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DayZ in a way, has ruined gaming for me!

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I think it also was the last Elder Scrolls to actually hand your ass to you if you picked wrong stats or went into the wrong tomb / ruin where the foes were way too strong :D I remember my first character dying to a mudcrab, those were the days. The mods for it are crazy as well, you can get it to look really good even today. I'm going to start playing again when Tamriel Rebuilt is finished in a 100 years.

The thing that bugs me most about other first-person games after playing DayZ / Arma is the inability to actually look around you without turning your whole body and being able to see your body in first-person.

Lol, the same thing was bugging the shit out of me while I was playing CoD (yuck), Halo 4, and RE6. I had wayyyy too few buttons to work with... as opposed to the fifty plus you use in DayZ. Before I went to sleep last night (just woke up hehe), I busted out my old PS2 and played some Ace Combat 4, a game I know I will never get tired of, and I thankfully enjoyed the shit out of it before falling asleep.

I think the problem lies in games that involve... well... guns. CoD is very un-realistic, playing off its graphics and blind fan-base to sell. Halo is more of what you could call 'realistic' because it is set in a futuristic setting... and well shit, nobody knows just what the fuck is gonna happen then, but even then, the health systems bother me, sniping is annoying because I always subtly find myself trying to account for bullet drop (lol), and particularly not being able to look around myself. Don't even get me started on RE6... so many errors in that game.

I find that multiplayer in games with FPS style PvP play are probably not going to work for me anymore, but games with an endgame storyline are still quite interesting. I'm excited to play GoW: Ascension, mainly because of the work they did on that trailer. They get the :beans: :beans: for that one. RTS and MMOs are still in too! Sucks that I don't actually own any modern consoles, because renting a game for the PC?... <--- LOL I wish.

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I think it also was the last Elder Scrolls to actually hand your ass to you if you picked wrong stats or went into the wrong tomb / ruin where the foes were way too strong :D I remember my first character dying to a mudcrab, those were the days. The mods for it are crazy as well, you can get it to look really good even today. I'm going to start playing again when Tamriel Rebuilt is finished in a 100 years.

The thing that bugs me most about other first-person games after playing DayZ / Arma is the inability to actually look around you without turning your whole body and being able to see your body in first-person.

ah the days of weapon profficiencies, oh you sword skill is only at 15? miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss oh im dead, damn those Scribs....
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its not that Dayz ruined gaming for you its that it has such great quallity that you realised that those games are actually bad I had simalar experiance when playing Dark Souls and then switched back to Skyrim first of all the diffuclty was trivial the combat lazy and the story a little empty and also shortly afterwards I when back to playing Icewind Dale and it took me 400 hours just to beat the main story once now thats quallity

Edited by Nsane32

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...Theres such thing as other video games? O_o

sinse when?

Your banned pssshshsh

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I feel that people from CoD and Battle Field have ruined DayZ - I've had it 11 months and when it was un-popular, it was fun. EVERYONE used to work together, have fun and hunt bandits (which used to be rare) if there was one on the server. No-one KoS'd and it was great.

Then, it got popular...

Little children came over, KoSing and ruining the game as a whole. Bandits used to be rare. Now friendlies are rare. Bad times, and I feel FPS games are the culprits. Ah well :'(

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I wouldn't say it has ruined other games for me, just solidified my playstyle and choices in games. I've always been one for a challenge over things being handed to me on a silver platter, and I look for more in games than just pretty graphics.

For instance I love minecraft, but instead of just building on creative with a bunch of easy-mode mods, I'll play vanilla survival, set to hardcore on hard difficulty, with sparse use of sleeping. That's how I've played games for as long as I can remember, because it's so much more satisfying to finish something when it was difficult to do. DayZ is that on steroids. Working so hard to find that bit of gear that you need, and that continued challenge of staying safe enough to keep it, it's a great feeling.

From an FPS standpoint, I've never enjoyed the deathmatch style games, and preferred more tactic centric ones. I can't tell you how much of a sight for sore eyes Arma was when I found it. Aside from that I really enjoy Planetside 2 due to the scale of everything, and the tactics behind winning the battles, and not just racking up the most kills.

If anything it has only ruined easy games for me. I played Farcry 3 after playing DayZ for awhile, and while it's a great game, I was disappointed with how easy it was after you get a few radio towers and whatnot, even on the hardest difficult and things like crosshairs and aim-assist turned off. I had to invent ways to make it challenging and fun for me, like taking out an outpost with only a pistol or a bow, or melee only, etc.

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i still still play a'lot of games besides DayZ. For the record i play DayZ since September 2012 so it has been awhile. But i play nearly everything hasn't really ruined any game for me. What was shit before DayZ is shit after it. Tbh depends on your mood and set for games been playing multiplayer for decades now so nothing really makes me jump anymore. And DayZ has gotten progressively boring. So i can't understand how DayZ has ruined games for you.

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I know what you mean. Way back now I was a member of a clan who played Day of Defeat, then Source then the glory days of CoD4. We used to play on the Enemy Down ladder and got into the top five...it was a real buzz! But after CoD4(for me anyway) CoD has just gone down hill to the point where I'd rather watch some shit TV than other playing it. The last one I bought was Turd of Duty: Shit Ops...a nuke went of in under 10 mins and I haven't played since.

I've played a bit of BF3 and Planetside 2 which is good for a bit of run and gun but I'm always heading back to Day Z for my adrenaline fix!

Roll on SA!

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dayz is fun but it didn't ruin other games for me at all. I don't tend to play games like cod and what not but i enjoy a good single player game every now and again and I still play tacticle shooters like arma 2 3 and red orchestra 2. dayz can get really repetitive so its not like I'm stuck to it like glue

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Yay! You guys brought my shit back to life! :rolleyes:

Update: I actually have finally found a game that I can actually play without going into a deep depression. And that game is War Thunder. A great game by Gaijin that is like WoT, but with planes, tanks(coming soon), AND ships(coming soon). They perfectly balance simulation with arcade, and you can choose whether you want to play a flight simulator or an arcade mode shootout (I'm for both). Everything is historically accurate (down to the cockpits and how a plane handles and can be flown), and it is FREE! I'm officially cheating on DayZ, finally...

In the months since this post, I have 'been around the block' with DayZ. I'm head admin on an extremely popular server, and I have gotten a tad bored with it (it only took over 8 months of playing). I still play, but it is much less frequent, as 75+% of the time, I'm being asked to help someone out with something, so I moderate my time on. Lets face it, that's what admins do, but it is so fucking endless....


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I know that feel bro, in fact I was going to sell my desktop rig to get a laptop because games wasn't giving my any joy at all (I play games since my 7 years and it was like an awful sensation to me) but in the same time I did that DayZ came in front of me and was like... hell. I played about 12 hours per day (going to College in the meantime) and well, now I'm patiently (lol) waiting for Standalone. Hope it will provoke on me the same thing the mod did. Regards

Edited by Guisho

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I know that feel bro, in fact I was going to sell my desktop rig to get a laptop because games wasn't giving my any joy at all (I play games since my 7 years and it was like an awful sensation to me) but in the same time I did that DayZ came in front of me and was like... hell. I played about 12 hours per day (going to College in the meantime) and well, now I'm patiently (lol) waiting for Standalone. Hope it will provoke on me the same thing the mod did. Regards

I go to college, work 40+ hours a week, am getting married, AND Admin a server...


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Same here.

Now I have either dread or excitement of GTA 5. Who knows? Will it not provide 'that thing'? Will even GTA go in the dust pile?

I don't know, I still play my fair share of BF3 and Gran Turismo on my ps3.

But yeah, DayZ is now my 'real' video game, the one that counts. I can't wait for a hack/cheat free SA with awesome stat tracking.

I can't wait to get quantifiable proof that I am indeed the 'Worst DayZ Player of All Time'!

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I play different games when I'm in different moods. Still love BF3 and still play it all the time but will happily play Arma 3 and DayZ as well. Both are FPS both they couldn't be more different.

For me it;s not a a case of X is better than Y, that's simply not true. If in a mood for lots of action, tanks, C4 and all that I play BF3, If in the mood to slow it down I play DayZ or Arma 3.

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Up until next year I was an exclusive console gamer. Now my PS3 just sits there... Lonely, with a sad face.. :(

DayZ helped me explore into PC gaming. Just like a lot of other people, DayZ/ArmA was the first game I played on PC after watching so many videos on it. I started playing in September, and built my own PC in January, I now have an arsenal full of PC games. Holding a controller feels weird now.

To be able to record my experiences with no hassle or messy setups is a huge bonus too! :D

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My wife was always a non-gamer, she has gone from watching over my shoulder to playing every evening.

DayZ has not only ruined other games but also my bank account as I just invested in a new gaming setup for her. I never thought she would enjoy PVP and this is the game that has set the benchmark, I think she will find it hard to play anything else for a while.

...and that suits me fine as I LOVE this game. My library of Xbox and PC games has remained untouched for quite some time.

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im the same way i cant play anything without getting bored after 10min. though dayz seems mundane. trees trees more trees. when sh!T hits the fan its damn exciting

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Day Z is a great concept and something I think everyone has wanted for a long time, am glad it's here. Though I uninstalled Day Z and Arma months ago simply for the fact that it's a broken game and nearly impossible to enjoy (was admin for a server as well) without some retards trying to ruin everyone's day with scripts. Though many fond memories even on some private servers. I instead wait for Standalone and hope I can get a spot when it releases, or just watch videos of people playing it till more spots open up.

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This is Madness !!

THIS IS SPAR-- okay, it's overused....

For me, DayZ has not 'ruined' gaming... It cured me ^^

I used to be addicted to TF2 and Minecraft before DayZ came (500 hours TF2, 3500 hours minecraft).

Now I only play DayZ anymore (and a little bit of ArmA 3) and that's all I need. It's still fun for me but I'm 'cured' of my addictions to other games. I play less games in general, and DayZ taught me patience and that games don't always have to be action all the time.

Thank you, rocket <3

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It's really the shitty mainstream game companies that have ruined their own shooter games. I just can't play anymore those new Battlefields and CoDs with my friends but I can easily enjoy the older ones. everything after CoD 4 and BF:BC1 is just shit.

What Arma 2 did me when I got in the series in 2009 was that I started to see how much bullshit (console) gaming companies are feeding for gamers. Now when I see a trailer it goes like this: "Wow explosion... more explosions... wow nice cut scene with super explosions... press A to kill someone woo..."

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