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N0 R3M0RS3

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63 Good

About N0 R3M0RS3

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  • Gender
  • Location
    USMC Camp Lejuene
  • Interests
    USMC Force Recon SS
  1. N0 R3M0RS3

    One of the most evil deeds ive done as a bandit.

    Found a hero pleading for help while being chased by zombies with no ammo. Shot his leg and broke it. Listened to his players screams of terror and him cursing.
  2. Lirik for the win anyways PsiSyndicate is doing a pregame practice on twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/psisyndicate SG3 timer: http://www.timeandda...Countdown Timer Look for drew_as50 in chat
  3. N0 R3M0RS3

    Need a partner (not sexually)

    Lol choose him! I could enjoy a laugh when he's sick or mad and decides to video himself killing you. (Said with much sarcasm)
  4. Sniper on top of cherno hospital 800 meters away with DMR. He spammed side chat in raged by my wonderful shot claiming I was hacking.
  5. N0 R3M0RS3

    Reason behind your username?

    Because I think of myself as a hardcore bandit.
  6. N0 R3M0RS3

    Creative use of the combat roll

    Never mess with another mans tree! I'd kill him to.
  7. N0 R3M0RS3

    Never trust a Makarov to finish the job...

    Either glitch or godmode
  8. Finally, you turned to the dark side. A little late, I became a hero since last month. p.s. This is ProBanditDrew
  9. N0 R3M0RS3

    Nastiest Thing You've Done

    Not a dick, just a nasty experience :D .
  10. N0 R3M0RS3

    How do you fight players in CQC?

    1st off never combat log (combat logging is for total dicks) 2nd never go prone when confronted in a close range firefight (easy head shot) 3rd run as fast as possible to cover (serpentining usually is the best way to go) 4th do anything to drop them if they have a gun better than yours if not keep running its not worth it (flank, cover, etc...)
  11. N0 R3M0RS3

    Why do you shoot unarmed players?

    What if they find a weapon? What if they don't care you let them live? What if they see that nice gun you have that they want, and they stalk you till they get a weapon, come up behind you, and kill you? Life's full of "what if's" so just shoot them and get it over with.
  12. N0 R3M0RS3

    Why do you shoot unarmed players?

    Not to use a brony quote, but that's just nambi pambi! Sorry had to say it XD
  13. N0 R3M0RS3

    Oh I wish I was a...

    I would be air. I could be everywhere and see everything, while letting all the people i don't like suffocate. Those are the pros. Here are the cons: Having to be in everyone I leave alive and smelling their Nambi pambi Bambi breath.
  14. N0 R3M0RS3

    Noob Bandits

    Whats with all the bronies?!?!