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What Have you Expected DayZ to be?

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Before you played DayZ, did you expect a little more than what you found out? More survival than pvp? More pvp than survival? More features?

I expected a game where you can travel to get supplies against a somewhat realistic zombie survival game (Which I have been told this is what DayZ is). Being able to drive cars/bikes/boats/helicopters is what makes this game so perfect in my opinion. I didn't expect any less than what I see right now in DayZ. But what about you? Did you expect more from this mod. Or is it better than what you thought it would be? Do tell!


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I expected it to be a nifty mod that I could invest a few nights into and call it done so I could finish Skyrim. Wrong.

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I didn't really have any expectations i just thought it sounded awesome - a survival game in a zombie apocalypse.

I too was in the midst of playing Skyrim - and i haven't really played it since.

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Same with the Gentlemen above. Started it for when i was not in the mood in playing Skyrim and because i thought this game is one of its kind.

Apparently it became a priority. Now i play Skyrim(or Far Cry 3 atm) when i'm bored playing DayZ.

But i expected less beans/drinks. Seriously. Too much beans and drinks out there. Not good for your health.

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I didn't watch any videos before buying it just heard from word of mouth I didnt even play PC games really. Since I started playing this I hardly play anything else.

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Hello there

TBH i approached the mod with quite a bit of skeptiscism.

I think it was around the time of the Kronsky "scandal" as I had encountered the chap on the BiS forums, so I thought i'd take a peek.

My previous experience with Zombies in arma, while fun for a bit were just that a bit of fun when i wasnt sniping the takiban over silly distances.

I had for the most part dismissed DAYZ as a passing fad. Kind of like an anti pony chap.

Once I tried it though i adored the RP elements of food/water etc, scavenging for goodies and the sense of seeing Chernarus through civilian eyes, rather than just a fire zone.

The Zeds I could take or leave, but I loved the camaraderie we survivors had and the imagined need that we all had to stick together and help eachother to survive.

DAYZ is not perfect for me, but then again nor is vanilla arma.

But dayz and arma are as close as I've ever got to gaming perfection in my eyes.

Sorry to sound like a fanboi.



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When I first heard of the mod I did expect much but when I got playing it It is the most fun game/mod that I have ever played.

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I expected a sand-box survival game with zombies and bandits, but to be honest I was hoping for less bandits. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad there are bandits, but when I first started playing they were out of control and every encounter I had with other players resulted in my no-questions-asked death.... Which broke my heart a little.... :'(

But now it's becoming more like what I had hoped for, people are more willing to trust a dude and this has resulted in some of my most memorable gaming experiences.

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I was part of two competitive clans and decided since there weren't many tourney's worth playing in for BO2 I would find something to play for a week or two while I waited. Now that I've been booted from those clans for inactivity I actually had to have a friend on Steam ask me if I got the new dlc before I realized it even came out. I came expecting guns and zombies and not much else. Turns out to be one of my favorite games I've played in a while. Even got AC3 for free when I bought my new video card and other than loading the game one time, haven't even touched it. I like everything Dayz lets you do. I help a lot of people and kill a lot of people. Also enjoy just creeping around towns trying to be as stupid as possible just to see how reckless I can be and still make it out alive.

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Love all the post you guys keep shooting me with! I love the idea of not only having loud guns such as Snipers, Shotguns and pistols. But also having silent weapons such as Crossbows and Hatchets! My two favorite weapons

Edited by Goreman

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I used to play Arma quite a bit before DayZ was born and loved playing it. Funny enough I was also playing Skyrim at the time, except I used a mod that created a zombie apocalypse to have some fun with. I saw some DayZ videos on the internet, and thought that this was probably the coolest mod I've ever seen (especially since I had a new found love for everything to do with Zombie pop-culture at the time).

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I saw zombies and thought..meh, then i saw flares and said FUCK YEAH! since then i have grown three beards.

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Since my friend let me know about this game last year I already was excited . Becaose I knew that , arma large maps + zombies2 + some pvp = just perfect for me . I was actualy waiting for someone to make some kind of survival mod , since Im not much into editing and sheet . I enjoyed it playing for the first time like I never have experienced in any other game ...

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Dayz is everything and more than I imagined and with each time I play it gets better. ..

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Well, I was a disgruntled former console gamer trying out PC gaming. After buying a mediocre rig, I spent most of my time playing BF3 and Far Cry 2(I love Far Cry 2 :L). Anyways, back in early summer I was introduced to ArmA 2(through none other than CHKilroy). After strolling through some various vids, I came across a few marked "DayZ", or "DayZ Mod". I was curious, and decided to try it myself. At first, I was unsure of what to do. I'd only breezed through the campaign and messed around with cows and tractors within the mission editor, so I was unaware of many things. But the mod began to grow on me. Even to this day, I get fun out of it. I learned that this isn't a linear, movie style attraction ride with a copy and paste multiplayer. This is your story. DayZ is what you want it to be, and you have no limits to where you can go or what you can do. I don't think I've ever enjoyed a game more than this, I I'm not going to quit on it any time soon.

Edited by Cap'n

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I had just tried the dynamic zombie sandbox mission for Operation Arrowhead the other day when I heard about DayZ. I expected it to be somewhat similar to this, but the whole "survival" subject with being forced to eat and drink every now and then and having to find that stuff in different places sounded very interesting. The first days in DayZ were the best to be honest. Starting at the coast, failing hard at the first contact with the zeds resulting in a quick death for me and a couple of friends, and most importantly: Teaming up with random survivors, sharing items and helping each other.

At first it seemed that this social experiment of Mr. Dean Hall would show that players actually had an interest in being friendly to each other. This was DayZ. These were our stories.

But then the sociopaths came. The rest is history...

You can only play together with friends now, and we refer to DayZ as "ArmA 2: Deathmatch. With Zeds."

Bandits in the first few weeks were awesome. Easy to spot and there were only a few around. It felt good to kill 'em since they were a threat, they were bandits. Dangerous to yourself, dangerous to other survivors. There was always a nice tension around.

Now the servers are full of psycho murderers. Bandits are probably extinct. "Look at ma humanitiezzz! It's below a gazillionzzz!" What the hell? Banditry is ok to survive (the actual goal of this game, take a look at the website), but killing others players just because you can is just... Meh. The thing is, being a murderer is the easiest way. People who don't want to turn into a bandit are not constantly looking for others players because they want to find cool stuff. They are distracted by their joy of scavenging.

The thing is, DayZ has changed a lot for me. In the early days, there was tension when trying to cooperate with others. They could try to shoot you in the back to get your stuff. Now? Pff... Our playstyle has been forced to something like this:

Buddy: "Look, there's a survivor!"

Me: "Did he see us - or can we avoid him?"

Buddy: "Yeah, I think he saw us."

Me: "He's not wearing a Shemag though. Oh, wait, it's a camo skin again..."

Buddy: "Sigh, we gotta shoot him."


This is DayZ now. No social elements anymore. It's impossible.

Thankfully our humanity is always so high, that when shooting and actually killing a survivor (survivors are rare these days) it doesn't really matter.

Without the interaction between players who don't know each other DayZ has become a lot more boring and repetitive, but that's what the fast moving community of today has chosen it to be.

Edited by Ballerpapst

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