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DayZ Alpha won't launch until launched !

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Cooties is something all members of the opposite sex (male or female) have when you are a little kid.

Our "lurgy" is less specialist, anyone can have it and it's ewww...

and you've got it as you know about cooties...

You've got the Lurgy!

You've got the Lurgy!

You've got the Lurgy!



ps have we derailed this thread? will i have to give infractions to myself?

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2 points:

1) At least this gives me the time to play the new GTA: V!

2) I hope for Rocket's safe return from mt. Everest .... I fear that mountain more than a late release date!

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I think they are kinda leaving the minecraft model and are going to present a much more polished game and thus take a lot more time to finish it.

and i think the aspiration is pretty high.... they always plan to do so much in the future but even the basic platform takes forever. DayZ SA does have to be quite a success to offer all this additional content for free instead of a lot of dlc. and dlc is definetely not the minecraft model.

so im a bit sceptical.. like no vehicles until approximately fall. vehicles are a lot of fun thats missing then. and i dont trust rockets estimates about release dates anymore.

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I might be a little bit off topic here cough :rolleyes: ,but I've been searching around and I haven't seen if they've said that something like permament scarring on your character would be a possibility. I know he's said something about having the environment shaping your character, and I remembered someone had a good idea about persistant scars, but never heard if they are actually thinking of doing it. Anyone seen something about that?

Edited by Kra

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Yeah as he said. Who cares? As long as they are developing then you are getting more worth from it. I say take your time and continue to talk to the community. Glad they are not feeling rushed by the community.

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Alpha access allows you to play the game throughout development AND on release. How does that make BI "greedy cunts"?

If anything they're taking less money!

Do you even understand the definition of what an Alpha is in regards to software? On what planet do you think it's moral for a supposed Alpha to be profited off of? If your software is public and generating revenue then it is released and if it's buggy and unfinished then its a shitty release, not an Alpha. Dean Hall was employed by Bohemia long before DayZ was created. His interests are in maximizing profits. Wake the **** up.

Edited by gummy52

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Do you even understand the definition of what an Alpha is in regards to software? On what planet do you think it's moral for a supposed Alpha to be profited off of? If your software is public and generating revenue then it is released and if it's buggy and unfinished then its a shitty release, not an Alpha. Dean Hall was employed by Bohemia long before DayZ was created. His interests are in maximizing profits. Wake the **** up.

It depends on if they are honest about the state of the game when they release. If they stand straight and tell us, truthfully, about the state of the game at release then we have no reason to complain, and so far they have been more honest than most developers.

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2 points:

1) At least this gives me the time to play the new GTA: V!

2) I hope for Rocket's safe return from mt. Everest .... I fear that mountain more than a late release date!

GTA V comes out in September though.

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Im still trying to comprehend what my eyes have read these past couple of pages..... :|

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*sensually shaves gut in front of window*

Well this has taken an unexpected turn.

*Puts camera on tripod hits record*

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Do you even understand the definition of what an Alpha is in regards to software? On what planet do you think it's moral for a supposed Alpha to be profited off of? If your software is public and generating revenue then it is released and if it's buggy and unfinished then its a shitty release, not an Alpha. Dean Hall was employed by Bohemia long before DayZ was created. His interests are in maximizing profits. Wake the **** up.
Listen, dumbass. The majority of folks here WANT to buy the alpha release, because they WANT to see the game as it develops, safe in the knowledge that THEY OWN THE GAME ALREADY.

There's no underhanded, dodgy-dealing going on. Nobody here is lacking in understanding regarding the implications of "Alpha access".

I'm sure your paranoid delusion revolves around the idea that you're some superior intelligence. But you're not.

Get back on your high-horse and fuck off.

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Listen, dumbass. The majority of folks here WANT to buy the alpha release, because they WANT to see the game as it develops, safe in the knowledge that THEY OWN THE GAME ALREADY.

There's no underhanded, dodgy-dealing going on. Nobody here is lacking in understanding regarding the implications of "Alpha access".

I'm sure your paranoid delusion revolves around the idea that you're some superior intelligence. But you're not.

Get back on your high-horse and fuck off.

There will always be overly cynical people who speak ill of things because they want to believe there's some secret plot involved and everyone's getting fooled but them. I'd like to think it's just ignorance and not fanaticism.

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Do you even understand the definition of what an Alpha is in regards to software? On what planet do you think it's moral for a supposed Alpha to be profited off of? If your software is public and generating revenue then it is released and if it's buggy and unfinished then its a shitty release, not an Alpha. Dean Hall was employed by Bohemia long before DayZ was created. His interests are in maximizing profits. Wake the **** up.


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I don't really mind to be honest I'm going to be really busy until at least August so if anything it's a good thing.

I couldn't agree more kind sir as this awesome cream fest game will easily eat into the hundreds of hrs of my life(s)

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Weekend at Bernies ARMA III! AAAAAAHH, MAD SURFING SKILLS N' PUB STEAKS IN THE SUNSET! I will not be playing probably until October.

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GTA V comes out in September though.

Ouch..... well, then I play more DayZ or ArmA 3

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I think we can play standalone next year... - as Rocket said, there were limited access to alpha-standalone, so It must be luck to get choosen in... :(

Maybe in june - after 12 month finally everybody here can play it... it will be open for all..

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so lets say there are 1,500,000 players out there who want to buy it.

and the keys are released in batches like 50,000 a week.

in the worst case i have to wait 30 weeks for my key :(((

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This is to all those who say "Rocket you must release it now because Battlefield 4, next CoD, GTA V etc. come soon!". Well there are coming many more version of those games but DayZ will be the first one of its kind so the interest is always the same. Also many of those games get boring after while and DayZ might not be even v1.0 then so people got plenty of time :P

Only thing DayZ needs to do is to hit in the right cap just like Arma 3 did so it won't get buried too much under the mainstream media but even that isn't needed at the first alpha release because there isn't enough keys/servers.

Edited by St. Jimmy

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But seriously, DayZ is Rockets creation. I wouldn't go up Mount Everest if I knew I had deadlines to make. It sounds like he's demoralised by the game to be honest and he wants out. Sounds like he's not up to it.

I agree, I dont think he is the right person to be the Public face of DayZ SA. Take PAX as an example Q&A no matter what someone asks he never says NO. "Rocket will the SA have the ability for your Character to walk on Water ?" REPLY " Not in the initial release, but its something we are certinally looking at exploring " Ok I'm taking it to extreme, but i think most get my point. Marketing 1 : Dont over Commit

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Looking back at the previous page...

I am displeased.

Refrain from insulting/swearing at eachother.

I am in an infraction giving mood.

Play nice.


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Looking back at the previous page...

I am displeased.

Refrain from insulting/swearing at eachother.

I am in an infraction giving mood.

Play nice.


you're a poopy face


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