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Define what a "Bandit" is.

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Alright, I was wondering, since this is the bandit forum, what do you guys consider a bandit?

I currently have no solid definition of the term "bandit," so I was wondering if you guys would help me out.

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A bandit is one that kills other players for loot commonly, and generally has a Bandit Skin.

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Nowadays being a bandit is anyone who shoots someone on sight only for loot or the pleasure of killing someone and making their day miserable.

Usually I thought that a bandit is someone who will destroy your car tires while you are driving, stop you in the middle of the road and rob you, but will let you live out of decency and not being a total buttwipe. That's my definition.

Here's the wikipedia definition of Banditry

" A bandit is "one who is proscribed or outlawed; hence, a lawless desperate marauder, a brigand: usually applied to members of the organized gangs which infest the mountainous districts of Italy, Sicily, Spain, Greece, and Turkey." In modern usage it may be used as a synonym for gangster, hence the term "one-armed bandit" for gambling machines that can leave the gambler with no money.[1]"

Edited by Ratsmon

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'A robber or outlaw belonging to a gang and typically operating in an isolated or lawless area.' is the google definition, but in terms of dayz?

A bandit is someone who has found that the best way to survive or the best way to enjoy the game is to murder other people for loot or to keep themselves safe. However there are many different types of bandits imo:

Bambi bandit- Generally seen in coastal towns, armed with low grade military military gear, will probably kill you on sight but isn't very experienced at the game so you can keep an eye on his movements and avoid/stalk him easily whilst he thinks he's doing the same.

Bored/KOS Bandit: Most bandits go through this stage, I know I did. They've headed North, got high grade military gear, driven cars everywhere and generally work in a team using skype/ts. These guys are quite well organised generally and are very paranoid- shoot first, ask questions later. Why? Because they've been focussing so much on gear that they've forgotten what makes this game so much more enjoyable- the player interaction/mild role play that adds so much. Without this they can only see the game as any other fps and so treat it that way. These guys are the ones who will be camping elektro/chern and only heading north once they've died. You'll probably find them loot spawning NWAF when the servers on low pop.

The 'mature' bandit: A bandit with a sense of empathy. They've generally played the game for a while or were survivors who didn't start hating the world after they were murdered that first time. These guys have a sense of honour, if you have gear they don't then then they will by all means kill you for it if you're in the north, however, if you have nothing they need they will leave you alone. Similarly if they've recognised that you're a lone wolf they may have sufficient numbers/know-how to rob you instead of shoot you so that it doesn't totally waste the hours of work you've put in. Mostly, they put the fun of the game before that of loot and it's these guys that really make a community on a server and contribute to the more interesting scenarios and stories you find yourself embroiled in.

Edited by Hippy

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There's the meaning of a bandit you can find in a dictionary.

But DayZ bandits are players that formed the mod into a deathmatch with zombies.

Edited by GOD™

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Old school bandit- one who robs and kills for loot that is worth something.

New bandit- CoD deathmatch kiddies.

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A bandit is someone who would take what he wants or needs. The kind of person who doesn't necessarily intend to kill you, just taek ur beanz.

A griefer is someone who would intentionally ruin someone elses day "for the lulz".

There's a difference.

Edited by GotBeanZ

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a sexy mofo

Hush now jimmy the big boys are having a chat.

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Bandits? Oh, you mean this specimen of players, that shoot you on sight even you being unarmed and then don't even loot you and making it just to get a cheap kill.

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Bandits? Oh, you mean this specimen of players, that shoot you on sight even you being unarmed and then don't even loot you and making it just to get a cheap kill.

Like I said in my previous post... Bandit does not equal Griefer.

Edited by GotBeanZ

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shoot you on sight even you being unarmed and then don't even loot you and making it just to get a cheap kill.

I believe the excuse bandits use for that is "Thrill of the kill"

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The best way to sum up a bandit: one who removes kebabs.

Some people here will get what im talking about.

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If a bandit were to kill someone and not loot the body, it would be in self defense. These new guys that believe the point of the game is spawn-sniping in Elektro (also referred to as "Cod Kiddies") need to be shot on sight until they change their ways.

Edited by GotBeanZ

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I think there's a difference between bandits, that kill for the loot, and people that just kill for the lulz.


This is an open world sandbox. People can choose how they play. Why is one held honorably and the other held in such contempt when the outcome of the actions is still the same?

Shooting for loot or self-defense = target shot dead.

Shooting for fun = target shot dead.

They both have the same result. They both create the same adrenaline rush with excitement. The only difference is one seeks out that excitement while the other avoids it if necessary. Last I checked, the person that got shot consented to the rules of the game (mechanics/design) when they entered a server to play this game. There for there is no greifing, there is no "ruining" anyones day.

There is only survival. How one survives is up to that person. It is not up to some community to push arbitrary rules upon people to dictate how they THINK the game should be played.

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This is an open world sandbox. People can choose how they play. Why is one held honorably and the other held in such contempt when the outcome of the actions is still the same?

Shooting for loot or self-defense = target shot dead.

Shooting for fun = target shot dead.

They both have the same result. They both create the same adrenaline rush with excitement. The only difference is one seeks out that excitement while the other avoids it if necessary. Last I checked, the person that got shot consented to the rules of the game (mechanics/design) when they entered a server to play this game. There for there is no greifing, there is no "ruining" anyones day.

There is only survival. How one survives is up to that person. It is not up to some community to push arbitrary rules upon people to dictate how they THINK the game should be played.

I do not hold one higher than the other. I consider myself a bandit as I only kill when I need to, for gear or defense. But I understand people that kill for the hell of it and I don't think the game would be the same without them.

I wouldn't think to push rules upon DayZ, as the idea is that there are no rules.

However, I do believe that there is a difference between the two discussed, as the reasons for killing are different.

There are examples in real life. For example: We call people that kill for their country soldiers, but if someone killed the same amount of people just for fun, we would call them psychopaths and serial killers.

Edited by Ivanuvo
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id like to play the oldschool banditway, robbing ppl and leaving them alone but nowadays it is no longer possible 4 out of 5 ppl log out immediately. Thats the reason for me why i now just kill someone if I think he has gear thats worth the shot.

If i see a Bambi i dont, im not here for shooting fresh spawns or enfield guys :)

Edited by Swordsworn

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Bandits are people who kill other people for their loot. Killing an armed survivor with a shitty weapon on sight "in self-defense" doesn't count either.

Edited by Sutinen

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I'm a bandit, I've been playing this game since it came out and i've been a bandit since it came out...I kill on sight no matter what the circumstances are...If they have high military loot or they just spawn of the cost with no weapon. I'd rather take them out now and slow down the loot competition then have them come back later with better loot then me and end up killing me. Overall I kill anything I see when I get the chance, and if they have the advantage I will tell them i'm friendly and roll with them for about an hour or until they get good loot (better then mine) then I will kill them. This is a video game, if it were real life I would NEVER kill someone like that for no reason but this is a game and that's why I do it.

Edited by skilfuleric

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I haven't played a lot of DayZ. But I when I do play I do try and stick people up and take their gear. And if I can I let them live.

So would I be considered a bandit?

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The correct definition of a Bandit [which is something that the humanity system does not correctly represent], is one who steals from other players, only kills when necessary, etc.

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I've tried that...Hold them up...they just end up logging out...So it's better you kill them and get the gear instead of wasting time and getting nothing

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