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Lack of vanilla

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Lately, I've been looking for a vanilla server with a decent amount of players. Public hives are too unreliable to play on because of hackers, server problems, etc. I miss having the feeling of hardcore survival, the immersion, and the struggle of just living within Chernarus. The trouble, stress, and horror is why I loved playing this game. Without the difficulty within the game, this wouldn't be DayZ. QQ

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In the Sig... ;)

Rather than complaining about it, if people would just start playing on these Vanilla servers they obviously wouldn't be so dead.

So many threads over the past week I've seen asking where to find DayZ servers that cater to the likes of people posting in this thread. Shit, if you all got together you'd probably fill a few servers... Just a thought.

Edited by R.Neville

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well it does correspond to this, people wish the game was different in some way and since they cant make the mod magically change to their liking they get a private hive server and change a bunch of stuff, making it non-vanilla. The surprise came to me because you are puzzled why certain weapons are in the game then next minute youre getting bugged because theres a lot of non-vanilla servers

and BTW that's a very strange thing to say after you called someone schizophrenic for noticing something, almost as if you were trying to get a rise of of them.

Are you still here? Wow

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In the Sig... ;)

Rather than complaining about it, if people would just start playing on these Vanilla servers they obviously wouldn't be so dead.

So many threads over the past week I've seen asking where to find DayZ servers that cater to the likes of people posting in this thread. Shit, if you all got together you'd probably fill a few servers... Just a thought.

There isn't enough coordination for that to happen

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I don't lock threads in this manner if there is no valid reason to, as that would be a conflict of interest--you would have to be quite ignorant to think such a way. I locked your last thread [which, by the way, had gone on for 77 replies--how you conclude that to be insta-locking is beyond me] because it had been agreed upon by most that it should be locked, due to how pointless it was, and the discussion had pretty much been ended with a video.

Back on topic.

You were generalising an EXTREMELY large playerbase, incorrectly. No wonder why we won't find a common agreement.

So you and Chris529 are gonna make this go off the rails again?

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In the Sig... ;)

Rather than complaining about it, if people would just start playing on these Vanilla servers they obviously wouldn't be so dead.

So many threads over the past week I've seen asking where to find DayZ servers that cater to the likes of people posting in this thread. Shit, if you all got together you'd probably fill a few servers... Just a thought.

To achieve end game items and have vehicles in vanilla dayz we are either talking extreme luck or days if not weeks of gaming. When people pay for their own server they want it to be busy, so they start catering towards the common denominators. At the moment those are extra items and vehicles. Can you blame them? Who wants to pay 40-50$ for an empty server? The casual gamers do not have time to play for a week to find a working motorcycle, so they play on a server which guarantees them at least one vehicle per sitting. We can sit here all day and talk about this, but the truth is that these people seldom post and do not represent the community albeit having a vast number advantage over us.

SA must not allow private hives such liberty in settings, let that stay in the mod. Let it be a dayz mod thing.

Edited by intensity

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Come play on our private hive server DayzHeroz 1. It's vanilla, maybe a few extra vehicle spawns here and there.

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I'm currently playing on a vanilla server that literally has maybe 3-different players on it in a day. It doesn't really bother me much because of the fact I've reverted back to the woodsman play style and find myself passing up m16s and such. My trusty Lee Enfield and a campfire in the woods with some bacon makes me happy. Found a 4x4 truck the other day that made me giddy as it helps in collecting extra meat and spare parts. Past that I could care less. The mods definitely reached a low point in population, but that will all change with the SA.

I think it is because a very large majority of the player base are bandits and bandits can not mobilize tons of people at once in an orderly and safe fassion without vehicles, and they are too afraid to play the game without their 10 snipers watching over them as they take 1 step forward.

I'm not going to dog you for this statement, but you can't flame on someone's play-style because you don't like it. Prior to woodsman I was a bandit, but I never traveled in a group bigger than 3 men or had a sniper over watcher.

This could actually be a good discussion if the intensity of the thread was a little lower.

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I have come to the conclusion that finding a server with no 5039580398530+ vehicles, start with nuclear missle/24/7 day bullshit is impossible, a small amount exist but they only have 2-3 consitant players.

But this seems to only be for my time zone (PST)

Are legit vanilla servers more common in other time zones or even other countries?

For the last few couple of months I thought i had found valhalla, A private hive with a vanilla ruleset.

Then last week the server admin decided to give new spawns a coyote backpack a pretty much full toolbelt, food, drink grenades and a g36 camo with 4 mags.

Havent bothered logging back in since Friday...

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I'm currently playing on a vanilla server that literally has maybe 3-different players on it in a day. It doesn't really bother me much because of the fact I've reverted back to the woodsman play style and find myself passing up m16s and such. My trusty Lee Enfield and a campfire in the woods with some bacon makes me happy. Found a 4x4 truck the other day that made me giddy as it helps in collecting extra meat and spare parts. Past that I could care less. The mods definitely reached a low point in population, but that will all change with the SA.

I'm not going to dog you for this statement, but you can't flame on someone's play-style because you don't like it. Prior to woodsman I was a bandit, but I never traveled in a group bigger than 3 men or had a sniper over watcher.

This could actually be a good discussion if the intensity of the thread was a little lower.

I am talking about the ones that are so scared of NOT playing that way that they use these kinds of servers,

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am i the only one who was mislead by the title expected ice cream....

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u guys are sadly sadly mistaken if u think SA wont be a KoS haven just like the mod js.

the community in game will always drop to the lowest common denominator. over time.

sure the first few weeks might see a lull while people explore and get used to new mechanics/features.

but within a very short time period the same people who KoS now WILL revert back.

i see no reason to believe KoS will deminish. Rocket has clearly stated he has no intention of adding mechanics to prevent greiving.

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u guys are sadly sadly mistaken if u think SA wont be a KoS haven just like the mod js.

the community in game will always drop to the lowest common denominator. over time.

sure the first few weeks might see a lull while people explore and get used to new mechanics/features.

but within a very short time period the same people who KoS now WILL revert back.

i see no reason to believe KoS will deminish. Rocket has clearly stated he has no intention of adding mechanics to prevent greiving.

This is not about KoS, please move to 2nd grade detailed reading.

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So a vanilla server is a basic server of the game with no extra things ?

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Probably private because it discourages combat logging, 3DP & CH are optional, but I like to have nameplates so I don't shoot the guy who gave me something 10 minutes later because he moved ahead of me.

Nameplates sucks as it shows also the range and they also can be seen through covers like bushes. I would be ok with nameplates if it wasn't for this. In fact, I think it is a must having nameplates in any game, at least for your group/friends (which would imply some sort of friend list also)

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yo bro ... you cant just spam your server info on every freakin thread ... come on bro?!? interwebz forum much?

Edited by orlok

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We're talking about the lack of vanilla servers and then this guy appears. Just lol, bro. Just lol.

Edited by orlok

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I had a vanilla public server once. Was looking for a server with GMT-6, nameplates off, crosshairs off and deathmessages off, imposible to find a single one like this, so I made my own. Seems like there was more people with my problem because since the first week it was full (40/40) almost everyday on prime time, I would have keep it if it wasn't for the vast amount of hackers I was banning everyday and I had no time for this as it almost required 24/7 monitoring.

But I been thinking lately to host an almost vanilla private hive when I have spare time again. Been considering of taking away starting backpacks, I would not add extra vehicles besides a SUV (just one, because I love this car) and the ability to tow vehicles and lift them with the MI-17 (loved this in ACE mod). That would be all.

Edited by p4triot

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For the last few couple of months I thought i had found valhalla, A private hive with a vanilla ruleset.

Then last week the server admin decided to give new spawns a coyote backpack a pretty much full toolbelt, food, drink grenades and a g36 camo with 4 mags.

Havent bothered logging back in since Friday...

we don't do this on DayzHeroz 1.

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Public Hive server in my sig. It's public so I'm not allowed to keep it secure... you can email me or join my teamspeak to report hackers and I will act as fast as possible.. but I can't just sit and wait for shit to happen, and DayZ Dev Team does NOT want to fix the security problems... they want to stir desire for SA... which won't have better security or be hacker free by any stretch IMO...

I will keep my public hive up until they shutter the public hive server.

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Nobody plays vanilla because it's too hard. Why fuck around with darkness when you can get a 24/7 daylight? Why creep past zombies when you can start with a pistol? Why search endlessly for vehicles when you can have them spawn, fully repaired, in every single town?

Welcome to the watered-down slurry that is new DayZ, where private servers and private loadouts are king, and the A.D.D. as fuck wannabe DayZ players rule. Can't learn to find a pistol in loot because they're brought up on this shit like CoD where your lifetime is measured in seconds and the best weapons are handed to you the moment you start playing.

So they take the easy route.

And goddamn, the standalone is gonna be such a culture shock. It's going to be hilarious.

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Public Hive server in my sig. It's public so I'm not allowed to keep it secure... you can email me or join my teamspeak to report hackers and I will act as fast as possible.. but I can't just sit and wait for shit to happen, and DayZ Dev Team does NOT want to fix the security problems... they want to stir desire for SA... which won't have better security or be hacker free by any stretch IMO...

I will keep my public hive up until they shutter the public hive server.

Items spawn and zombie spawn are now handled by client. Just by changing that they will reduce hackers by 99%, and Rocket says this has been done alrdy. If there's no way you can spawn legit items, there's also no way you can modify those files to spawn unlegit items, because there's no such files. Hackers will have to hack the host, and this is not only much more difficult, but also highly illegal.

However, ESP hacks will be as rampant as they're now. I'm pretty sure about this.

Edited by p4triot

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Calm down Inception, i will acknowledge solo and even semi-friendly bandits such as yourself.

I am in a group (as clearly depicted in my profile image) and I don't play in that nonsense manner. My group plays everything from Vanilla to Custom, we don't mind going on foot for miles, but a vehicle does make things easier you know. After all, they are in the game for a reason.

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So a vanilla server is a basic server of the game with no extra things ?


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