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Community Food and Drink Textures!

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pickaxe is comically large

Well it's built to be about 36" long and I worked off a 3rd projection so I can't really explain why that looks comicallly large to you. Maybe it's my FOV in the video. It's set at about 95 deg.

Not at home at the mo but will post up a pic of all the melee weapons next to each other. IIRC it's in proportion to them.

Will double check anyway to see if I haven't boobed with the scale somewhere.

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Just a quick update, I've opened the folder for the first time in at least a month with all my work in and had a look at what I was changing. If I can try to find the time in the next couple of weeks I will attempt to finish 4 food cans and 4 drink cans, and if I can I'll do a couple of chocolate bars.

Otherwise not too much going on. I've got like nine exams next week so won't have too much time to do anything. Has anyone got anything new to share? Looking forward to seeing it! :D

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I'm currently also a bit busy, so I also can't do that much atm. But as you've once said, so far you already have enough 3d Models wich you can use, at least I hope so :D.

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hey guys nice stuff happening here: i just want to drop some ideas for you!

  • Borscht/Borshch/Борщ in a can - traditional beetroot soup in some east european countries
  • Kapusniak/Капустница in a can - traditional vegetable soup of sauerkraut white cabbages
  • Salo/Сало - cured slabs of fatback!
  • HONEY - antiphlogistic, antiseptic
  • Kompot/Компот - non-alcoholic clear juice obtained by cooking fruit in a large volume of water
  • Mead/Мёд - honey wine

maybe you could use them ;)

Edited by joe_mcentire
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ideas for props:

  • anthills
  • bird nests
  • bee hives
  • badger/fox burrows
  • DROPPINGS of all sorts!

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Man vs DayZ?

small details for immersion. and i guess we the community could create some of these with some effort. later on you could use these props to..for example add feathers/eggs/combs/...sorts of things to use

so more Survival and more nature yes please

Edited by joe_mcentire

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That's why modding would be so important for DayZ...adding all this little nice extras and details, not turning the original game in something horrible as Origins !

We still need a Modding Section !!!!!

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I know!

Hopefully there will be a bit of a lull this week so I will attempt to finish these can designs to the best of my ability and see what you guys think (maybe with some comparisons).

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did anyone die during development of skins and models? nobody seems to be here anymore.

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Hello there

Real life often takes over or folk move on to other projects etc etc etc. Have patience. If more work happens then the thread will be resurrected.



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Haha, we are defently still alive, and got many ideas, but atm not enough time :). This thread won't die. I am sure :) (got the Teddy-Bear model almost done :D)

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Haha, we are defently still alive, and got many ideas, but atm not enough time :). This thread won't die. I am sure :) (got the Teddy-Bear model almost done :D)

yay! the life support stays on! but on a serious note i do understand that people do other things, but i wondered if people had moved on from this.

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I want all of them in my belly !

what could it mean?!

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Haha, we are defently still alive, and got many ideas, but atm not enough time :). This thread won't die. I am sure :) (got the Teddy-Bear model almost done :D)

show some stuff! bear in mind that actual WIP must look like a finished product otherwise community will go bonkers.

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show some stuff! bear in mind that actual WIP must look like a finished product otherwise community will go bonkers.

:D I'll see :P

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Hello all. Sorry have really been terribly busy, I'm not sure I'm much up to the task anymore but I can still try to push things if you'd like. Sorry sorry sorry. :(

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Hey, its ok if you don't have any time for it :). I think we have pushed a few models and many ideas. We can be happy about how far we came. And also, this is nothing that ends, we can pick up the work whenever we want. :)

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