^_^

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Dayz. I knock someone out with a sniper. Then I go and talk to them about my problem. Then I kill them. ^_^

Hahahaha I think I may have to try this at some point.

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ArmA seems to kill me more than players.

Dem bones dem bones ...dem broke-n bones.

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I don't usually rage, but when I do:


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Dayz. I knock someone out with a sniper. Then I go and talk to them about my problem. Then I kill them. ^_^

You are one twisted person.

Oh, and to contribute.

This is what I do:


Edited by Lock
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Lol. I don't even have the game. - Nor am I married anymore and my son (from a previous relationship) is a strapping man in his 20's.

Just to be clear - I don't advocate any sort of domestic violence. :)

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Takistan life, the best place to troll whether it be stealing jets and helicopters and selling them or setting of IED's when a tank rolls over it.

Good times.

Haha, I troll on Takistan life too!

Sometimes I use the "My legs are brrrrroken!", but I generally like to run cops over in my pink tractor while dressed in a pink suit, playing the trololol song over direct chat.

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On pitch black night there was only 3 players on the server, I suddenly hear bullets flying over my head...so I start running into the forest since it was to dark to spot the shooter anyways. After running for about 3-4 mins I stop and look at the map in a bush...thinking the other players gotta be long gone now, he couldnt possible have followed me that far in the dark. Then as I start moving again I get shot in the back at close range. I can only conclude he had what I didnt have....NVG`s

So after I get killed on a character ive played for some time, this was a 15 day character, I dont wanna play dayz for a while. So I packed my backpack and went for a trip in the mountains and just came back now. im tired <_<

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