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About Zev.

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  1. Zev.


    Your all forgetting the one snake that is already in the game...the Trouser Snake. I have one and it sometimes like to sneak into people's mouths after I knock them out. It also likes a good stroke now and again...
  2. I couldn't have said it any better myself.
  3. Zev.

    What happened to this game?

    I had the same problem after coming back to Day Z a couple of months back, played on shitty 'official' Hives and was getting around 20fps. Then I tried Breaking Point and it went down to like 10-15 so I ditched that POS too and found a private hive, now I'm back up to 50+fps. Win.
  4. Zev.

    M&KB or xBox controller?

    People using controllers (if it were possible) are always going to get dicked on by m&kb players. I suppose it depends on the player but the accuracy and reaction times of a mouse is always gonna beat dual analog sticks. Imagine the way PC gamers would clean up if you had mixed servers...oh the delicious tears!!
  5. I personally hate consoles the controllers just suck after playing with mouse and keyboard for so long. Also DayZ got all its fan base from PC gamers so I doubt very much that it'd be hit that hard.
  6. SVD suits my roaming play style better than the M40 I just wish the ammo would drop more! For those who don't know how to use the sight on the SVD here's the video that I learned from. Hope it helps!
  7. Zev.

    The Douche Bandit - Day 12

    Unlucky bro, I realised where it was going and bailed!
  8. Zev.

    The Douche Bandit - Day 12

    Some one obviously has very little going on in their lives if they make shit videos like this...that's 1:37 ill never get back.
  9. Zero fucks given to when it comes out so long as it does. Its just another video game to litter my desktop and tempt me away from work.
  10. Zev.

    Things that kills realism

    Anyone else find first person is hard to look at for too long? 3dp all the way if you want to look at it through this whole 'realism' rubbish then just think of it representing your characters ability to peek round corners etc. Realism...ugh...
  11. Zev.

    Why remove the 50?

    Too right we want an actual answer here, if its been posted up and I missed it I apologise but I read part of one of Trizzo's and gave up the will to read on. My only guess is either the staff have been on the receiving end to many times or they're listening to the nub Zombie parade too much.
  12. Zev.

    Things that kills realism

    I've often thought the world could do with a good zombie apocalypse...get rid of the riff raff and all that. There'd probably still be QQing about OP .50 cals and unrealistic parts of video games.
  13. Zev.

    Things that kills realism

    Things that kill realism...how about Zombies?
  14. Zev.

    [SA] No snipers, no choppers.

    No. Just no. You want to explore the world then there are plenty of other titles which would suit you Skyrim or Dead Island if you want a Zombie Apocolypse. You can even team with other Bambi's in that. Or for the ultimate Graphics fix open your front door a go explore this world called RL.