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Retexturing models and testing them in game

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Sorry if this is a really n00b question but if you have a private hive and would like to reskin something to use on it that everyone can see (say a vehicle with your clan tag) then would all the users have to download the edited .pbo file?


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Sorry if this is a really n00b question but if you have a private hive and would like to reskin something to use on it that everyone can see (say a vehicle with your clan tag) then would all the users have to download the edited .pbo file?


AFAIK, yes.

Clan logos in your squad.xml are automatically copied across.


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Sorry if this is a really n00b question but if you have a private hive and would like to reskin something to use on it that everyone can see (say a vehicle with your clan tag) then would all the users have to download the edited .pbo file?


What Orlok said. It's far easier to create a squad.xml for that.

Actual re-textured models would require everyone and the server to have the same files to see them.

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Did you follow the BItools guide completely? It looks like Buldozer is looking for the \ca directory on your p:\ drive. I just tested this by renaming my \ca folder and that is the error I get when loading the example can up. If you followed the steps already we can troubleshoot it further.


Did you create a separate partition (O:\) for your BI tools? If so, how large did you make the partition?

Edited by roykingtree

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idk this doesnt make any fucking sense to me, after retrying I ended up with 2 [bIS TOOLS 2.5] partitions. One partition (T:) contains all the tools. The other partition (P:) references the folder [ArmAWork] that is located in my partition (T:) and NOT in "My Documents" as BI's terrain tutorial states. I'm losing my mind trying to figure this out.

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Did you create a separate partition (O:\) for your BI tools? If so, how large did you make the partition?

If you're going to try to make a map it's recommended you aim for a 50 gig partition to have plenty of space to work. I only went with 30 as it was all I could really spare.

The P:\ is virtual. It should have all the same files your t:\bistools\ArmaWork directory has. When you save something to p:\z\ for example it's really going to t:\bistools\armawork\z\

I wound up with the P: drive, where all my work is done, and the R: drive where all the tools are stored. I rarely visit my r:\ drive and never mess with my documents\ArmAwork. As long as your p:\ and t:\bistools\armawork look identical you should be fine. All your work and fiddling should be done in the p:\ drive.

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If you're going to try to make a map it's recommended you aim for a 50 gig partition to have plenty of space to work. I only went with 30 as it was all I could really spare.

The P:\ is virtual. It should have all the same files your t:\bistools\ArmaWork directory has. When you save something to p:\z\ for example it's really going to t:\bistools\armawork\z\

I wound up with the P: drive, where all my work is done, and the R: drive where all the tools are stored. I rarely visit my r:\ drive and never mess with my documents\ArmAwork. As long as your p:\ and t:\bistools\armawork look identical you should be fine. All your work and fiddling should be done in the p:\ drive.

It never created an ArmAWork folder in "my documents", it only created one in my (T:\) BIS Tools partition. Is that okay?

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It never created an ArmAWork folder in "my documents", it only created one in my (T:\) BIS Tools partition. Is that okay?

Should be. Try out the tools and see if anything funky happens. I've only ever installed them once, well twice technically, and I didn't come across that problem.

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I started over, but I could not create a third partition for (T:\) Tools because I can't shrink my OS partition. So I just mapped my BI TOOLS 2.5 to my OS partition. Still getting same error as before though.

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File z\addons\dayz_code\CfgMagazines.hpp, line 313: /CfgMagazines.ItemSodaRocketFuel: Member already defined.

What do? :o

It means that somewhere previous in your configFile, you already have an entry called ItemSodaRocketFuel. See below for example:

class cfgMagazines {
class default;
class myClass: default {
// stuff
class myClass: default {
// same stuff

Would throw that error because we have myClass defined twice. Try going through your config using CTRL F (find) from the top and search for "class ItemSodaRocketFuel" without the "..." wrapped around it. Ideally, you should only find it once in it's own right (bear in mind though that child classes will be defined and inherited from it).

If you find it twice, make all of your definitions in the first config entry for it and delete the second/comment it out. Hope that helps you.

EDIT: BTW - Excellent guide SausageKing - very thorough :)

Edited by Horde
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File z\addons\dayz_code\CfgMagazines.hpp, line 313: /CfgMagazines.ItemSodaRocketFuel: Member already defined.

What do? :o

Horde is right on the money.

If for some reason you can't find the double, paste your file to pastebin and link it up. :D

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It means that somewhere previous in your configFile, you already have an entry called ItemSodaRocketFuel. See below for example:

class cfgMagazines {
class default;
class myClass: default {
// stuff
class myClass: default {
// same stuff

Would throw that error because we have myClass defined twice. Try going through your config using CTRL F (find) from the top and search for "class ItemSodaRocketFuel" without the "..." wrapped around it. Ideally, you should only find it once in it's own right (bear in mind though that child classes will be defined and inherited from it).

If you find it twice, make all of your definitions in the first config entry for it and delete the second/comment it out. Hope that helps you.

EDIT: BTW - Excellent guide SausageKing - very thorough :)

Hooray! Thanks for the help Horde. And also many thanks from me Sausage - I have been little more than a pain through all of this, I'm sure! :lol:

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Wise words.

Well, the Reddit seemed to be keen on my stuff - one comment - saying "great"! B)

Guess that means I've shared it to all of the community. ;)

Edited by Papa Ingasmeeg

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I always wondered why there is no modding section here on this forums...not only for new items but also for new maps etc.

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What I am highly interested in is re-skinning the zombies to look the part rather than like the infected from 28 days.

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Could i please have a can of Steak and Potatoes ?

Fuck you dude i'm hungry now...


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It seems like Sausage hits some real 'home run' posts sometimes...

Eh? I'm not sure if I should blush or just wear my standard confused face.

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Now do the same thing for the 1.000 and 2.000 LODs. (you'll need to double click to select them)

This is the only part I'm not sure about, could it be because I haven't done this that I get this error message in game:

EDIT: ok figure out what to do with the LOD's. Texture is still not working!


It's clear that the actual texture has been packed in the .pbo,


I have tired applying existing textures (the bacon one) and I get the same error (saying it cant find the bacon texture). There is obviously some problem with how I have associate the texture with my model but I can't figure it out! The textures show up in bulldozer though :( .


Any help will be appreciated.


Problem solved!!!

Edited by Hoik
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