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Natrual Motion

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I know this is a long shot, and im sure i heard Rocket or somebody involved in dayz saying that it's too expensive to use in dayz....

but dammit just take a look at it. This is not a suggestion, this is me begging now for natrual motion/euphoria or an equivelant in a Future version of standalone. Backbreaker for me is the best example of natrual motion/euphoria to date.

Edited by freeman83

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Check the arma 3 videos, that's probably as "physicy" as you are going to get. If we are lucky. I wouldn't worry to much though.

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Check the arma 3 videos, that's probably as "physicy" as you are going to get. If we are lucky. I wouldn't worry to much though.

Physx/ragdoll is a step forward for Arma3, although the physics need a lot of tweaking especially vehicle physics. Euphoria is on another level when utilised well like backbreaker. I think it would especially enrich the gameplay in dayz if melee combat was also expanded upon.

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Do you know how much Euphoria costs? One million dollars.

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Do you know how much Euphoria costs? One million dollars.

if it can be implemented to this standard..

then it's worth every penny. I would gladly pay a bit more for dayz to cover the cost of this tech. I like to play a lot of sim stuff, for me physics and movement is an immersion maker or breaker.

Edited by freeman83

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Euphoria looks weird. It's like the characters lose all control of their body and just go deadweight as soon as they come in to contact with an object, lol. It made for some funny moments in GTAIV but it doesn't look any more natural than other ragdolls and IMO isn't worth the pricetag.

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Imo Dayz is much more than just its graphics, The immersion and intense gameplay is unrivaled in virtually any other game so far.

But the standalone graphics look to be improved quite nicely, Cant wait :)

So you can spend a million dollars on high end graphics, but a million dollars wont buy you Dayz like gameplay :)

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hello there

for a tenth of that I'll be your personal Ragdoll.

The cost does look quite prohibitive as well as the difficulties of merging it to the current game. If it were tweaked away from GTA IV, yes it would be nice, but that cost is rather high.

I don't see it happening, but then again I thought Dub Step was dreadful and would never catch on... look how that turned out?



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so ARMA 3 apparently has some calculated physics from what i've heard (throwing grenades etc.). So how far fetched would it be to go for that in dayz. could you apply it just to objects for example, to make throwing stuff more realistic? has anyone knowledge about this?

edit: could someone please change the title from natrual to natural


also this: http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/1gz42l/physics_for_grenades_and_other_throwable_items/

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Natural movement ist the last you should worry about in DayZ, it served it's purpose so far and only became a problem when the CoD, BF, console faction started playing DayZ, there are more pressing problems like bugs, bugs and bugs. And did i already say bugs?

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